

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @cbabie that's good that today's the last day. Thanks, I'm trying!

    @TrishasTime oh no! That stinks. I'm sorry. I'd have a couple of drinks, too. I'm glad everything is getting either replaced or fixed.

    @theslightedgeforever yes, good idea. I don't think I was taught to share my food either, and that is part of the problem.

    Hello all. I weighed in this morning and gained +1.3 lbs, not surprising since I had a bad week and ate pasta last night too. I hope to have a better week this next week. Last night, it took 2 hours to get home in traffic because they had one of the freeways shut down...a construction company hit a gas line and there was a gas leak. :( Traffic was stressful, every man/woman for themselves, and it drove me to the edge. I hope tonight it's better but Thursdays are usually the worst of the week. The only good news is my family member is doing a little better.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    oh my, I just realized, I read the post but didn't respond. It's been a crazy day.

    I am still tracking, yea for me...and now trying to figure how to stay..LOL

    @TrishasTime I had looked along time ago when I got the error and all reads were the Console..I found on Treadmill Dr the board for 150.00. Now just trying to decide what best to do. I am so sorry you had such a long icky day at work. I am glad that you got the 3 thing over with and can look forward to the rest of your day..LOL

    @trooworld Well we are almost never surprised when we know we haven't eaten our best..LOL I am really so sorry you have to drive in that traffic. I know that is something if I can ever have a say in, I won't do again. I am proud of you!

    @theslightedgeforever You know you do have an effect on people. LOL I can hear DD LOL

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    Go off work early as we head into the weekend. NBL(Aussie) basketball finals tonight. Plannign on having sushi.

    @cbabie - I hope you can get the part. If it help you both mentally and physically it is is worth every cent.

    @trooworld - I expect a rise this week as well. I always start the week with good intentions and it seems that the stress from work negates it. I do eat very healthy when I am not at work, so I need to sort out a solution.

    @theslightedgeforever - hope all is going well with you. When do you get your tooth pulled?

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @cbabie good for you for tracking! Thanks! Yes, when I took my job, I had no idea how long the commute was. I probably still would have taken the job because I really wanted it though haha.

    @TrishasTime I love sushi!!! Yeah, work is a weak point for me as well. Especially when my officemate is there. She's been off for two weeks so I haven't had as much of a problem, but she's back on Tuesday. She literally eats every hour and sometimes it's junk food, so it tempts me. Sometimes I just leave the room when she eats that stuff. I hope you have fun at the basketball finals! Are you going there or just watching on tv?

    Hi all! I can't believe I made it to Friday! I had another long commute last night. I am so glad that I get off early today (3:00). I had a healthy dinner last night and I will have a healthy dinner tonight. I have a plan for food next week: It's going to be sandwiches for 2 nights, and proteins the other nights that I'm going to cook on Sunday. I've got to get it all cooked on Sunday or it won't work. Have a great day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    Morning all,

    I didn't do well last night, emotional eating...I have had this shoulder pain for a bit, thinking it's my bed...the mattress is old. Now it's in my head behind my not sure. The ear thing is only in the morning, which is leading me to believe it's a pinched nerve in my shoulder area...

    @TrishasTime I talked to my husband about it and it's between seeing what the gym across the street is or the treadmill, he is pushing for getting my treadmill fixed. I just know the videos don't do it for me.LOL

    @trooworld Great job on healthy eating, and yes I am so glad it's Friday!!! Except I have to go get groceries here soon and I have not made my list not going until I do. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever hope all is well where you are.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It is Saturday here - expecting to be a nice sunny day. I am off to wash my car in a moment. The lawn could do with an extra watering. We are only allow to water here twice a week and the days depend on the house number you have. I am blessed that I weighed the same today - I truly expected a gain - glad that I did not but I certainly deserved it.

