Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning All~~

    Annie - Scale friendly vegetables are perfect for fall and for budgets: the squashes, cabbages & kale & fresh brussels sprouts (when home-cooked can be sweet and yummy).

    When the scale gets stuck, it's time to shake something up: type of exercise, types of food...

    Humor: I bet NOBODY has hair as short as mine! LOL! --Hidden under stylish Ralph Lauren floral print bucket hat.

    Time to get ready for important doctor appointment way the heck across town IN THE RAIN! One day of rain this week, and it is on me!!!!! Crumbs.


    219.6 - Today
    245.6 - highest weight ever
    208.6 - Serial Starters lowest: Jan 1, 2016
    175.0 - goal weight
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi ladies, and happy Thursday!

    Boy it's been a long time since I've had a chance to post here. I just got back from vacation late last night, and I sure am tired out today. Especially since I had to come in to work almost an hour earlier than normal, due to a meeting.

    I had a fantastic few days off, especially since my birthday was yesterday, but I didn't track any of my food or drinks and I'm terrified to try the scale again... I avoided it like the plague this morning. Even used a different bathroom so that I didn't see it. It's also going to tough getting back to tracking since there are three different birthday dinners planned for tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday with different parts of the family. They will have food prepared for us, so I don't have the ability to make food choices. Then comes Halloween, and right after that, my daughter's 4th birthday (which includes cake and ice cream and all kinds of goodies). Gahh! Mind over matter, I guess, but I'm feeling less than motivated. Any advice?

    I'm secretly excited to read back on all of the posts- it'll give me some entertainment while I'm at work this afternoon ;) I hope you all have been doing well! Here's hoping that everyone has recovered from being under the weather. I missed this conversation while I was gone!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited October 2016
    Ammey - The best thing to do is to just get on the scale. The number may be high, but then everything you do from today on gets "counted" in your best efforts to get yourself eating a bit better and sending that number downward again.

    Even though we may be "less than motivated", remember that 3 different birthday dinners are just 3 meals, not daylong events totaling 12 meals. Make an effort to eat very healthy for the breakfasts and lunches those days, and do try to get in a bit of walking or other exercises every day. You CAN offset the celebratory meals by other good actions. It can be done! It is possible.

    Glad that you enjoyed your go shopping and make sure you have some fresh fruits and veggies in the house and some clean protein. If it's there, you can eat it. If it's not there, you are stuck.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Waves to Sara and Sam and Dawn and DapperDassie and Thorbjornn and anyone else who stops by~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana - did you make it to your apt?? Hope it went well.

    Calzone in toaster oven. Hot shower, dog walk and then lights out. Will wander over to Lana's Palm Tree and "boogie oogie oogie " for a little while. Need company of someone who knows what that comment means....

    Donating coat I dont wear to charity. Want to buy a new one anyway, so will take a look this weekend.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi all!

    Sara- yes, I'm using my phone. I've been doing a lot of cut and paste, so I don't lose stuff. I thought I was safe that time.. Darnit

    Lana- you and Sara give the best advice and always know exactly what to say. That's why I love this group. Glad I found it. (Yer hat sounds gorgeous BTW)

    Gonna keep this short and sweet. Everyone have a great evening!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited October 2016

    Good morning and TGIF!

    Rain most of night - will walk hallways at work if needed. Need the extra calories credit for chili cheese dog at work for lunch.

    I will ask us to make a small but consistent change for one week in our pursuit of weight change, those who would like to participate. Put your thinking caps on (but dont hurt yourself) and see what you would be willing to commit to for a week. (I have a couple of ideas whirling around in there....).

    Lana - you are so wise. I didnt know how to answer Ammey, face the monster and deal with it before monster habits take over again.

    My work file is small so I am doing a file that has sat, will try and crank out claims which may make day feel shorter. New bottle of Tylenol in purse ;)

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Friday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    edited October 2016

    Busy night went better than expected. Did not get on treadmill but will do so tonight. Committed to walking or rowing Fri, Sat, Sun and also doing some situps and planks.

    Scale budged downward about .4 lbs, but that means I am still up 1 lb from last Friday. Concentrating on having a better weekend. Lunch is at work today (provided by union) so will make best choices I can.

    Found out DS at college has a concert tomorrow. It is part of a high school and college SSAA and TTBB festival the college is hosting. So, we may be attending concerts from 2-??. He did not tell me about this...I saw a post from his Men's Chorus on Facebook last night. He is going to try to find out more details. Typical man! The event is on Saturday and you don't know when anything is happening?? Frustrating! I found out a friend's daughter was selected as a high school participant, so will be fun to see her sing with the choirs, as well. It is my understanding there are several college men's and women's choirs attending the festival and then high schools could select quartets to attend and participate. They will work on music with the college choirs and then will be allowed to sing with the combined college choirs for the concert.

    And then tomorrow night we are going to a musical put on by a local community children's theatre.

    Not sure when we will carve our pumpkins as DD has a Halloween party tonight. Maybe tomorrow morning?? Or Sunday, I guess.

    Hoping for a quiet day at work.

    Will lurk from work!

    177.8 Highest Weight Ever
    151.6 (up 1.0 from WI last Friday)
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Sara I like your idea:

    The One Week Commitment...... Let's work on it.

