Serial Starters



  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Hi All!

    Busy weekend, as always. Out with coworkers, bday celebration for brother, and then just normal household chores. Did pretty well eating all weekend, with a few exceptions. But I'm making better choices.

    Start of the work week tomorrow. Did some usual meal prep and taking it easy with the husband and pups tonight. Going to work on a more consistent workout schedule. Only got two workouts in this past week. I'd like to do at least 3 strength training and start adding in some walks.

    Anyway! Hope everyone has a great night!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Up 0.2 so I am happy, ounces only.

    Three appointments today, so will be on the road for awhile. Trying to figure out my best way to get there..... Luckily I have time after dog walk to think about it.

    This week is cooler so I can ask myself to walk longer. That is the plan at least.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Good morning everyone~~

    QOTD*: What is your current reason for wanting to lose weight?

    AOTD: Right now, my major-major reason is to look better.
    That's how I honestly feel. I used to say better health, but that just wasn't motivating enough.

    *Questions of the Day may be for more than one day, since all of us don't have a chance to come by every day.


    241.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good morning Lana,

    AOTD: so I dont have to buy a new wardrobe - so $$$$$.

    Off on my journey have bottle of water, banana and car radio.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Have a good journey Sara!!
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello All. Had a lot of catching up to do.
    Dawn and Runa - only can repeat what others have said. One day/one thing to tackle at a time. Be good to yourself first!
    My kids are all grown up. I had my nieces ages 6 and 3 over all weekend. Such fun - watching Moana, Sing, winnie the pooh. Playing barbies, coloring - Great stuff! Too cold out for much outside with them. Not horrible, just windy and damp.
    Got my walk in this am. Probably been about a month back at MFP. Not sure I made much scale progress....I suppose not going up is progress. Will keep on keeping on.
    Because AOTD - as much as I too would like to say for my health - it is for looking good at my daughters wedding (:
    Happy Monday!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    AOTD: ditto Sara - I don't want to buy more (bigger) clothes!! Also, trying to feel better, have more energy, have more strength & stamina.

    Almost time to go for my walk on the treadmill....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hi Kathryn, Hi Lynn!

    Waving to Dawn and Missy and Tess and Eryn and Saltine and Tracy and Tracey and Runa......

    Sara, we'll be waiting for a full report--hope your steeplechase is going well.

    I got 30 minutes in the pool before the mosquitos drove me crazy. There's always one or two, but I have floaters in my eyes, so it can be maddening. LOL!


  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    Wow it was a busy thread over the weekend. I didn't even check in much on MFP at all all weekend. We were busy on Saturday all day helping friends build a gazebo. Well hubby helped, the wife and I had a couple of shopping excursions and did some meal prep for the men. Yesterday had the grands to visit and as always had a great day with them.

    My granddaughter (2) and I made cupcakes, did laundry, switched out a curtain rod, generally tidied. Grandson played Minecraft most of the day. I did get them both outside with me for about an hour to tidy the yard and they played while I sanded some wood slices in preparation for the craft fairs.

    September wasn't as good healthwise as I was hoping it to be. I lost only 1.5 pounds and 1 inch, I know this is a loss rather than a gain, but I feel I should have at least gotten 5 pounds gone. I am not meeting my goals. I am going to try harder in October.

    AOTD - Well my number 1 reason for losing weight is I am petrified of diabetes. I was pre-diabetic in my bloodwork early last year, but when I redid it again last month I am now in the normal range again! My second reason is to look good at my Daughter's wedding next summer. Also, I want my husband to not be able to resist me!
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Hello all!!

    First, I wanna answer the QOTD.
    AOTD: I have so many reasons. I think the biggest is a tie between I am sick of feeling like crap all the time with no energy, and I want to look better!! I want to fit into my old clothes. And I have a bridesmaid dress I need to fit into, or order a bigger size...

    Today was a frustrating day at work, but a good health day. Despite the stress, I came home, did my strength training workout, and cooked a healthy meal! Simple taco salads on arugula and spinach.

    I also got an extra walk in at work. Walked to buy birthday cupcakes for a sweet young coworker. Got the extra steps in and didnt eat any cupcakes! Win!

    I’m also going to step it up for October!!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Lana- long day and successful day- did not create any accidents on the road and did all my appointments. My glasses will not cost as much as I had feared (they have a discount line that they market) and so that was a nice surprise. Will have to get new prescription as the eyes have changed again. Mammogram was one of the toughest and most painful. I heard you Lana - ultrasound - so I made sure they got the former records with the ultrasound and so they know I have had one.

    Went to Thirft store in an hour got 4 tops and 3 skeins of yarn. Did not want dog to eat too early, she just did. So I went and got a hot chocolate (earned at Mammogram). We shall see what the tests show.

    Will walk after dinner as it is cooler. We can all get our good walking shoes on and get more steps.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    (October is about trees revealing colors they have hidden all year. People have an October as well).

