Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Lila says "Happy Halloween!"

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Happy Monday/Halloween!

    Was going to go out partying last night but the littlest corgi got violently ill that morning. A trip to the emergency vet later they're not sure what was causing it but she's back to her normal self. Gotta love puppies, right? They'll eat anything, even if it tries to kill them...

    Exhausted and hungry today (as a result of the exhaustion), but trying to stay on track. I picked up a Monster Rehab and a Diet Pepsi at H-E-B on my way to the bus this morning, so I wouldn't snack so much during work. There's a giant Halloween potluck today, which will be a test of self-control. Wish me luck!

    QOTW: My s/o and I are in a battle this week for who can lose the biggest % of their weight. So that'll shake things up! I'm cooking for one for the next 7 days, so that's also a huge change. He's pre-making all of his meals.

    AOTW: I'm going to get back into PIIT28. For real this time. Starting tomorrow.

    Tillie- Sounds like our new neighbors! We call them the 'mad lads', referring to british lad culture. Luckily we have a nosey, sassy downstairs neighbor we were able to sic on them. Hopefully management can help you out there.

    Annie- What a happy little lobster! Too cute :heart:
    Budgeting is never easy, but eventually you fall into the swing of it. I'm trying to get back into it myself. Best of luck!
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Update, because it has been over an hour so I can't modify my original post.

    My spread at the halloween potluck:
    1 paper plate, 3/4 of which was salad with approx 1tbsp french vinaigrette and green peppers. 6 tortellini in red sauce, 6 fritos, 1 can of coke zero, and 1 bag of salt and vinegar kettle cooked chips which I haven't eaten yet and will save for later.

    Not too bad at all. Time to figure out how to log that and get on with my day!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Soup on stove for dinner, dinner roll put me in red for day (I tracked the Halloween candy that showed up on my desk....). Will make stuffed zucchini tomorrow.

    Lana - beautiful card, thank you. I read Freud's book on interpreting dreams decades ago. If you can go back in the last 3 days to see if anything you saw/thought might be connected. I like to think it is dreaming for the future. Shame you didnt see a prince charming in that dream.

    Annie - what a nice dog to let you do that! Mine gets fussy when I try and put her red turtleneck on (rainy and cold days only).

    Hot shower, early to bed - dont usually get too many trick or treaters so I just turn in.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Too much candy left at home! Sent a bunch of snacks/food back to the college dorm with DS. (He and his girlfriend stopped by for awhile tonight.) But my younger kids brought home TONS from trick-or-treating. I will have to have the willpower of Superman to withstand the temptation.

    Braved a pair of dress pants tonight since I have a meeting tomorrow which requires dressing up. They fit! Not loose, not tight. I would prefer a bit of looseness. So, I need to limit the carbs. (My 39 day challenge has not been going so well.) And I need to be more active. Thus, my AOTW is very applicable. I will get on the treadmill and do some planks and crunches on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

    Off to take a hot bath so I can get to bed earlier!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning.

    No trick or treaters - usually not - so just went to bed early. Started to rain early evening and is still raining, but should taper off later. Rain on Halloween is rotten for the kids. Annie, I bought candy when I first moved here and ended up eating it all (pre WW) and last night I thought about it and if anyone actually stopped by I could open a bag of "work" chocolate.

    Keep up the good work Annie it does make a difference - and great NSV with getting into the dress pants.

    Aromatherapy is working well at night and will continue to walk afternoon break, tomorrow. Today is pedicure and I need to run to post office so extra walking for me.

    Will be back under the covers for my pre walk snuggle with dog.

    Wishing all a great Tuesday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Oooops - How did I miss yesterday, posting here. ? Very busy trying to get life done before the next round on Thursday.

    Today, more chores: go to laundromat, change bedding, pay some bills, mail at post office.....maybe get to the health club? Darn I am lazy these days.

    Everyone have a good day!

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Happy November!


    My 14 year old cat decided to sit on the back of the couch and watch for trick-or-treaters. The kids (and parents) could see her through the window when they rang the doorbell. They enjoyed her!

    We have way too much candy left - and that is after I handed out 3-4 pieces per kid and sent a bunch home with my DS. And my kids brought home a TON! As I said last night, I will have to have super-willpower to leave it alone. Lila had a good time trick-or-treating and was all tuckered out last night.

