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Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member

    Oh, Sara - you asked: Chemo is every other Thursday with a follow-up drug the day after, so today.
    On the first cycle I had 9 bad days and 5 "not awful" days when I could clean the bathroom and go with a light load to the laundromat. Just saying so you all know why I am an underachieving slug most of the time.

    However! I see that the series The Fall will be airing a 3rd season on Netflix streaming, so I will be distracted with re-watching the first two seasons.

    I did not eat any cookies today. Yay for me. I still go in the red every single day.

    Stop typing Lana! Go to sleep.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member

    Good morning.

    Dawn - glad you could stop by technology gets on my nerves. We are supposed to use it and love it, but it fails me more times than not.

    Lana - when Netflix was generous and offered streaming online without more $$, I watched Downton Abbey season 1 on a rainy day when I felt like manure. Hope you are feeling better after this session.

    Gem - nice poster and wonderful thought.

    Annie - hope you get to have time with DH and the movie is okay.

    Dog to Vet Sunday for shot, otherwise not too much extra on tap which is just fine. Will work on sewing crocheted flowers onto Christmas Stocking. Hope to get pictures and post.

    Dog is done for now, more sleep for me. Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Should be a quiet day here. Started out the morning with coffee, eggs, and bacon made by DH. Should get some steps in moving boxes back from storage unit. Would like to run to a couple of stores. Movie is at 5 pm.

    Also need to track, track, track!!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member
    Pumpkin muffins - taste of pumpkin not cinnamon topping, I had one this morning and one for tomorrow. How I am still within calories I am not sure. Maybe I need to try again......

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    edited October 2016
    Head hurts
    Stopping by to touch The Stone.
    I might be within points today, and I ate good things. And I tracked it all!
    I like this website even for free it's really good.

    Sara -- did I say thank you for the second card? I can't remember. So thank you it was very cute !

    Hugs to All--
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Not sure I stayed within calories. Day got off-schedule and tummy didn't feel good. I know, it seems like excuses and maybe it is. :(
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member

    Good morning. Dog up and fed I am heading for more sleep.

    Will roast sweet potatoes,onions and mushrooms and make calzones today. Dog to Vet for bi-annual shot. She needs dog food ( I also have Wednesday off for hair coloring which is in same area as Pet store so if I forget dog food.....).

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member

    Good morning Sara.....Waves to all who pop in today. New peeps and visitors welcome to say hello.
    I need more sleep too.

    Weigh in not so good. Fighting the bi-weekly 3-days of steroids it seems.

    QOTD: What is your "Sunday Dinner" today?
    AOTD: Sea scallops. (Frozen Trader Joe's!) Need side veggie + green peas

    226.8 - Today
    245.6 - highest weight ever
    208.6 - Serial Starters lowest: Jan 1, 2016
    175.0 - goal weight
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member
    AOTD - I am making calzones with onion, carrot,sweet potato, mushroom and broccoli with a little cheese.

    Roasted vegs are done, laundry in dryer. Got new Netflix dvd and will knit for awhile.

    Lunch is scrambled eggs, chicken sausage fried with mushrooms, sweet potatoes and onion. Could be heartburn day.......

    Pumpkin muffin not as good as yesterday's fresh from the oven. Live and learn.

    Dryer done. BBL.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi Lana! Thanks for the heads up. Will def not be sharing anyone's drinks for awhile. Sorry yer having trouble sleeping. Since the BF has been gone thru the week, I've been having a bit of trouble myself. Think he's about done. But, he was just offered a much better job that may require even more traveling. Briefly mentioned us possibly moving. I'm not sure about that at all. I would move for him. Just don't wanna jump on an unsure thing. Can't risk leaving my job just yet. Guess we'll see. He's supposed to get all the details this week.

    Sara- tech stuff always fails me more than it works. BF laughs at me cuz I'm so tech challenged. He's a tech whiz. Good thing I have him...hehe
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Ammey- sorry I missed post about yer leg and bathroom. Hope yer leg is all better and yer bathroom looks great! Of all the rooms in my house, bathroom would def be first one I would change. Just unsure what I want to do.

    Annie- hope tickle in throat didn't progress to something more.

    Gem- hope you are feeling better.

    Well, I think this is final week of BF traveling for now. So, will be MIA again at least for a few days. Check in when I can. Everyone have a great week and feel better!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member

    Good morning, Weight up, considering what I ate, I am not surprised. So there it is. Will focus on making sure I get all my walks in this week.

    Welcome back Dawn.

    Where did my morning go?? Need to scoot.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Did not face the scale just knowing it wouldn't be pretty. Disappointed in myself. But will pick myself up, dust myself off, and move on.

    Went shopping yesterday. Picked up new brown tall/riding boots for myself as well as a new white/navy blue plaid shirt and navy blue vest. Doesn't look as good on me as the vision in my head, but hoping it looks okay. Will wear with a pair of skinny jeans and the boots. Possible Thanksgiving day outfit at stepsister's.