    @cbabie - I think you need to decide if you want to have people around you when you exercise or would you use he treadmill more? Once you fix the treadmill - it is not the ongoing cost that a gym is. I know after 9 surgeries on my hip/leg that I am banned from some thing in the gym (some from the surgeon - some from me as it causes pain). You have mentioned something happened with your leg, so please take that into consideration.

    @trooworld - I wish my work environment was just about eating. Mine is extremely stressful with everyone wanting everything at once from you. As a senior they want evenmore from me - 10 hours a day and there is weekend work comingup is the norm for me.

    @theslightedgeforever - I have been wondering how you chose your login in name?

    Hope everyone has a great weekend


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. So sorry you had the awful traffic stress. Do you listen to podcasts or something? That’s great news about the hospital situation Is moving somewhere closer to work an option for you

    Cbabie. Hooray for still tracking. Now for next step. Stay within your limits. Treadmill- $150 will you charge it vs will you save for it Because if you charge it that will be more than $150. If you have ever listened to Dave Ramsey’s financial advice what non essentials do you currently spend money on that could be used for savings. This takes tough decisions. But on other hand if you aren’t exercising because of no treadmill would it harm your health and cost more than $150. How much to buy a new one? What are you doing about your shoulder?

    Trishastime. Hopefully on Monday I will get my tooth pulled. I have another busy week and I’m trying to plan my pain around it. Lol. How was the sushi? I went to a wedding party on Thursday and they kept walking around with sushi and other similar type appetizers. Not my thing. Which is good because I saved lots of calories. I even passed on the dessert table and had fruit salad. I make better choices when I’m out Make good food choices this week or that gain you expected will find you next week. My login name is the title of a really good book. Well I added the forever part I should reread that book. I think it would help me right now. Thanks for reminding me Do you eat more at work because of the stressful environment. What is holding you back from losing weight?
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    Sunday today, going to a pub where GD is singing, which means lunch thee, I am looking at the menu now and trying to decide which is the best option for me.

    @theslightedgeforever - I was toying with the thought of slight (being of weight or body frame). I just googled the book - might see if I can download it to my ipad . I hope you can get that tooth sorted on Monday - tooth aches are just the worse as it is not as if you can put heat/ice etc on them?

    Yes I eat more at work then I do on the weekend. I tend to eat very healthy on the weekend which kinda saves me abit. At work I get into a situation where I need to sit on my butt and analyse a computer situation for hours. The only time I get up is to go to the ladies and hammer the chocolate box and diet coke. It seems to give me energy to keep going and to concentrate. I know it is a temporary high but I feel guilty taking a quick walk to distress and come back. That being said, other people go out for a smoke etc. My work environment used to be one of everyone help each other and now it is more of "lets protect our own butt as we do not want to be the next one out of the door"

    I saw the stress ww program you put up and the quote about the airline and oxygen mask. I had already decided yesterday that I need to take care of me first at work (health and break wise). It is not a matter of breaking the existing habit .

    Hello to @cbabie and @trooworld - I have sent you both a friend request, but will not be offended if you do not accept.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trishastime I’m not slight of body. Lol. My tooth doesn’t hurt so it doesn’t really bother me. It’s just broken. Supposedly underneath the gum line. We will see Is there a way to have healthy snacks at your desk. Maybe bring in a soft sided cooler that includes your diet drinks so you don’t have to go look at the chocolates. But still get up and go stretch your legs and walk around just not around the chocolates if that is what is holding you back.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @cbabie an old mattress would do that to you. I hope the pain goes away soon.

    @TrishasTime congrats on maintaining! It's hard when you work in a stressful environment. My job is not stressful for the most part. I'm sorry that yours makes it hard to stay on track. I hope you enjoyed your Saturday. I was happy to accept your friends request, although to be honest, I don't track in MFP, I just come on here to this board. :)

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks. Yes, I listen to podcasts, Audible books, and music. Moving closer to work is not an option because my hubby doesn't drive and we have to be kind of close to his work so that I can drop him off at work before I drive to work. Yes, good news about the hospital. Slow progress there, but progress nonetheless.

