Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Lana - you dont know what size needle they used to make the sample, it is probably smaller, so dont fret and while 1 stitch is a little larger, knitted things stretch. Picture please when you are done.

    Dog groomer flaked - go poison oak/ivy and took benadryl and forgot to call and cancel. I like having consistency with dog groomers and so many places have such high turnover, but I am thinking I may have to find a new groomer...... changes, more changes.

    Means I can have my grilled cheese sandwich even sooner..... find the positive.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Poor Tillie, no grooming today? A long-haired chihuahua (spelling?) needs the special attention.
    How is her neck/back area doing? She had something going on a little while ago; has that eased up?

    Well we had non-healthy food for dinner (mac n cheese, broccoli, and ground beef mixed all together) but I measured and tracked every lick of it on MFP. I am in the red for the day by about 200 cal.; not enough exercise.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Lana - Miss Tillie's bald spots and toes are growing fur again and she is not scratching as much. Fall for some reason is the worst allergy season for dogs/cats.

    I with my walking my have enough calories to have a serving of Kale salad for dinner.

    Took a nice nap wrapped up like a mummy in a blanket. Shower curtain liner is in washer. Hope to get new bathmat tomorrow. Dog is all taken care of foods/meds.

    Looks like a Lana/ Sara day here. We will have such fun !!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Lunch with father/sister her new boyfriend went okay, not enough time to talk just " how are you" "hows the job" kind of thing. Sister took picture and it is on facebook. I prefer not to have my picture taken, so it is not a bad picture but I didnt think my hair was that color......
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I keep trying to type and it keeps disappearing on me. Frustration!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Fair ended up not being rained out. Fortunately... Or unfortunately, however you wanna look at it...the only fair food I ended up eating, was a few nibbles of my friends Bloomin Onion....yummm
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Ended up only having Squash soup and salad for dinner. Then, BF threw a Snickers Bar at me...Happy Birthday to me..haha

    Funny, not one single person in my every day life even remembered my Birthday. I'm OK with it. Cuz I don't like a big fuss. My friend has to go on and on about her birthday and make sure everyone tells her Happy Birthday. Love her but that drives me crazy! Maybe I'm not such a good friend...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sorry for multiple posts...thought I should try to split it up and hope I could get mgroomets out before it disappeared...

    Lana- that sounds like a yummy dinner...tomorrows a new day... Enjoy it

    Sara- sorry groomer's a flake... Sadly, it happens too often in all situations.. Hope you can find a more reliable one..

    Well, I'm off for now...may bbl...have a good nite all..
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Options more thing...sorry... I got some yogurt and on there was a suggestion to put PB in French vanilla yogurt... Which is funny, cuz I got Strawberry yogurt...soooo..I had to try it...hafta say, not too bad...kinda yummy in fact... New snack idea...maybe

    OK...done taking up all the thread..
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited September 2016

    Good morning.

    Dawn dont worry, this is an endless one, so it has no limits. I also have been known to post as thoughts occur to me. This website allows us to edit for an hour after first post if that helps any. Right hand corner of post there is a symbol to select. I just tried it to see, you must roll mouse over it to reveal it.

    Dog let me sleep in a little which is nice of her.

    Bathtub clean new bath mat in bottom of it and shower curtain cleaned. I may not recognize it.......

    Quiet day after groceries. Beef and cheese enchiladas for dinner. It makes 4, so good chance I will be eating them a lot this week.....

    Will stop by later. Wishing all a great Sunday.
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    edited September 2016
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    Arnie- good job on the restraint at the fair! You did better than I could have :smile:

    Casually demolished my calorie count yesterday, but I had expected it so I didn't mind too much. Had a lot of snacks, and it's Oktoberfest, so my favorite German Biergarten was having $5 pints. Since my s/o and I don't have beer in the house for this month, it was a nice little afternoon out for both of us. Back on track today, but I found myself snacking again this morning so if I have any lunch at all it'll be tiny.

    Dinner is already in the slow cooker so I can focus on cleaning and getting the puppy out of the house. Although she's currently passed out next to the couch so I'm savoring the quiet time for a bit!

    I might start back on PIIT28 today, if I can find the motivation. But first I have to clean the entire apartment.

    Have a happy, quiet Sunday, all!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- Thanks..I honestly didn't even think about editing. Was so frusted after typing same thing 3 times and the screen going completely blank...Grrr

    Enchiladas sounds super yummy! I've been trying to make some meals that we can have multiple times. Someone likes to beat me to the leftovers, tho. So, meals don't go as far as I plan.

    Sam- I find working the fair helps keep me from wandering and buying food I don't need. If I had time to walk around, I would eat way too much...
    How's the puppy doing?

    Annie- wherever you are...Happy Birthday!
    Have a great day and good visit with yer son.

    Another lazy day off. Feel like I wanna do something.... Nap seems to be winning....

    Check in later... Have a great day!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Hi Sam and Dawn and Sara

    I thought I posted today. Jeez one day just runs into another with me lately.