    Good plan for meals and snacks today. Woke up hungry, which is not good. I hope I'm not starving all day. I remain pop-free but will need to look at calendar again to see how many days. Have not completely avoided sweets but honestly did not indulge much over the weekend. It was more about carbs like breads and potatoes where I lost my grip on reality.

    This week includes parent-teacher conferences for both of my younger kids, DS's book fair, and regular Wednesday night church activities. It will fly by.

    Committing to getting on the treadmill at least a couple of times this week. I have been lazy. Had plenty of opportunities and the time to get a walk this weekend and instead did zero. I know my waist down to my knees is thickening up due to lack of exercise. Pants will fit better if I try to keep toned up.

    On a fun note, a friend had told me about a particular brand/style/cut of jeans at Macy's where she nearly fit into a Size 8. On a whim, I stopped in there yesterday and tried on pair. They actually fit me great! Now, I realize that sizing has to be severely skewed since I normally wear a 12 in the pants I own and wear regularly. Heck, I'm still sometimes between a M and an L when it comes to buying tops. But, it was still kind of fun to put on a single digit size and be able to zip up with no problems! :)

    Hello everyone. Welcome to Monday!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning Annie - your week sounds very busy. Sizes of clothing is crazy - Chico's is like 0,1,2,3 and while I like the styles the feel of the fabric is not appealing. Hey, if getting into a smaller size motivates then do it.

    I came by to post that dog did not want to go out -- too dark and -- 2 bags of dark chocolate peanut butter granola.... hmmm wonder why scale is up??
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member

    Hi All~~
    Feeling not so good today. I'll be over on my lounge chair under the palms.....

    223.0 - Today.
    245.6 - highest weight ever
    175.0 - goal weight
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member
    Home from work calzone in toaster oven. I have a gift exchange with people who knit better than I do,so I am looking for functional items.

    Find me on a lounge chair next to Lana with Miss Tillie. Rain is coming and probably overnight, so the balmy/palmy weather will be a nice change.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,374 Member

    Good morning. Scale is down again which is encouraging. Those pumpkin muffins didnt stick around too long hahaha ....still need to be diligent.

    Rain will make walks short with dog, so need to make sure walks at work happen even if it is walking the hallways.....

    Lana - hope things are better - heating pad/ good movie??

    Back to sleep / dental apt at 8 so will go to work afterwards.

    Wishing all a great Tuesday. Will stop by later.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tuesday morning

    Did okay yesterday. Was very tired last night but kids' homework was fairly light so I pushed myself to get on the treadmill for 2 miles. Went to bed at 9 p.m. Looks like TOM has arrived this morning, which explains the tiredness. I always get exhausted just before it hits.

    Looked at the scale this morning and it is up from Friday's WI. Not surprised. Will work hard to stay on track this week. Snug pants are also an incentive. Hoping for another treadmill walk tonight. Rain in forecast and it's usually too dark for me to go for a walk by the time I can be ready to go.

    We have DS's parent-teacher conference this afternoon and will stop at his school's Book Fair after work. I always like to buy my kids a new book or two.

    Lana - hope you're doing okay!

    Sara - good luck at the dentist.

    Gem - good luck with the pup and the treadmill!

    Make it a great day!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member


  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Serial starters? ... I am the King of All Serial Starters. :/

    I came back to MFP, deciding to get back on track after a hiatus of about a year and a half, when I let everything go... diet, exercise, outlook, goals. You name it, it went.It started in June 2012 when my rotator cuff started going south. I had lost ~30 lbs with Weight Watchers and really high intensity workouts. In reality I didn't look all that great. I still had too much fat, but I lost a lot of muscle from the dieting and types of workouts I did.

    Because of my shoulder I couldn't do the kind of workouts I always loved... power lifting. So I let it go. In Sept. 2012 I had major r.c. surgery. The surgeon said I almost lost full use of my arm. Fortunately after p.t. and getting my mojo back I came out stronger than before.

    But then I started having problems with my back and neck. It turns out I have degenerating discs in my C1-C5 discs. I had a lumbar fusion at L4/L5 and L5/S1. So until the time I had lumbar surgery I let things go again. Believe it or not, my back, neck and shoulder problems had nothing to do with the gym. I gained back the 30 lbs I lost, and then some.

    Now I'm sitting at 224 lbs, really wanting to get to ~175-180, about 15-18% body fat, and get back the muscle and strength I was losing. I have my goals set in the Nutrition section, but I'm not going to obsess over every gram or percentage point like I did in the past. I think that, and throwing temper tantrums because I couldn't work out the way I wanted to was a big part of the failures. I got back into the gym after 7 months. Even before that layoff my workouts were spotty. But here I am, starting again. :)