

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,246 Member
    @cbabie That’s good you are doing well on your fast

    @trooworld. I just got on here and saw my streak was 0 and said WHAT😱. But then noticed my lbs lost was also 0 and my friends were 0. They better put my stuff back the way they found it. Lol. I hope you feel better. King Tut sounds fun. You talked about the hot choc in the break room but there are also cookies and chocolates. The room sounds like a place to stay clear of. Environmental control is your best ally.

    @its_cleo Sounds like you are really getting the hang of your food plan. That’s great. I think that’s most of the battle.

    I did a Fitbit challenge with three others and saw I was in last place. (Usual as I’m good with anything but last). That seems to motivate me to move just a bit more. I did my 15 min walk and then a couple of short Leslie Sansone videos and then checked to see if I had moved up a spot and I had moved into first place. To my surprise I did a bit over 7000 steps in an hour. But we were so close I thought they might be moving as I was so I finished the last 7 min literally running across my bedroom back and forth. Getting faster and faster. I won. Lol. I never win these challenges. But like Teresa the scale is stuck despite me having 5 days of exercise and staying in my boundaries with food. So I’m ignoring the scale for now and tomorrow will be Day 10. First leg of the 100 will be complete and I want to lose 1 lb. then I’ll start working on the next 10 days. I have 5 good days of habits that I’m creating.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all,

    Well for this moment I have internet...I will take it and run! I am still on the fast, and to me the best part of this is that I have not had any PB or sugar. Doing this for 21 days should help break that cycle that I was in and start me back to the healthy eating I used to do before I was let go 1 1/2 years ago. That is a long time to abuse your body when you know your genes have some disabilities..LOL ( LOL I used spell check on disabilities and the word liabilities came up...maybe that was more the word I was supposed to use.. :)

    @trooworld I had a place where I worked that all we had was junk food, but then because some of us took the stand on clean eating...or were starting an exercise grew where we had BOTH choices. So maybe you could get one more person at your place to try to eat better. I am an ambassador to the AHA and I know they go into the big corp places or they go to like CVS, etc and explain to people (women) that heart disease is the number 1 killer over cancer...maybe you could ask your company to at least start looking at ways to improve health! You see it benefits them too, less sick time, less medical benefits, I could go on..LOL

    @its_cleo I do the same thing in the beginning, but then I usually go on and start looking for those small WW point items that I can eat that are different and I start balancing it out...the good news is that you are using the tools and the things to keep you accountable and on the tweaking begins. :)

    @theslightedgeforever yes you don't like to be last...I am sure that all you efforts and your movement will show up and you will be then doing the happy dance instead of Leslie to get those steps in...LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @its_cleo Thanks. Not feeling better yet but I slept a lot yesterday. I’m glad you are feeling better. Yes, these cookies are at work. Work seems to be my downfall.

    @theslightedgeforever Did they fix it? I know I can log my food again. I am still feeling terrible, I will stay home again today and probably sleep all day. There are two break areas: the break area with tea, coffee and hot chocolate which is further away from where I sit and there is the small break area which is also the supply room that is the danger zone and has the cookies and chocolates. I try to stay out of the small break room if possible, but sometimes I have to go into there to make copies, get supplies, etc. I would do best to stay away as much as I can, you are right.

    Hi all. I decided on a personal word for the year: EMPOWERED. I like this definition of empowered by Cambridge Dictionaries: confident and in control of your life, having the official authority or freedom to do something. I think that definition fits in well with my goal for the year, so in addition to the MFP ticker (which keeps me accountable), I will start putting EMPOWERED at the end of my posts as well as a reminder to myself that, I am, empowered.


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,246 Member
    First 10 Day Check in of 100 day challenge:

    1)Meet burned calories goal with intentional exercise (200 x 5 days per week)
    2)No snooze alarm
    3)Stay within calorie boundaries (1417-1660)

    3/3 goals- I did this 5 days
    2/3 goals- I did this 4 days
    1/3 goals- I did this 1 day

    4)Lose 1 lb

    I lost 3.5 lbs


  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @theslightedgeforever, I liked day 7 and I wrote that "I can do it because I am committed and determined to keep my word to myself, to my husband, and to God." Congrats on completing your 10 days and WOW at losing 3.5 lbs. That is fantastic!!! I still have today to complete my 10 days because I started on the 2nd. The scale was down this morning and I'm hoping it continues. I'm making stirfry tonight for dinner, which probably wasn't the wisest choice. I will have to drown myself in water and be up all night running to the potty! :D