    Missy/Gem - my motivation comes from how my clothes fit and from pictures. Right now, things are feeling snug and I think my jowls and double-chin are a little bit "too present" in photos. (I do have to face the fact that I am in my mid-40's now and my face is simply looking "older", too.) I do have a pair of smaller dress pants I'd like to be able to wear again and I want my "fat" jeans to be really loose again like they were a couple of years ago. I know this means I need to cut the junk food and get more exercise. 6 lbs and a couple of years makes a difference.

    I saw in my Facebook memories today that 2 years ago on November 1st said I was re-charging my diet and exercise routine. My DH was having "No Shave November" and I was having "No Pop or Sweets November". It's a nice goal but I never seem to really have NO pop or sweets. I am telling myself I will LIMIT those things. I'm afraid saying I can't have ANY actually makes me want them all the more.

    Big meeting at work today. We'll see how it goes. It's all new to me.

    Sara - good job with the weigh in!

    Lana - glad to hear you're getting things done on the days you are feeling better. Be kind to yourself.

    25 - good job on the potluck!

    Missy/Gem - good job planning ahead and packing snacks.

    Better scoot. Will check back later!


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hi Annie - I SO know your struggles with the pop and the sweets. This won't be easy, but I was wondering if there's any way you can consider just cutting out the pop.

    My thinking is that it has that devil--corn syrup--in it. With corn syrup, the more you have, the more you want it. It is just like a drug to your body.

    I understand the idea of saying no to something may make you feel you want it all the more, but just have a try at getting rid of the pop and the ultra-processed sugars: candy. Then once or twice a week have a really good dessert item, preferably out at a restaurant or shop (instead of the whole thing at home).

    I DO know this is hard.

    Beck has a whole lesson about having some food items being "No Choice".

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Hi Lana, I always think I can cut out the pop but I just get so bored drinking water. I have cut back to diet pop and have been consistently staying away from regular. But I do know there is a school of thought that the artificial sweetener in diet pop can actually make you crave sweets all the more. When I drink water only, I find myself eating things to try to get some flavor. So, not sure what to do!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good evening,

    Had to go to post office to get stamps, bought 2 books and found a card for Lana - will send tomorrow. 2 on their way.

    New nail polish and medium shade of purple.

    Had extra points tonight until I realized I had not made rice for stuffed zucchini, I will set that up today to make tomorrow..... thought I had my ducks in a row. Will make rice tonight and take off the apple I left at work so my numbers wont be as bad....

    Annie - soda is a tough one for a lot of people. How many do you drink a day?? Can you cut back by 1 for now instead of going cold turkey?? Some people are just cold turkey kind of people and that is what works for them.

    Dog is done and soup is on stove. Will knit for awhile and maybe fly by later.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    I really only drink a maximum of one 20 oz bottle per day. And that's a maximum. Often times I only drink 1/2 the bottle.

    I'm going to concentrate on limiting the soda to diet-only and cutting down on the amount. And limiting my breads/rices/crackers. I like Lana's idea of only having a sweet or dessert once or twice a week.

    Headache all day today. Actually got weepy early this evening due to feeling worn-out. (It is not PMS). Concentrating on getting extra water. Will walk on treadmill and do crunches/planks after kids have finished their homework and have showered. Feeling ready to sleep, so I definitely plan to hit the hay early tonight.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited November 2016

    Good morning, saw a fabulous picture of snow in the mountains in paper. Both snow and picture was fabulous. Not a word I get to say often - memo to Cboys, "standards are slipping"

    MID WEEK- how is our QOTW going??

    AOTW - I am using aromatherapy to good use (get good pieces of sleep wake up and move and go back to sleep easier). Walking today at work.

    Will make stuffed zucchini tonight, just ran out of energy yesterday and went to bed.

    Jewelry vendor at work yesterday and today, took advantage and will get a little more today. They have nice semi precious stones at a reasonable rate.

    Hot dogs at work as part of appreciation week. Tracking and enjoying.

    Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good morning All~~

    AOTW - because mine involves EXERCISE, I am not doing very well at all. Except for walk to store the other day, I have not done anything - no pool....
    Sara - thanks for asking the question/check in.

    Today IS my last good day in the cycle, and there is a knitting circle thing....maybe I will walk to and from that to clock some mileage? I have to go because I am way behind for my Thursday class (right before chemo), and going to "kiss the ring" will buy me some brownie points.

    Waves to Missy and Annie and Sam and Ammey and Dawn~~~
    Welcomes to anyone who stops by - say hello!

