

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Hello all, I am behind in getting on here as I sit with a puppy on my lap...LOL I feel as if I am in charge of a new born. I swear just about the time I think I am getting my gets changed. I have been listening to a bunch of things with my Mary Kay and it has challenged me on several sides. Before I had given my heart back to Christ, one of my favorite sayings was S*** happens. I had a key chain with that on we are talking at least 28 years ago and up until this past year I had that thing in a drawer. Why am I telling you all this? Because yesterday I heard something that stuck...SHIFT Happens!!! We are all in the shift mode, which way are you shifting? Life never seems to be ho hum...same today as yesterday, so SHIFT has to happen. LOL

    @trooworld LOL I saw your picture of WW dashboard and said to myself oh, she put herself under a secret identity so that no one would know who she is...LOL I think your name is trooworld..blond moment. :) I think you are turning your ship around and getting to the place where the wind will glide your sails.

    @theslightedgeforever Trooworld is right, you are always so full of great ideas. I am expecting you to take your own advice and turn your ship like the beach right? Then sail towards it.

    Okay got a run
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @cbabie - Glad you ares tarting to fell better

    @trooworld - mmm.. No more convenience food for you girlfriend

    @theslightedgeforever - I support various corporate applications and we use Kanban to talk to our Corporate customers as to where their enhancement, break tickets are at. I ate well all day - used my list for the past 2 days, so it means I have gone up and down 2 4 flights of stairs and moved away from y desk at lunchtime.

    Got to run and tidy up before the cleaner comes (mm that does sound strange)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @cbabie SHIFT does happen and it's happening to me: a shift in mindset. I'm shifting to focus a little more on me now. You are funny...yes, I do have a name not Trooworld lol. It is my secret identity though (although on WW I'm a different secret identity).

    @TrishasTime nope, that ship has sailed!

    Hi all. It has been sooooo cold here lately, in the mornings it has been around 45F which is cooooold for Southern California! I know, some of you don't think that is that cold, but for me that is freezing. It hasn't gotten much warmer, it is supposed to get into the 50s today. I need some soup or something but I don't have it, I have a chicken burrito for lunch (homemade). This will be the 2nd day of tracking. I lost 0.4 lbs this week, which is nothing short of a miracle considering I did not track but one day last week. This week, I will honor myself by tracking and eating healthy again. I have no choice: payday isn't until next Friday and I'm broke lol. Have a good day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    I am feeling better today, but still have the tickle in my throat. I got hot while singing, had to take my jacket off so I wouldn't start coughing...LOL I have not tracked at all, I am just in the lets eat no carbs/sugar mode for 4 days. I have to start down this journey as I really don't want health issues. I could go down the gluten free path, but not sure that's really what I need. I just know I don't need sugar. Right now I am craving my PB, but trying to not eat it one more day. I want control in my health.

    @trooworld I had to laugh, I could see Wonder Woman in my head with your secret identity. Yes I am in AZ and we are having the same weather. I hate COLD.. but I am grateful for no snow. :) Congrats on the loss, Great job.

    @TrishasTime Thank you! great job on using your list and walking the steps!!!

    Hope to see the others soon on here today.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @cbabie start by tracking one meal. Can you track your breakfast? lol I love WW! Yes, I hate cold too. I hope it warms up soon. Thanks, yes I am very pleased the scale went down instead of up.

    To the others: Hello hello come out come out wherever you are!!!

    Hi all! I let my husband make the flatbread pizzas last night and that was a mistake: they came out to be 22 points for 1/2 a flatbread pizza (2 slices) which is NOT much pizza. It's because of how much cheese he put on them (14 pts worth). The next time, I'm going to put the hammer down and tell him how much cheese I want on mine or I'll make them myself. I shouldn't have let him do it without instructions. I only get 24 points per day, so that is almost a day's worth of points in one meal! Have a good day everyone.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Happy Friday! I didn't do great last night, I gave in to the ice cream and pb....emotional eating. However, when I got up and took my shower, I stepped on the scale and I am down 2 lbs, so that tells me that my eating plan is working. That gave me the incentive to not give up and say why bother I can't do this.

