Serial Starters



  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member

    I'm baaaaaack! It has been a wonderful weekend. My Chapter worked hard, had fun, and enjoyed big success.

    We learned a lot, at least I did. My Sisters surprised me with the Co-worker of the Year award! Our Chapter won the Membership Campaign Contest. I won a one-of-a-kind tumbler and my boyfriend won a huge stuffed Ferdinand the Bull in an auction. He won $200 on pull tabs (a card game where you open cards to reveal images.) And I won the grand prize drawing of $1500. How's that for a great weekend!

    I did read most all the posts every day. @suzu_2 did you make it to Dyersburg or Union City? We have some really cute antique malls.

    Now to the downer. I gained 5 lbs. I was not careful with my portions. However, I am slightly dehydrated and retaining water, so I will not let this derail me. Today begins the second segment of my 90-day Switch with Push for Your Better. That means the Keto Kickstart is my menu for the next three days. Hope to drop the five lbs plus some.

    Have a great Monday, folks!

    SW 222
    CW 170.6
    GW 150 by June 1
    UGW 105
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Everyone be careful out there!!!!!


    244.4 today
    250.0 highest
    218.0 lofty June goal
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,346 Member
    oh heck I forgot, thank you for reminding me about April Fools day.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    My favoritest Grampa was born on April fools (:
    My fool today was a totally dead car. No clue - battery obviously, but BAM, no warning no nothing. Dead. So my day started out late. Hoping that is the worst of it today!
    And Sara - we could make fortunes if we could figure out an easy way to shut minds off at night. mine was 3 AM this morning. So frustrating. How come it does not listen when I tell it that we cannot solve this issue at 3 AM!
    April showers bring May flowers - I cannot wait to start seeing flowers!
    Make it a great one!
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    Morning all
    Thank you to all the wonderful gals giving tips and advise. I was hyattis this weekend and glad to get back on mfp today.
    I am starting new today, have planned my meals for the next 2 days. I will be heeding suggestions and let u know results.

    This is April fools day so I think I will stay off the scale today🤪

    I hope everyone has a productive Monday
    Thanks again,
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    edited April 2019
    Back again so soon,
    Suzu I just read your post. I am so in love with anything old with tons of character. Rusty chippy and neglected is my favorite. I would so love to have a booth with found treasures and repurpose. That sounds like a retirement dream.
    Bye again. Birdie
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    6759 steps.

    So I think I joined too many groups and took on too many challenges.

    I’m trying to do a couch to 5k with a race scheduled 6/1.
    I start a weight loss program 4/6 - for 6 weeks to lose 20 lbs.
    I joined a Pilates studio and have - 3 month contract plus 4 one-on-one sessions

    I joined a lose 1 lb a week group on mfp which I have to participate in multiple times a week.
    I joined a type 2 diabetes group on mfp which is not too much effort.
    I joined an accountability group on mfp which I have to participate in 4 times a week

    I am studying for various certifications and I have a kid very active in things which I have to volunteer in.

    I think I over did it but I don’t know how to dial it back

    I did (not as much) same, when I first joined MFP. I was in about 5 different groups, took lots of my time. Finally, I decided, I can't keep track of it all. So, I landed here. I'm glad I did. There's lots of negativity in other groups. I have enough of that in my own head. Hope you find one or 2 things that really work for you. Hugs
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,346 Member
    10215 total steps, slightly swollen ankles (from all the walking?)

    Glad for all the steps had quite a bit of sweets today.....

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,346 Member

    Good morning,

    Rained yesterday - weathermen are getting humiliated by Mother Nature this year.

    I do sleep will when I get 10k but my ankles do swell a little. Losing weight again would also help. Back on drinking water like a fish which has me awake middle of night, but again short term loss long term gain. Put kettle on had hot water bottle for eyes and it helped get me back to sleep as I hugged the hot water bottle.