    *Mid-Week Happy Hour Poolside with the Cabana Boys, wearing their new November outfits ;P *

    221.8 - Today
    245.6 - highest weight ever
    208.6 - Serial Starters lowest: Jan 1, 2016
    175.0 - goal weight
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Progress on AOTW:

    I got on the treadmill last night and walked 2 miles in spite of my headache. Not my fastest walk...I finished in 36 minutes. But I DID it! And I did 20 crunches, 5 leg raises, and a 20 second plank. (I'm following a 30 day ab challenge I found online).

    Getting to bed earlier? Not so much. Having trouble disconnecting and getting myself to bed. Hoping for better tonight!

    Getting back to tracking my food today. Need to hold myself accountable by tracking. It's too easy to slip down the slope if I don't consciously look at the numbers. Have not braved the scale since Friday.

    One more little thing to share for Halloween/All Saints/All Souls/Samhain...from one of my favorite authors...seemed very appropriate given how dark it was this morning as I dropped my youngest off for school and with the end of daylight savings time this weekend...and given the trees being mostly barren now and the weather cooling down but not yet winter-like...

    "In the chilly season, when the air grows cold and the spiders die, comes a thin time. The days are short, so all the light of them is concentrated, squeezed between the dawn and dark. This is why the light is different, and each thing has a Shadow. This is when the other worlds draw close, and the barriers between grow thin. In a thin time, they say, you must be careful, because you might walk through a cobweb unthinking, and find yourself Elsewhere.

    There is more than one other world; no one knows how many. Some beasts can see one; the dogs will sometimes stare at a blank space on the wall of a cave, and their hackles rise at what they see.

    Sometimes, I think I see it, too."

    [Prologue from Master Raymond's Book - Copyright 2014 Diana Gabaldon]

    Will CBL! Waves!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hey Annie!

    Thank you for that cool quote. I like it. I read it several times.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member


    If you are a Peek A Boo Weigher, my advice is to just weigh and record (on a paper on the wall near the scale for me) every day. Having these trends and daily records over months and years have helped me FAR more than ever hurt me. In fact, they have never hurt me. Knowledge is power, if you can deal well with daily weighing.
    I have learned far more and have been bolstered a great deal more than I have ever have been discouraged.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Dinner in oven. I completely brain farted the time I was supposed to go and stand in line for lunch and someone complained afterwards. I admitted to my boss, I had no clue and messed up - what more can I do? Some people need to be careful where they throw stones.....

    Annie we had fog this morning (after all the rain....) and will for a couple more days so your quote was perfect today thank you.

    I found out one the insurances we bill will take claims from any date in the past (a specialty insurance), so I will ask my supervisor to see if there are any large $$ items we can rebill. Thinking of ways to balance out the coworkers petty complaints.....

    Two pendants of the same stone I bought are supposed to promote brain cells and neurology, so I will wear them starting tomorrow to see if they help. They are very attractive anyway. I told my boss they dont have a big enough stone to help me today. My Birthday and Christmas presents for the year. will miss me.....

    Under Lana's Palm Tree after dinner, watching the Cboys trying to amuse us. Stop by they are a hoot.

    Wishing all a good evening
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning, dog fussing early so up we are.

    Bought Dendrite opal and Larimar stones yesterday and was looking up their "properties" online - people associate qualities with wearing certain stones.... I got some pretty pendants. Lady went into her boxes to see if she had another Dendrite Opal so I bought 2.

    I am placing an order for the Cabana Boys to send me some of that "small minded" spray to shut up the small minded petty people at work.... and to shield me from my own negative reactions- so peace and quiet....

    Oatmeal is cooking. Possibly extra long nap before dog walk. Dishes in sink tonight but will sit next to Lana after work to help her through her Chemo day.

    Wave to all who follow. Wishing all a great Thursday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Thinking of Lana this morning on her Chemo day! And Lana, I liked your comments about how knowledge is power and watching trends is valuable. I think I fear that number too much...which is silly, because it really can't hurt me.

    Glad to be more than halfway through this week. It's been crazy! Looking forward to getting on the treadmill tonight and doing my crunches and planks. If it's nice enough outside, I may try to take the dog for a walk right after work before I pick the kids up from daycare. It would be nicer to walk outside, if I can!

    And The Blacklist is on TV tonight. It's the only show DH and I actually set time aside to watch.

    Regular breakfast and snacks today. Leftover chicken (with a little stuffing) for lunch. I think it's chili for supper tonight. Trying to keep my hands out of the candy at work and at home!

    Sara, you are making me hungry for oatmeal. I may have to cook some up in the crockpot this weekend. DD loves it, as well.

    Will check back later!