Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    Sara - glad you have a new car. (Dads rarely approve of anything you do without consulting them: men, cars, money)
    I hope the car is a good thing for you and brings you more sense of reliability and security and joy.

    Now, those new Cabana Boys you enticed from the dealership are wonderful! We love a variety of personalities!
    (Any chance of some photos? Maybe during a tune up? Hee hee)


    245.6 - highest weight ever
    223.6 - TODAY, body cleaning chemo. Last Sunday was 225.2. Whew.
    208.6 - Serial Starters lowest, Jan 1 this year
    175.0 - goal weight
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Ladies - I have to find energy to get my oven "working" again. It's a gas range, with electric ignition.

    The darned clock is dying and making monster noises, and I can't disconnect it, so I unplugged the stove from the electric. I use matches to light the burners.

    My cheesy fix idea is to find and use a plugging strip with a switch, plug the stove into that. Then, when I need to turn on the burners or oven, I push the strip button, ignite the burner or oven, then switch off the switch for peace and quiet.
    Obviously I cannot afford a repairman or a new range. I've been living like this for a couple of years now! (I keep my cookware in the oven--lack of storage space. Ugh.

    All of this because it is fall now, and Sara has me longing for homemade roasted vegetables!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana please be careful how you rig your stove/oven, I am worried about electrical fire.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Good breakfast. Resisted urge to go to Caribou during kids' Sunday School hour. Actually told DH I couldn't afford the calories after yesterday. :) Lunch was tacos at home, so-so. Should have skipped the tortilla. Just made a meal plan with DH and he is grocery shopping now.

    Lana and Sara, tell me about roasted vegetables.

    Lana - thank you for the comments about the stairs. I am struggling right now to stay in the right mindset. I start feeling "deprived" when I see all the "pumpkin spice" goodies and tell myself no. Need to remind myself I have had it before and will do so again but must stay on track and get to my goal!

    Just had word from my mom. They arrived back at their home in GA a little while ago. So far, no damage other than a large branch down in the front yard and Spanish moss everywhere. Carpets are dry, so no flooding. Power is out, so likely food is all spoiled or at least not trustworthy. But food can easily be replaced. It will be a long day/night if they have no power.

    Leg is feeling quite a bit better but still having twinges. May try to walk on the treadmill later. It would feel good to move.

    Afternoon has included laundry and helping DD with homework. She is taking a break now and then she has 10 more problems to go! We can do it!

    Lana...glad you are feeling up to cooking!

    Sara...congratulations on new car!

    Hello to all who I missed. More later!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Roasted vegetables done. Went to get some coffee and watch tv - neighbor lost her dog to cancel this week and is a wreck. Luckily she went away so I didnt have to leave.... I understand her anguish, but I cant change things for her and she is sometimes just a little too much.

    Annie - thank you for reminding me, I checked to see if I needed to do laundry, it tends to be "oops" too late on Sunday. Roasted vegetables right now are great, cool enough to not overheat your kitchen and root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips and onions) do very well roasted. Use the healthy oil and you get your f/v and oil quota at once. 350 degrees for 20 minutes on a cookie sheet (I use parchment paper because I have it, and I am lazy) turn vegetables over. I usually estimate 45 minutes for medium size pieces of vegetables.

    Gemwolf - I could not get to a meeting or have one at work (which is how I started) so the best part of WW was not available to me, but I am glad you can. I have seen mason jar salads which is a good way to to control portion size and put some ease into your planning.

    I think a nap would be useful. bbl
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hi Ladies~

    I am just looking for a way to put a switch in line with the power. The electric is only for ignition. So I want to plug it into something I can switch on when I need it and keep it turned off the rest of the time. No worries.
    I just don't have strength to go to the hardware store.

    I have a tower fan in my apartment and it sweeps back and forth. It has taken to sounding like a person breathing. Too creepy!


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited October 2016

    My friend cut my hair short in prep for the eventual fallout. I have not had my hair this short since I was a pre-teenager and my mother controlled hair length. My neck/chin area looks bad from the side in the mirror. Oh dear. Someday when I have been at goal for a year I will find money for a neck lift.

    :P :)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hey Annie - Gemwolf mentioning her great night's sleep makes me wonder: Do you get enough sleep for yourself on the weekends? That can help with willpower.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Hi Lana, I actually do get more sleep on the weekends than during the week. I think it's that our schedule is not as rigid and my family wants to eat out, etc. I'm more relaxed and I guess I want to eat more/different when I'm more relaxed. :)
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome new friends!

    I will be pretty MIA for awhile. BF is going out of town for work and won't be back til the weekend, so I won't be able to get on. I try at work, but never seems to work out. I will check in when I can. Trying to stay strong.

    Thinking of all of you.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning, down .6 for weigh in. Tired of 164 so I am happy.

    Lana - glad you took care of your hair before it came out on its own, it is hard enough to watch it fall out. Taking some control over something you cant control is a good thing.

    Annie - I started last year doing aromatherapy to sleep better, I have kept 5 pounds off from last September and it helps without medication.

    Dawn, hope you have (had) a good week - let us know how your week went when you can.

    Oatmeal is ready.

