

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited December 2018
    @trooworld So is tracking going to be your January goal? Are you going to be tracking progress by day or by meal? Oh, I just saw your post about the stickers. Stickers are fun. The only thing I do traditionally on NYE is watch the ball drop. If I was married to someone different, I would be at a party somewhere. ;) He doesn't care about balls dropping or counting down to midnight. lol But I'm always thankful I get to spend the next year with him. Nice Buddha quote.

    @teresaw1020 2019 is your year! Are you feeling better? Are you picking a January goal? That's interesting perspective on you with calories versus points. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how it would be easier to go over 200 versus go over on 3. I love the chart. But then I'm a chart person. This reminded me of the book 100 days of Weight Loss. I bought that book years ago but it's still good. Here's a free PDF version We could all get it and comment on it each day. Like a daily devotion.

    @gemwolf110 I hope you had a nice Christmas. That house looks like Teresa's.

    @TrishasTime Rice crackers are my nemisis. I can't seem to stop eating them so I had to stop buying them. Good for you for losing weight on Christmas. My daughter wants to see Mary Poppins.

    @cbabie Teach your family to make their own Oreo fudge using my recipe. It's so easy. Just three ingredients. No basic cooking except for melting the white chocolate chips. I promised my son I would make him a batch to take to his friends since he only got one piece this last time. But that stuff is like crack. So it's not sitting in my house. While I was making it I was thinking about buying pretzels and making those like you used to do and then I had other bad thoughts come into my head about all the things I could do with this recipe. So the trick is to not buy those darn chips. How about concentrating on the things that you did well for the day. You might have done 3 things well and 1 thing not so well and you will say the whole day was bad. What are you doing for your January goal? How about "keeping track of things I do well".

    My January goal will be 1) track and meet or exceed my calories burned goal each day 2) track and stay within my calorie limit each day. I have three different calorie goals during the week. EDIT: I just reread my post and decided limit was such a negative word. So I'm going to change it to allowance. Stay within my calorie allowance each day.

    So I think our success all boils down to habits or daily actions. That's why I didn't choose a weight goal for January. With sodium bloat, hormones, etc. I don't think I could control a number on the scale for a particular day. But I can control my actions and habits. Everything I'm reading says to make the habit a tiny one and build from there. We all want to start running 5Ks but don't have the habit of getting out there to walk daily yet. Or we decide we are going to cut out all our sugar instead of seeing what your current intake is and reducing it. My sugar goal for instance is 50 gm. In the last 30 days I went over 10 days (probably more since I didn't track the last week, that's not like me at all.) So I might set my goal to 8 days. Or to be positive, I met my sugar goal 20 days out of 30. For the next month, I will meet my sugar goal 22 days. See that little tiny increase? That's what my username SLIGHTEDGE is all about. Just a small change or adjustment over a period of time.

    Anticipate your obstacles in meeting your goals each day and create a solution ahead of time. So off the top of my head using my goals:

    Burned calories:

    My obstacles are
    not in the mood to exercise,
    telling myself 30 min is enough (I exercised didn't I?),
    telling myself I'll exercise later in the day

    Make it fun. Watch one of your TV shows while you are on the treadmill. Just do 5-10 minutes.
    Keep track of calories and burn the required calories for the day. Walking 10 minutes around the room or house is still walking. It burns calories. Find exercises that burn more calories per min. Leslie Sansone videos burn more calories than walking on a treadmill for the same amount of time.
    Never trust your future self......Once I'm done with my breakfast outside, keep moving and go to the gym or exercise. Don't sit down to read or just look at my phone.

