

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @Jimb376mfp wow, you are soooo close, you'll make it to goal soon! What a journey you've had! I hope I have learned your lesson. This is the 3rd time I've been on WW. I love your attitude! :D

    @cmedwards52 I'm so sorry Carol, no experience here. I wish you the best of luck. ((( HUGS )))

    @TrishasTime miss you! Wish you well.

    @cbabie puppies are like carrying around an uncooked egg. lol Yes, sugar is not your friend! Nor carbs. The other night at 2am after dropping my MIL off at the hospital, I stopped at fast food and got crap and ate it. I regretted it but it felt truly like an addiction when I was eating it. Thanks for your support!

    Hi all. Boy am I tired. I am up at 4:20 am this morning to get to work by 6:15. I'm very drained but gotta keep going. I did not track everything yesterday but went back and tracked and even though the things I ate were technically healthy, they put me very close to being negative for the week (already, my week just started over on Thursday). I will have no splurge meals this week. My splurges this week were fat free fig neutons, almonds and yogurt. :( Have a great day, everyone, make it count!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    @theslightedgeforever I am so sorry for your SIL, I can only imagine...keep healthy please.

    @trooworld I know you can do this. You know this is not a forever time in your life with you family. So hang in there.

    @cmedwards52 One thing I thought about was lavender Essential Oil, I use Young Living...lavender is soothing to the skin, but you might have tried this, I am not sure.. I just remembered that it is calming/soothing. You know, like what it does when you spray it on your sheets for relaxing.. :) If you do try lavender I would dilute it with a carrier oil if you have never put it on your skin before.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone and hello to everyone I Have yet to meet.

    Just a quickie this morning, cause in the middle of everything else, it is my Grand daughters (who lives with me) year 12 ball today, so today must centre about her.

    @theslightedgeforever -I am glad you SIL feels that she can see a haven with you guys.

    @cbabie - how is the puppie sitting going and how much longer

    @trooworld - Hope everything is is ok with MIL and that you can get some rest

    @cmedwards52 - Sorry I can not help you about Rosea

    @Jim376mfp - Congrats on another pound and happy belated birthday

    Hi to @gemwolf110, @klkelley, @ care971 and @patceoh - will drop back again soon

  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Thanks! :wink:
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I must have missed your post, I'm sorry about your sister-in-law's hard time. I hope your visit with her puts her in a better situation.

    @cbabie thank you. I'm doing the best I can day by day, every day my best is different.

    @TrishasTime thanks, it's actually my BIL that is having the health problems. I'm resting a bit today. I hope all goes well with GD's ball.

    Hi all. I'm stressed beyond belief. If it isn't family health emergency, it's the apartment complex managers coming out to do not one but two property inspections within 4 days (they are inspecting every apartment like this)...every time they come, either my husband or I have to be here to handle the dog because he does not like strangers, so we have to scramble to make arrangements. I have no sick or vacation time left, so it's unpaid time off. :( I'm burning candles at both ends trying to make it through this stress. I arranged to bring the dog to the vet's on Tuesday for the inspection, but I can't take him until 9. That means I won't get to work until about 9:45 or 10. I can't really make up the time, I've gotta be at the hospital, so it's just a hit to my paycheck. I hope you all are doing better than me.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    Trooworld. Hang in there. How is your bil? All you have to do is stick with the program For TODAY. Then repeat tomorrow.

    cbabie. I’m glad to be of service to my sil but it’s emotionally draining for me.

    Trishastime So how was the ball? I’m thinking it is like our prom. Did you stay on plan today

    Jimb376mfp. Happy Belated Birthday and hooray for another lb. You are our North Star

    gemwolf I’m like you I don’t like inspections. Although I guess who does. What did you do for exercise. I’ve been lax the last four days and need to return to my regularly scheduled program. I hate when my routine gets thrown off. There’s been a lot of that lately

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    Gemwolf. I saved your protein bites to Pinterest. I’ll try it one of these days. Great job on your Fitbit goals the other day. You reminded me to go charge mine. I have two children in biological sciences field so I understand the burnout factor

    @patceoh. Welcome to the group. I’m from IL

    @klkelley welcome to the group. We will all lose together.

