

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. We have to do more than try Talking to all of us here. I was listening to a Health First podcast this week It’s a Dr from Houston and he said Trying is for losers. You have to take determined action. So what action will you be taking tomorrow. For me it will be exercise. So when will be your next appt with him. That will give you a timeframe to set a goal and wow the socks off of him. How is the makeup habit? I’m working hard on my daily habits as I know they are connected to my weight loss. I guess because I feel successful in other areas

    Trishastime the carpet sounds nice Light carpets always leaves a pathway. Good for you for planning your meals out Now onto tackling your exercise. How about something simple as a walk outside

    So I fully tracked today. Went over calories and no exercise :(

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @TrishasTime oh that sounds perfect for a rental unit. Good luck at the dentist!

    @theslightedgeforever wow that is harsh what that doctor said! Maybe I will give that podcast a listen even though that is harsh lol. Well, my family member is being transferred back to the hospital, there is a complication, so I can't guarantee much at the moment. What I can commit to is drinking enough water. I don't know when the next appt is, probably not for another 6 months...not until I get sick. The makeup is going well...I put it on yesterday and I actually came home and washed my face right away and put on moisturizer and retinol. I'm going to put it on this morning too.

    Hi all. Just a quick note to say good morning. It seems like things will never go back to normal for us. :( I've got to go get ready soon. I'll ttyl.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning all!

    I am sorry if it seems that I abandoned you. :( This weekend was exhausting, I was in conferences Friday, all day Saturday, church which when I sing I am gone and busy for many hours...came home exhausted, ( had someone in the house with toothache and up all night Sat & Sun...all day yesterday at church moving chairs, laying "fake" grass, it will be like this all week. We are getting ready for our Easter Carnival...I just got home from the gym..first time since Friday.

    @trooworld I love your new hair!!! you look beautiful. Good for you for getting into a routine of health for your face. I was so tired, I fell asleep in my chair and didn't take my make up off...Do you know that sleeping with your makeup on is not really good....(Even though the movies the women wake up beautiful) LOL Maybe you are creating a NEW normal!! :)

    @theslightedgeforever good for you for tracking, even if you went over...better than I am doing. I keep trying to get it back together each day...Yes I heard you...trying is for losers..LOL

    @TrishasTime Sorry I haven't been here, thank you and Trooworld for holding down the fort...Yea new carpet..I love the smell of new. Hope your dentist apt went well.

    Okay guys gotta hit the shower.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @theslightedgeforever - I have no specific plan at the moment - but I am moving or so my fitbit tells me. I am trying to get back to 10 steps per day. I will log it here everyday.

    @trooworld - I am glad you are settling on doingmakeup. it is something for just you :)

    @cbabie - I think you doing manual work around the church would count as gym work in a different way

    Dentist - I have ended up with a root canal and will need 2 crowns - Partial way throught this I would have well and truly used my dental benefit up from the health fund, so next visit - It will cost me mega dollars. Looking how we can fund this, but I can not loose my teeth as they are the two front ones.

    That's it for now

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. I really like this podcast. It’s called Your Health First He talks about all sorts of things and the latest research. I think chaos seems to be everyone’s normal these days So you have to find a plan that will keep you and your health up on top of your priority list.

    Cbabie. So do you and Trooworld want me to bring out a nicer quote about trying?

    Trishastime. Good for you on movement. That’s half the battle. Ouch on the dentist. I will get my implants this summer which will cost major bucks and I realized last night I wonder how strong these are. I’ve cracked two teeth and bit through and broke my custom mouth guard. Evidently I’m clenching, or so I’m told.

    Ok today I tracked, was OP, exercised 20 min with Leslie Sansone. 6 glasses of water and onto tomorrow
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad to see you got a chance to go to the gym even though you have been so busy. I get so busy and tired, I tend to fall asleep with my makeup on too, that's why I don't wear it! Now, I am taking my makeup off as soon as I get home so that doesn't happen because it is so bad for you to leave it on (I do know, I have seen a video, or maybe it was pictures? of a woman that slept with makeup on for a certain period of time and compared the images and you could see the difference...something like that. It seems I'm not remembering right lol). Thanks, I love my new hair too, it is really easy to do! I hope right now is not the new normal (besides the hair and makeup, which I am liking)--- I don't like the schedule. I'm glad you are back!

