

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited April 2018
    Trooworld. Good for you for pretracking. I know that really works. The question is why don’t I do that anymore. How’s your head.

    Trishastime when it’s time like those I tell myself at least I’m not dying of cancer. I think my whole life I’ve always imagined what could be worse to get me through the bad times. Hopefully good karma coming your way. Oh and I love lamb so I bet that would be good.

    WW meeting highlights
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @TrishasTime thanks, it did stay minimal. I hope you find that money tree out back, that sounds like you are having a really tough time. :( I'm so sorry.

    @theslightedgeforever my head is better. Yes, pretracking really helps me, if I don't do it, I don't end up tracking usually. Thanks for the highlights. I love those.

    Hi all. Well, I gained +0.7 lbs. Not much, but still I thought I would lose this week so it's a bummer. :( I'll try harder this next week. It didn't help that I had a fast food breakfast yesterday. I don't know why I got that, I do know why...I was on my way to work and I was starving and didn't want my sweet breakfast. Ugh. Have a good day everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning all...sorry spent all day in bed...couldn't make myself get up.
    I tracked day before and was is another shot at it.

    @TrishasTime Yea I know the glass top stove cracked, my drivers side window quit working (it's held up by 2 tools of my air condintioning..we are up in the 90's now. I could go on but you get the I think we are both ready for a new season..LOL

    @trooworld I will look that watch up..sounds interesting. Fast food is a killer...but sometimes it wins out over time. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever yes you have the mother look...

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. So can you have two choices at home ready to grab depending on your mood. Sweet or savory. What did u order by the way. You can make breakfast burritos or egg McMuffins at home and freeze them so they are ready to grab. Homemade oatmeal packets and a small thermos of hot water.

    Cbabie. Were you at least productive in bed? Catch up on reading or anything?

    This book I’m reading is really good. Talking about the way we eat based on results. In a nutshell it’s food that are processed makes us gain and non processed foods don’t. He talks about the science behind it. He talks about how we all get so caught up in counting points, calories, macros, etc. then talks about the money trail involved and the subsidies that our govt gives the farmer to grow wheat soybeans and corn. Then how all of that goes into what gets added to our foods and what we buy and eat. Which causes medical problems because our bodies weren’t made that way. So the drug companies and drs get richer off of us. Everyone gets richer off of us. All we get is broke sick and eventually die. Now I’m in part 2 where he talks all about the mini habits strategy
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @cbabie Yes, sometimes the FF wins! Sorry you had one of those days. Hopefully today is a better day. Here's a little Winnie the Pooh wisdom for you to cheer you up: "Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

    @theslightedgeforever I ordered a breakfast sandwich and hashbrowns. I could totally make something similar at home (but I never would make what I ordered at home because it was so unhealthy!). By the way, I am loving that podcast you recommended (Your Health First). I have listened to a bunch of episodes. I might buy his book that is coming out. That book sounds about right, which book is it?

    Hi all. I've got a salad from the store for work today because we didn't cook last night (had leftovers). I'm not going to have oatmeal next week for breakfast because I KNOW I don't like sweet things for breakfast and there is no point in scheduling it. I'm going out for dinner with a friend tonight for poke, which is kind of like a sushi bowl over lettuce or rice, I always choose lettuce to save points. It's really good. Have a good day everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    You know I love my Trello board. Here’s a good video on meal planning. The thing I like the most is the Key which has time limits, cold or hot weather, etc. plus I love her grocery list idea too with checklists So simplified. It will be a work in progress while I get my recipes together. That’s just 7-8. I’ll start and focus with one. I already have a lot on Pinterest and Instagram Then my idea was after a successful week, copy the list to a Meal Plan Archive board and keep adding til I have 3 months worth. I can do seasonal vegetables that way and then I can copy and rotate lists as needed. I won’t have to plan all the time after 3 months
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Another one. This time about WW points plus vs smartpoints vs Freestyle. Interesting take on it
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning..I was up all night long...couldn't sleep at all. My spirit was turning and things were going on I guess. When I am awake like that I just pray.

    @theslightedgeforever can you just make the meal plan and copy it to me on Trello? LOL
    @trooworld I never got the taste for raw food. I was talking to someone the other day and even my veggies have to be cooked..LOL

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It is the weekend here. My tenants moved out of our rental yesterday and have left a mess, so we are going up there today to wash walls, clean blinds, stoves etc. Hubby is going to repaint the laundry. When I get home - I will need to log into work at 8am as we are updating the system.

    @theslightedgeforever - Glad you are liking the book

    @trooworld - Hope you have a lovely dinner and I agree there is little point eating something that you are not enjoying

    @cbabie - Hop you can catch some slepp soon

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning: went and got groceries, have a wedding tonight...I am not stressing over food or diet today. I have to focus on getting some things done. LOL my grandson....came to me and said "Grandma, since we have been going to the gym...I have lost 9 lbs.." I wanted to say..what about me? LOL

    @TrishasTime Sorry about the renters. I never understood people that would leave a mess, but then life happened and I realized why people are that way sometimes when they didn't used to be. I hope you have a great weekend in spite of cleaning up.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @theslightedgeforever thanks for the videos, I'll look at them later when I get back from grocery shopping, they look interesting.

    @cbabie I'm sorry you didn't sleep well, I hate when I don't sleep well, it throws off my whole day. That's funny that even your veggies need to be cooked! :)

    @TrishasTime that's terrible that the tenants left a mess. How inconsiderate! You'd think they would want their deposit back??? I did have a lovely dinner, it was great to see my friend, she's one of my best friends.