    @cbabie, sounds like your fast is going well and that you are on the road to better health as well as spiritual growth. That is awesome! That is funny that spellcheck gave you liabilities along with disabilities. Some real truth there! ;)

    @its_cleo, WW is all about balance. You don't want to eat too little but then you don't want to eat too many zero point foods because that adds up too. You will find your sweet spot. :)

    @trooworld, how is your cold? I hope you are starting to feel better! <3 I like your word! Empowered is exactly what you want and what you are. Own it!! B)

    Well, today has been long and I'm about to go make some dinner because I am starving! It was so busy that I even forgot to eat all my lunch. That never happens. :p With our youth pastor leaving there is a lot going on and of course we decided today to revamp the info we give visitors which includes me needing to make a brand new brochure. Ugghhh! My good news is that our bookkeeper wants to switch her schedule from Tuesday to Wednesday. Well, I have WW on Tuesdays and I don't want to switch. So I talked to pastor and he agreed that I can have both days off and I will just add an extra hour to my Monday, Thursdays, and Fridays. He is very aware that I do a lot of work from home. So, I'm happy!! :) OK, I gotta eat!!!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @theslightedgeforever congrats on the Fitbit challenge! It's great it helped. I don't have a fitbit. I thought about buying one but I am already pretty obsessed about data so I'm not sure it would be good for me. But I wanted one because I need something to track and remind me to drink water. And that's fantastic on the 100 day challenge! Maybe I should check it out. Your calorie range is close to mine 1450-1600.

    @cbabie, congrats on the fast! It sounds like it will be a good reset for you.

    @trooworld I think empowered is a great word, I find it very meaningful in numerous contexts. There were lots of times in my life when I didn't feel empowered, so gaining that back has meant a lot to me.

    @TeresaW1020 glad your schedule worked out.

    Thanks for all the comments on WW everyone, it is helping. I went to the gym today and I have been working on core for several months with my trainer bc I had a minor injury. Now we are just starting back to strength training again (which I love) so it is a real milestone for me. I also weighed myself again- so since I started WW Jan 1, I have lost 2.5 lbs. I'm kind of amazed, that's a little faster than I expected and I am also not sure if it will last. Like it's hard to trust. But I'm trying to inch up what I eat very slightly. So definitely making small adjustments now. As long as I lose around 1lb a week I would be happy.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I don't get your notation: 3/3 goals, 2/3 goals, 1/3 goals, can you explain? Congrats, it looks like you did well! :)

    @TeresaW1020 My cold stinks. I bought some MucinexDM last night, hopefully, I will feel better today, but I will be out of work again today (unpaid). That's great news about the extra day off, woot woot!

    @its_cleo Me too, so I have a strong connection to it. Congrats on the loss!

    Hello all. I did not do well at all with eating yesterday. I hope today is better, it should be. Yesterday, I just ate to comfort myself. Today, I am eating what is already in the house which is okayed food.


  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @gemwolf110 I'm doing WW online, so it is cheaper, plus I got a discount for joining at New Year's. I only signed up for about 3 months, and the price goes up so not sure long I will stick with it. I think 6 months max. My weekend plans are boring. I don't have any plans, I wish I did. It is very cold here too, so will likely be inside/at the gym for most of it.

    Cool being a ref. I'm Canadian so I should be in to hockey but I will watch just about any other sport first. Baseball is my favourite. I do like curling though I've only taken like one or two lessons.

    @trooworld maybe the comfort food was because you're not feeling well...? It's hard not to comfort in that case. Hopefully you can get back on track.

    I've discovered the Barefoot Contessa so I've been trying some of her recipes, and so far really enjoying it. I know she's been around forever, but I am slow lol.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,246 Member
    @cbabie Yaaay on internet and you are doing well with no sugar and PB. You're halfway done with your fast. I think I don't like being last because of my birth order. ;)

    @trooworld Since you spend a lot of time at work, you're going to have to have a strategy to beat your environment. You are in control. What if you were to ask your boss and workmates if the cookies and chocolates can be moved to the other breakroom. Thus removing the temptation. I bet there are others in your office that would like to eat a bit more healthy, right? Yes I got my streak back. I'm shooting for a 1000 now. Usually I don't care about streaks but I've come this far. I like your word for the year. I have 3 goals that I'm working on each day for the 100 day challenge. If I am successful with only one goal out of 3, then it's 1/3. I think it's easy to do well on the first week of January. Ask me again come mid February or July.

