Serial Starters



  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    So relieved, Lana, that all is ok and sunny in Chapel Hill!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    so good to hear that Chapel Hill is safe and sound!

    new medication must be working. pain lessened today. not that i could run a marathon or anything, but at least walking to the bathroom doesnt bring me to tears.

    also was able to keep calorie intake pretty close to budget! only over by a scant few rather by hundreds or thousands... now if i can keep it that way!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Thanks guys really appreciate the names and Skinny, no worries I hadn't even realised. Just thought there was a Regina in here 😂

    Lana that's great news that you're safe. Can imagine it was pretty awful waiting to see what would happen. We don't get hit with too much of that weather here thankfully.

    I've never done jury service though both my mum and my husband have. Over here it's a lot of sitting around waiting for something to happen. I hope yours is more interesting!

    Not really much news here today, I've stuck to my plan of gradually getting more active and today brings me exercise calories earned of over 2000 just from walking. I guess having this bulk around had to be good for something! I can't wait to get it gone though!

    Happy weekend all! Hope it's a good one 😊
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    nikki there is a Regina - she posted recently.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Found out definition of what my coworker called my Sup = fits her well, dont understand the term though.

    Have to call Monday after 5pm- none of the groups got excused. Just rolling my eyes.

    Announcement today was that another coworker under same Sup got a job and today was her last day.... We shall see if my change was posted after I left. My new Sup said we have an ergonomic eval on Tues - still not sure if I will be there and she helped me with finding the phone # I need to call if I get Jury Duty - my current Sup said she would take care of it, but better safe than sorry.

    In case I dont get back before lights out, wishing all a good night.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Morning all! So today is my pjs and cupcakes day as Sara posted above. Except not cupcakes because luckily for me I don't like cake. Instead when I shift my body from my bed it's going to be a light treadmill walk in said pjs to get me going, then the washing followed by another walk on the treadmill and then a trip up to see the horses.

    What does everyone else have planned for their Saturday?
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    I am feeling really frustrated! I have been hovering in between the same 3 pounds for a week and a half now. I’m constipated and uncomfortable. Today I have a bunch of running around to do, so I’m going to pick up a food scale while I’m out. Chickens need feed so do the dogs and cat. Maybe I’ll carry the 50 lbs bags the long way into the house to get my steps and some weight training!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    ama3387 wrote: »
    I am feeling really frustrated! I have been hovering in between the same 3 pounds for a week and a half now. I’m constipated and uncomfortable. Today I have a bunch of running around to do, so I’m going to pick up a food scale while I’m out. Chickens need feed so do the dogs and cat. Maybe I’ll carry the 50 lbs bags the long way into the house to get my steps and some weight training!

    Just a suggestion but have you tried eating fresh raspberries? They're great for helping me in that area! Might be worth a try?

    Hope you feel better soon, miserable being uncomfortable like that.
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    ama3387 wrote: »
    I am feeling really frustrated! I have been hovering in between the same 3 pounds for a week and a half now. I’m constipated and uncomfortable. Today I have a bunch of running around to do, so I’m going to pick up a food scale while I’m out. Chickens need feed so do the dogs and cat. Maybe I’ll carry the 50 lbs bags the long way into the house to get my steps and some weight training!

    Just a suggestion but have you tried eating fresh raspberries? They're great for helping me in that area! Might be worth a try?

    Hope you feel better soon, miserable being uncomfortable like that.

    I will have to give the raspberries a try! Thank you!
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Kathryn--glad to hear the pain is subsiding and congrats on keeping the calories down! I hope these are trends that continue for you!

    Nik--I'd rather have jury duty be a lot of sitting around (meaning, you are never chosen to serve on a trial) than be placed on a long trial and have it be interesting! My employer only pays for 10 days of jury duty! Congrats on getting that walking in! Keep that going! I hope to get a good amount of exercise today (and tomorrow), too!

    Sara--I have always wanted to do an ergonomic eval at work. I hope your jury duty doesn't mess with that!

    ama--I hate that feeling. I also find drinking a lot of water helps. By a lot I mean 30-60 ounces per day.