    Cbabie. Are there any days where you aren’t running short of time. lol cartoon minds are fun. Read my message to Jim below. There’s still time for you to experience “gray” ;)

    jimb376mfp. Nice to know an old dog can learn new tricks.

    cmedwards. I have no experience with rosacea so I’m no help. Sorry.

    Trishastime. I hear you on the stuff happening times. I’m ready for just dull boring days for awhile.

    Okay officially caught up. I feel better. I have a hard time with my health routine when my daily routine gets out of sync. That’s one lesson I need to learn.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @gemwolf110 thanks, just this once they are doing 2 inspections: the other day they had an appraiser come out (they are supposedly doing improvements on the building...which in itself is bad news for us because that means they will either raise the rent or kick us out to renovate), on Tuesday it is the owner and the property manager coming out to make sure everyone is taking care of their apartments and also to make sure there are no safety issues. Yeah, we are trying to get in a better financial situation as soon as possible so we can buy a condo. Thanks! I love Pinterest too, I have a Vision board I made on Pinterest, it is a "secret" board (nobody but me can see it). I have it saved as my home page on Chrome so everytime I open up a window, it opens up to my Vision board.

    @theslightedgeforever BIL is getting better day by day, thanks for asking.

    Hi all. Hanging in there, hope you all are too. It's nice weather today, just got back from walking the dog with the husband. Husband has had a "cold" since last Sunday and it's not getting better but he refuses to go to the doctor. I am trying to talk him into at least seeing a Teladoc. We'll see. We don't need another health crisis!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I am back with a weight gain - but today is a new day. The ball went fantastic GD really enjoyed herself. She has just texted me to say that she has an invite to another school from a friend.

    @trooworld - Your home is where you are supposed to be able to feel safe from the worlds challenges and it seems you cannot get relief even there. Hope your BIL is doing better

    @theslightedgeforever - totally off my plan this week - gain followed but now I am determined to get back on.

    @cbabie - Hope you are doing okay? What is going on in your world?

    @gemwolf110 - I have a few boards on pin interest - unfortunately I am not really active on it

    Here is a picture of GD getting into the limo

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited February 2018
    Gemwolf. Sounds like you have a nice mix of workout options. I have to do something. My current plan isn’t working. So I need to revisit what I was doing July-September when I lost about 15 lbs. yes Pinterest can suck you in

    Trooworld. Vision board I have one on my nightstand leaning up against my wall but haven’t really paid attention to it the last few months. It’s interactive (well only if I choose to interact with it). Time to get back to that too. I had my computer set to open on my Trello board which was working and my computer doesn’t work now. I need to change my opening page on my phone Having my goals right there in front of me helps so much.

    Trishastime. I love GD’s dress. I think they call that balayage or something like that. So what contributed to your gain and how will you change it this week? For me and my gain, sister in law came and she seems to need constant attention. I did not put myself first. I didn’t exercise the four days she was here. So this needs to go onto my Trello board. So next time she comes I can be ready. Actually last time she came I continued with my eating plan and exercise program and lost weight. The difference was this time I was coming out of a slump and last time I was in the middle of a good place. So the question is how to stay out of the slumps? I just use Pinterest mainly for recipes I want to try or revisit and for outfits I like Sometimes I will use it for motivation for my health journey.

    WW meeting highlights

    I gained 2.5 this week
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    @theslightedgeforever - Thanks for asking. Like you not putting myself first - Issues with last minute things going wrong for the ball and if I am honest -eating the misery I felt from work issues

    Today, I am pleased to say that I am on board, took puppies for a walk, using a new receipe "Chicken Primavera", made my lunch for tomorrow and put a check list in place, that I can mark of doing things that are required to put myself first. (like take gdgos for a walk, walk up and down one flight of stairs, get away from my desk at lunchtime, taked eep breaths rather than eat when under pressure

    What is a trello board?? Is it like lessons learnt type of thing?

