Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Good morning everybody.

    I tried to post and check in yesterday, but somehow made mistake using the phone, and it never got here.

    Here we go with another week. The weight will not come down in the right direction. Granted I'm not eating the best, but it's been difficult.

    *tossing beach bag onto lounge chair for later*

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    day is improving, car still in my name got coworker did online change of liability and it supposedly went through and I gave her the form to get proof of insurance taken care of.

    Thinking of how to reward myself tonight.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Good evening,

    Weight up again, realized I no longer eat the 'buffet' life -- I want it I eat it and a second helping is even better. So the scale is not cooperating. At least I am holding my own against the food monsters better than I used to.

    Baked potato, hot shower and hot chocolate for dessert. See a pattern? Warmth is my focus.

    Got calendars in mail, now waiting for book. Not in a hurry.

    Wave to all tonight - Lana will be by to sit next to you in the lounge chair (warm towels requested). We shall have to put an ad in the New York Times to recruit more cboys.....

    Ding ding, there is dinner. Wishing all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member

    Good morning.

    Hot chocolate at the end of the day is a wonderful thing!!

    Asked for the 3rd and last time for a gift exchange address - I even told her what I made her - and if I do not get an answer I am not bothering......

    Oatmeal on stove. Dog is taken care of.

    Remember the lady I gifted her my car? I finally yesterday went online and have me sign over the car to her because she did not do what she promised she would. She tells me "oh, I dont even use it". Then magic fairies drove it to work because I have seen it twice. I will see if I can resend the form online again - or call in a couple of weeks to confirm because I do not trust this one. Really hate to be taken advantage of and I have felt the fool. If she has the nerve to ask for more knitting, I will tell her I am not knitting until my hand feels better.....

    Best thing about this last paragraph is that I have not run at food the way I used to.

    Wave to all who follow - I know you are out there. Hang in there and hold on.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Sorry I have been MIA the last couple of days. Life just got really busy!

    Date with DH and concert on Saturday were wonderful. I felt pretty in my royal blue dress (even with the Spanx on) and I DID wear the earrings. I only got choked up once during the concert. My son looked so handsome in his tux. Great way to really kick off the holiday season!

    Sunday was church, a nap, and some baking. I have now made a batch each of Andes mint cookies, peanut blossoms, and Nutter Butter Santas. Still need to finish a batch of Hot Cocoa Cookie Cups. Planning to make Christmas Mice yet and probably sugar cookies. Started trying to rein-in the eating on Sunday but didn't do so well.

    Monday was better for eating, albeit too carby. But calories were good. I also made it to the treadmill last night for a 2 mile walk! Told myself I need to pick up the pace next time. I'm not working myself hard enough - even though walking at a slower pace is better than sitting on the couch. Have not checked the scale. Will probably wait until Thursday or Friday. Concentrating on limiting sweets and getting in at least 2 bottles of water each day. I really hope to get on the treadmill again tonight. It's getting colder here and I find myself very chilly at night. Walking helps warm me up!

    Kids are back to school today after a 3 day weekend. Bracing myself for the homework tonight.

    Grandpa is doing well and went home from the hospital yesterday. It ended up being issues with his BP medication and he did not need a pacemaker. :)

    Sara - way to celebrate your NSV of not running at food.

    Hoping to pick up a few more stocking stuffers tonight so we can get them packed up and mailed to my mom's house. Still need a couple of things for the 6 year old and the 18 year old. I have a few ideas. I think all 3 kids are going to get underwear and socks from Santa, no matter what. :)

    Better get some work done. More soon!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good morning everyone~~

    You wrote: "Remember the lady I gifted her my car? I finally yesterday went online and have me sign over the car to her because she did not do what she promised she would. She tells me "oh, I dont even use it". Then magic fairies drove it to work because I have seen it twice. I will see if I can resend the form online again - or call in a couple of weeks to confirm because I do not trust this one. Really hate to be taken advantage of and I have felt the fool. If she has the nerve to ask for more knitting, I will tell her I am not knitting until my hand feels better.....

    Best thing about this last paragraph is that I have not run at food the way I used to."

    I feel bad for you that this turned out the way it did. Congratulations though on not running to the food. Some people simply do not have their act together, and when they do not behave in a decent way, it is very difficult for us. The next many times you encounter or think of this woman (do you work with her?) just smile, send some thoughts of metta her way, and move on.

    I saw your post first and wrote this. Time to look back a bit to see who else has been around.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Tuesday continued....

    Well I need to get my ducks in a row. I won't bore you with what I have been doing. I do need to eat my healthy foods ONLY, get enough protein each day, and at least journal with an aim to track as well. DH has been instructed to no longer bring Ben and Jerry's into the house for me thinking he is doing something nice for me. :open_mouth:

    Today's weight 226.2
    Goal is 175; All time high was 245.6
    Lowest weight reached with this group: 208.6 --I'm up 18 pounds!

    Time for oatmeal......

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    missy, I had the lady stand in my cubicle and we filled out the online form for notice of transfer of liability. I did not get an error message when I hit "enter" and will call back in 2 weeks just to make sure.......