    Hi all. I forgot to come on here yesterday, I was busy. I went grocery shopping and then last night...I went to a cat circus! Yes, I went to see the Acro-Cats perform. It's a one hour cat trick show. This woman rescues cats from shelters and other bad situations and trains them with food rewards to do simple tricks like hitting a bell with their paw, or walking across a tightrope. It was really cute and you could tell that the cats were well-loved and taken care of. She also runs a cat rescue. I loved it. I used to have a cat, but he died last April. I miss him dearly and miss having a furball around the house. I have a dog, but it's not the same as having a cat.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Today is back to work day and I am going to try. I have packed a little container of fresh strawberries and blueberries. As well as my normal container of roasted chicken and tomatos. I have determined t take a small walk from one end of the building to the other every hour - I shall tell you whatI acheived tomorrow:)

    @theslightedgeforever - thankyou for the suggestion, yes I need to walka way from the direction of the chocolate box.

    @trooworld - how do you track? what application do you use? Has your husband ever driven?

    @cbabie - Yes I agree - an old mattress would cause back issues.

    Happy Monday everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. That cat show sounded fun. My dd would have liked that. So did you get all your protein cooked for this week?

    Trishastime. That sounds like a good plan you have for today. When I’m in the grocery store I have to bypass the chip aisle because of Doritos. I had a weekly habit of picking up two bags. It was on the way to the chicken. So since I still need chicken I have found a different route

    I have been working hard on my Trello board along with reading about habits and procrastination I will conquer this
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @TrishasTime that is a great idea to walk the length of the building every hour. I track in Weight Watchers app. He drove for a short period of about a month while he was practicing to get his license and once he got his license he stopped driving. :(

    @theslightedgeforever oh, it was fun! I loved it. I did not, but I only have 1 protein left to cook and it's in my instant pot which is really easy and I can do it quickly. The other stuff: sandwiches and stuff I prepped. Doritos are a trigger food for me, too. I binge on them. You WILL conquer this. You are devising a plan now, I know you will.

    Hi all. I hate the time change. I hate it. I heard on the news the other day that it was started to encourage shopping and to save electricity, it had nothing to do with farmers or anything with crops. Grrrr! I am so tired right now. Yesterday went by so quickly because of the time change and because of other reasons. Our friends gave us small dining set along with these really cool night stands and by the time we got back from getting those, it was 5pm. I was out of energy so I wasn't going to cook my breakfasts for the week. My husband stepped up and cooked them for me. Wasn't that nice? Have a good day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    Morning all
    I tracked all weekend, but gave into emotion. At least I tracked every bite.. I am fighting depression and today I am on the upside of it, but yesterday and all last night, the battle was in my mind and I was not winning. I know I am not happy because of my weight and life happenstances...but it feels like everyday is a battle for every little thing in my life..LOL So armor on, mind protected, cleats on my we go again.

    @TrishasTime What a great idea to walk every hour!!! you go girl.

    @trooworld Such a nice AZ we don't change was hard to get used to when we first moved here many years ago...but love it.

    @theslightedgeforever yes you will be a conquer. Do you remember the song we are more than conquers?

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I did well yesterday - had the afternoon munchies but resisted and ate an orange. I think the afternoon munchies is more of a habit then I am actually hungry and I stopped and asked myself was I hungry or stressed. I ended up eating - but it was an orange and it was enough to distract me

    @theslightedgeforever - Do you get your tooth out today? The filling that my dentist replaced a few weeks ago in the hope of starving off a root canal is not working, so I have booked myself back on for next Monday (7 days). I dread to think how much this will cost, being a front tooth, it seems I do not have alot of options

    @trooworld - I am glad your hubby did that for you - it is so nice when you think - I have to get up and do that but whenyou realise that DH is done, it is such a nice feeling