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @TrishasTime today IS a new day, I hope your day goes well. Your GD looks like a movie star getting into that limo! Beautiful. Yes, you are right, we should feel safe and secure but we do not. My BIL is doing better thank you. Still in the hospital and will be for a little while yet. Trello is a way of organizing information, a little bit like a virtual bulletin board.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for the reminder about Trello. As you might remember, I have Trello boards too. Thanks for the highlights.

    Hi all. Well there is something good coming out of these inspections, I cleaned off my computer desk no more junk lol. The apartment is getting more organized and cleaner than it has been since we moved in. I hope you are all well. I'm not doing too good eating wise, my priorities are elsewhere.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, I have been sick since Friday. I got a sore throat, but had to keep up with plans already made and when I was at home...just wanted to sleep ( and eat ice cream) So healthy food plan went out the window.

    @trooworld I am so sorry for all the stress in your's really awful that sometimes we have all the stress we do. That's when I either eat or sleep...depending..LOL I hope you get relief soon.

    @TrishasTime I love your GD's beautiful and so is she. love her braids. Glad to hear you are on the up side.

    @gemwolf110 LOL I don't think I could do the rock climbing.

    @theslightedgeforever I know you will figure out a's what you do.

    Okay I gotta run

  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    cbabie wrote: »

    There are a group of us that have been on the WW site for years and we are starting over here. We are hoping to keep our group and add to our group with more interaction here. Some of us do WW tracking, some do MFP, some just do on their own. The most important thing is accountability and encouragement. We strive to encourage, as we all have our own things we are working on to improve. However, it all comes down to HEALTH. We can't take back the years of abuse, but our bodies are amazing and heal themselves when given the opportunity. We will post on this THREAD every day, we will not start a new one. So bookmark this thread and come visit us everyday.

    @canuckEMS Bumped this for you
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited February 2018
    Trishastime. It looks like you have made small proactive plans to help you move forward in this journey. That’s what we need. not the big jumps but the small consistent daily steps will get us there. Here’s a short video on Trello. I have a vision board on there daily meal planning board daily workflow board where I’m working on my habits. It can be whatever you want it to be.

    Trooworld. My DH always said my house is cleaner when company is coming. Lol.
    So did you stay within your points today?

    Cbabie no wonder you are not losing weight if you just eat or sleep when you are stressed. You are always stressed. :)
    Planning is not my problem. It’s following the plan that I seem to not be consistent. I’m still working on those habits Sorry to hear you have been sick.

    Jimb376mfp. Waving at you. You make me believe all things are possible

    So I put a screenshot from my Trello board as my phone wallpaper. So I look at it all the time. I need reminders.

    Then I just looked over the year and saw I was really doing well July-October before it all went downhill or I should say uphill really. I looked at the weekly nutrition stats and you can see a pattern of my averages between 1300-1500 and then it moved up to 1600 then 1700 then I didn’t track everyday and here we are. So the beginning of my slump was the 1600 range. I need to learn to recognize the signs so it doesn’t happen again. Ds graduated and moved back home. That’s part of it. Little ds will graduate in May and move back home til he finds a job so I need to be on my guard during that time and not let history repeat itself. While I love having them home it does create a break in my routine. Suddenly donuts appear in the house I am stronger than donuts

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry you are sick. Take care of yourself, get lots of rest and liquids. Thanks, yeah me too, I hate stress!

    @theslightedgeforever oh my yes my house is always cleaner when company is coming! And as far as did I stay within my points yesterday, I would guess that I did not but I haven't tracked in about 4 days. :( I'm not completely off the rails, but other things have taken priority. I will start tracking again tonight probably. That's good you could look back and see what happened. My guess is that strong tracking helped you with that.

    Hi all. Well I am tired as a...well just tired. I have cleaned every inch of the apartment down to the light switches and there is no more time for more cleaning. What will happen will happen. The apartment looks really nice. I need to get back to tracking. Last night, I made a healthy soup for dinner but we had it with garlic bread, so there goes the healthy dinner. Still going to the hospital every day, so that is a priority. Have a good day all.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - If you try to make every meal as healthy as possible, I wold not worry about the tracking at this time. A person can only do so much before falling over the edge. Fingers crossed for your home.

