Serial Starters



  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Oh, oh, oh! Remember when I kept talking about fixing up our bathroom? I can FINALLY share a before/after picture since we finished it on Sunday. The tiling was a ton of work, but I'm so glad that we went through with it. Yay!


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Ammey - I love the green. The tiling is really nice. Good for you. But your leg! Is there any chance anything is torn or broken? Where are you going on vacation?

    Waves to Gem and Annie~~

    Sara - your cards arrived, but I decide to open one tomorrow evening after chemo and one on Friday when I will feel like utter dog poo.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited October 2016
    Ammey - Could never quite understand why people would put wallpaper in such a humid room.... It looks fabulous and well worth the time/effort. Enjoy. :smile:

    Stuffed bell pepper in toaster oven.

    Dog is done with dinner, we will be hopping into the chair next to Lana - snapping fingers for service. Extra fluffing for Tillie please.....

    I am so glad people can understand my messages today.... where did my brain go? been habits is better habits....So many people use their phone to text that it almost becomes a game like "wheel of fortune"...

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning!

    Office has appreciation lunch buffet. Will make my best choices and place I live has a Autumn party, so could be real disaster if I am not careful.

    Spray Vet gave me for dog allergy hot spots is wonderful and very effective. Gem - you have 3 dogs. I have a hard enough time keeping her happy. How do you do it?

    Did not see Lana post last night. Hope chemo goes well. Ammey - Hope your leg feels better. I know you are going on vacation so I hope the leg cooperates.

    Clock is not my friend this morning. Need to scoot.

    Wishing all a great Thursday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Thursday morning

    Spent half of my night on the couch due to a tickly cough in my throat. Sleeping in a more upright position seemed to help, although I don't think I got much sleep. But at least I wasn't coughing. Was tempted to call in sick today but knew I had an appt scheduled with a student this morning, so here I am. It is my Friday, so hoping that thought will get me through.

    Lana - good luck with chemo today. Sending prayers your way!

    Ammey - your bathroom looks great!

    Sara - so glad the spray is helping Miss Tillie.

    Gem & Sara - It always startles me when my big, quiet golden retriever barks. This morning she was out on the deck and all of a sudden gave a few loud barks. I peeked out the window and there were 3 deer browsing in the bushes along our property line. Silly dog! Her bark did not scare them away. :smile:

    Decided to check the scale this morning and was happy to see it is going in the right direction. Now, can I continue this downward trend???

    Day 4 of 38 of no pop or sweets. Yes, I know I slipped up on the sweets yesterday but I'm still going to keep track of the days that I am attempting to abstain.

    Wave to all who follow!


    177.8 Highest Weight Ever
    151.6 (down .6 from WI last Friday)
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    annie --Decided to check the scale this morning and was happy to see it is going in the right direction. Now, can I continue this downward trend???

    Day 4 of 38 of no pop or sweets. Yes, I know I slipped up on the sweets yesterday but I'm still going to keep track of the days that I am attempting to abstain. --

    Keep up the good work!!

    Gem- my dog owns the recliner so while she likes to sleep with me she watches to make sure I leave.......

    at work bbl.
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you ladies!

    Lana- No, I think my leg will be okay. I can do everything pretty much normally today except I can't go up or down stairs very well, something about how it puts pressure on the knee. It's healing though :) I appreciate the concern! Also, I'm flying to Charlotte, NC on Saturday for vacation, and then my friend and I will be hiking around the mountains in Asheville, NC (assuming the knee is healed enough).

    Sara- Thanks for the warm thoughts about the bathroom and leg. I'm interested in the new spray you have for Tillie- I've never heard of anything like that before! I hope your lunch buffet went according to plan.

    Gem- I LOVED the pictures of your dogs- so cute. All we have is cats. I've been dying to get a dog, but alas, not enough time spent at home and a dog would get lonely. :(

    Annie- I hope you're feeling a little bit better than this morning! It's never fun to have to go into work when you're not feeling 100%. Great job on the 4 days without pop/sweets! That's a major accomplishment, and the longer you're working at it, the easier it'll become. And perhaps little treats here and there will keep you going on a path for longer term success!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Found out bratwursts are on for the dinner here, counted as best I could and took pretzels instead of cookie. Over on calories but under -100 so I am pleased.

    Ammey - hope your vacation goes well. Spray is called Relifor and is better than over the counter stuff I have tried.

    Lana - Tillie will gladly come sit on your lap or alongside you so long as you remember Tillie Rule #1 - she must be petted at some point. OOps I am sorry Rule #1 is dont run out of food.....

    Hope everyone has a good evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good evening Ladies~~

    Sara, I opened card #1 (good that you labeled each) and wow those are some scary looking doctors! Thankfully my oncologist is extremely cute. I think one of our Cabana Boys looks like him.....