    Lurking from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Morning all! Running crazy today. Wild week so far. Having a hard time getting steps in and watching the diet!!
    5 1/2 hour meeting yesterday and catered in lunch so we could work through. This was not diet food!
    Today we are doing a "best desserts" tasting round as a fund raiser for St Jude in honor or a co-workers little boy. I made my Mandarin Orange Cake last night and it is chilling in the fridge. going to try to stay out of the sweeties as much as possible today!!
    Nephew and family coming in town today and spending the night - They want to hit our favorite BBQ joint, so BBQ Cornish game hen for me. Heading out of town on a business trip tomorrow early, so will check in as I can.
    Lynn - I sure hope your day got better and today is a brighter one!
    Twiley - you will get that 5 off and I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. You have been working so hard! I did not make it up to U.City this trip, but I plan to the next time I make a hospital run. ...hmmmm I may need to find an excuse to do that soon!
    Birdie - as soon as I get this room finished I'm posting pics!
    All - Have a great and blessed day. Value this little MFP family!

  • lklimowicz
    lklimowicz Posts: 57 Member
    Morning all.
    Yesterday was light on steps as I was under the weather - 4644.

    I left one group yesterday ( accountability) and I passed one work certification, so Teensy Tiny weight off my shoulders.

    Looking forward to today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Hey there Ladies~~

    Dreary and raining in my part of North Carolina. Mood matches.
    Yesterday I had a tantrum in my own head, and I went off the deep ending while out on errands and went into a restaurant and ordered cr@p to drink and eat. I wish I could better control the erratic mood swings.

    Today's another chance to use my powers for Good not Evil.

    *sitting by the Beach Club fire pit with my decaf*

    Crabby Lana

    245.4 today
    250.0 highest
    218.0 lofty June goal
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,346 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hey Lana - did that cr@p come with fries? hehehehe
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Aw. Sara. The cr@p was in an allegedly Asian restaurant, but it was staffed by Latin folks, so it was a strange mix. The rice was not right. I do appreciate every food culture on the Earth, but here in Chapel Hill NC, was a disappointment that latin rice is used in place of the very important and beloved Sushi rice. Most peeps may not know that the word "sushi" means the rice, and a most particular.

    I do swear Miss Sarah, that sometime in the next couple of years, I would very much like to come and say hello to you and Miss Tillie on the Left coast--even up to the Sacramento area. Big hugs!!

    I'm sleepy all of a sudden.....

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    edited April 2019
    Have any of you watched the film "Cold War"? It's available on Amazon Prime. It is a "small" film. It is a "quiet" story. But Oy! (no pun intended) it is a difficult and educational reach out into our life and culture. And this is just me Lana, whose parents are from there, talking.

    It's not from total imagination. The story does follow reality, and it is based on the life of the parents of the director. I cannot imagine well enough living there, but I have tried many times.

    *glad to be by the Pool*
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,346 Member
    9699 total steps

    another day is done and crawling under a rock with Miss T may be the best I can do. Will knit and watch something I enjoy. Two possible ways of getting this stationary bike from two different people at work, so something will work out. more info as it happens. This ascot is going to get some exercise very soon.

    Wishing all a good night
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Morning! 4:30 rise today. On the road early. Praying for a successful implementation.
    Stay safe, and I hope everyone has a terrific day!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,346 Member

    Good morning,

    Suzu -safe trip and good luck with your "implementation".

    Stationary bike update - costco sells one at the moment. One coworker is looking into ordering it for me and a second coworker offered her pick up truck to pick it up if needed. So it seems it may only be a matter of time.

    Cafe today for their special, so packing lunch was a mere half thought. They now sell protein bars cheaper than CVS and has 20 grams of protein (more water more water more water - anyone else see a trend??)

    Drank a LOT of water yesterday and it also showed up on the scales in my favor, so that may just have to be a new habit.

    What is it about babies? Someone brings one to work and the planet stops for an hour??? Yes, I admit they are cute but please.... must we all go goo goo?

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking from work.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    Sara - I do not have a stationary bike, my daughter does. Bought a "cheap" version on Amazon. I tried it while she lived with me. Liked it. Thinking too about getting one for the winters. But the dog....she would never allow it. I would need to buy a treadmill for her as well (:
    60's in WI by the weekend woot woot!