Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good evening, falling down in hammock to celebrate Friday.

    Jen - you could also reward yourself for walking by B/R and not eating anything, think of non food items. Any ideas anyone??

    Computer is being slow pokey, so I will stop by later.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Spoke with coworker who drives me to dr apt next one is Thursday and hopefully the last for awhile- I had nominated her for an award for helping me get to apts and when she wouldnt take money I helped her learn to crochet and bought her fun crochet objects that I wish I had had sooner - she got an email saying that she will get a certificate and a pin of some kind and will have her picture taken. I hate to have my picture taken so hopefully its just hers..... Two of the people I nominated won some form of recognition which is nice.

    Coffee with a biscotti for dessert. Will consider hot apple cinder tomorrow morning to celebrate the start of Fall.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog to vet tomorrow, so note on mirror (no food/water or meds) - my dog lives through her stomach so I will probably have an angry little girl tomorrow am.

    Regular errands today. New neighbors are rude and their chatting coming home woke me up at 11 luckily it was a Friday night, but I hope they dont stay here long.... Put on the tea kettle and got a hot water bottle started and I slept over 4 hours straight. Hoping for a good nap today.

    Will stop by later after errands. Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Well, Day 2 wasn't so hot. Too many carbs. And did not get the walk in I wanted last night. Moving on. Kind of miffed at my mother. She is completely off the rails already. But I know I can't "make" her do anything - or really want it.

    Today is Day 3 of 19. DH was not kind to me this morning when he said, "If I bake muffins, will you eat one?" I said, "No." Kind of mad that he made muffins but at least he made chocolate chip muffins, which are not my favorite. (Even though I love chocolate, I don't like chocolate chip muffins or pancakes.) I have had my water, egg, and coffee and so far have resisted the urge to even look at a muffin. It's funny how even though I don't really want one, they are tempting. I'm planning on a protein and veggie for lunch (not sure what they will be yet) and then white chicken chili for supper.

    Laundry, house cleaning, and the kids' homework is on my agenda today. Grocery shopping, too.

    I'll check in later!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Brake stuck in park again - happened about 16 months ago, called roadside used my crochet hook to unlock them, car is at shop, I had groceries so they drove me home and it may be a long time today. I asked if the gear box was connected to transmission as I saw my savings account go out the door. No they are not directly connected so that was a relief. No clue what is wrong and waiting for the adrenaline to come down. Dog goes to dr tomorrow so I told the car place I am glad dog is not with me because that would have been worse......

    Over my calories by under 100 so I just leave it alone. May walk a little more.

    Walk to get some more water. BBL.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Just got call from car place, same part as last year, just missed warranty and car place is not charging me diagnostic so I will not have to pay too terribly much.

    Smog check next month with an older car, will be looking for a new one soon - cars to look at or steer clear of? No clue my car I have had for 16 years....

    Will take a short walk and burn some more calories.....
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Glad to hear the bill won't be too bad for your car, Sara! I had to have tires put on mine today. :( We have a Ford Taurus and had to replace all 4 tires = spendy. Going to plan cheap meals again this week to help offset the damage!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- that was wonderful, nominating your friend and helping her with crochet stuff. So many people are so unappreciative.

    Sorry to hear about car. Hope it's all fixed.

    Is doggie OK? Always feel so bad when I have to take away food and water.

    The adoption of the pup was so worth all the hassle. We have had 4 dogs adopted since Thursday. That is great for us. The boss should be happy. He'll find something to complain about, tho...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Dawn, dog is getting teeth cleaned, so just a bi-annual physical. No water after bedtime. She got her dinner early and will get her liverwurst (medication) before bedtime.

    Dog is "fixed" and under $100.00 so I think I got lucky.

    Dont usually like to let gas get this low, but gas station is on way to Vet tomorrow.

    Find me under Lana's Palm Tree with dog, just too hot here.

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Hi Ladies~~
    Just breezing through quickly. Have to go to sleep silly-early to get up O'Dark Thirty to shut down the NC house and get a Lyft Car to the Raleigh train station. 8:45AM train back north to NYC.

    It was 91 degrees here in Chapel Hill today--at least that's what was forecast. I cannot be fall yet.

    I don't have a car - Sending good car vibes to Sara. ~~~~~>

    Sending special ear scratching to everyone's doggies.