    Maybe for me it could be 1) taking a walk no matter how short every day. I am turning into a blob, and I CAN walk the six days at the end of a cycle. Or 2) play the game What is the Dinner Vegetable of the Day? to focus on the "healthy" aspects of a meal? 3) Just put my food first, instead of social activities first. We rarely put ourselves/our bodies first.

    What are some other ideas for a one-week shake-up focus & commitment?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited October 2016
    I did not participate in today's pot luck - I wanted my chili cheese dog >:) - I made a snarly noise at my red calorie # as just I got into this website, but it is a mild number.

    Donated 2 coats to a charity and now I need to go find one for winter. People buy me coats and I would like to pick one out for myself this time.

    Stuffed zucchini tonight. Fruit/veg box had extra zucchini's so I will make more next week? Will roast beets with parsnips/ carrots in box this morning as well. I have heard of mashed parsnips with mashed carrots.....

    Another supervisor really wanted me to dress up for Halloween - she had a candy corn outfit. I thanked her but I told her "heck no" 3 times.....Cant even look at candy corn any more, ate way too much of it as a child.

    Will curl up with dog on lounge chair under Lana's Palm Tree and wiggle finger quietly to Cboys - Lana get ready for their "full treatment". When does DH get home from the Southern Hemisphere? Time goes by so fast...... I had to laugh at your card posting Lana as I know what the inside says......bought it at CVS for inquiring minds.

    Wave to all who fly by this evening. Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed. Will stop by after errands.

    Wave to all who follow. Back to sleep.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Got a medium weigh coat that repels water too, a couple of tops and bag of "think thin" white chocolate things to try.

    Rain off and on, winterizing bedding and switching wardrobes. Means dog will crawl in to bed to sleep under covers with me.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Peep. Dinner time. Eating somewhat over the top things for dinner.

    I actually spoke with DH on phone today; decent conversation, then later some texting sent it all down the toilet. This will never get fixed. Can't wait for several years from now when I'll be on my own. It will be lonely but peaceful.
    Sara - DH comes back November 15th-ish.

    I'm looking forward to having a doggie who gets under the covers with me!

    Hello to Gem; waves to all who visit later~~


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    I have some of the rudest neighbors. He works until midnight. They had friends knock at 2am and they had the door open about 15 minutes ago with a party going. My only hope is they are contract workers for Intel or something like that and they leave again after the contract is up. I will have to say something to the management because luckily it is Saturday/Sunday - but wow.

    Dog is up and fed and oatmeal is cooking. Groceries, then who knows?? I will be making roasted vegetable soup and wondering what I should eat with it.

    Will stop by later after.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited October 2016
    I feel almost great today! I got the sleep I needed! I put in 3 hours cleaning The Cave.

    We all could use a Shakeup! What will yours be this week? What commitment will you make to yourself?

    AOTW: Health Club Pool water exercise 3x + walking the other 4 days.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    AOTW: I will focus on my aroma therapy for sleeping better and walk my afternoon breaks.

    Roasted veg are done for soup- put beets aside to eat cold with balsamic vinegar. Frozen Lasagna in toaster oven. I bought 2 sandwich rolls in bulk (as I dont need 20) for soup. Soup and Stuffed Zucchini for dinners this week.

    Has been dry all morning until about 5 minutes ago. We are 3 inches over normal and with 4 years of drought I am not complaining.

    Those reading sitting on the fence - the AOTW does not have to by huge, start with a small change.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Soup is a great success and easy enough to do again.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning, weigh in is the same! Celebrate and move on.

    Aromatherapy helped with better sleep last night which is welcome

    Gem - love your dog news. Someone I know just got a new adoption - seen pictures only.

    QOTW - We all could use a Shakeup! What will yours be this week? What commitment will you make to yourself? (copied from Lana's Sunday post)

    AOTW: I will focus on my aroma therapy for sleeping better and walk my afternoon breaks. My reply from yesterday.

    Jump in -- what is yours??

    I hope to see children dressed up today for Halloween.

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Monday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    My weekend started out pretty well but it fell apart on Saturday night when the Halloween candy was unleashed! Trying to put a stop to it today. Can you believe I just ate my regular fried egg breakfast this morning while the rest of my family ate Halloween donuts? :)

    So, haven't looked at the scale.

    QOTW: We all could use a Shakeup! What will yours be this week? What commitment will you make to yourself?

    AOTW: Getting to bed earlier! And walking treadmill on Tuesday night and Thursday night. I have been so lax and although my weight is essentially maintaining, it won't be for long if I don't get more activity.

    My kids are going trick-or-treating as Maleficent and Master Chief (from HALO). I will stay home and hand out candy while DH takes them around the neighborhood. College-age DS and his girlfriend will be stopping by. I told him I have a special treat for him and also my MIL sent along a little something for him (including cash). :)

    We started our Dave Ramsey plan on Friday. We have set up cash envelopes for our grocery, gasoline, and Target/Walmart categories. Also set aside some $$$ for Christmas gifts. We have not been good about budgeting for that the last couple of years and know we need to do better. These are the areas where I'm sure we overspend. I think it will be a bit of a struggle to learn to stay on-budget but it will be good. We took DS out for supper Friday night and blew a bunch of our grocery money, so will need to be creative until the next pay day to cook and eat at home. Which in the end is generally healthier, too!