    Wave to all who follow, make it your best Monday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday morning

    Sara - Congrats on your WI! It feels so good to move out of one number to a lower one!

    Lana - how are you doing today? Did you make your roasted veggies?

    How sad is it that my Facebook reminded me that 5 years ago today I posted "Feeling extremely pudgy and old. Time to recommit to eating healthy and getting some exercise." And here I am 5 years later, still feeling pudgy and obviously older! I realized that is a lot of years of negative self-talk and not liking myself.

    Picking myself up and dusting myself off after another "less than stellar" weekend. Good plan for the day. Taking it one day at a time. Possibly one minute at a time.

    Heard from my mom this morning that their power finally came back on just a few minutes ago. Sounds like they didn't lose too much food from their freezers. I'm not sure of their water situation. They are on the mainland but I know the islands near them have boil orders for the water.

    Better get some work done. Will check back later! Have a good Monday!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hey there Dawn! Good to see you!

    I need some of Sara's oatmeal. Do not have energy to make my own. I didn't find a plugging strip, so getting the oven lit and the roasted veggies is still in the dream stage. I'm not strong enough to shop and cut up vegetables just yet. Maybe in a few days.

    Sara - I am glad for the good news for you on the scale! Congratulations!

    Annie - good to hear that power is back on for your folks. Hate loss of power.


    245.6 - highest weight ever
    223.8 - today
    208.6 - Serial Starters lowest, Jan 1 this year
    175.0 - goal weight
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Monday morning!

    I completely fell off the wagon over the weekend, oops. Not sure why weekends are so rough for me... I "forget" to log and then before you know it, I've eaten an entire bag of potato chips. And not the small bags, the big ones. I was surprised though, this morning, when I somehow weighed 0.2 pounds less than Friday. Maybe the extra calories will hit tomorrow.

    Still plugging away at the remodel for the bathroom... My sole motivation now is the feeling I'm going to get when I can create my before/after photos! Maybe a few more days to go. We are adding extra tile compared to what we expected to put in, so it'll take longer.

    Haven't caught up yet with everyone's posts from the weekend, but I'll be happy to read them at work today! I'm not very good at posting over the weekend because I find it hard to use the forums on my phone, and I'm too lazy to pull out my laptop at home. But I've been thinking about all of you! :)
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    edited October 2016
    Happy Monday!

    I maintained the past week.. not as bad as it could have been, but I'm still grouchy about it. That's what I get for "logging" and "watching what I ate" and "totally not doing whatever I want". Time to cut the BS and actually get back to it! Watching the debate last night kind of killed my diet. Cheesey Puffs, popcorn, soda, and pizza. No more excuses, though. If I spend another week at 150.2lbs I'm gonna go crazy.
    Trying to walk extra steps this week. Somehow my average fell from 10k+ to 8.5k. Who let that happen? Puppy training, studying, and PIIT28 day 1 are on the schedule for tonight. Might try to make a chicken soup for dinner. It's the s/o's first day of training for a new part of his job, so things are looking up. A lot of 'beginnings' tonight. I think it's what I need.

    Lana- Sorry about all the issues with your stove. You've got some creative solutions, though!

    Annie- Glad your parents situation is improving. There's nothing worse than lost power.

    Gemwolf- You should also check out mason jar ramen! It's the same concept, but you put some partially-cooked (and then cooled) ramen noodles in. Just add hot water. I've been meaning to try them for a long while, now.
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Only 2.5 more hours to go before I can leave work... Time sure is dragging by today.

    I wish I were able to walk around the building more in order to get some steps. That usually increases my energy, too. However, I am stuck next to the phone for the majority of the day, and since it's Columbus Day and we are short staffed, I am even more stuck than normal. Argh.

    On the plus side, looking forward to bringing my daughter to dance class tonight! My favorite weekly event. :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Ammey - my day was slow and rotten at work. Have headache to prove it. What kind of dance class - we like details....

    Told coworker of my new car - she asked quietly if I would consider her as the charity and not the children's home I had planned on. I warned her the car was not in good nick, but she needed a car to get to work. I went online and found out how that can happen so that I gift car and have no responsibility. I will ask her to please not wreck car before DMV can process papers.....

    Lana - crock pot your oatmeal if you have a crock pot. When you get a little more umph in your step......

    Dinner almost ready - neck and foot massages under Lana's Tree .....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited October 2016

    Good morning,

    Sinus congestion is making me feel like lousy. Since I get them most of the year I shouldnt be surprised, so around the barn we go again. Air is so dry and dusty.

    Planning on having breakfast for dinner. Egg/egg white, fried roasted vegetables and chicken sausage.

    Just checked weather report and rain this weekend!!

    Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    Tuesday checking in.
    Must figure out breakfast first.
    Everyone have a good day. BBL

  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Tuesday morning!

    Sara- My daughter (3 years old) is in a combination gymnastics/dance class. In the dance portion, they do mostly ballet and tap. It's pretty adorable! I am definitely a proud dance mom. Also, very neat that you'll be giving your car to your coworker! I think that's very generous of you :)

    gemwolf- I'm not sure how I could make that many yummy things and still remotely stick to a calorie goal! More power to you, though, those things sound amazing.

    Lana- Hope things are going smoothly for you with your treatments!