Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Lana and Sara - I laughed out loud when I saw that picture!!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited September 2016
    Lana - I am on a roll, next one is a doozie- but not like Mario (phew).

    Even in my wildest dreams of what the Cabana Boys looked like - did anything so sleazy show up. I also like the necklace but really took issue with the swimsuit.....

    Just so you know, the Cboys are slightly offended that I even mentioned Mario and them in the same sentence. They have his picture up behind the bar to escort out when seen. So we can have extra pillow fluffing without Mario - what a relief!

    My 2 coworkers had a similar reaction to mine combo of "oh my god!" and "yuck" while laughing.

    That said my pot roast was a great success and there will be more of that in the colder season.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Oh my! Snarky time here - CEO of Weight Watchers is on the way out?? Some how not too shocking.

    Rolling back claws to knit. Wishing all a great evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    LOL! You are too funny tonight, ladies!

    Good day. One slip-up where I caved in and ate a corn muffin. My carbs and sugars were still good for the day, but mad that I ate the bread. Good 2 mile walk on the treadmill tonight.

    Time to soak in a warm bath and read!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Company is having an e-waste collection next Monday/Tuesday where people at work can bring in paper to shred, electronics to toss. I have a bag of small things (phone/answering machine etc) and will take paper in to shred. Nice way to clean the corners of my place out.

    Lana - Thank you. I sent Mario to you so I wouldnt have to look at him, now he is a legend. Be careful what you ask for.

    Annie - I would be more concerned over your muffin if you then did not walk as I know you are trying to do. Please enjoy the food you eat. We will get to our goal weight when our body is ready because it is the healthy way to do it. You have to enjoy the journey while you are on it.

    Okay off soap box. Oatmeal ready. Enjoying PB2 with a little extra water in my oatmeal.

    Waving to Dawn and 25.

    Wishing all a great day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member


    *tossing towel and beach bag onto favorite lounge chair*


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Ladies, as you know, none of our Cabana Boys look like poor Mario above. Here is a photo of one of ours, taken during his day off. Normally Sara has The Boys dressed up and looking sharp.

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Wow- that was a nice HELLO this morning Lana! It made my day to scroll down to this picture.

    Hope you are feeling better

    Not doing great on my food. Just binging and not exercising. Need to get my act together-

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Love HIM!

    Oh dear, I let stress lead me to candy this afternoon. I did have quite a number of calories to spare....but still....

    Will eat my homemade beef stew for supper and get in a good walk.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Day is done, I will crawl to recliner after dinner and take a little nap, hopefully dog will allow a small one.....

    Tracked chocolate I ate.

    If I do not wander back to Lana's Hammock, I wish all a great evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    First day of jogging was derailed by unexpected 2 hr staff meeting... What a way to screw up the day right off the bat... Still made good food choices...just really need to move... Possible rain rest of, not sure how it's gonna go...
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sara, I also tracked the chocolate and dinner roll I ate. Calorie-wise I'm ok. Even actually stayed under the max carbs I should have...but my plan was to really avoid this stuff.

    2 mile walk on the treadmill completed.

    Snuggling on the couch with the dog.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Wow is it Wednesday already?? Friend at work can drive me to next dr apt and so I will call and schedule.

    Windows has been trying to download updates, making getting on here difficult, so I restarted the computer and that updated what was done. Whole list of new updates, if anyone is having computer trouble getting onto websites check to see if Windows is updating software.

    Woke up cold last night, despite warmer temperatures...

    Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Good morning Ladies~~

    Checking in. I need to go walk today! No appointments, whew.

    Waving over to Sara and Annie and Jen and Dawn and Chamie and anyone else who pops in to say hello~~
    Sara - glad you have a ride for your doctor appointment.

    Pre-done curry chicken from Trader Joe's for dinner. DH will have his over rice; I'll have mine with mixed sautéed veggies, which are already made! Yay for done-ahead foods.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wednesday afternoon

    Busy morning at work and also wasn't feeling that well. Seems to have passed. Food has been good. Leftover homemade beef stew for lunch = YUM! Supper is going to be eggs, bacon, and possibly a slice of wheat toast. Tonight is night off from walking. I have church choir practice.

    Weather is cooler. Hoping it is nice this weekend. We are hoping to go to our son's college's homecoming football game on Saturday afternoon. This time, we will tell him we are coming. :) Although I'm a little perturbed at him. I mailed him a care package last week and he hasn't picked it up yet! He finally tried on Saturday but the mail personnel weren't there. I guess I'll have to remind him again. At least there is nothing perishable in it!

    DH ordered me a b-day gift that was a bit more than we usually spend for b-day gifts and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I might have said I wanted! Guess I'll find out on Sunday.

    Sara - I hope you are successful getting that dr appt scheduled.

    Lana - You go girl. Get that walk in!

    Hi to Jen and Dawn and Chamie and everyone else.

    We are over halfway through the week. Whew!

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    DS just asked if he can come home from college on Friday. But I know he has to be back on Saturday to sing for the home football game. He's only 20 minutes away, so of course I said we could pick him up after work and then drive him back on Saturday. We were thinking of going to the football game, anyway.

    But I feel weird. Excited for him to come home for a night...but wondering if he is really coming home to see us or if he wants to get in his car and run off with his girlfriend or friends...
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi ladies! I have been one of those lurkers that has been hanging out in the background for a little while. I generally read a lot of the boards throughout the weekdays, but I rarely post. However, if you'll let me join you, I thought maybe this could help keep me more motivated with my weight loss and attempt at a healthy lifestyle.

    Annie- I just recently graduated college (after 7 years), and I can tell you from experience that even though I love my family dearly, they didn't see much of me during the first couple years of my college career. If they hadn't texted or called, I might not have spoken to them or seen them for months. I wouldn't worry about it; I'm sure he's just busy having fun! He'll come back to you eventually.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Good Evening,

    Ammey, lurk better yet check in and welcome aboard. We will be trying to have questions of the week (things we need to work on in our weight journey) more often. Stop by and post when you can.

    Noodles for brain, so short post. I will be in hammock under Lana's Palm Tree waiting for the dance class to start.

    Wishing all a great evening, if I dont stop by later.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Today just took it outta me. Don't think I honestly could have lasted much longer if it hadn't ended...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Question for those of us who ran ourselves into the ground today at work - how can we comfort ourselves without food?

    For me a warm blanket with hot water bottle and a good dvd.