    @Teresaw1020 That's great that you were able to manage your schedule so you could still attend WW. That's putting yourself first. I had some stinkin' thinking today with your comment on Congrats on the 3.5 lbs. Immediately I thought, thank you but it probably won't last. AGH! So to rephrase that, thank you for the compliment. I worked really hard this past week and I'm glad you noticed. (This was yesterday's journal work for the 100 day challenge) I'm glad I got to put it into use.

    @its_cleo Yaaaay on your weight loss. Have you found a water tracker you like? I'm terrible with water. oh let me rephrase that.....I used to be terrible with water, but now I'm learning to stop and hydrate myself regularly. Isn't that better? When I used that app about watering the plants, my plants always died. So for now my water goals aren't in the picture but one day will be there. I think a 1 lb goal per week is a very good one. It's doable and will keep you making lifestyle changes versus dieting, I think. Anyone can lose weight but keeping it off is the problem. I've thought about putting in some maintenance weeks after this first 100 days to see can I stay within a two lb range. Then go onto the next 100 days and start losing. I'll have 65 days to play with this year. I know vacation will be apart of that plus the last 2 weeks of December. My usual way of losing weight is losing weight during the year, then gaining at vacation and end of the year so my overall net weight is still a gain. :( I need to do something different this year and maintain what I've lost.

    @gemwolf110 Looks like you had a very successful week. Way to go! The hockey game sounds fun. Becoming a coach is a good way to stay active. Plus it sounds like something you enjoy. Which is always a plus. So why do you think in person WW would be better. Is it just the weighing in part that you think will keep you accountable? Then why not find you someone that you know to weigh you in. Someone that you could take your scale to at the same time each week so it's consistent. Not a good friend that you really won't care if you lose or gain, but someone that you would be a bit embarrassed if you gained? Have you looked up any of the MFP members that are in your area? They could even be an accountability buddy. There is always a way to do this. I'm going to a brunch tomorrow with some friends. That's about the extent of my weekend plans. I joined another fitbit challenge for the weekend so I'll be working on my steps.

    Today is my rest day for exercise. I've shared the twins videos before but I really liked this one talking about how to break up your points and how they became successful. I mean one has lost like 110 lbs and the other about 85 or so and has been on maintenance for a year. What I like the most is that the main message I get from them is do what works for you. They eat alot of processed foods but they've still lost a lot of weight. One doesn't do formal exercise and she still has lost 110 lbs. I think that's amazing.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all!

    I am still on my fast, but think I need to kick it up a notch. I have had no sugar or PB for 6 days. I know I will eat PB again, but hopefully when this is over only in moderation and not 4-6 TBS a setting..LOL I took the baby for a walk yesterday, hit my 10K steps, so all is good.

    @trooworld I hope you are feeling better, my Pastor got that nasty stuff. Make sure you take care of your body, then when your are feeling better, you can continue your roll with your food intake. Sometimes when we are on a roll and we are losing weight, we keep not eating and don't get over our sickness quickly...there is a balance and I am sure you have found it.

    @gemwolf110 (LOL as I was typing this, my internet died)...I thought I had typed your name wrong. A walk at night sounds good, the thing is that you are moving forward so your step goal is just that a goal and every day we strive to meet out goals..we know that each time we strive to meet it, we are more likely to do so then we have to up our game and set another goal. LOL

    @its_cleo Thanks, congratulations on the loss. You got this!

    @teresaW1020 I am so glad your Pastor is flexible. Yes this has been a different fast, but I have felt a little off in my Spirit and I am going to continue tweaking what I am doing. I so believe in the power of prayer and fasting.

    @theslightedgeforever Sometimes I wish your name was a little shorter..LOL (when my internet is down and I have to type all of it.) I am glad trooworld asked about your comments, I didn't catch it either, but now its very clear. you are doing great. Just keep moving ahead and did we all get to be so analytical..LOL Yes I know got this!!!!

    @Trishastime I hope all is well with you!!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @gemwolf110 That sounds like fun, I used to love going to hockey games!

    @its_cleo Yes, I think you are right. I will definitely get back on track soon. The Barefoot Contessa...I think I would love for her to cook for me!