    Hi all! You may have noticed I wasn't here yesterday. I was at a symposium at my job all day. On my day off. And I didn't get paid to be there, it was a "learning opportunity". :( So now I only have a one-day weekend!!! I had better make the best of it. I've gotta go grocery shopping and do meal prep and do my nails all today. We'll see how much gets done. It's nice weather here so I hope to sit out on the patio a bit too. Have a good day, everyone!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - hope you enjoy your one day off

    @cbabie - How was the wedding?

    @theslightedgeforever - How are you going yourslef?

    It is back to work for me today. It will be interesting to see what the property manager says

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited April 2018
    Quick check in here. I was in the middle of typing and got interrupted by my dh and somehow all that got posted was Plp. Have no idea. So I’m editing. Today was a good day good wise. No exercise. Probably won’t be til I leave on vacation. It keeps getting put til the bottom of the list. Which is bad.

    On Wednesday I’m leaving on my yearly vacation trek to go see my kids.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @TrishasTime thanks, I did! I did meal prep and relaxed a bit.

    @theslightedgeforever how exciting, a vacation! I hope you have fun.

    Hi all. Meal prep for the week is done! No excuses for eating poorly. There's just one meal that needs to be made, I'll make it tonight fresh (a ravioli dish). I am pretracked for the day, and have 4 pts leftover for snacks or to rollover to go towards the negative number I am in currently (I am currently -22 weekly points :( ). I am going to try and not snack so I can rollover all 4 of those points. Have a good day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning all!!
    Wow I have been over sleeping and not getting my morning routine done. I am up and down up and down all night long. This HAS TO STOP....I just got up and trying to get a few things done before my meeting at 10. I am hoping to get back on track eating wise. I can tell you that even though I have not been eating on track (but mindful) my clothes do fit a little different since going to the gym. That was the best decision I have made this year almost..LOL

    @TrishasTime The wedding was great! Oh my I am walking in freedom since going to that wedding!!. It was very pretty and emotional..the bride was literally shaking coming down the aisle. My old boss stayed away from me and I her, but everyone was so good to see everyone! That was a door that needed to be closed and opened at the same time. The door to my freedom emotionally, I feel as if more and more breakthroughs are coming!! I am excited to see what each day brings. I am so grateful to God for working in my life and causing my steps to be ordered by Him.

    @theslightedgeforever Well I hope you keep in touch even if it's on your phone while on vacation...(speak into it and let it do all the work of typing) LOL

    @trooworld "love" those "training experiences" LOL Well it was good to hear from you, sorry Sunday's are probably the one day, I don't get on here. I will make attempts, but I can't promise. My Sundays are pretty long. I loved when I could carry my points over. The good thing is your tracking. I read something yesterday that we can't change what we don't keep track doesn't matter if it's food, behavior, time, etc...

    Well since I got up late, I had better get off here.

    See you
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Trooworld. You sound like you have a good plan involving your snacks this week.

    Cbabie. I’m glad the gym is something that you are doing. Such a stress reliever. Plus it’s just for you. NSV are great.

    Another day closer to vacation. I went over on calories. Downtime on vacation will be setting up my Trello board meal plans. I want to add calories on my cards so I can preplan better. If it’s a higher dinner I know I need a lower lunch and so forth
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @cbabie that's great to hear about the gym...yay! I hope you can get your sleep schedule regulated soon. It sounds like going to that wedding was tough but an important step. I hope theslightedgeforever keeps in touch, too! That's true...if you don't track it, how are you going to change it?

    @theslightedgeforever yeah more on that later. :(

    So...hello all. I had such a good plan for yesterday and I did (mostly) well. That is until our director brought in leftovers from his party he had on Friday. It was all my trigger food and I don't know where all my strategies went that I had for FREE FOOD, but all that went out the window and I indulged. Not much, only a small slice of this and a piece of this, but still, it was food I did not count on eating and it put me over for the day after I tracked it. :( It's like I had amnesia and had no memory of ever making those strategies. Some days are better than others I guess.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    AFternoon, I was out of my routine this morning, but here I am. LOL I went to the gym had a call for my MK book club, reading the One Thing. Very interesting book.

    @trooworld When you said "It's like I had reminded me of what I am learning in this book. We have to create new habits, good habits, and it's not about discipline. It takes 66 days for something to really be ingrained in you. I was thinking of making a calendar of 66 days and then crossing off every day that I do my "new habit".

    @theslightedgeforever You LOVE your trello boards....LOL

    Okay gotta run get some other things done. I have a meeting at 6:30 and I have so many things I want to get done before that. LOL

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It is finally raining here - (halfway through autumn) we have had some very high temperatures here - much higher than the norm expected for autumn.

    @theslightedgeforever - Have a great time visiting your kids

    @cbabie - Glad you could close the door emotionally

    @trooworld = we all have our achilles heel

    Got to run to work

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited April 2018
    Trooworld. Days like you had where someone brings in food is what weeklies are for. I think the relationship between FREE foods and you needs to be explored. This isn’t the first time you have had this scenario. Yes some days are better than others.

    Cbabie I don’t know that 66 is the magic number. I think it may be less for some and more for others. Depends on how ingrained and resistant we are. Plus how consistent. My Trello boards keep me on point. Without them I wouldn’t do anything nor remember anything I just keep retweaking them It’s good you came on here despite being out of your routine

    Trishastime. Ick on the high temps. I hope that’s not a precursor for the rest of us. Last year was hotter I think than I ever remember it. I’m ready for a mild summer this year. So what’s happening with your food journey?

    I went over calories but walked 37 minutes. If I could only be successful with both on the same day. Good news is each day I get to try again.

    So I probably won’t be checking in tomorrow but who knows You all keep me focused