    Stay within calories

    My obstacles are
    Not having a plan for the day
    The food I plan doesn't appeal to me so I'll grab something else
    Not tracking my food right after I eat it but wait until the end of the day and now I've gone over calories

    Pre-plan your meals either the night before or first thing in the morning.
    Learning to stick with the food that is planned is a habit to be developed. Eating the same foods that made me fat will keep me fat. I'm not a smoothie fan, but I will eat the same ingredients whole but separate. Tell myself, just this once I will drink a smoothie. I did find a chocolate smoothie recipe I like using cocoa, hershey's sugar free syrup and stevia. Find healthy foods I like.
    I'm pretty good about tracking my foods daily because I preplan them and just eat what I've planned. The problem comes when I don't eat what's planned and my brain tells me I've already tracked. So I forget. I could set a reminder on my Fitbit.

    So think about your goals and what obstacles have been keeping you from reaching your goals?

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    @cbabie yes, today is a new day! That's too bad about your aunt's Santa Claus collection, that sounds very cool. I intend to relax for the next 4 days. My husband took today off, so he actually has a 5 day weekend the lucky sap!!!

    @TeresaW1020 LOL...don't worry, we'll be lucky to make it until midnight! ;) I like your chart, it's very organized! I'm impressed you made it wow!!! I love this idea, I will come up with my own version (I can't seem to do any time-bound challenges, as that just mucks me up lol). I'm sorry you are still sick. Do you think it's time to go to the doctor?

    @TrishasTime Wow, congrats on losing over Christmas, Trish well done!!! :D I am a September baby lol. The pork and sauerkraut is a midwestern tradition (I'm from the midwest of the US), specifically a Pennsylvania Dutch tradition. So, it is one of my family's traditions. Here's a link to more about it: My husband's family is from Louisiana, so their tradition is to eat black-eyed peas and collard greens on New Year's Day. My sister-in-law will probably give us some of those to eat, so we will be extra lucky next year. ;) I've heard good things about apple watches, neat! Do you like it so far?

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, tracking by day will be my progress, 6 out of 7 days will be considered a success as of right now. That may change. I'm not sure the Buddha really said that quote but I like it. ;) I'll think about my goals and obstacles more later today or tomorrow. I've got to get to work now.
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Way too crazy with the season, shift work, new twin grandsons etc
    Will get my act together after jan 7
    Do the best you can

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning! Yes we are all looking forward to 2019, I know we each should look at what didn't work and put that behind us and don't do it...change is in the air.

    @prisoner2food I am sure you are crazy, I have a 4 month GGD that lives with and I seemed to always have a baby task...could be play, change diaper, put to sleep, know all those things a baby does. LOL So I pray you get some rest. just make sure to take care of you...they need you healthy to enjoy them and they you!!

    @gemwolf110 , sounds like a plan, I have been on a roller coaster as we can attack 2019 together and maybe cross some flat land in TX for a bit..LOL

    @trooworld hope you had a good day at work, and that you get to relax now until Wed..LOL We can all come into 2019 with 1 thing different we want to do..

    @trishastime congrats on your are doing great!!

    @theslightedgeforever .....LOL I can only say you have your words of wisdom...and you are never at a loss for them. Thank you for bringing new insight to our group. We can always learn or we should just throw in the towel...but I think that not one person on this team is ready to quit...That is a good thing!!!!
    Can I say over achiever..LOL (Love you)

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I am still battling with new watch , after having a fitbit for so long, it is totally different and exciting. It woke me this morning and said time to stand and move. That is what I meant with battling, I need to fond that setting and say "not before 7am on weekends" I did do well yesterday - actually I am proud of myself. All the food came out and I had a couple of slices of pineapple and complimented everyone on what they made and bought. We have an lady , with us and she made some sort of flavoured rice. I told her that I would have some at lunch and she made sure I got some. So I ate around it and then popped my lunchbox with her rice in and it back into its bag and brought it home to the bin. I was determined to stick with the plan

    @theslightedgeforever - My Goal for January will be to get 20 blue dots out of the month. Blue dots mean that you have tracked and have stayed within 10 under to 5 over your daily allowance. I want to walk 30 mina day 6 times per week. I like that you put things into a half glass full scenario. Can you please share your 3 ingredient fudge receipe?

