

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning all

    @theslightedgeforever - Not an issue if you want it :) Over here we are in the new WW and therefore the first 2 weeks is all about food, the next week is movement and then the third party the following week, Once that is over then we go back to weekly books. Just let me know.

    @cbabie - my sister is very much into oils and in fact sells them and has a team. She did try to offer me something when all the fuss was going down, but my DH took one smell and he had a headache, so that was the end of that. Husband is sensitive to certain smells. Funny story - when I got engaged to him, his mother gave a list of what he was allergic to (he had an allergy tests done). Over the years, I have introduced a lot of things, but perfumes and, sprays, even clothes powder with fragrance is a no no. The upside is I get to wear just one expensive perfume :)

    @TeresaW1020 - Is a consignment store when you take your clothes and they sell them for you for a commission? or do they buy your clothes outright?? Your story on the loss made me laugh. I imagine the loss was always there playing pee a boo.

    I went to my meeting last night and I pleased to say I lost 2% of my starting weight. As part of this, I decided not to think about kgs /pounds but the health benefits when you lose a percentage of weight - so it is more about healthy lifestyle and not just weight. The leader asked me if I wanted to celebrate - and I said thanks but no thanks. I want to be settled into my new healthy lifestyle before I celebrate anything and it definitely will not be number game.

    My husband asked me how it went and I said - it is going well. Not sure why I am so secretive

    Anyway - off to work

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Trooworld one of my favorite words is perception. Two people can look at the same situation and see different things. We can train ourselves to look at things differently too. I journal on my computer with Penzu. It’s quicker than writing it all out. So name one positive thing about turning 50. Name one positive thing about your husband being gone. Name one positive thing about the change of season. Here’s my list.
    50: one step closer to not having a period, being able to become an AARP member and get some discounts.
    Husband gone: No cooking and I can eat lower calorie food and not be tempted by his food
    Change of season: Cooler temps, everything pumpkin 🎃
    Have you been able to meet up with that lady you met? Was she in your WW meeting? How about just exchanging numbers and either text her on what’s app or use Marco Polo. At first it’s a bit weird but I’ve been doing it with two friends in different states. One I’ve actually never met before. We were on an eDiets team together about 10 years ago. That way you can talk with someone and it’s free and you don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want. You have a right to feel whatever feelings you want. Be it guilt or whatever. I used to feel a lot of guilt but it didn’t do anything for me. Well maybe make me feel bad so then I would eat junk to make me feel good. Then the cycle began and continued. So now I’m like this is what I’m feeling and it’s okay and then I move on. I wallowed a bit about two weeks ago but I’m okay now. Those two weeks of wallowing did nothing towards helping me reach my goals😒 so I’m starting again. Hugs

    TeresaW1020. I use Penzu too. Great idea about the pew walking. I’ve just started standing for 10 min and sitting for 5 min while watching TV. Usually I move around cause I hate just standing. Lol. That adds in a bit of steps too. I just keep resetting my Fitbit timer. Ok what’s Rokus? I love consignment stores

    Trishastime. Ok send me the WW stuff it’s always good to have a refresher. My hubby is the same way about smells. I am to a certain degree especially lavender. Gives me a headache. I was laughing at your comments about Teresa’s wine and pee a boo. 😂. I wonder if part of the reason you are so secretive on your weight loss is a lot like pregnant women don’t tell anyone they are pregnant til after the 3rd month. Just in case......
    But even if you don’t tell anyone jump up and down because you are turning around your ship and you worked hard for that 2%. That’s a great way of looking at it. Health benefits. I’m in the process of relabeling food products in my head instead of thinking about how many calories are in it. Some of my labels are causes strokes, causes cancer, fights cancer.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you for telling me about Penzu, I've never heard about it, I think I might try it out. Thank you very much for your kind words and prayers, sweet friend! I do hope to feel better soon. That is weird about your weigh-in but sometimes that happens! I always say weigh-ins are a crap shoot lol. That's great that you scored at the consignment store. There is a consignment store around here that sells designer/name brands and I'm dying to go in but I never have any money. :( It's also not close to my house, otherwise I'd totally go window shop. One day I'll go in! We cut the cord about 2 years ago and don't regret it a bit.