    Annie - I am powerless over any muffin. You did well!
    Waving to Dawn~~

    The train will be 10 hours on Sunday, so you likely will not hear from me. Everyone have a wonderful day. cream!

    Waves to Ammey and Sam and Chamie.......

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    So, I stuck with it and ate well...but I'm still over by 57 calories if I don't count my exercise today. And over on sodium. :( I underestimated the calories in my white chicken chili and didn't create the recipe and log it until after I had eaten it along with a corn muffin for supper. Should have skipped the corn muffin to at least keep the calories in the green. Sodium would have been over anyway. Frustrating that canned beans, even when rinsed and drained come up with so much sodium.

    Good 2 mile walk with the dog averaging a 15.29 minute mile, which is pretty good for me. I'd like to be faster but it doesn't happen often that I get below a 15 minute mile.

    Off to drink some more water!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sam- I love to bake this time of year...luckily, my BF helps eat most of it. He can, he doesn't gain weight.

    Jen- never had German chocolate cake ice cream. Sounds almost irresistible. Our lovely dogwalker at the shelter made some German chocolate cupcakes...HUGE.. I confess, I did eat a small portion off a couple, on 2 different days...I need to take lunch!

    Ammey- good for yer JumpStart on Halloween costume and patience in the store. One pound loss is a good start. Just stick with it you'll do great.

    Lana- it's been close to 100 here all week. So much for Autumn. The leaves aren't even turning, yet. Supposed to cool down next week...we'll see.

    Be safe on yer train ride. Sounds like a long day.

    Annie- Great job on the walk! I've always had a hard time with Cals/Macros/Everything else. Just can't seem to figure it out. 57 calories isn't too bad. You'll get it.

    Well, watching scary movies and just relaxing. Have a good evening all...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning,

    Up with normal time schedule, water for dog. No food and water is now hidden. I hate to put things away but anesthesia is tough enough.

    Have a to-do list while she is gone (nap also listed....). Posted my food for the day and I have no idea for lunch. I will not use my "free time" to run out to eat.... will find something at store??

    Back to bed for me, lets see if dog lets me sleep. Waving to all who follow. BBL.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- hope all goes well with pup. She will feel better with clean teeth :)

    Nothing going on today. Was expecting rain...crazy warm again...where is Autumn?
    Thinking of put up Halloween decorations anyway...

    BBL..good day all

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    oops car is fixed and under $100 - just reread yesterday....

    We will have upper 90's until Wednesday so Fall is not quite here yet either, except it is cold at night.

    Vacuum is out and will do floors while dog not here. Got an OCHO bar - found out I picked the one with the highest calories - what a talent I have. Stuffed bell pepper for lunch and fried rice with Chicken Teriyaki (vegetarian) - need to go add snap peas to my list of foods eaten. Will not get many dog walking points but housecleaning gets something...

    Will stop by later.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Good breakfast. Went to coffee with DH while kids were at Sunday School. Had a pumpkin chai tea, which should have been a no-no. Will track and move on to another good day. Should have time for a nice walk. Did not get groceries yesterday so must make a meal plan and get some staples. Planning to eat cheap and light again this week. We may actually make it through the weekend without eating out! Good to save those $$$ and calories. Lunch will be leftover white chicken chili. Supper will be a protein with veggies.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Dog is home and my shadow so I am trying not to move around too much. No meds until tomorrow.

    Glad I got that bonus - car and dog bill ate most of it.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Glad she is home. That's how it always goes for me...every time I think I'm going to be ahead a little, something comes up. At least you were able to take care of it with the bonus...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning,

    Dogs favorite liverwurst cannot hide the medication smell, so will have to pill her. Will only put the 1 med in liverwurst.

    Yes, it is Monday and I am not really ready for it. Dog is like a small child in that I could hear her and did not get a lot of sleep.

    Oatmeal is cooking and dog needs her meds. Hoping for a little extra sleep before work.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • egmontana
    egmontana Posts: 4 Member
    Serial Starter here. I live in Montana. Done it all: WW (many times), Adkins, South Beach, Blood Type, vegan, vegetarian, paleo......yadda yadda. Sick of the back and forth. Ready to do it for good sensibly. 62 years old and retiring in 6 weeks. Hope to find like minded folks on MyFitnessPal.