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks for the suggestion, but that can't happen. The other breakroom is outside of the library, not in library territory, and it wouldn't fly. My officemate asked the director if less sweets could be brought in, and more healthy treats could be brought in, he agreed and a declaration was made. Guess who was the first one to break it about 4 days later? ;) No, it's up to me. I am EMPOWERED. Good luck with your goals, I think you will do well. You are terrible with water, so am I. Have you tried tracking water in MFP?

    @cbabie That's great that you've had no sugar or PB for 6 days, you must feel better? I am not feeling much better, I did a teladoc appointment (over the internet) and I have a viral upper respiratory infection. :( I am going to go to work on Monday though, whether I am better or not. I am going to at least make the attempt, I may come home after 2 hours, but I'll at least make the attempt.

    Hi all. Well, I decided not to go to LA to see the King Tut exhibit. I'm just not feeling well enough. The tickets are non-refundable, but I'm going to call and see if they will make an exception. I am so bummed, I really wanted to see the exhibit and this is the closing weekend. :( Oh well, there is always the National Geographic Channel I guess.


  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Sorry I have been MIA - The pain in the chest has been troubling, keeping me awake at night and it was all I could do - just to go to work, come home and go to bed. No exercise or studio meetings for me :9
    Went to the doctors at DH insistence on Friday and they believe it is cracked ribs when I fell.. Have sent me for x-rays and given me painkillers and an anti inflammatory medication. After 24 hours, I am feeling so much better. Hence here I am

    @cbabie - Thanks for checking with me. I am glad you killed your steps by taking baby for a walk, Did you get headaches or withdrawals from going cold turkey on sugar? That is a decision that shows just how much strength you do have :)

    @teresaw2010 -I am glad you could change your work shifts that suit you. Glad you have an understanding pastor. How is your 100 day trekking going?

    @theslightedgeforever - thanks for the twins video - I am now following them on You tube as well. I have heard them say that you need to choose an exercise that you are prepared to do for the rest of your life. I can not see me going to the gym to list weights when I am 80, but I can see me walking

    @Its_cleo - Congrats on your loss - well done

    @gemwolf110 - From connect here, I see that the ladies drop in and out. They sign up when it is 50% off - cancel the week before the special ends on their membership and with in a couple of weeks there is another special. That is the way they keep the cost down

    @trooworld - sorry you are feeling sick. We do not have that kind of service in Aus.

    I missed you girls - I know I sink when I am not in contact with this group

    Take care

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,246 Member
    @gemwolf110 So back to meeting your step goal each day. I met my official one of 8000 but my unofficial one is 5000. I’m working on consistency and I’m slowly building back up to 8000. I’m actually walking more this way.

    @cbabie That’s good you got in 10000 steps. That must mean you are ahead of me. I noticed hubby is and he doesn’t seem to wear his Fitbit half the time. I don’t remind him either 😬. You know you don’t have to type out my entire name. Remove the @ sign and just type in Slightedge. I check in anyway. Not because I get a message telling me someone is talking about me.

    @trooworld Tracking water isn’t the problem but drinking it is. Lol. I track it everyday on Strides. I’ll get there eventually once I get my other goals to be consistent. It’s next on my list for the 100 day challenge. How do teledoc appts work with prescriptions?

    @TrishasTime Ouch on the cracked ribs. Thank God for painkillers. So how is your eating in all this. I have a tendency to eat worse when I don’t feel good.

    So far so good on me and my 100 day challenge. I do the journaling each day. I went to a brunch and met my calorie goal for the day I walked home to get in some extra exercise. I was about 20 min away. Although I was in heels. Should have thought of that before. Met my burned calorie goal by doing another 25 min walk at night Another sticker went up on my chart.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @TrishasTime I'm so sorry you've still been bothered by the pain in your chest, but glad you went to the doctor and glad you are feeling better. It's good you went and found out. Thanks, I am feeling a little better, it is a nice service, it only costs me $5 to see a doctor over the internet vs $20 to see one if I have an appointment vs $40 for urgent care. Can you see why I chose to see one over the internet? :) They can prescribe medications and everything. I'm glad you are back, I missed you too.

    @theslightedgeforever The teladoc can prescribe anything just like going to the regular doctor. It's $5 vs paying $40 at urgent care, so I chose teladoc. I tend to not eat well when I don't feel good either, which is why I haven't been doing so well during the past few days (not as bad as usual, though). It sounds like you are doing great.