    @TrishasTime congrats on your loss, well done!

    @theslightedgeforever That is two people that use Penzu. I'm definitely checking it out. ;) I can't name one thing positive about turning 50, I really can't. Okay, now that I read your list, I don't have my period anymore so that is nice. :D I guess I'll be able to become an AARP member now? Husband gone: I can watch whatever I want on tv or read if I want. Change of season: cooler temps, everything pumpkin definitely, Halloween is coming! :D The lady I met/know was in the WW meeting and I haven't been able to meet up with her yet, if I will be able to meet up with her it will be on the weekends. I've got her number she's got mine. I'll text her later today. Thanks for your support! :D

    Hi all. I took the dog for a long walk before work yesterday, and then at work I went to bokwa (the aerobics-like class). Tonight I will play around with Penzu. Have a good day.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @TrishasTime, The consignment store I'm going to gives cash for your clothes, shoes, and accessories. Yesterday, I spent over 2 hours trying on most of the clothes in my closet and I have two full bags that are going to the consignment and 2 full bags that are going to Goodwill. I still have drawers and another closet to go through. My new goal is that every piece of clothing I own fits me. I was super motivated by how much stuff is now way too big! I told my hubby that I have to go shopping now!! :D

    @theslightedgeforever, Roku is this device needed to hook up TV's to things like Hulu, Netflix, etc. We don't want to go buying smart TV's when the ones we have are perfectly fine. It's going to be nice to not have such a high bill after this month. Just hope we still get good internet service.

    So who got the new WW app update! I've been reading about the new WellnessWins rewards. Since I'm going to do all the things that are required anyway, I like that they are now going to give me a prize! People on my FB groups are predictably freaking out that WW is moving away from weight loss to wellness. I think it's brilliant! One, they are a business and need to get with the times and make more money. Second, I've been on this weight loss journey for over 30 years and it is MORE than just a number on the scale. My mental and spiritual wellbeing play the key role in what I end up putting in my mouth. Good habits are always going to be better than bad ones and if WW can help me then yayyy!! I'm also on MFP for the very same reason. :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone :)

    @trooworld - 50 is the new 30. Think about it - at 50 you are doing the same things that I would have done at 30 - going to body pump, horror marathons. I was surprised that you told us that you were 50 as certainly do not sound it and the pictures you show look like you are in your early 40's. (I am that person who says what they think) It is simply a number, not a stage of who you are - only you can determine that. I can say that cause I am 57, not sure how old everyone else here.

    @TeresaW1020 - Wow what a wonderful idea about only having clothes that fit you. I am a range of sizes in my wardrobe - some of the smaller sizes I will never ever get to again and I think I can see a clear out coming. In Perth WA they only do "consignment" on evening dresses and such like. I take all my good clothes to the "Salvation Army" and the ones that are below par - to the rag bin.

    @theslightedgeforever - I love the way you "nudge" and support people. The only time I told my DH how I lost is when I got my LTM and he told other people. I was then mortified not proud (my thought was - they would be disgusted on how I let myself get that big that I needed to lose X) Now I think - I am doing this for me and what you think is none of my business) I am thankful to have your friendship here.

    Talk about plans going array - up at 5.15am - car already packed ready to go to work gym for the treadmill. Get there and a water pipe has burst. Flooding the gym and change rooms. Lucky they have showers on different floors, so I could at least shower. I will go for a long walk after work to make up for it. I can do what I like tonight as DH is away with the dogs and will not be back until Saturday night

    Take care everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Trooworld. Ha I always say weigh ins are a crap shoot too. It’s just data at a given time and place. Now don’t you feel the tiniest bit better about turning 50 . If so then my work here is done. 😀 How was bokwa? Never heard that one before.