    Annie - reading your cookie list made me remember when I made cookies as presents. I gave a coworker (who just gave 2 week notice so I am glad I gave when I did) a Christmas cookie cookbook. Pictures?? Glad your Grandfather is doing better BP meds are scary things, which is why I will have to have long chat with my pcp about going back on them.

    Ben and Jerry's are dangerous items.

    Another coworker does photography on the side and I would like a Christmas picture of Miss Tillie, we shall see.

    BBL at work.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member

    Good morning,

    My coconut cookies are gone. Gobbled up and not tracked last night. No longer in house and will not replace anytime soon.

    Knitted last item for person at work. Too tired at end of day and too close to Christmas. I would like to find one last thing for Secret Santa, but if I dont, that is okay too.

    Quiet night last night, I hope Lana you are doing well. Do you have biweekly sessions again?

    Oatmeal is almost ready. Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    We've made it to the middle of the week. Whew! Have not been as "good" as I wanted regarding food. Too many Junior Mints! And Skinny Pop! Didn't make it to the treadmill last night. Too much homework with DD. It shouldn't have taken as long as it did, but she was in a "mood" and dragged her feet. I ended my night by trying to bake a test batch of Grinch cookies. This is a new recipe for me. So far, so good but the batch didn't make as many as the recipe indicated.

    Speaking of cookies, I'm including a picture of the Hot Cocoa Cookie Cups I mentioned yesterday. (This is not a picture of mine since they are not done yet - I still need to attach the handles. This is a pic from the website where I got the recipe.)

    Leaving work early today to take DD to the orthodontist. Then she has tae kwon do and we both have activities at church tonight. Wednesday always feels busy. I told DH I'm getting to bed earlier tonight. It's been 11:30 the last couple of nights and then up at 5:30.

    Much colder here today. I think the guy on the radio said the wind chill is -5 degrees. Brrr!

    Need to get DD's school pictures ordered as part of the Christmas gifts for grandparents. I got hers on CD this year with a release to have them printed anywhere we like. Also really need to start addressing envelopes for Christmas cards!

    Have a good day, everyone! mtq133civx1d.jpg

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Oh my Annie~~

    How in the world do you survive this time of year with your doing so much baking? I would eat half of what came out of that oven. You can tell my my curly tail that I am definitely a little piggy! :pensive: Those cupcakes are gorgeous - and I am a sucker for cupcakes.
    When it is -5 degrees out, baking seems the sensible thing to do.

    Waving to Sara and Dawn and Missy and Ammey and Sam and anyone else who is stopping by or lurking.

    Breakfast was yogurt, and lunch was a ham/cheese omelette. So far so good.

    Today's weight: 225.6, down a little :smile:

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member
    edited December 2016
    I wanted to post what I want for Christmas - understanding that it is just a dream, and I know better, but he looks so cute!


    Bernese Mountain Dog puppy!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Lana - he will grow into those paws!! Better get a big enough place so when your dream comes true you have somewhere to sleep as well!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Sara, in reality my dream is to have two shih tzus. That's what I can realistically manage.

    I DO love the fluffy furry big dogs though. There is a lady in my neighborhood who has a Newfie and a Bernese, and she walks them 4 times per day. They are the delight of the neighborhood. I bet her food bill is pretty big!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Good evening,

    Enough total calories for hot chocolate, over on sugar, but that is not a big surprise. Department has Holiday Lunch and it is Olive Garden Pasta, so I will make my best choices and not worry.

    Find me in lounge chair next to Lana - sunny and no cares!! What a great deal.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Good evening,

    Enough total calories for hot chocolate, over on sugar, but that is not a big surprise. Department has Holiday Lunch and it is Olive Garden Pasta, so I will make my best choices and not worry.

    Find me in lounge chair next to Lana - sunny and no cares!! What a great deal.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hey all! Just stopping by for a quick visit. Phone issues kept me away. Well, that's only part of it. Lil of this and that. But, I'm hoping to get myself back on track. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Be back soon!
    Hugs to all!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wednesday night

    Feeling really discouraged tonight. Just having a lot of trouble staying on track with my eating habits and getting in exercise. There are now 3 different food events planned at work at the end of next week. I NEED to keep myself on track the rest of the time with NO EXCUSES. I do not want to have to buy bigger clothes!

    Was reading a thread on another board where many people were insisting that counting calories is the biggest thing. I must get back to faithfully tracking. It is best if I log it before I even eat it.

    ...Stepping off my soap box now...thank you for letting me vent...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Good morning,

    Annie - I track the good the bad and the ugly (98% of the time). Make your best choices and move forwards. Any attempt to better health is better than nothing. Dont try to be perfect everyday.

    Dawn!! Glad to see you - Hang in there.

    Thinking Tamales for Christmas. There is a new Hispanic store in town.....

    Oatmeal ready and brain is living on fumes. BBL.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Thursday morning - time for oatmeal.

    Waving to Dawn! - Good to see you!

    Annie, do the best that you can. Bring food to the food events if you must do that, but just because there's a big buffet doesn't mean you have to eat everything. Try to be your best friend when choosing. I know it's hard. Eat something beforehand! Some salad? Some protein? so you aren't famished? Plan daily exercise to offset?

    Sara - Tamales - good idea!

    Time to scoot.......BBL


    Waves to all who stop by today~~~