    @trooworld LOL I laughed, that's how I feel about my DH...I have to give EXACT directions..Did I ever tell you the meatloaf story? I hope you have a good day and yes we need our other friends back.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - If I let my husband prep dinner, he will cook steaks with the fat still on which is okay for him but not me. I have ended prepping / cooking most of the food as then I know what is it. I think I have made a rod for myself.

    @cbabie - I am glad you are feeling better and on track

    Today is Saturday, a nice 30 degree celsius and we are taking the dogs sheep herding. The have tea and cream biscuits up there, so I need to be mindful. I recorded the same this week which is a blessing as I worked 3 x 10 hour days.

    Catch you all later
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @cbabie Congrats on losing 2 lbs, that is awesome! You CAN do this! I've always believed in you. No, you have not told me the meatloaf tell! I would love to hear it.

    @TrishasTime lol...yeah, my husband puts flavor before calories most times. He is on his own health journey, but for him, working out takes priority over eating healthy. :( Congrats on maintaining! I hope you have fun sheep herding with the dogs.

    Hi all! Well, like cbabie, I did a little emotional eating member took a turn for the worse and is not out of the hole. :( I didn't get into too much, but enough to feel guilty. I was at work, it was there, I was emotionally raw = it got eaten. It's over, I'm moving on. I wanted to share with you a list of ways to sneak exercise in, it's pretty good:
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Just wanted to let you all know I’m here but busy. I need to reorder my priorities. Oh just realized I left my Fitbit on the charger. I hate when I do that.

    Ok. Be back tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @gemwolf110 I hope the diet works. Your poor pup! Good luck with the house hunt.

    Hi all. I hope you lurkers are doing well, and those that aren't here are okay. I'm stressed but I'll be fine. I've got a busy day ahead of me. Back and forth to the hospital and errands. See you.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning eveyone
    @cbabie - Congrats on your loss
    @gemwolf110 - So sorry to hear about your puppy - good luckinhouse hunting
    @trooworld - How is everything now woth the family member? Has those inspections happened yet?

    Got to run -late to work

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TrishasTime getting better a litte at a time, thanks for asking. The inspections are over. Now we wait to see what happens.

    Hello all. Not much to report here. I'll catch up more tomorrow when hopefully there will be something. Hope everything is well with you.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all! I have been busy, my weekends are always crazy busy. I am getting back to normal, yea. I talked to my sister about carbs and how I felt eating them. So I am going to try to track everything and see where I feel the best..and stick to that. Exception we have a 3 day fast with my church next week, so between then and now..LOL

    @trooworld the meatloaf story...why I don't let my husband cook without very detailed instructions!~
    I made meatloaf put in the fridge with saran wrap over it, told my husband to cook at 350 a before I get home..well while eating the meal..I asked why the meatloaf was "chewy" dawned on my..."DH did you take the saran wrap off before putting in the oven?" Hence details details... glad your inspections over..
    @TrishasTime Morning..hope your day went well at work
    @theslightedgeforever hope your doing well

    @gemwolf110 so sorry to hear about your dog...hope the diet works...good luck with house hunting!!! so exciting.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Trooworld. How is your bil? Prayers sent. All of us need to concentrate on our health journey so our loved ones are not visiting and worrying about us.

    Trishastime. What good things did you accomplish today regarding food and exercise?

    Gemwolf. Ouch on your dog. Dogs nowadays seem to have more human health problems than when I was a kid or is that just me thinking that. Are stones common for that breed of dog

    Cbabie just keep trying and you will find the right plan for you

    I took my mil to the doc the other day. We got to take her off cholesterol meds and reduce her diuretic by half. Her A1c for diabetes is coming down Always nice to hear someone’s health is getting better
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @cbabie hahaha! That is hilarious! I can see why you give detailed instructions now. ;)

    @gemwolf110 yay for Kiara! I'm glad you are waiting for what checks all the boxes.

    @theslightedgeforever he is getting better day-by-day. Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts, they are appreciated. Yes, that is true. Good point! That is good news about your MIL.