    Gemwolf. You reminded me that it’s breast cancer awareness month. Has everyone had their mammograms? Obesity is a strong factor in breast cancer. This is why we make good choices and exercise.

    TeresaW1020. That’s the fun part of losing weight. Getting new clothes yes I’ve heard of Roku. Sometimes I wonder how we lived before internet lol

    Trishastime. I’m 54. I don’t feel 54. Yes I’m learning to be selfish and do what is good for me It’s good you have a back up plan for when things go awry

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @TeresaW1020 That's great that you have so many things to go to the consignment shop! I'm installing the update now, I also think the update is a good idea. I think change is good. I can't wait to see what the update has done! :D

    @TrishasTime Thanks, I do not feel 50 at all. I feel like I am still in my 30s! I like how you didn't give up when the gym was flooded and found a way to still get a workout in.

    @theslightedgeforever :) Yes I do, thank you! Bokwa is fun. It is aerobics for the non-coordinated person, such as me. hahaha And the class is only 30 minutes, which is nice. Here is a more "high energy" version of what we do at bokwa:

    I get my mammogram as scheduled. I wish I could donate, @gemwolf110, but I can't, I'm on a strict budget.

    Hi all. I have to get ready for work now, but I hope you have a great day!!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning everyone, sorry yesterday just got away from me. I did walk 30 min around my pool yesterday. I worked up a sweat and it just plain felt I only got in 20 min. My GD was supposed to go for a job interview, but can't get her out of bed...ugh. moving on with my plans.

    @gemwolf110 Thank you for the invite to donate, wish I could. My mom died for Breast/bone yes it's touched my life.

    @TrishasTime I am so proud of you. Yes I thought maybe it was an inner ear, but it has stopped so far. So I am just trying to continue working on my health. I am 60, turning 61 in Dec. Yes I am very sensitive to team teases me because I say it all smells like dirt.. I have to be careful of anything strong...But the oils have saved me many times..many people swear by lavender, but I have to be is good for many things, but I have to take it in small doses...

    @theslightedgeforever no mammogram since being let go...Yes I am glad you encourage other here!!

    @TeresaW1020 LOL I don't know that I could walk that many miles in my house, but you are right no excuses..My girlfriend used to say an excuse is just a reason wrapped in a lie...LOL Or maybe I have that backward, but you get the jest... Great job on the extra steps. Yes I want to clean out my closet, but I need to get back into the clothes..Some I will probably not get back into, but I am not yet ready to let that dream go. It truly is about health!!! not the number on the scale.

    @trooworld Somewhere I missed that you DH was gone...I always get that way when he is gone...when I was little, my parents left me and my brother with an OLD couple in the church while they went somewhere can't remember...I was 1st grade? To this day, if I am alone and a TV show music comes on that is not made for excitement...I still have this depression that comes on me...I hate being alone...

    Okay gals...see you hopefully tomorrow.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    @TeresaW1020 _ Our leaders got to Adelaide at the end of the month to find out the complete package, so I do not expect an update until after that. I am with you - I think it has to be a whole package solution.

    @theslightedgeforever - I have a yearly mammogram as the a lot of history in my family with this awful disease. The closest to me is my sister (13 months older) - she had to had a double mastectomy. Mine is every November in a private clinic and it is all done on 1 day and I get the results then and there.

    @cbabie - I am sorry to hear that being alone without distractions has that affect on you :(. I love being alone. When I take my hearing aids - there is silence, or just muted noise. It allows me to think and not be distracted.

    @gemwolf - Hi Five for competing in this fundraising for cancer.

    @trooworld - Bokwa seems to be abit like Zumba??? I tried to look it up here but does not seem to have a large gathering here in Perth

    I did not go for a walk last night, I came home laid on the couch, dozed, got up put my washing in and went and had a bath. I was okay with the decision - no guilt as I am trying to listed to what my body needs. Hence I am up a raring to go for my 5km (3 mile) walk this morning - that is not something I usually do on the weekend.

