Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Thursday morning

    Well, DS decided to turn on the water-works this morning for school. I'm sure he's tired and it's hard to get back in the routine after spending your summer at home, sleeping in, playing, etc. He had fun at school yesterday but needed help remembering that. His mantra always turns into, "But I will miss you!" And we remind him that we will pick him up after work and all will be well. DD was a bit moody but tamed it down when I got after her.

    Ladies, I have officially made it through 2 days without any sweets or bread/pasta/crackers/etc! I had my "cravy" and hungry moments yesterday, but held my ground. Keeping my end goal in mind when I feel weak = looser pants/pants will fit when I need to dig them out for fall/winter. I think tonight I'll actually manage to get on the treadmill, as well, or maybe out for a walk with the dog if I get out before it gets too dark. I despise the earlier darkness because it makes it so hard to get out for walks on weeknights.

    Arnie, I agree that I wouldn't mind if it stopped altogether. I'm done having babies. And mine actually got a lot heavier after my last child, so it's been worse than when I was younger. Add in the unpredictability and it's just aggravating. But I know menopause may bring it's own side effects, such as weight gain, which I don't need. So, I guess it will be what it will be.

    Dawn, I have not had a pumpkin-spice anything yet. I usually have several pumpkin spice chai lattes from Caribou during the season but I started my 12 day no-sugar challenge before I had one...and now I have to wait until September 18th (my b-day) to enjoy ONE. I really hope to stick with my low-to-no sugar and carbs plan through the fall to try to offset some of the summer's good eating as well as avoid the winter weight gain. But one day at a time!

    Sara, I wish I could get myself to be craftier. My mom gave my daughter a project in June and we still haven't done it. Maybe this weekend since we have no other plans. It just always feels like a huge undertaking to me. I used to do more. Maybe I had more patience then?

    Whew! I wrote a novella there. Hope you have a blessed day! I'll CBL!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member

    Lana- How are you feeling? THinking of you!

    Dawn- I actually have this app that keeps track for you (well actually you have to do a little work- you need to put in day 1). lol

    Sara- Very warm night - didnt get a good sleep in at all. So tired today

    25- I know we had a short week with the holiday Monday but it still feels long!

    Annie- Way to go on your 2 days!

    I have fallen off the wagon this week. I think it started with bad WI and the woman at WW seeming annoyed by my gain. I feel like my inner teenager came out. "I'll show you!! You're annoyed I gained- well there, I'll eat more"
    What is wrong with me.

    I bought that Beck book and opened it 1 time. I think that is my goal for the week/weekend

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Plan for supper is getting derailed by a meeting I completely forgot about. Looks like I'm picking up Arby's as I pick up kids from after-school care and volleyball practice. Not sure I'm going to stay carb-free....I will not feel well if I try to wait to eat supper until 7:30-8:00 tonight.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Checking in......
    I'm going to Arby's with Annie. Then Jen and I are going to read some Beck, then I'm on the lounge chair with Tillie and Sara, waving over to Dawn and 25 and Chamie.......

    Time for a nap. All I did was go to the dentist, go to the dermatologist and come home, and I'm shot.

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    edited September 2016
    calny- Does WW's weigh-ins seem to help you lose weight? I can't even imagine weighing in in front of anyone besides my dog...

    Late-in-the-day check-in time!
    Ate too much out of frustration during my trip to the DMV, logged it, moving on. Got to work and it's the September birthday party, so there were SO MANY ice cream bars. Looked at the calories on a Klondike, got scared, and grabbed a mini weight watchers one. 80 cals and a handful of M&Ms never hurt anyone, right?

    On another note, starting a month without drinking alcohol in my apartment. My roommate and boyfriend really like to grab a beer when they do anything indoors. Or outdoors, for that matter. They just really like beer. This isn't going to be easy!

    Also, after our two week guest left yesterday (roommate's gf) the apartment is trash and I gotta spend all night cleaning. If only there was an easy way to measure calories burned frantically spraying bleach on everything???

    (And any of you-- feel free to add me as a friend!)

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Jen- I do keep track as well. For some reason, most of my life about every 6 Mo or so, I would either be as much as a week/week and a half early or late...I've even missed an entire month for no known reason. My body also likes to adjust to others around me.

    Annie- my birthday is the 17th. Good week for birthdays! Good luck on the No Sugar. I just can't commit to that. Hope you do well!

    Sara- you deserve a great reward for your courage!

    Lana- I'm always up for a nap...if only I could convince my boss that it would be beneficial to have daily nap time...

    25- Good luck on cleaning and no alcohol... you can count calories for cleaning!

    I don't know what the heck is going has been unbelievably crazy this week. I have not been this frustrated in a very long time. I've gone back and forth on wanting to eat everything in sight, to nothing sounds good and barely eating anything. I know, a change in my job would do wonders...I just can't do it...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good Evening,

    My cycles were 98% predictable until I hit my 50's and now its anybody's guess.

    Okay I am hearing a lot of food frustration, Pumpkin Spice Latte nightmares, ( I had to ask someone who goes to Starbucks what a PSL was....), and even I am straying towards food rewards...... lets see what we can do to rein that in a little. Can we find another habit to substitute or to counterbalance it?? Like if I eat as many chocolates like I did today (I tracked them), I must walk up some stairs. That kind of thing. Something to consider.

    Pumpkins for bunting are done, knitting on baby blanket tomorrow.

    I am so tired, that I will just crash under Lana's Palm Trees. Tillie can flirt with the boys.

