Serial Starters



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed and taking meds, that and dishwasher full of clean dishes are making me happy.

    Groceries, dog to Vet for most of day - which means I can vacuum freely- and cooking one of my two recipes - neither is too laborious so I can make other after work tomorrow. Yes I just got lazy.

    Runa- trade for a week with Tracy/Tracey in Alberta.... Wow that is early for Alberta?

    Oatmeal almost done and time for more ZZZ with any luck.

    This morning on the radio they said this is the snowiest September on record, since records have been kept which started in 1870 something.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited September 2018
    Am avoiding the scale for a couple weeks, just focusing on logging all food and trying to keep calories under control. Want to make sure that becomes an ingrained "habit" then I will start the WI again. Just don't want anything to derail my current roll - have logged for 29 days in a row!

    AOTD: I am aiming for 1+ miles walked 4 out of 5 work days this week. I did pretty well doing that last week and need to keep it up! (Need to keep it up to complete my virtual race!)

    Tracy - Keep that snow up there!!! It is chilly & rainy here today. Wore pants to work after a summer of dresses. Reminds me how much I don't like wearing "leg prisons." :(

    Lynn - was the anniversary party a success? was it a real surprise? Visited my mother for her 97th birthday on Saturday. Not sure she knew who I was, but at least she didnt send me away like she has in the past.

    Sara - was the cauliflower crust pizza one you made or one you purchased?

    Supervisor is out for military leave the next few weeks. That puts a co-worker in charge for that time. Will see how that goes. He and I are good friends but this will be interesting to have him as a "boss."

    Had to give up a family vacation due to lack of PTO. When I was so sick with the flu earlier in the year, it ate up my leave. Then I was calculating plans off the leave totals they had in the timekeeping system - only to find out when they switched timekeeping systems that the leave total was completely wrong. They had not been tracking leave in that system since 2012. Top that with they do not track it in the new system yet either. They may once the entire organization switches over to the same system. Grrrrrr......


    **pulling lounge chair under palm tree and ordering up calorie-free adult beverage from the c-boys**
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Happy Monday!
    Great fall day in WI - 72 degrees and sunny. Love fall, only problem is winter falls on it's heels.
    Tracey - snow in Alberta - wowzers! I would not be ready for snow. I hope the weather rewards you in different ways there (:
    Sara - glad vet appt went well. I have been without a dog for over 20 years and now that I have one again I found I forgot how they make their way into your heart so quickly.
    Lana - upscale restaurant - nice. Been a long time since I have done that. More often it is the bar food scene we hit. Greasy, salty and a beer chaser! yikes.

    Inlaws 50th surprise party yesterday went so well. Ate terribly. So many great summer salads. LOVE pasta and veggie salads.

    AOTD - I think same as last week, I would have to look. I will talk to myself prior to eating to determine if I am eating to fuel my body or eating for another reason.
    Have a great Monday!
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Yes party was a huge success. Thanks for asking.
    Most companies - especially in US - are horrible about balancing life and work. We work ourselves sick for little appreciation. That is unfortunate you cannot vacation - stinks really. People are more important than money. Rich get richer...OK rant over.
    I will join everyone under the palm tree!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Kathryn - purchased - way to lazy and dont have a food processor

    Tracy/Tracey- thank you on the snow info. It snowed when I was there one June but it was up in the mountains and it did not stick - Is October a snow month for you?
  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    RunaMarti wrote: »
    Hey all! I was asleep for the huge bulk of the last three days. Just crashed & was worn out. Virtual race going well. Diamond Art coming along. Just have to ice back, neck, knee, and shins for a minute. So, thought I’d catch up on thread. Can’t wait until cooler temps come. Walking late at night is not the safest thing, but I can’t do the humidity down here. Used to the north and it would be way cool by now.

    Invest in a headlamp. Also there is some great reflective gear out there to help with safety. I have a light weight jacket with fully reflective sleeves. Have also seen some nice reflective gloves in one of the catalogs either title nine or athleta.
    I get the humidity here also. Sometimes I feel like I over kill on having the right gear for every possible circumstance.
  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    RunaMarti wrote: »
    Hey all! I was asleep for the huge bulk of the last three days. Just crashed & was worn out. Virtual race going well. Diamond Art coming along. Just have to ice back, neck, knee, and shins for a minute. So, thought I’d catch up on thread. Can’t wait until cooler temps come. Walking late at night is not the safest thing, but I can’t do the humidity down here. Used to the north and it would be way cool by now.

    Invest in a headlamp. Also there is some great reflective gear out there to help with safety. I have a light weight jacket with fully reflective sleeves. Have also seen some nice reflective gloves in one of the catalogs either title nine or athleta.
    I get the humidity here also. Sometimes I feel like I over kill on having the right gear for every possible circumstance.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    Hey all!! Checking in after getting up and moving finally. Had an emotionally exhausting day yesterday. Ate myself silly last night... and slept most of the day away. Now trying to catch up.