    So like @theslightedgeforever - I am starting to do what is best for me,

    Talk later


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Trooworld. Bokwa looks fun although it looks harder to me than aerobics. Lol.

    Gemwolf I remember one year I wanted to do a Breast Cancer walk since my mom had breast cancer and then saw how much I would have to pay to do it. It put me off from ever doing those walks again. Too many bad memories from when I was a child about going around and asking people for donations just so I could win a doll. Or selling candy bars. Those moments solidified in my mind that being a salesman would never be in my future. Is this your first one?

    Cbabie. That’s good that you did some exercise. Look around in your community. They might have free screenings for people who are in high risk groups

    Trishastime. Sorry to hear about your sister. It is an awful disease. Each year after getting my results I exhale and think ok now just get through this year. I’m with you on being alone. I love silence Did you go for your walk? I need to up my game in the exercise department. Well the food department too. Lol
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @theslightedgeforever - certsinly did - came home with s face the colour of a tomato. Used power poles to go fast one slow the other

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning ladies! <3

    @gemwolf110, good for you for doing a breast cancer walk! I have watched a very close friend of mine suffer now for over two years. She has gone through so much and is still in a huge mess due to infection from her recent breast reconstruction surgery. :'(

    @trishasTime, Good for you for going on your walk! I also agree that we need to listen to our bodies. Whenever I start pushing myself that is when I get some kind of injury that forces me to stop altogether.

    Plans for today are to finish up on going through all my clothes. Plus a TON of laundry. Some of these clothes have hung in my closet for years and they are dusty! :D I'm planning on taking them down to the consignment shop on Tuesday. Really interested in seeing if they will take most items and how much they will give me. I'm also going to do a really good workout today. B)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @cbabie Great job with the exercise!!! Yeah, I feel very lonely when DH isn't here. :(

    @TrishasTime bokwa isn't quite as "dancy" I know that video might look like it is, but "our" bokwa isn't lol. It doesn't require coordination, you make letters on the floor with your feet: L, E, O. There isn't a large gathering here either. Have a nice walk! :)

    @theslightedgeforever I'm afraid that video is a little misleading. That is a more advanced looking bokwa. Think, making letters on the floor with your feet: L, E, O, etc. in steps. It isn't harder than aerobics to me. I'm very uncoordinated and find bokwa easier than both Zumba and aerobics.

    @TeresaW1020 Good luck with your sorting!

    Hi all. I'm about to go to my WW meeting where they will talk about the changes to the program. I'm hoping to see my friend that I saw last week, maybe she would have time to walk? I am not going to the gym for BodyPump, I think that ship has sailed...I don't think my body can handle the pump lol. I'm going to start walking more. I'm going back to Toastmasters meetings later today too. It causes me great anxiety but I need to get better at talking in front of people so I need to start back. Have a great day!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @TeresaW1020 - I hope you can get decent amount of money to fund your new wardrobe :) I can imagine the steps and workout you will be getting clearing out your wardrobe and doing the laundry,

    @trooworld - I had to go on the American site to see the rewards. WE do not start here until after the team leaders have had their "summit" at the end of October, so any info you can pass would be appreciated. I am sad to hear that you think the ship has sailed on body pump. Are you planning on incorporating any free weights later on? Weights help keep our bone density strong. Toastmasters - never been, but I can understand your anxiety. I hate making speeches, even though I am a trainer. I am useless at social chitchat as well. Fingers crossed that your find your friend and go walking.