    @gemwolf110 _ Glad you had a relaxing time with Christmas. I think we all are in the mindset that 2019 is the year

    @prisoner2food - I do hope you have a small amount of time to yourself each day. Hope things get easier after Jan 7th

    @trooworld - Hope you have a relaxing days off. As @theslightedgeforever says - it is habits that make a change. That it is why WW is concentrating on wellness - which is all the little good habits we build into our lives. If we keep doing that then the weight will follow automatically. I personally think it is a more holistic approach.

    @cbabie - I am trying to adopt more of your sisters way. Instead of saying I have to go to work, I am now saying I get to go to work as a lot of people do not have that option. Before I would say, I did not do that walk in a certain time. Now I say I walked today which is the better habit that I am trying to achieve rather than berate myself for not walking fast enough. As you say, we are not giving up and I for one am glad that you created this and I found you guys

    Take care

  • sme5056
    sme5056 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, all! I did WW for brief time and got frustrated with the points as I found it confusing. I think I had 23 points for the day and most were gone before lunch!! What do people think of Freestyle vs smart points vs points plus? I was thinking of doing Ibites and MFP together. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    @gemwolf110 The new year is a great time to start anew. I wish you the best!

    @prisoner2food Hello. I hope things slow down for you soon.

    @cbabie I am looking forward to relaxing these next few days. YOU bring words of wisdom along with your sister, I would like to remind you. ;) The insight must run in the family!!! ((( HUGS )))

    @TrishasTime Great job! I agree with little good habits. I've been making small changes for years via WW and on my own. I've come miles from where I used to be but still have a long way to go. :(

    @sme5056 Hi there! When I was doing WW, I just did whatever program they were offering at the moment. I think that whatever program you will stick with is the best program for you...give iBites a try and see if you like it. I know a lot of people do like the older programs, so maybe you would like those better. Good luck and welcome! :D

    Hi all. Well, I don't know what I ate yesterday but last night I either had food poisoning or I had a stomach flu. :( I seem to be better today but it was no fun last night. It started after dinner so I suspect it was something in the salad I ate. See what I get for eating salads? :P We are going to see Mary Queen of Scots with my sister-in-law today (as of 7:15 a.m. we are) that is the big plan for today. I hope we won't eat out, but we may. I hope you all have a great day!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, love how you broke down your obstacles and solutions! How true it is that we have to first start by being real with ourselves and knowing what our issues are so that we can begin to overcome them. I plan to be just as real with myself. Thanks for the link and I would love to read the book but that site wants me to sign up and provide a credit card to start my "free" membership. That isn't something I should be doing when hubby is stressing over our current bills. :/

    @TrishasTime, good for you for sticking to your plan! It can be so hard to resist when people are pushing food on us but you prevailed and she was none the wiser. :D I'm going to strive to get all blue dots in January. So far my calendar doesn't have anything on it that should prevent me from staying on plan. We can do it!! <3

    @cbabie, isn't it great to have each other to start 2019 with? Putting off the old and putting on the new is what we all need to be doing. :)

    @gemwolf110, I agree with you that 2019 is a time to begin anew. I had a rough 2018 as well and I'm ready to take control of my health and fitness and make it the best year ever! B)

    @prisoner2food, sometimes you just have to do the best you can. You will get back on track!! :)

    @trooworld, I hope you are enjoying your time off! <3 I just have to say that I really like the pork and sauerkraut idea much more than the black-eyed peas and collard greens. Everyone I know down here in Georgia eats black-eyed peas and collards on the 1st. Looking at my menu for the week, we will be having tuna salad and sweet potato chips. I sure hope there is some luck somewhere in that meal. :D:D:D

    @sme5056, WW can be confusing until you get the hang of it. I have only ever known Smart Points and Freestyle is smart points, with the added zero point food list. 23 points isn't a lot which is why you have to supplement with zero point foods, but you have to be really careful not to eat too many because zero doesn't mean calorie free. I did both WW and calorie counting for the last few months and it really helped me understand my portions better. Best advice is to find what works for you and do it. :)

    Whew!! I've already typed a book to ya'll! :D Finally my cold is much better and yesteday I worked all day to pack up Christmas decoration and get my house back in order. Having everything fresh and clean again is how I like to go into the New Year. I've been stuck inside the house since Dec. 23rd and I'm so ready to get out and do something! Tomorrow after church I'm going to Kohls to spend my Kohls cash before it expires and then over to Trader Joes to stock up on healthy edibles.