    @TrishasTime yes indeed! Oh that is too bad about your teeth...I'm so sorry. Crowns are so expensive. I hope you can figure out the payments.

    @theslightedgeforever I couldn't find it, I didn't have "Your" so I will look now that I have the proper title lol. I found it! Thanks. Yes, you are right. Last night, after we got back from the hospital, I made us a healthy dinner. I love the Yoda quote and yes that is nicer! lol Great job yesterday!!!!

    Hi all. I wore makeup yesterday, ate healthy foods (did not track though), and took my makeup off at the end of the day. I had a good day even though it was a stressful one. I hope to repeat today. I got a phishing email from someone claiming to be from Target. I thought it was real and that someone had stolen my identity and bought something with my Target card and called Target but not before I clicked on some of the links. The links didn't ask for any passwords and nothing funny happened to my computer (I ran virus scans and malware scans on my computer afterward).

    I hope all is well in your world.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning, I have a busy day today, not sure I will make it to the gym. I had a Mary Kay meeting (internal) last night, it was good. I knew I was supposed to be there, even though everything in my life was making it so I wouldn't go. LOL Oh Fun I have the hiccups...I have a meeting at the church at 9:30 to go over the Carnival and make sure we are all on track, then I have to finish setting up the sanctuary for the Hunt...come home fix dinner for all the people in my house and then start filling eggs..LOL

    @trooworld Great job on sticking to your regiment. I find when things are structured for me I do better. I will try to come home once I know I am in for the night and take off my make up. I actually fell asleep sitting up in bed this morning...tried to get up early and just kept sleeping with a coffee cup in my hand..that's when you know you are REALLY tired....didn't even spill the coffee.

    @Trishastime I hate dental work...I always gag, no matter what. LOL Seems like we all have dental things going on.

    @theslightedgeforever I had to laugh at your question about how strong is the implant...maybe you should just go for dentures...LOL you know it runs in our family. :) Kidding....

    okay have to run go and get ready for my meeting...I hope you all have a GREAT day.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Yesterday I was so tired, I went out and got takeway and of course alcohol followed. I havelogged it all in my the diary - ugh! Today is a new day, I have had a healthy breakfast and I am taking the dogs out for a 5km walk whilst cleaner is here before I come back and start working again. Easter starts tomorrow where hot cross buns and family lunches abound, so we need to be on top of my game.
    steps yesterday 11,542

    @trooworld - I am glad you came home to a healthy dinner and did not break after a stressful day (high five girl)

    @theslightedgeforever - I will definitely check that podcast over the next few days and report back in.
    How are you going on your healthy eating and exercise plan?

    @cbabie - You are always busy :) I am not sure how you keep it up

    Got to go cleaner is due

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited March 2018
    Trooworld. Good for you for sticking to your makeup habit. Plus you came home and made a healthy dinner. You are rocking this!

    Cbabie. Priorities priorities. Where does your health come in at on busy days Dentures....I know someone in the family who only wears his when he goes out of the house. My mil dentures sit in the drawer We got them for her and she would take them out to eat and sleep which is 70% of her day so I just took them. I’m not going down that path.

    Trishastime. Awesome on your steps. The good thing is that you logged your takeout and alcohol. Plus you started the new day with a healthy breakfast

    So another good day. Logged everything; stayed within my calories; 30 min weights 8 glasses water
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @cbabie me too, I definitely do better with a routine. It sounds like you have a busy day...I hope you can find some "me" time.

    @TrishasTime today is indeed a new day, forget about yesterday! Great job on the steps. Thanks, yes, it wasn't easy!

    @theslightedgeforever well...I'm rocking the makeup habit. See below. :( Great job on YOUR habits!