    Hi all. My coughing has mostly subsided, I'm still a bit congested and my energy is still low. I'm going to go to work tomorrow though. The museum in LA wouldn't refund my tickets, which I am bummed about. That was a loss of quite a bit. I did give them to a friend though, so at least they were used. I'm counting on my husband to meal prep today, I don't have much hope in that. He goes to his brother's and won't be home until about 5. He won't feel like cooking. I'll try to do some, but won't have the energy.


  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TrishasTime take care, cracked ribs is painful. I hope you can take it easy and rest.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for sharing that video. I haven't found a water tracker I like. I tried the plant one, but I didn't like it. I was trying to change cup sizes and couldn't figure it out and deleted it lol. It was probably me being dumb but I just wasn't that impressed with the ap overall. Now I'm just trying to keep track by counting myself, but I usually lose track by 10 am. I think that's a really smart idea about the maintenance and trying it out.

    @cbabie how much longer is your fast?

    @trooworld sorry to hear about the exhibit, that sucks. Can you sell them yourself?

    Well I am really struggling yesterday and today. This is my pattern. I have eaten well on ww and within points for a week and a half and now I just want to binge. I love fast food, chinese food, ice cream, cake. So I eat well for a couple weeks, then I eat really crappy for two days. It's not really 'binging' all at once, but it's just eating a lot of crap for two days, like more than is healthy. And bc it's all stuff I dont normally eat, I always end up gettting nauseous because it's too much.

    All my extra points on ww are gone. Tuesday my week starts again. So I'm just trying to hold it together. I have plain greek yogurt, fruit, and have enough points to add like a tbsp of chocolate sauce. So I might try that later.

    Anyway hope everyone has a good week.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    @gemwolf110, thanks for sharing that video of the twins. I've heard of them of my FB group but never watched them before. They are awesome and I am so putting corn on my next pizza!! :D I will have to look them up and start watching them.

    @TrishasTime, I am glad you went to the doctor and now can begin healing with some meds to make you feel better! <3

    @Trooworld, the over the internet doctor can be a good thing but you really do need to be careful. I used one a few years ago and was given an inhaler for a bronchial infection that turned into full-blown pneumonia where I was in the ICU for 4 days on oxygen. Not saying that you can't good medical advice but you do have to be extra careful and watch your symptoms. I was stubborn which didn't make my hubby very pleased with me. :/

    @its_cleo, binging has been a lifelong problem for me too and I'm really trying to hold myself accountable to my 100-day challenge in the hopes that it will help me. I do find that planning my day and tracking in the morning is a real help. You can do it! Just keep plugging along and don't give up.

    It's cold and gloomy here today. We had our good-bye party for our youth pastor and it was a wonderful time. So many of us got up to speak about what he has meant to us. The food that I bought yesterday was very well received. I am happy to report that I only had two small turkey pinwheels, about 4 crackers with some pimento cheese, and a couple of pita chips with hummus. I didn't have any of the sweets. Yayyy me!! I need to menu plan my dinners for next week. I want to keep things simple and see if I can finally drop some real weight. What are your go-to simple yet tasty dinners?
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Quick meals- I love steak, and it can be grilled really quickly or broiled in 5 mins if you dont have a grill. Fish- salmon. There are lots of marinades online. I like one with lime juice...

    This week I am doing sort of like burritos without the shell- chicken, some black beans, salsa, veg, etc. all thrown together.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,246 Member
    @trooworld. I was just wondering about the prescription part. Do they scan it to you? How does it get to your pharmacy? I’m glad you are feeling a bit better

    @its_cleo So how can you start incorporating smaller portions of those foods you love into your lifestyle or finding a substitute that will satisfy you. If you watched that twin video they have 6-8 points every night set aside for dessert because they like dessert. But they eat a much smaller point breakfast. I think she said 0-3. I’m doing this all from memory. The trick is finding foods that will keep you happy and satisfied. Healthy foods 80-90% of the time. I’ve always thought deprivation leads to a couple of days of eating. For me anyway. So I feed my beast regularly. But I know I have to cut back somewhere just to get my cals to balance out. Usually that’s lunch. I can eat a lighter lunch and fruit for snacks. I’m just taking it a day at a time. I’ve had years of yo-yo dieting to make up for.