    Hi all. I'm working the early shift all this week (6:30-3:30) so, forgive me if I'm not too talkative. It means I'm up at 4:20am and don't have much time. This will allow me to get to the hospital to visit without taking vacation time. Last night I had a healthy meal, I'm glad to say. I hope everyone is doing well.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning: I got in late last night and had taken yogurt pretzels to a meeting and 2/3's came back with me. I have to tell you I ate too many on the way home. I was tired and crunching kept me awake..UGH. Oh well the good news is bagels didn't sound good to me today, only a protein shake did.

    @trooworld Yep that's why we keep him out of the kitchen. My 16 yr old grandson is a better help in the kitchen. LOL I liked the early shift...I am a morning person, so it was good for me.

    @theslightedgeforever Such good news for your MIL...I am sure you DH is glad.. we have seen so many heart breaking things among our elderly, I don't want to be one of them.

    I am reading a book called the Miracle Morning, have any one of you read this? Check out this link...

    It's long, I am sorry and you don't have to listen to the whole thing, but me being a morning person, this was good.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Hectic time at work and after working 10 hours there is not much I want to be doing except watch tv and go to bed. Came home at the normal time last night, hence healthy dinner prepared, towels washed, this morning sheets washed and here I am with my healthy breakfast.

    @trooworld - I get up every day at 4.45am to start work at 7am, so I know how you feel

    @cbabie - my goodness - your church seem to have a lot of fasts or is it a special time of the calendar for you?

    @theslightedgeforever - Good news about your MIL - thanks for checking in on me

    @gemwolf110 _ hope your puppy does not have to have surgery

    Catch you all

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited February 2018
    Trooworld hooray on your healthy meal. Try to find some relaxing moments during the day.

    Gemwolf great job on tracking your food.

    Cbabie. I’m not a morning person but I do better overall if I pretend I am. No haven’t read the miracle moment. I am reading a book about movement. It was saying how your brain changes with movement You could go to the gym each day but if you are sitting the rest of it, you could die early from disease. He then talked about looking for OTM. Opportunity to move Saying break this down into micro mini and macro. Micro being a stretch every time you look at email. Mini being like 5 min of hip stretches or 5 push-ups and then macro as your regular exercise session. So I’m adding in some of that

    Trishastime. I hope you enjoyed some rest and ready to get out there and fight the good fight. I just had a thought I’d like this journey to be easy not a fight. I need to look at it differently. Change my perception
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @cbabie yogurt pretzels, yum! I'd have a hard time stopping with those too. That's good you had the protein shake. I'm a morning person too, I like it, I get more done when people aren't around. RE: the Miracle Morning...I have heard of it, I haven't checked out the link yet though so I will check it out later thanks.

    @TrishasTime that's how my weekdays are since I have a 2-3 hour commute each day. (Not each way--- total both ways!)

    @theslightedgeforever my relaxing times are on the way to work listening to music or podcasts, and when I get home making dinner. Pretending you are a morning person is half the battle. ;)

    Hi all. I tracked for the first time yesterday in a long time. I know how important it is to track, I don't know why I am so resistant to it when things aren't going well. It wasn't pretty. It is so cold here right now, probably 45F (cold is a relative term, remember ;)), and it feels like it is about 55 in our house. DH won't let me turn the heat on because the wall heaters in the apartment are located right by our tvs. Oh well, I guess I'll just be cold. I hope you all have a great day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    morning: yesterday was not my friend...I have had one of the most emotional days in along time and just kept I have just started again...trying to keep myself from emotions today.

    @trooworld It's cold here too..I won't let DH turn the heat on..this will be the first year we have not. But still no job, so just keeping warm clothes on.
    @theslightedgeforever Interesting about movement. I do think we should be moving and not I sit here with a puppy on my lap typing..LOL
    @TrishasTime This year I think Pastor is incorporating more fast. Usually churches do a 21 day fast in the month of January, but this year I think it will be mini fast. I do love to come home and sit and veg after crazy days...

    Okay everyone enjoy your Day and one more step towards health.
