Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Calories in the red today - shock - too many bread/carbs. Wanted hot chocolate later, but may have to pass.

    Annie - sounds like your Thanksgiving was a success!! FB pictures are annoying as you cant control who posts what.... Glad you did not have a headache.

    Not dealing with black Friday anything. May go out tomorrow later in the morning, but it is also okay if I dont.

    Back to recliner with dog. Will take her on a walk before it gets dark.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog made sure I got up at her time. So nice to be able to sleep for longer lengths again. Back to sleep for both of us for awhile. Will not brave the sales, but need a couple things so will go out after 10.00

    Annie - I know you are doing the sales, so I wish you good deals and not too much hassle.

    Lana - Is Thanksgiving parade something you have to live in a certain area to witness/deal with or is the whole city messed up because of it?

    Dog is done, kettle is hot - honey/lemon and hot water bottle.

    Will be back later. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Friday - Hello to All~~

    Sara - I hope that you feel better and get to regroup this weekend where you can be indoors away from the air pollution. I understand that big time, living in Manhattan. Too much car exhaust and heating fumes outdoors here. And all of those people smoking cigarettes on the street. Blech!

    Annie - glad that your Thanksgiving with the relatives and cameras went well enough. Your snowman tree sounds so cute!

    Welcome to PackersFan~~

    Waving to Missy and Ammey and Sam and Dawn~~
    Welcome to anyone lurking. Pop in and say hello!

    ......and now to hit the checkbook and pay some bills. Feeling a tad better today, so there's The Do List.


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Friday morning

    Slept in. :) Cleaned myself up. Had an egg, toast, and coffee for breakfast. And then took the dog for a 2 mile walk. 32 degrees and no wind felt pretty good - except my cheeks and nose are a little red right now.

    DH put up the big tree last night and got the lights on it. Will work on the ornaments today. Will also put up the Nativity and garland/lights on the railing.

    Going to visit in-law's this afternoon since we didn't get to see them yesterday.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good afternoon,

    Went looking for Secret Santa present and a night/light . Target had container candles at BOGO so I got both as I cant smell very well.

    Hot tea and last of corn bread for snack. Over slightly on points, not as bad as yesterday.

    Feeling a little more human, and trying not to overdo. Still have 2 days and my list is shorter.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Did not curb the eating today. Will be better tomorrow. No desserts left in the house.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Paper got us up, dog is fed, tea kettle done and more sleep for me.

    Gem - Pecan pies are not easy, good for you!! I have never heard of a Ninja Coffee Bar, but it looks pretty sturdy. Was it part of a Black Friday deal ? Great to get something good at a better price.

    Regular day on tap for me. Struggling with food options, as it all seems so boring.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Slept in. (Do you see a pattern?) :)

    Thinking of doing some baking today. Massage early this afternoon. Family going to see "A Christmas Story - The Musical" tonight.

    Having lots of trouble getting back on track with food.

    Also need to finish decorating my tree today.


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Oh - look at those pies!!!! Wow! And nice coffee maker too!

    Quiet Saturday here. Did I tell you I bashed my little toe yesterday. Well, today it is many different colors. Hobbling along. Will attempt laundry later today with my neighbor James.

    Sara - it certainly is hard to find enticing things to eat and still stay OP. I veered way off just now with some pierogi sautéed in butter with onions and mushrooms. Must go enter the food now.


    Waves to all who follow.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited November 2016
    Lana - I got some turnips in my box this month -so with parsnips carrots and sweet potatoes I will roast them, add some cooked chicken and cheese and make 4 calzones - 3 for the week. I thought of you when looking at potatoes and bought yukon. Father says they make excellent mashed, so I will add cheese broccoli and a little sour cream and make a meal out of it (maybe).

    Cookies are not helping me today, but there it is.

    Gem - is your recipe for pecan pie a family tradition? I dont know many people who make them, hence my asking. Oh - does the Ninja make the iced coffees as well?? You can save a lot of $$ making those yourself. :)

    Adding butter to my grocery list tomorrow.

    I hate sewing knitted items. Knitting them is not a problem, sewing pieces together makes me cranky. Last object is a large off white stocking, I will put the last section on it tomorrow - I did not fill up the whole thing (not helping with the bad mood.....). I lost a yarn sewing needle and have not found it - I think it is in the side of my recliner, so long as nobody can be injured is all I care about.

    Setting up my kitchen window for xmas is my last "to do" - did well considering I could have spaced the whole weekend......

    Will start my tracking and then see about a nap. ;)

  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    Thank you to the welcome wishers. I didn't watch what I ate on Thanksgiving or Friday or today.
    Got a Simply Fit board since I can't do a whole lot for a while due to the c-section. So in addition to walking I'm going to try this out and see how this goes.
    Anyone else have an opinion on the Simply Fit board.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning.

    Packersfan - Dont know what a Simply Fit board is..... however other posters might.

    Up with dog. Kettle on for hot water bottle. To do list is short and it will be another day of sleep when I find it.

    Roasting Vegetables to make calzones for dinners (with chicken and a little cheese). Will have butter in house to make Yukon Gold Mashed potatoes.