    Things went well today, but I am tired. You all take good care of yourselves, and I will pop by again tomorrow.

    Lana ZZZzzzzz.......

    PS, If ever I would have the pleasure of having Miss Tillie on my lap, I would be sure to lavish much petting and scruffies behind the ears and much praising her for her wisdom and beauty. ;)
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Under on calories but over on carbs. Tummy has not felt well today which equaled me eating bread to help settle it. Very tired and muzzy-headed tonight. Tucked into the couch with dog and one cat. Miss Tillie would be welcome to cuddle.

    Hoping to feel better tomorrow. Things I would like to get accomplished...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning and TGIF!!

    Went to ceremony for people in our building /company who got awards for going above and beyond in ways other than production. Biggest winner was our security guard who got a standing ovation. There are 400 of us and he knows most of our names..... I was able to go and told to go because I nominated a woman who won. So there is a picture of the 2 of us and I put on the company sunglasses I think I look like Roy Orbison.

    Lana - glad you have cards to look forward to today. Are your treatments Thursdays and weekly? I lose time in my work "hole".

    Miss Tillie is a lucky lady. She is loved by many who meet her I tell people she has a fan club.

    Met a lady last night at a gathering (we all live in the same area) who wants to go into a field I am connected to and I will find out where people I know at work are getting their similar training, so they can move up and get a little more $$.

    Just one more out the door- TGIF!! Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Friday morning!

    Ah, stayed in bed until 8:30!!! This crud I've got is just sapping my energy even though I don't look or really sound "that bad". I basically hit the couch after work yesterday and never left it until I went to bed. No fever, but still dealing with a bit of that feeling hot and then freezing stuff.

    Scale was my friend today. Down a total of 1.6 from last Friday. I was shocked as I have kept my calories down but I know my bread-intake has been a bit high. I'll take it and try to keep the downward trend going as we head toward the holidays.

    Sara - you had a busy day yesterday!

    Lana - hope you are doing well.

    Gem - glad you went to the doctor. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Today will include housecleaning, putting up Halloween decorations, buying a new pumpkin for DD whose pumpkin decided to get a rotten spot and get all mushy, and possibly taking the kids to the Toyland at our local Mills Fleet Farm. Time to get some gift ideas for all of the grandparents, aunts & uncles, etc.

    Told DH that he and I will go to the movies this weekend. I know he wants to see "The Magnificent Seven" while it is in the theatres.

    Have a GREAT Friday!


    177.8 Highest Weight Ever
    150.6 (down 1.6 from WI last Friday)
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Annie - excellent weigh in!! Good job.

    At work waiting for Blue Cross to open so I can call them. I check up on unpaid or denied claims..... Whoopee!

    Gem - hope your new meds helps.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hi Ladies,
    Checking in and touching the My Fitness Pal Stone.

    I have bad headache and no energy to read/reply to the posts. I hope you all get better and have good days soon.
    It IS the weekend.

    Sara - the card from Tillie is really cute. Thank you so much dear. :smile:


    245.6 - highest weight ever

    222.8 - Wednesday the 19th.......227.2 today! crummy chemo drugs

    208.6 - Serial Starters lowest, Jan 1, 2016
    175.0 - goal weight
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana- glad Miss Tillie could amuse you. Hope you are feeling a little better.

    In red on calories and it just is. Will watch a movie and consider some knitting. Pretty brain dead so something easy would be best.

    Wishing all great evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    As Sara said, "In red on calories and it just is."

    Told DH and kids that I'm so close to the 140s again, I cannot continue the weekend like this.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Gem- this is first time I've been on all week. I think it's OK...just not sure, yet

    Lana- I have the worst luck with techno anything...I'm techno challenged... Haha

    Sara- I use my phone. I cleared my cache on everything... May have helped... Not getting hopes up just yet...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Gem- super adorable pups! So warm and fuzzy looking.

    Hope those of you who aren't/weren't feeling well are on the mend.

    Feel like I miss so much not being on here. But, trying to spend time with BF while he's home. Hopefully, only one more week working out of town. The pups and I sure miss him while he's gone.

    Gonna go for now. Try to check in tomorrow. Have a good night and great weekend all!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Gem- this is first time I've been on all week. I think it's OK...just not sure, yet

    Lana- I have the worst luck with techno anything...I'm techno challenged... Haha

    Sara- I use my phone. I cleared my cache on everything... May have helped... Not getting hopes up just yet...

    Nope...not better at all. Oh well, guess I'll just deal with least I can get on here...I'll just be behind the times... Hehe
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    HI All~~

    I just don't seem to want to go to sleep. I don't like nighttime any more - afraid of the dark.

    Congrats to all who were losers at the scale!

    Dawn - glad to see you! Half of us are sick. Don't drink out of Annie's glass or Gem's glass or mine for that matter!!! ....Or Tillies.