    @cbabie - I read over the weekend that being overweight (well they called it obese) brings with anxiety depression, self doubt and high blood pressure. I hope you have a great support team with you in AZ

    Got to go to work again

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trisha’s time Hooray for you for choosing an orange over some munchies. I had the same issue tonight and chose grapes. Yes my tooth is finally gone. He cut this one into four pieces since it had a vertical crack anyway and that’s much easier coming out He put in some kind of bone enhancer since I’ll be getting an implant there eventually. No pain afterwards vs my left side and other dentist pulled the tooth straight out. All four roots hanging on for dear life. I thought the back of my skull was being ripped out. Then a week of intense pain afterwards. Which is why I procrastinated so long on this one. Did you walk around your building?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. I’ve always got plans. It’s the following them that’s the problem. Lol. Sounds like you and your husband make a great team. You drive him around and he makes breakfasts. I don’t like to drive either. As long as I get where I want to go I’m good.

    Cbabie. Hope you are still buttoned up in your armor. Is part of your depression that your expectations don’t meet reality? You can’t change or control the happenstances only your reactions to them. right? Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting to get different results. Mindless eating because of others is not going to change the happenstance nor your weight. Well it might make the weight increase. With that comes more risk of heart attack stroke diabetes cancer. Do you really want to be your parents? Yes I remember the song. So if I’m more than a conqueror I’m a gladiator
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @cbabie tracking every bite is half the battle. I'm sorry you are battling depression, but glad you are on the upside of it. Hang in there. I wish we didn't change time, it's such a waste of time lol!

    @TrishasTime I always say, "Am I hungry enough to eat an apple?" If the answer is yes, then I know I am truly hungry. If the answer is no, and I want something else, than I know that I am not truly hungry. So...same thing with your orange. I think you did well! Yes, it was extremely nice of DH to cook my breakfasts for me. Especially because he's been going to the hospital every day, so he's not bursting to the brim with energy. It took effort for him to do that.

    @theslightedgeforever I'm glad you got that tooth taken care of. Yes, we do make a good team.

    Hi all. Well, I got a bit more sleep last night. Yesterday was rough, I was tired all day and never truly woke up, so hopefully, today will be better. My officemate comes back today after two weeks of vacation. It's been nice having her gone for two weeks. Not that I don't like her, I do like her, but while she was gone I could put the blinds up in our office (she gets migraines when we have the blinds up), turn on the heater (she gets hot with the heater on) and just enjoy the silence. I hope you all have a great day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    Morning: Nope still fighting to find a reason to be here on earth today...but my Grandson made me get out of bed..I haven't been here in a bit...I guess I could always say tomorrow it will be better and the last couple of days it's it will never get better or change, so why am I here.

    I ate my self into more depression...I know this has to stop and no I really don't have a support system in AZ. MY DH just rolls his eyes...or as I am looking at this cup my mom gave me years ago..."If it's going to be...It's up to me....with the Christopher Columbus boats across the bottom..

    Okay gotta go
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Sabotage is everywhere :(. I got in yestersay and someone loving left me a kit kat on my desk ( some others got them as well). I sighed and put it my desk drawer out of sight but it was still on my mind. Then someone bought in cake as a celebration and I held on my cup of tea as hard as I could. BUT I managed both items - go me!

    @theslightedgeforever _ thanks for your support. I am glad the tooth is out and is no longer a bother even though there was no pain

    @trooworld - How did the first day back go? Did it derail you? I hope not. BTW - why the name Trooworld?

    @cbabie - Have you spoken to your Dr about "finding a reason to be here on earth" to get some support? I am not sure if you are on medication, if not you may need to consider some or if you are already then your DR needs to review it. Does the church have a counsellor you can speak to? I can only send you cyber hugs from Aussie

    I have to go to a users group today and at the end of the meeting - there is a networking function - Please let me be strong and just stick to water and (hopefully fruit if it is there)