    I got my charts ready to go and up on the fridge. YES, the pic you see is of my fridge and hubby is my accountabily buddy. Is it possible that I'm a little too chart happy!! :D:D


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    I'm here but no time to talk. My kids are leaving tomorrow so we've been having a lot of family time with a fire and playing cards.

    @sme5056 Welcome to the group. I think all of those plans work if you work the plan. It depends which fits better into your lifestyle. I started with points plus but I can see how the transition to the other plans seems to lean toward healthier foods. For me, points plus was eat whatever I wanted to as long as I stayed within the points. Then they started making the unhealthier foods higher points so it made it harder for me to stay within my points. I say choose whatever plan will make it easier for you to lose weight. I have prediabetes and tried tracking with Ibites and MFP but it got to be too much for me. So now I just use MFP. Have you tried Freestyle? Filling your plate with mostly zero point foods and then adding pointed items.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited December 2018
    Try this link for the 100 days of weight loss book:
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Try this link for the 100 days of weight loss book:

    Thank you!! That is awesome and I'm going to incorporate this journal as part of my daily plan to stay on track for the 100-day challenge.

    I just listened to a woman I follow on FB and she said something that I really liked and hadn't ever thought of before. "Our problem is not the habit of consistency, but what areas that we are being consistent in." How true is that? I have consistently allowed myself to do less than what I know I should be doing. That is because I have an all or nothing mindset, which is crap. I have soooo much to think about! :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member

    @sme5605 - There are still a couple of us doing WW at the moment. ( I am doing WW, but I have also done MFP). I like the path that WW is going as it is all about lifestyle. If you live a healthy lifestyle then the weight will follow. The lifestyle they are trying to promote is to eat fresh, exercise well and although there are a ton of @free foods. You still need to be aware of serving sizes. If you feel ibites can help and that is your best strategy along with MFP then go for it, we will support you all the way.

    @trooworld - If you felt sick at dinner, then it is usually what was at dinner. I do hope you are feeling okay now. I have seen the trailers for the movie and it looks good. I have a new background screen for my phone - it says @make it a lifestyle - not a duty". I think that its where I was going wrong, I need to make it a lifestyle choice like brushing my teeth.

    @teresaw2010 - I too packed up my Christmas decorations yesterday (snap :) ) as I think going into the New Year should be clear and fresh too. I love the fact that your husband is your accountability buddy.

    @gemwolf - Hi there - We have each advised what are goals are for January, so we are accountable. If you want to join in please do :)

    @theslightedgeforever - I love the book, however I will print it out at work next week to complete it.

    I walked for an hour yesterday and my heart rate was over the max of 220 minus age. I felt fine at the time, but someone passed me and asked me if I was okay. When I got home and had a glass of water, my left side chest ached for awhile. Today I do a 30 min walk and tripped over a curb. I am thinking, I need to be more careful as I want 2019 to shine with good memories.

    Hello to @cbabie
    Take care
  • sme5056
    sme5056 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks to those that answered my question....much appreciated!!!

    I’m finding it REALLY hard to follow MFP. I mean I’m not eating healthy but staying in my calories. I feel like there are too many choices and I can’t function with this kind of freedom. I’m too weak!!