    Walking and protein increase must be paying off. Ate out of house last three days... two buffets two days in a row... stepped on scale this morning to check the damage and was down over a pound from Saturday. Just have to get back into the grove.

    Having grown up in Minneapolis, MN and gone to undergrad in Beloit, WI... and doing most of graduate work in Moscow, Russia... I just can’t adapt to Tulsa, OK easily. Been three years and I still feel like the outdoors is an oven almost 8 months of the year. Good idea to invest in reflective gear. I do not miss the snow at all. Leaving your house or office and having to shovel yourself out of the parking spot was never enjoyable for me. I wore flip flops, shorts, and a light sweater over a t-shirt when it was -6 degrees last winter here. People think I am crazy unless they here where I am from.

    AOTD: Get back to basics... water, walking, protein, calorie deficit... catch up on virtual race since I was under the weather and fell behind. Catch up on apartment duties of laundry, unpacking & cleaning.

    Waving to all!! Sorry I didn’t tag folks... in a rush and it is harder to do on phone versus computer.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Reward for all my medical appointments - including one Wednesday and one now on Monday - I bought myself 2 books to read and while I was there I got a meat thermometer that might actually work as I am trying to eat better it would be good if I cooked my meat correctly......

    Time for lights out.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Email at work, "Pizza for our monthly meeting". Pre WW that would have been received well, but after WW I really dont like mass made pizza. Will to the "Christmas Party" routine and have what would be a piece and supplement my lunch with other things before/after.

    Eye apt for Monday, at least I am in October..... taking Mammogram phone # to work today to make that phone call.

    Made Bacon/Swiss Cheese/Mushroom Strata last night with the instructions that I can bake it after work tonight while it sits in fridge. The problem is my freezer is full and time to clean out. I can do that while it bakes.

    20 minutes of more of walking after dinner a couple of months ago would have been exhausting, so that I can do it now is encouraging.

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Tuesday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Good morning Sara!
    You are working in some very good habits, especially the walking after dinner. Good for you!
    See if you can get 3-D mammography.

    Waving to all who stop by later on.....

    *watching the groundskeepers rake the beach at The Cabana Club*


    242.0 today
    250.0 highest
    222.0 Dec. birthday goal
    185.0 goal
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - i am no longer a fan of mass made pizza either. am too used to homemade crust and much less fat/grease. even turned DH into a fan of turkey pepperoni! he prefers homemade pizza now too. That strata recipe sounds interesting. usually make mine with italian sausage or seasoned ground chicken, 2% cheddar, and green chiles.

    Lana - keep an eye on those groundskeepers! want to make sure the beach is pristine!

    This is my day at satellite office. Barely anyone here due to military leave. Wish we could have called off our meetings! Forgot my steel water bottle and protein bars so grabbed a bottled water & granola bars at gas station on way in. That was pricey!

    Am actually looking forward to time on treadmill today. Its a dismal day outside with thunderstorms and severe weather warnings in our near future.

    Also, still awaiting our grandson to decide to show up. DIL is full 40 weeks and miserable, poor girl.

    Hi to everyone who drops in!!

    **throwing towel across lounge chair & basking in the sun**

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    oh is today a day I climb into the hammock under Lana's Palm Tree and throw things on the ground to watch the cboys pick things up?????
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Morning had my cheat day yesterday. Chilling at home now while my toddlers play. Planning on going for a walk with the children later today which is 7000 steps. We go to the local shops to buy strawberries.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    ready to head to bed. realized i am well under calorie amount. feeling pretty good about that. am worn out from my workout today, so i hope that means i sleep well! will be dreaming of the Cboys! ;)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Strata took longer than I thought to bake, had an "undone" portion not knowing what it was supposed to look like. Hmmmm.

    Dental apt at 7 hair apt at 9:30 and pedicure at 2. Monday will be blood drawn/eye apt at 9:30 (place to get blood drawn is across street from eye dr) and mammogram at 12:45. Nothing like stacking those apts all in one day. Just glad for now the "flood" of apt is over.

    Lots of dishes to wash and maybe a nap later. High 90's through tomorrow, heat is tiring by end of day, so glad for a little change.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello all!
    Happy Wednesday.
    Not much going on here. Cold morning - 40 degrees. I stayed wrapped up on my chair and failed the dog. We did not go for a walk this am. Will go back to routine tomorrow (:
    Have a great one!

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - on bright side, the "undone" portion will help keep it from overcooking when you reheat it. sometimes i will underbake mine if i know it wont be heated and eaten until later.

    brenner - i am chilly with it in the 60s here. i think i would be in hibernation if it were only 40!

    Great morning today ..... slept through alarm, scrambled to throw on clothes & brush hair, jumped in car, and somehow managed to only be 45 minutes late. dont exactly look my best but am clothed and once here, i did double check to make sure everything is on correctly and rightside out.