    I made sure to buy clothes at the thrift that were flattering color wise even if the size isnt.


    (dear october, i am going to make you awesome)

    Just in case Kathryn cant read the pictures.
  • Jesse532
    Jesse532 Posts: 4 Member
    AOTD: To feel better. Clothes aren't fitting and generally don't feel great when I want to go to work or go and with friends and can't find anything I feel comfortable in.

    AOTD 2.0: To be able to play with my daughter. She's 7 months old and I don't want to be the dad that is too lazy to play with her when she's older.

    Today was good health day. Used MFP and got in a Tabata work out after work. I'm tired and want a drink, but it's a good start.
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    Hey all!!

    Depression comes and goes in severity. Just vented seriously twice today and it feels better. Like I got something out of me even for awhile. Found a heart rate monitor that I thought I had lost. Am going to test it and see if it works still. Fitness tracker is due to arrive Friday. It is supposed to be able to discern from walking and swimming. Excited to try it out. On sale from $99.99 for $9.99 and free shipping. Only paid $10.85. Company is Misfit.

    AOTD: to decrease some of my depression and feel more comfortable in public. Bonus of all is to bend over and tie my shoes without pain from squishing my breasts against my thighs. 😉🤦🏽‍♀️

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Back to work and with lots to work on, the variety will be nice.

    Found a Daddy long legs in my bathroom - have not seen one in ages, piece of paper and glass got it outside. I am not so generous with other spiders.

    Lana - wow that mammogram had better not be a sign of things to come. I have never been so sore afterwards. May be for the best, but hot water bottle before work for me.

    Wave to all who follow - lurking today when I can.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Tuesday - Good morning everyone~~

    Welcome to Jesse!

    Missy - What a nice October thing you posted--I know a couple of people I'd like to send it to. Very pretty!


    239.8 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Runa - I feel bad when I hear about your depression. Are you under a doctor's care for this? Therapist? Prescription meds? Forgive me if you have shared any of this info in past postings; I ask these questions for your consideration--I'm not expecting you to share anything personal here. I'm just wanting you to not deal with depression all by yourself.

    I have depression and have been dealing with it seriously for the past 5 years or so. It has helped immensely to see a doctor and get a prescription for an antidepressant, see a psychotherapist for weekly sessions, and take in wisdom from Insight Meditation/Vipassana Buddhism--which has offered actual thinking skills to deal with depressive thoughts.

    Great big hugs~~
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited October 2018
    Sara - For over two decades I had been getting annual mammograms. Roughly every 5 years or so, one of the sessions would be so painful and awful that it would bring tears to my eyes and leave bruising on my body. After the first time that happened, I knew to take Advil beforehand and for a couple of years I got a prescription for a single Valium to take right before the screening--that was in NYC where I could walk or taxi home.

    Dense Breast Tissue
    Every woman should ask and be told if she has dense breast tissue, which makes some cancers invisible because the whole picture looks like a milky way solar system mess. But only some states require by law the giving of this info to the patient.

    My former gynecologist would occasionally say to me that I have dense breasts, but she never said more. She never said that dense breasts make it hard for cancers to be found on mammograms. Because of the breast cancer history in my family, I should have been getting annual ultrasound screening, but I was sent only once in a while. I feel stupid in hindsight not understanding that I should have been obnoxiously aggressive about getting more vigilant screenings of both mammograms and ultrasounds.

    As it happened an annual screening found some "suspicious" areas on the mammogram images, but the major invasive ductal carcinomas were not visible. I had IDC, lobular carcinoma in situ and ductal carcinoma in situ. I had three different cancers in both breasts, one side going to the lymph nodes, and this is with annual mammograms. Gah.

    *waving to Cabana Boys to take away the soapbox*

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello all!
    Great information Lana - stinks when you think you are doing everything you should be doing and the medical field isn't necessarily working with you! Nice job on the weight - pretty sure it is a loss you recorded on there!
    Sara - wow, you have been very busy with tests and medical. I hope you get a breather for a bit.
    Jesse - good goal! Those kids will keep you young and tired (:
    Runa - hang in there. And don't ever forget depression is an illness - it is a "thing" Do NOT ignore it! Take care of yourself!
    Waves to Eryn, snowflake, Kathryn and all else who stop by.
    Cold rainy yucky here in WI. I will be headed your way to the pool Lana!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    I have always been told I have dense breast tissue. I have had 6 lumps and a lymph node removed over the years. Am blessed that none were malignant. I get the 3D mammogram. They say that one is better for dense tissue. I have to pay the difference that insurance wont cover. Insurance wont cover an ultrasound at all. That would run me about $600-700 out of pocket (and that is with a couple discounts)

    Acute chronic clinical depression is nothing to mess with. Some people may have a seasonal or situational depression that will eventually ease up but you should consult a professional to determine what you may have and how to treat it. I am on antidepressants and under a doctors care. It has made a huge difference in my life!