    Would weight watchers be a good option for me? If so, the new one or an older program? Please help!!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    edited December 2018
    @TeresaW1020 I am indeed enjoying my time off! I am not a fan of black-eyed peas, I like collards but not the peas. Don't tell my sister-in-law! ;) Tuna salad and sweet potato chips sounds yummy too! I'm glad your cold is better, I was starting to worry about you. Thanks for the reminder about Kohls cash, I have some!!! I love your charts. I will attach a picture of my calendar complete with my January goals. In case you can't read it, my goals are:
    - walk 2 times a week
    - track every day
    - drink 40 ounces of water a day
    - read a book
    Oh my gosh, yes to what that woman on Facebook said!

    @TrishasTime I am feeling better, we threw out what we ate for dinner to make sure we didn't have a repeat of what we experienced (I think it was the blue cheese but can't be sure). The movie was good, we really liked it. I like your new background screen. Mine says "Always remember your why". It might be time to change it, I've had it for a while. After a while, my eyes glaze over when I see it. Please be careful and don't overdo it!!! Great job, though.

    @sme5056 I personally loved WW. It will give you the structure that you are desiring. I like the new program, they improve it with each version I personally think. But everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. I don't do WW for financial reasons + I was being noncompliant so I didn't want to waste the money. But it's a good program, it will encourage you to make healthier choices in both food and exercise and I think it is worth the money. You can do online only or studio (meetings) + online. Look into it, you might like it.

    Hi all. I went to the movies yesterday to see "Mary Queen of Scots". It was a good movie. Had movie popcorn and gummy bears. :/ It could have been worse, my husband had M&Ms, I could have had those too. I don't know what to do with myself with all of this time off. I'm almost going stir crazy. And I'm getting an Amazon delivery tomorrow so tomorrow I really can't go anywhere lol. Today, I'd better get out somewhere. Have a good day! Here's a pic of my new calendar (each month is a different image). I put a few stickers on the days and I also wrote in my goals.sc7nl5zdg55l.jpg

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    By the way, if anyone is wondering how I got that ticker, it's under APPS ---> TICKERS. ;)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - I do like you calender. I like your goals as well. I am glad you threw the suspect stuff out. AS to the movie stuff, well it happens. Perhaps next time try just one or the other.

    @gemwolf110 - great goals to have, hope we see more of you around.

    @sme5056 - There is only on WW. There is no old one. If you join, you will do the current program. Only you can decide the triggers that work for you. Can you afford to go to a studio or not. Would going to a studio make you more accountable knowing that you will weigh in - each week. At a studio there are other people there that will support you as well and also give you tips and idea. I believe that there are wonderful specials now as it NY. Also in USA (not sure where you are from), they have incentives for living a healthy lifestyle - little gifts that you have to earn points to get. WW give you a choice but with guidelines and suggestions. Perhaps you should check out there site. BTW - where are you from?

    @theslightedgeforever - Can I please have the fudge receipe?

    @cbabie and @teresawW2010 - Hello, hope all is good

    Okay - it is back to work for me today. I did a spreadsheet of what I spent last year on food, takeout, medical cars etc. It is amazing how all those little things add up - it was a wake up call

    Take care


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    @TrishasTime I now know what gave me the food poisoning or whatever was happening: it was definitely the blue cheese. When I saw the sad little lump of blue cheese that DH wanted me to put on my salad, I knew that wasn't the lump of fresh blue cheese I just bought the week before, but I didn't say anything for some reason. I just put a whole bunch of it on my salad. I discovered my untouched fresh blue cheese yesterday when I was looking for something else (our fridge is a bit of a black hole). The blue cheese I ate must have been at least a month old, possibly a lot longer! :( It's no wonder I got sick. I hope you have a good day at work.

    Hello all. Tonight being New Year's Eve here, we celebrating by having appetizers and drinks. I am making the appetizers as healthy versions of them as possible, but they are still not super healthy:

    Reuben Pigs in the Blankets (made with turkey little smokies)
    Instant Pot Sweet BBQ Meatballs (made with turkey meatballs)
    Stuffed Mushrooms with Bacon and Blue Cheese (made with center cut bacon)

    I will drink wine spritzers: 3 oz wine + 3 oz diet 7-up. That's low in cals, much lower than beer or hard liquor. Does anyone have any plans tonight?