    Kettle just finished. Hot water bottle for me to sleep another couple of hours.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Roasted vegetables and corn bread muffins are done.

    I was considering yelling out my window " I have butter in my house!!!" but decided my neighbors would not understand. Lana a little butter (not margarine) on oatmeal is heaven.

    Oatmeal for lunch, too lazy to think. Calzones for dinner will cook up chicken later.

    Kitchen window is set up for Christmas, not as many pieces in window as usual.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    I love butter. Enough said! Butter makes everything better. Sara - I did not think to put it on the oatmeal but will definitely do that tomorrow morning. Yum!

    Very tired here - got out and about and clocked almost 2 miles!!!!

    Everyone have a good evening; see you tomorrow~~

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Did not win the Powerball last night, so preparing for new work week. Diet was a bit better today. Stocked up on salad makings and veggies for snacks this week. I have my 1 year performance evaluation on Tuesday. A bit nervous about that. My current supervisor is not the person who hired me 1 year ago. I got this supervisor as part of a re-org in July. She is very hands-off. It's hard for me to imagine how she can evaluate me when she barely ever talks to me.

    Had some drama with 18 year old DS today. Somehow it didn't make me eat everything in sight. Still upset but dealing. Kind of ruined an otherwise nice weekend.

    Not sure if I will get on treadmill tonight. I really should but feel tired. Hoping to start addressing Christmas cards tonight. A hot bath will feel heavenly later.

    Tree is decorated. Bought new lighted garland for the railing and actually got it put up. Should have done more baking today but did not. I did find a sweater and corduroy pants for DS, age 6, for his Christmas program at church. It will also be a good sweater to bring to GA for Christmas Eve service at mom's church.

    Our best find today was an ugly ornament for my brother. Years ago, we started giving him ugly ornaments. So far, we had been unable to find a truly ugly ornament this year and we were getting a little worried. Our quick stop at Shopko today saved us! Someday I should make you a collage of all of the ugly ornaments. His wife really doesn't love these ornaments but she knows at this point she can't stop them! :)

  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    I love butter. Enough said! Butter makes everything better. Sara - I did not think to put it on the oatmeal but will definitely do that tomorrow morning. Yum!

    Very tired here - got out and about and clocked almost 2 miles!!!!

    Everyone have a good evening; see you tomorrow~~


    I've always gone with butter.
    It's ok in moderation.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Back to work :s .

    Up .4 this week, if you saw what I ate you would know how happy I am it is not worse.

    Oatmeal and then back to blankets for a little more sleep.

    Annie - sounds like you had a busy holiday. Your eval may go better than you think. Ornaments are not inexpensive and finding a hard one takes effort. Glad you found one.

    Will lurk from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Good morning Ladies!

    Annie - Good for you for stocking up on the veggies. That caught my eye and mind because I have a house full of food but NO fresh veggies and fruit yet. Must do. Must do. Must do.
    Also, the review will be what it will be. You show up and make the best of it. Have a few requisite appropriate things to say in case this person is a dishrag and has nothing to say and leaves more than half of it in your lap. Site some successes and some gently put areas for improvement. Some ideas for the future. I have no idea what your job is, but these things can be like an awkward blind date. Have some good things to say about colleagues too. Positive attitude.
    (and this coming from somebody who plugs in electrical things and pushes scenery around backstage! LOL!)

    Sara - You will chase away that .4 with a vengeance as you take on the world this week. Battle Stations!

    Waves to PFan and all who follow today.

    If you are lurking, pop in and say Hello!

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Well, I got to bed too late and woke up far too early. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight and this is not a signal of things to come for this week. It's a full week the way it is. I need some decent sleep.

    Lana - I am really not a salad-person but decided after the last week of horrendous eating and the fact that I'm still floating in the 150s and not making it down to the 140s, it's time to suck it up and really try to get the veggies in. So, I'm committing to eating a salad at lunch each day this week along with eating veggies for snacks.

    Also trying to tell myself that I will fight my way to the treadmill 5 out of 7 days this week. And so some arm/ab work, too. Hoping DD doesn't have too much homework!

    Received a nice email from my DH's cousin who we ran into at the theatre this weekend. She is 30 years old and a beautiful little thing. Anyway, she had emailed me to let me know how good she thought I looked and to tell me that I never age! (Which is crazy, because at 44 I am definitely seeing those fine lines on my face!) She wanted skin care tips or advice. I told her I really appreciated the compliments and that I think it's just good genes, as far as not aging goes. I don't really treat my skin very well (bad about washing makeup off at night) and I simply use Oil of Olay cleansers and moisturizers. Foundation and concealer are BareMinerals and Younique. So, nothing special. I always thought my grandma and my mom aged very slowly during a particular stage of life and it looks like I'm maybe blessed with their genes.

    Sara - you are doing great. That .4 will be gone in no time!

    Lana - how are you feeling?

    Greetings to all who follow. Will CBL!

  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 250 Member
    Good morning all. It's Monday again. Although I'm still not working I have to set an alarm to get the kiddies off to school. Lol. I failed miserably this morning. Oh well it happens.
    As far as walking and watching what I ate this weekend. I failed at that too. Had a lot going on. I know, I know. Excuses, excuses. They are not going to help the scale move.