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    The Cabana Boys love Tillie and spoil her terribly! :smiley:
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning,

    Windows open to air out a little.

    Dr apt today, will just have to do what is necessary. Reward pending.

    Update on witch no longer in dept - seems she has is out for her former supervisor. Staying under radar knowing she is asking for a one way ticket out of company. Whether or not her reasons are valid, her methods are unprofessional which makes her dangerous, but then I already knew that. She thinks she is made of Teflon. We shall see.

    Cafe is making Chicken souvlaki, (spelled correctly) never had it, so looking forward to trying something new.

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow. Make it your best day. :)
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Well, Arby's won last night and I wolfed down that sandwich and a few fries. Not pleased with myself, but didn't derail any further through the evening. No walk since meeting ran long and I still had to go home and do laundry, order school pictures, write check for piano lessons, etc. I feel broke now! Will be shopping the sales when meal planning for the next week.

    Lunch today with a friend/former co-worker. Excited about that. Again, going to try not to derail too much and then get right back on track.

    Sara - good luck at the doctor.

    Oh, and 30 day no-pop challenge has officially ended. Even though we may have pop again now, DH and I agree to be mindful and not overindulge. (He has more of a problem than I do.)

    Make it a great day!
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Tillesmommy1- Working off a food reward sounds like a lot of effort! I'm too lazy for that, so good on you!

    ASalner- I know that broke feeling. Have a great lunch!

    Woke up at like 3am with a massive pressure headache and since we were out of bread had to have a waffle with my advil. Because one thing worse than a headache that keeps you from sleeping is taking extra strength advil on an empty stomach!

    On the plus side, I've finally lost 2 pounds. Does anyone have an accurate, consistent, scale recommendations? Mine is great, but the tick marks are so little I have to take a picture with my phone and then zoom in to see what my weight is!

    On the schedule for today: Work, and then puppy training! She's such a little brat, and my boyfriend's mom and all of her perfectly trained dogs are visitng in a few weeks. God give me strength. Ahahah.

    Have a fabulous friday, all!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Good morning all~~ that your doggie in your photo? What is its name? Is that the one getting the puppy training?
    Congratulations on the loss! 2 pounds is wonderful!

    Annie - We will be working at having a good day.....

    Sara - I hope things go well for you at the doctor today. Let us know how it went. It's Friday so there's going to be big happy hour poolside for all of us Serial Starters.

    Waves to all who stop by later.

    ******QOTD****** What is one meal idea you are having this weekend?

    AOTD: Salad greens, Trader Joe's cooked chicken breast strips, Trader Joe's frozen grilled corn, other veggies, & olive oil and vinegar dressing. Need some other ideas though.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited September 2016
    Lana - I buy broccoli slaw and use pb2 or peanut butter (think glaze consistency) as a dressing- add chicken to that as well.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    I believe we are making chili for supper tonight. Kids may have some rolls or biscuits with that. I had my fill of bread at Panera for lunch. Back to clean eating tonight!

    Also planning on bacon wrapped chicken breasts served with some sort of vegetables sometime this weekend. The chicken is also dusted with a seasoning (found this recipe in a Paleo cookbook).

    Will also make "breakfast" for lunch or supper one day. Eggs/sausage/toast or potatoes. (no toast or potatoes for me....maybe some sauteed peppers/mushrooms/onions.) Always a hit with the kids!
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Lana-- Yes! It's her when she was 9 weeks old. Her name is Pebbles. She's a little rascal of a 5 month old corgi right now. She desperately needs the training.

    Here's a photo of her now:
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good evening,

    Pebbles is adorable!! How much does she weight?

    Dr apt was a complete zero in that what needed to get done, didnt and all the side effects (pain etc) are mine to keep. I will have to go to a bigger location to see if they can extract this rotten thing and if not general surgery. So, I get to ask friend to see if she can drive me again. Dr has a prescription for me as she had too many things inside me and does not want to risk infection. After this past weekend I am almost afraid to, but I almost cant win for trying at the moment. Isnt life a gamble? Waiting for drug store to call and let me know it is ready to pick up. Will wait until after rush hour anyway.

    Have 2 cookies and a mini brownie to lull myself this weekend.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana-- Yes! It's her when she was 9 weeks old. Her name is Pebbles. She's a little rascal of a 5 month old corgi right now. She desperately needs the training.

    Here's a photo of her now:

    What a cutie! Well, having worked at the Rescue for 4 yrs, I have learned that Corgi's are incredibly stubborn tricky to train. But, boy aren't they the cutest?! Good luck
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Went to get meds and saw 2 mags - ww which was all about slow cookers ( looked through found it had a section on slow cooking) put that one back, Cooking Light has an edition out called "make ahead meals", that one has slow cooker and freezer ready meals - looking through that one tonight.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sara - Sorry to hear your appt didn't go as planned. Glad you got your meds. Let us know if you find any good recipes in your new magazine!

    Came home, did a load of laundry, helped make supper, and lost all motivation to do anything else. TOM is sucking the life out of me tonight. Have been tucked on the couch with a book.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning,

    Was hard to sleep last night, so looking for a little more sleep before sunrise and later today.

    Annie- they have a pot roast recipe that they then use the meat and gravy to make enchiladas and sub sandwiches so the recipe makes 12 servings. Some of the other recipes from Cooking light are a big too out there, but a pot roast with vegetables sounded good.

    Will stop by later after errands and when I am home again.

    Wishing all a great Saturday.