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning all! It's amazing to me all the post since I was here last..only 2 days. LOL My youngest DD had 2 molars pulled that have been ready to be pulled forever and she has so much anxiety, it was awful. She is still recouping, so between taking care of her and my GGD, my Sunday job duites/church/children's ministry,,...I have just been on no sleep. But I am here today ready for the next phase of my life..I fully intend for 2019 to be my year of freedom. So with that note...

    @TeresaW1020 Wow I like your graph for 10 day, etc...I would love to see the blue stickers add up if I were using that...I do need to have some kind of tracker...I have a little one that my DD made me for my date book, but It's not doable like yours...your's reminds me of a bingo card.LOL

    @TrishasTime I liked your idea on your new phone really is a mindset don't you think? I am trying to change mine...I want to be an example to my kids...we all were really healthy at one time, with our exercise and choices of foods...but the last couple of years or more have taken a toll on our we all are going to make 2019 our comeback year...

    @trooworld I am so sorry you got sick....the good news is you know what caused it, you can enjoy your NE plans and look forward to achieving your goals in the new year. I am so excited to see how each of us really hit our goals this year!!

    @sme5056 I too have done both WW am MFP, I know I did better on WW, but I want to try just MFP and track some nutrients that I need to track for my age and my generational things that have been a part of our Diabetes.. It's really your choice...all you really can do is try and try until you find the ONE that is for you!

    @gemwolf110 yes I am so glad we have each other...I think we all make a good team!!

    @theslightedgeforever You soon will be back to your normal routine...and will be missing the family home.. NOT..LOL Today is the day DH my new life awaits me..LOL I look forward to your words of wisdom in the next season and know that we all effect each other with positive contributions.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It is New Years Day here ( we are 12 hours ahead I think?) so when I type this, you will be out (or not) celebrating NYE.

    We stayed home and watched our basketball team play on the other side of Australia. We had sushi and I did plan to have treats, but my stomach was playing up (guess too many vegetables), so they all got left alone.

    I went to bed with the word "lifestyle" on my brain. This year I am going to change my lifestyle and own everything I do.

    In the meantime, I wish you a health and happy 2019

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited January 2019
    @gemwolf110 Spending time with your family is a great way to end the year. Your goals sound good and doable

    @TrishasTime I like to see the fireworks displays from across the world on NYE and Australia is always the first. Lifestyle is a good word to keep on the brain. I think what @sme5056 means is that she could follow an older WW plan unofficially via the Internet and iBites app I know some people who do that because they didn’t like it when they switched to Smartpoints. The Oreo recipe is here

    @cbabie Just print out Teresa’s chart and start using it. You can always just put an X on the day you meet your goals. What are you working towards this month. I edited her chart in Paint 3D and just added my own goals.

    @trooworld I made me a ticker but we’ll see if it shows up. Food poisoning is no fun. Nice motivating calendar. When you wrote I’m not a fan of black eyed peas I thought but they have such good music. Then realized you were talking about the food 😂

    @sme5056 The newer WW program will steer you towards healthier food but still too many choices. I’m trying to follow the Shred Plan by Dr Ian Smith. He tells you what to eat everyday for 6 weeks (each meal is listed) by giving you structure but choices. Then there are three snacks that you can choose whatever. It’s rigid but flexible. I’m trying to adapt it for my lifestyle. Just find what works for you and what doesn’t work.

    @TeresaW1020 Nice quote on consistency. It’s so true. Are you ready to commit for the next 100 days. I would like to lose between 10-14 lbs during this time. April 10 is the last day if I counted correctly.
    I’ve set up my journal on Penzu so I can fill out those answers each day.

    I looked back at Fitbit and saw for the last three years I have had less steps than the previous years. Just slightly but if this trend continues I won’t be able to move as I age. So I’m going to change that in 2019.

    Did everyone check out their year in review here on MFP. Take a screenshot and see if you can do better this next year.