    Walked 3.7 miles today according to the iPhone. Yay! That is a big deal for me. Boobs hurt a little bit, but got over it. We walked by the place where the bomb was. No big deal. Not compared to other things that have gone on in this city. Can you tell I'm numb to it all?

    What's for dinner? I'm having some sort of leftovers.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Lana - it took awhile to find it online. I am sorry to hear that bad people have nothing better to do. One can get a little too used to hearing such things.

    Beef enchilada with a side of black beans waits for me.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Once again- off the wagon. Didnt go to WW meeting either. Didnt want to WI. That experience 2 weeks ago really has stuck with me. Signed up for Zumba (first time) Monday 7pm. I'm done with Starbucks. I OD'd on it this weekend. I got some food ready for dinners -- going to do an egg fritata. got some tomatos and humus for snack and hopefully that and water I will be off to a good week-
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- I only have PBS, so didn't see any real news of what happened. Still scary bombs going off. Never any good news, anymore. Glad you are OK.
    Congrats on the 3.7 miles! You should be proud! More than I have done, lately. Not sure what happened to me.

    Turkey cutlets, mashed taters and corn for dinner... Could be worse I suppose.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Down .8 on weigh in. It's the water I have been hesitant to drink. So lets hope the motivation stays.

    Jen - you are still posting here so you at some level want to improve your life. Spending less time at Starbucks will save you some $$ and sugar grams. Make your own coffee at home (even buy theirs if you need to). Find something that works and stick to it.

    Dawn, I had grilled cheese with ham and bean soup on Saturday. Off the chart I went, but if I only eat that a couple times a year..... and do better the rest of the time. Your dinner sounded good to me.

    Learned how to crochet leaves, so now to see how many more flowers I need to make for a large off white Christmas stocking.....

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Monday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday morning

    Hello! I'm back after a weekend of kind-of "checking out" of the online world. Back to work and back to reality.

    Visit with DS was great. Of course, he brought his laundry home and although he said he could do it, I took care of it for him. He actually had a lot of homework and spent his time doing that. He stayed home the entire time! I thought for sure he'd head out to see "the girlfriend" because he mentioned her name several times...but that didn't happen. I didn't ask him about her. My feathers still feel ruffled about him dating her and my first impression of her that wasn't stellar. He passed along her birthday wishes to me yesterday and I simply said thank you. Sent DS back to school with clean laundry and a pan of pumpkin bars. :) And I didn't even cry when I dropped him off.

    Not gonna lie. Ate pretty horribly. Really trying not to feel guilty about it and just move on. Lately I feel like the more I try to lose weight, the more I feel like I've gained. (haven't checked the scale in awhile.) Some days I just wanna say "I quit" but I know I don't want to go back to where I was. I have a decent plan for the day and the week and no excuses next weekend.

    Jen - I just make my own coffee at home and add a little sugar-free creamer. Wish I could just drink it black but so far I haven't been able to get my taste buds to adjust to that.

    Sara - sorry to hear about your flaky groomer. Sounds like you're doing awesome with your crocheting. And great WI!

    Lana - good for you for getting out and walking. I must get back to that this week!

    Hello to Sam, Dawn, and anyone I'm missing. Will lurk from work.


  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi ladies! Happy Monday! I haven't had much time lately to post, and also haven't gotten a chance to read the most recent posts. I graduated a few months ago and am currently at my first big work conference, so it's been keeping me busy. There are so many wonderful free meals, snack bars, and an open bar every evening.... My scale will hate me when I return home. Yikes!

    Over the weekend there was an attack at the mall here, possibly terrorist related. We had been to the mall just a couple hours earlier, and it's been a scary ordeal for my town. I'm glad that none of my friends or family were hurt, and I'm also kind of glad to be away for a few days! It really hits too close to home.
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    It's definitely a Monday. 2 monsters and 6k steps in before 2pm. People keep showing up to my desk and when they don't, my boss is sending me to fix issues at people's computers. Oh well. Better than being bored!

    Back on track after a weekend of watching the Jersey Shore and not paying attention to what I've eaten. I've like.. vaguely watched my intake.. as it went into my mouth. My estimated calories for Sunday were 'not quite maintenance but just below' which kind of sucks, but whatever. I'm down 4 lbs and 1.5" around my muffin top, so that's something to be proud of. Gotta keep moving forward.

    I might need to go on another walk soon, just because exhaustion + too much caffeine + ADD meds leads to my mind becoming a dark tunnel. Walks and podcasts tend to clear it! I wish I was home. For some reason making a pot of coffee-- just the act of, even if I don't drink any of it, calms me down a lot. My boyfriend and roommate never have to wonder if there's coffee around for them!

    Good luck to all on this not-so-fabulous Monday!

    Arnie- She's doing well! Between seeing her best puppy friend and hanging out with our neighbors, aka her favorite people EVER, I think she's going to sleep well for the next day or two. Thank god. Training, however... well, let's not even talk about that! :lol:

    Calny- I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with WW! Wishing you better times ahead in your journey.

    Ammey- That's terrifying! I'm glad you & your loved ones are safe. I hope for the best for y'all.