    @TeresaW1020 yaaay on you doing well at the dinner. The better we do at gatherings like this the more easier it becomes. I’m learning to look at everything and just pick the stuff I really like and won’t get at home which might be chocolate cake. Take a little piece of it and then add in other stuff. I eat a lot lighter out than I do at home. Go-to meals. Spaghetti is my first one but I’m learning now to not eat a whole plate and go back for seconds. I’m currently on 1 cup measured out and then a fruit or some veggies on the side. Even a yogurt. Anything that’s a distraction for me so that 1 cup doesn’t look lonely on my plate. Then chicken breasts cut up sautéed with onions and green peppers. A bit of taco seasoning for taste. Then throw in some frozen corn and green beans on the side. Those are my basic go to veggies but I’m learning how to cook more and add them in.

    @gemwolf110 Yummy Meatloaf. I think I’m going to have to make some mini ones so I can just pull them out when needed. My DH can’t eat red meat because of a blood disorder so therefore I don’t cook it. But this is the second time someone has mentioned meatloaf to me this week. I’ll have to put it in my magic notebook and plan it into my meals. I have a recipe for lentil meatloaf but the real thing sounds so much better. I’m learning to eat new healthy things. I’m learning to eat new healthy things. That was me saying a mantra to myself. 😀

    I stayed within my boundaries for food and met my burned calories goal. I did a Leslie Sansone video. Another big sticker day as no snooze button either.

    Now onto the next day.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    @theslightedgeforever - Funny enough - I was not really interested in food, but I must have eaten more than I think cause the scale moved in the wrong way

    @its_cleo _ how do you go with weight loss when you eat almost all your weekly points. I find that I can barely touch mine without it showing on the scales. I guess we all have to find what suits us

    @gemwolf100 - I usually make chicken meatballs miniature and freeze them - lovely just pull out with salad or pasta

    @TeresaW1020 - Glad yo u had a great time at the farewell party and that the food was well received. I am tyring a new WW receipe tonight which has pork sausages, sweet potato, red onions, cherry tomatoes, wholegrain mustard and others, marinate it together and throw it into the oven. I will let you know how it goes

    @trooworld - Hope your online doctor was correct. I find it kind of hard to see how could they evaluate that without listening to your chest, taking your temp etc etc. To go o the doctors here (unless the bill straight back to Mdicare cost about $40 for an appointment - regardless f you walk in as an emergency or not.

    Note sure if I walked under ladder or something similar, it is just one thing after another here, got a nail in my tyre and they could not patch it as it was too close to the edge and had to buy another one. My tooth that ached before and I had a root canal - is aching again and off I go back to the dentist. The inside garage wall hat was rendered, the rendering is dropping off (my home is 10 years old) and that apparently is the original builder, did not put enough cement in the mixture.

    Tae care

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @its_cleo I ended up just giving them to the friend I was supposed to go with. Yeah, it was a bummer. I'm sorry you are struggling. Try to make the next decision a healthy one. Take it one decision at a time, that's what I try to do when I am struggling. Sometimes it helps.

    @TeresaW1020 Whoa! Yeah, I'll be careful. I'm getting better, so I think I'm on the upswing. I'm glad the goodbye party went well and you did well with the food. Some of my go-to simple yet tasty (and healthy) dinners include:
    - salads like:
    Ultimate Fruit, Cheese & Nut Salad (But I use bottled dressing and add grilled chicken)
    Italian Chicken Bake + steamed veggies
    Spicy Honey Salmon in Foil with steamed veggies
    Spaghetti Squash Enchilada Bowls
    Slow Cooker Asian Glazed Chicken with steamed broccoli and brown rice

    @theslightedgeforever Oh they send it directly to the pharmacy electronically through their system. I am feeling better but now my husband is sick! :( You are doing really well.

    @TrishasTime I think he was, I'm feeling better. I took my own temperature and put it in my phone for him. It's not a perfect system, but it is a good system if you don't feel like going to urgent care or if you want to save money. If you don't trust their diagnosis, you can always go to urgent care or make an appointment with your doctor.

    Hi all. Now that I am on the mend, my husband is getting sick. I'm going to be going to work shortly while he's at home for the day. It's a good thing we've got a backlog of soups since I've been sick. My eating has been pretty good but no exercise at all, as you can imagine. That won't happen until later this week, possibly not until this weekend.