    Well. I gained more weight this week. I'm not going to beat myself up, I'm stressed to the max with this family health situation. I will try to track this week, but won't promise anything. I may just have to have a period of gaining and be okay with that until this is all over. I'm doing the best I can to eat okay. Okay, I have to get ready for work ttyl!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Happy Easter everyone - today is Good Friday is Oz


    Morning everyone. Nice to wake up on Easter Morning to be told of the breach HERE. Busy changing passwords, as I have the same notification from GMAIL. Still it is better then not changing and someone accessing your accounts

    Please change your passwords to any account that has a similar users name/password (trello/fitbit etc)

    Have a great day

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. Hugs for the family situation. Now no more talk of gaining I’m someone who put on 12 lbs in about 4 months. It’s not that bad when you think a lb gained here and there. But it doesn’t stop. Then my clothes are tighter now. Plus I spent 4 months doing damage to my health and body. It’s like putting a frog in water and slowly turning up the heat The frog doesn’t realize he is slowly being cooked to death. So right now is the time that if you can’t focus on losing you focus on maintaining. You can still choose fruit and veggies over junk food. Hospital snacks are the worst. Bring some with you. While you are at the hospital go walk up and down some stairs. Even one flight is better than just sitting. So while you aren’t able to cook your healthy meals at home you will be fighting to just stay the same. The one day things will get back to normal

    Trishastime Hmmmm. I’d better go check my Gmail. Hope you have a good Easter weekend

    Fully tracked; stayed within calories; walked 28 min; 4.6 glasses water
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @TrishasTime thanks, I got the email too. I'll have to deal with it later as I have to get to work soon.

    @theslightedgeforever thank you. Oh I'm not buying anything at the hospital. I'm only going to the hospital on the weekends. During the week, here is what my schedule looks like: get up at 5:10, leave for work by 6:50, work 8-4:30, stop by hospital and pick up husband on way home get home at about 6:30-6:45, cook dinner and go to bed by 8:15-30, get up and do it again. On weekends, it's different, I've got stuff to do and have to go to the hospital. It's more the mental fatigue that gets me than the "I don't have the time to track". I'm not making that bad of decisions, I'm really not. But sometimes, I am.

    Hi all. Today, I go to the doctor's for a checkup. I'm going to ask about my headaches. I'm sure he's going to prod me about weight loss. :( Well, at least I get off early today! Have a good day everyone.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    Hi all. Where is everyone? Is everyone staying away because of the data breach, or are you all just busy? I hope you come back. :)

    I went to the doctor on Friday about my headaches and he told me to start taking multivitamins for women over 50 even though I'm not over 50, and also start taking COQ10. Both might help with the headaches.

    I hope all is well in your world, and that you enjoy your Easter.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi trooworld

    Busy over here - what is CoQ10? - really do hope it resolves your headache issues
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited April 2018
    Trooworld. I went to a brunch on Saturday that lasted all day and then it’s been family time this weekend. My mom loved CoQ10. She believed it help cure her congestive heart failure. Who knows. My DH has osteoarthritis in his neck and it flares up at times and gives him headaches

    Gemwolf nice to hear from you. I hope you and your family had a nice Easter.

    Trishastime I know it’s some kind of supplement. My mom used to take it

    I’m in the middle of a colonoscopy prep I’ll be glad when this is over Let’s hope they don’t make me repeat it again

    Saturday over on cals Today under cals no exercise either day.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited April 2018
    WW meeting highlights
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @gemwolf110 Happy Easter to you too!

    @TrishasTime hi! CoQ10 is a vitamin supplement, dr said it would help with the headaches hopefully.

    @theslightedgeforever I forgot people were probably busy with Easter. That is interesting about what your mom believed about CoQ10. It is supposed to be good for the heart too. Oh I hope they don't make you repeat that prep. Thanks for the highlights!

    Hi all. We had a small Easter dinner over at my sister-in-law's house but it didn't feel right with my brother-in-law in the hospital and not able to be with us. :( We didn't stay long. I hope you had a good Easter. Now back to the grind.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Hope everyone is going okay

    @theslightedgeforever - Hope your procedure works out and does not need to be repeated

    @trooworld - Let me know how the CoQ10 goes - I googled it and it sorts out alots of things

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @TrishasTime I will let you know, yes, it is supposed to be really good for you.

    Hi all. Hope all is well. I'm up early to drop off DH at the gym and then come back and get ready for time for me to go. I tracked everything I ate yesterday. Have a good day!