    @cbabie - How are you feeling today? What are you plans? Are you tracking?? Thinking of you

    @theslightedgeforev - Thanks for the information - it is like a personal kanban baord that we do at work. I m ade myself a checklist yesterday - ( I am a task orientated tupe of person) and I felt better ticking off the lines.

    Today is hump day (Wednesday) in Aussie, I am glad the ball is over and now onto the next thing. In Aussie unless you leave in the country, the kids do not really move out to go to university.

    Off to work now

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Late Afternoon: I got so busy catching up on everything I had not done with being sick, I guess I didn't get on here. Sorry. I still have a itchy throat and a tickle that makes me cough every once in awhile. Otherwise doing better. I am tired and would like to take a nap, but I have worship practice in an hour. Hopefully I won't sound too raspy.,LOL I have had 2 days of no sweets, meat, cheese and nuts AND LOTS of Water.

    @trooworld Yes my house is always cleaner when I know someone is coming over, but because of life that has happened in the last few years, no one really comes over..LOL I am sure you have done the very best and poohpooh on anyone that would make you feel otherwise.

    @TrishasTime Interesting about the university life style. I think it would be financially better unless it's a scholarship type thing if all students went local. However, here unless you like debt the university here is expensive. ASU is a great school, but also great in price.

    @theslightedgeforever I started my Trello board up again today. You should see the picture that I put on the background for Children's Church, It makes me smile every time I go in there. Yes adult children have caused me to lose lots of weight and gain lots of weight,.. LOL

    Okay, I have to run, but wanted to stop in.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited February 2018
    Trooworld. Get back to tracking. You won’t know if you stay within your points if you don’t track (says the person who didn’t track today). I had just told myself that right before I read your post. You’ve just got one leg off the rail. Jump back on while it’s easy. You were doing so well. So think back over the last 4 days and what you could have done differently. So next time something big comes along that takes priority over your health you will be ready. Add them to your Trello board. I have a Habits and Excuses board with a food list and exercise list On my cards I put the reasons I couldn’t stay on plan for that meal/day or exercise (excuses) Then as I read down them sometimes I notice patterns. Sometimes I add a solution card. With having to visit the hospital each day it’s too tiring to cook and too easy to grab bad food. How about keeping some Smart Ones in the freezer for those occasions? I say the garlic bread is fine as long as you track it and it fits into your daily points. Maybe less of it next time so you still get the taste? Could you make that WW bread into garlic bread and freeze it so you just need to pop out a slice. Lower points. This is an example of what I would put on my cards. Sit back and admire your apartment. You have worked hard.

    Trishastime. Yes Kanban. That’s exactly the word and was the name of my first board. There are good and bad things I have found about having the kids away at college. I still would have been “mommy” had they stayed at home and felt the need to do things for them. Now I have moved into an advisor role. What one thing did you do right on your health journey today?

    Cbabie. I agree with you on college I think first year especially at a local college to get some of the basics out of the way at a cheaper price I guess depends on what field you are going into and will all your credits transfer. I’m just glad we are heading to the finish line for my children. Of course now it becomes looking for jobs. Hooray for you on no sweets. Glad you are feeling better.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @TrishasTime thanks, up to this point, I've been concentrating on convenience and quickness which hasn't always meant healthy. The past two days have been pretty healthy though. Happy Hump Day! Today is Hump Day here now. :)

    @cbabie I'm glad you are doing better. Thanks. We did do our best.

    @theslightedgeforever I will, I promise, today, right now, right after I type this. You are so smart, you always have such good ideas! Okay, I pretracked my day. Today was okay. I can't vouch for the rest of my days. ;)

    Hi all! I'm slowly coming back to a sense of normal. I can't change the future and what will happen with my living situation, I can only live day to day and take care of my health as best as I can. Have a good day!