    Well I went for my walk yesterday and my lower back started spasming. Not sure why or what caused it. Only could lie down for s short while with a het pad before my other grand daughter (3) came over. Once they had gone, my other grand daughter (17) came home and bless got me more heat pad etc etc. Now I am in a quandry, the gym is out until Thursday, which means I need to find something else on Mon and Wed. My though before the back was to walk around the lake 3.5km near work before heading and just using the end of trip facilities (shower). Now I am worried about what if my back goes again. I will see how I go today and if required, come up with plan B

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Trooworld that’s good you are doing things that push you. Well I tried doing a bokwa video last night and quickly stopped about 5 min in and then switched to Leslie Sansone. I’ll look for a beginners class

    Trishastime Back problems are hard. My dh had his act up again so everything we had planned today went up in smoke. Maybe next weekend. Hopefully this is temporary with you and you will be back to your normal workout routine soon.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Teresaw1020. Did u get in your workout? I finally did more than the piddly walk I had been doing the last two weeks. I met my exercise goal for calories burned so I’m happy with that. Now onto the next day. Good job on sorting all your clothes.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @TrishasTime what information do you want? Here are the rewards that are offered to me, maybe you've seen them. I earn 5 "wins" for tracking my breakfast, 5 for lunch, 5 for dinner, some for activity (not sure how much, I think 20), and 50 for attending a "workshop" (meeting). The only thing about the program that is changing is that they are no longer going to be supporting Simply Filling in the app, so if you do Simply Filling, you won't be able to track in the app from what I understand from my leader. As for BodyPump, I am sad too, as it is the only form of gym exercise that I truly enjoyed. I'm not sure if I will incorporate weights later, maybe. Yeah, Toastmasters is really hard for me and I usually do very poorly there but at least I go, hopefully I will get better with time lol. I saw my friend, but she was not available this weekend. Next weekend we will go walking hopefully. I'm sorry your back was spasming...I hope it doesn't continue to give you trouble!

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah, it's really uncomfortable for me to do Toastmasters but I'm trying to improve myself. Thanks for trying bokwa, I don't know if I could do those videos I see on YouTube as they are more impactful than the type we do at work.

    Hi all. My outer upper ear is aching terribly, I'm going to go to urgent care this morning because it's been hurting for several days and is getting substantially worse/waking me up in the night. I was supposed to make pad thai last night but after I got home from Toastmasters, I didn't have the energy and DH wanted to order pizza so that is what we did. I only had 2 pieces though, which is quite a victory for me. It helped that the pizza wasn't that good lol. I think the new incentives to track are really going to help me. I've got 130 "wins" so far. I am inserting a pic of the rewards, for those that are curious. See my note to Trish above about how much you earn.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    Hi all. Just a quick update, I went to urgent care about my ear, it's nerve pain caused by stress. :( She said to take Naproxen and put a hot compress on it, that's about all I can do for it. I also wanted to share what I'm making this week in case you need any ideas for meals. Please remember that I tweak things to make them more point friendly:

    Creamy Ranch Chicken (2 SP) + Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes (5 SP)
    Instant Pot Taco Soup (3 SP)
    Baked Garlic Parmesan Chicken (5 SP) (my own recipe) + Fennel Gratin (3 SP)
    The Ultimate Fruit, Cheese & Nut Salad (6 SP without the dressing, I'll use store bought)
    Chili Garlic Tofu Bowls (2 SP without rice)

    If you have any questions about how I lightened things, just let me know!!!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone :)

    @trooworld - thanks for the info re the above - I can not wait until it comes here :) Did you by chance speak to the DR about the pain in your wrist as well? Do you know what is causing the stress?

    @theslightedgeforever - back is from the weak hips (gluteus max?) from all the surgeries. Like everyone else I exercise it, it feel better,I stop. How are you going??

    So as the gym is out all week, I went walking with DH and puppies at 5am this morning. DH wanted to make sure I was okay. It is set to have heavy rain and thunderstorms the rest of the week, so I will have to come up with plan C for Wednesday

    Take care everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    Trooworld. I think drs blame everything on stress. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the meal ideas. The rewards look interesting. I could do that with my bank card rewards. Those points just set there unused. I usually forget about redeeming them. Once in awhile I’ll turn them into cash.

    Trishastime. 2 days have been good now to just keep going. That seems to be the problem doesn’t it. I had gained this week due to all the salty snacks I ate.