    As for me, well, I sheepishly admit that I joined WW yesterday just so I could buy a priority ticket to Oprah's 2020 VIsion tour when she comes to town in January. I'm such an Oprah fan girl. My plan is to attend a meeting today (I paid for it, why not) get all of the materials etc, buy my Oprah ticket when they go on sale Monday, then quit WW again after a month. I am doing the coaching for free through Omada and MFP for free so I don't think I need to pay for WW too. But, I'm going to go to the meeting today. My son has a baseball game later this morning and then we've got a church picnic tomorrow for which I need to prepare a dish. Other than that, meal prep, exercise, and a little bit of work.

    Wave to all who follow.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Went through State Jobs online I saved and tossed many of them - I have a couple I may have a running shot at as they involve insurance. I have I think 6 jobs so far I have a decent shot at, keep plugging away

    Quiet weekend with any luck. Knitting/napping, soccer on the tele, online series. About the gist of it.

    Skinny - I bet a lot of people will join WW for the ticket and then fade away..... It is a good program but if the $$ isnt there it is hard to keep in the budget.

    Its a little strange having people post before in the dark am, something I will gladly get used to. I mark the days (like today is SATURDAY) for two reasons, to remind me and keep me grounded and to help people scrolling back.

    Coworker works at the Burning Man festival in Nevada and she showed me pictures. Too old to go and it is too far away, but it is tempting. I am glad she got to go.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Sara--good for you for exploring your job options! Just keep chipping away at it. WW is a great program for weight loss but as a SERIAL STARTER I know I need something different/more. I've never been able to keep the weight off, even with WW. So maybe MFP+Omada+WW (short term) will make the difference! :)

    I admire anyone who goes to burning man. Sounds hot and crowded to me! :)

    I think Nik will be the earliest riser in the group--maybe she can also start her posts with the day of the week in all caps? In my case, it was a rarity that I beat you to posting. Just got up early for no reason!
  • fatoldladyonamission

    I think Nik will be the earliest riser in the group--maybe she can also start her posts with the day of the week in all caps? In my case, it was a rarity that I beat you to posting. Just got up early for no reason!

    I can do that, though I think I'm only early because you guys are on US time. I think about 6 hours behind us give or take. If I'm honest though I'm not an early riser 😂 I'm always last up in our house. I'll try to post before work though itll be short and sweet on Tuesdays as that's my only day in the office and I have to get there for 10am so it's a bit of a rush! I'm so not a morning person!

    Anyway, had to share, my scales this morning put me in another stones bracket if you know what I mean! So I'm over the moon! Can't remember what total loss is right now but I've done a little victory dance this morning as well as a treadmill workout!

    Skinny, I hope you get your Oprah tickets. I'll admit I'm not much for tv but even I've heard of her so im guessing she's pretty special out there!

    As an aside, does anyone mind if I friend request you? My newsfeed is very quiet as it seems most of the people I spoke to last year (like me) disappeared so it's a bit dull!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Ps Sara, what's the Burning Man festival please?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Runa, thank you for checking in!! We were wondering if you were okay - glad you have some stability and grounding. You are making yourself a priority which is wonderful.

    Niki - I dont do "friending" as I dont know what that means. I have 30 some strangers on this website who want to be my friend and if they dont read this board - they have no clue why I have not responded.......I hate doing links but best way to understand Burning Man is to look at it. ...... I know there are similar things in England perhaps not as big or as weird.

    So long as someone writes what day it is - I would lose time / day too quickly otherwise.

    Trips to garbage - need 5 feet of space for windows to be replaced some time not yet determined, so I am dejunking the easy stuff now.

    Cauliflower and carrots to roast for daily hummus snacks this week - assuming Jury Duty stays away.

    Despicable me on dvd from netflix and a nap - I tend to fall asleep in animated movies, but we shall see.


  • fatoldladyonamission
    Wow Sara that looks fabulous. I don't think we have anything quite the same here though! I think that may have to go on my bucket list of things I'm going to do before I'm 50! Thanks 😊
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    I ate terrible yesterday and I’m still seeing it in the scale today! Ugh