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  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I am a non-participating member of a book club lol. I don't participate because they usually meet at a restaurant. But I could go and get an appetizer, I shouldn't let that stop me. Part of it is my social anxiety, once I went and it was just me and the host. I'm making excuses. ;) This book club has meetings during the weekend, too...so I'm going to look into it. Yes, that's true, I don't have a lot of time to meet up with friends, the weekend comes and after I do chores and run errands, the weekend is gone lol. I'm sorry you gained and even sorrier that you had the blues. I'm glad you aren't giving up, you are very inspiring! Thanks for the WW highlights!

    @krupalip Thank you! You never know, but I'm quite happy in what I do for now...but you truly do never know! ;) Eating healthy in the US is possible if you want to. Let me repeat that: IF you want to, and I do think you do. There are a lot of opportunities to NOT eat healthily. It can be sort of sensory overload, I'm sure especially in NYC! But you will do fine. That wasn't a very nice thing for your relatives to say. I don't think you will put the weight back on, you can keep it off. Prove them wrong!!!

    Hi all. Well, here we are, another week. I actually got out of the house yesterday afternoon and went to a bookstore to reserve a new release book so that I can attend the author event for the book. The book is "Time's Convert" by Deborah Harkness. It is related to the All Souls Trilogy (Discovery of Witches was the first book). It is a series that I really enjoyed and since it is reserved seating, my anxiety will not hold me back. I usually don't go to author events because you have to wait in line and jostle for your place in line, but this is a ticketed event! I'm very excited. The event isn't until October. Have a good day, everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Krupalip not fitting into a certain size is not failure. Failure is giving up and sitting down in the middle of the road not moving forwards Sizes are not constant. I went to China years ago with my DH on a business trip. Everyone told me clothes in China are cheap you’ll be able to buy a lot. Didn’t buy one thing except for a pair of pajamas. I was 20 lbs lighter then and their XL was too small for me. I thought well I’ll buy shoes then. Nope. My size 8 is too big of a foot. My point is it’s not about the size of clothing. It’s about all the hard work you did to get you where you are at right now. If you had a million dollar goal in your bank account by the time you were 40 and all you were able to save was 990,000. Failure? Look how hard you worked for security for your family. Donate the too big clothes to someone who needs it. Give yourself no reason to go back to those clothes. Otherwise it’s too easy to do it.
    Did you lose this weight for your trip or for your life?

    Trooworld bookclub sounds fun. We always meet in restaurants usually. That’s one of my boundary rules I’ll allow myself the choice of dessert if I really want it. It’s once a month why not. Usually I just eat half or share with somebody. This month I just ordered french onion soup and ate half and ordered dessert but then later when it was time for dessert I changed my mind and canceled dessert. I like smaller gatherings as not a lot of overtalking. We have 12 in our club. That event sounds fun. I’m one of those that can stand in line for hours and end up knowing all about the person in front of me and behind. Lol. My dad says I could talk to a wall
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @theslightedgeforever 12 is a good number of people. I could talk to a wall as well lol. That's a good strategy to only eat half the dessert or share.

    Hi all! Well, I didn't end up making the quiche for the birthday gathering today...I just didn't have time. I'm going to stop by the store this morning and pick up some sort of frozen appetizer to pop in the oven. Either that, or I'll put frozen meatballs in my instant pot with some bbq sauce and grape jelly (this is really good, much better than it sounds lol and super easy). I just realized that due to having a phone meeting yesterday morning, and having a dentist appt tomorrow morning, I'm only going to be able to go to BodyPump once this week. I guess that is good to give my body a break though. Have a good day!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!

    @Krupalip, girl you need to ignore what your family told you about putting the weight back on and believe in yourself! <3 You have been working hard and your NOT going to stop! Buy clothes that fit and make you feel beautiful. Also, you are going on a major vacation and you might eat more than you normally do and enjoy foods that you don't always have. That's OK! Even if you come back home with a gain you will get right back on your plan and get it off. Having said that, it would be super fun if you proved them all wrong. ;)

    @trooworld, I LOVE those BBQ/grape jelly meatballs! They are always a huge hit at any gathering. Bummer about not being able to go to BodyPump, but maybe your body does need a break. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, sorry you had a gain but great that you are learning how to fight those obstacles. Weight loss is so much more than what we eat and how much we exercise. I've been on WW for a year and 9 months and I've learned that it's not just about the scale dropping. It's about learning why food has such a control over me and how to battle it. We got this!! :)

    So, I'm happy to report that my knee is better and I walked on the treadmill for 25 minutes yesterday with no pain!! I've learned my lesson about being smarter and to stop trying to do things that cause injury and set me back. I'm going to stick with walking at my own pace and keep going day after day instead of trying to compete with others, which never ends well for me! :/

    I'm about to go to WW and weigh in. I'm sure that I will be up about a 1/2 pound and I'm OK with that. No exercise and a wedding happened this week and like my sweet husband pointed out, in the past I would have gained a whole lot more. He is right! After weigh in we are driving back to Augusta to see my friend in the hospital that had the breast reconstruction. She has gotten infections and an 8" separation in the skin grafts. She has already had two surgeries this week and two more later in the week are scheduled. That family is a mess and I feel so bad for them. So, going to go try to inject a little cheer if possible. Ya'll have a great day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Still no computer, I know I just need a new one...ugh. Well I am not eating right, but not gaining. In fact my clothes are fitting different than the las couple of months..I think it’s because I am up every night feeding burning ad rocking a baby...lol. Still trying to eat with good habits in mind.

    @TeresaW1020 so glad your knee is much better. I really miss my treadmill😭, but know all in due season....

    @theslightedgeforever ...yes you and mom could talk to a rock, wall, you name it..but that is why I love you...

    @troowo I miss my book club...I love that you know yourself so well and know how you work...some people would rather pretend they are not who they are..never figured out why people are. Like that.....I M you either love me, tolerate me, or hate me...and it’s your choice...LOL

    @krupalip I am sorry that your family would not encourage you....but we are here to cheer you on!!! Set a goal for you, you MATTER.


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    edited September 2018
    Trooworld. I do the meatball in the crockpot thing with bbq sauce and grape jelly too. I could eat all of them.

    TeresaW1020. Yep, we got this. Woohoo on no knee pain on the treadmill. Sorry about your friend. Yes go spread your cheer. That is why I was put on this planet.

    Cbabie. The important thing is your clothes are starting to feel differently.

    Krupalip. In my experience I’ve always found flying makes you gain a couple of lbs anyway because of the fluid buildup but eventually goes away on its own. The trick is to have a plan to enjoy yourself fully at the same time making good choices daily. Portion control is the key. A few bites of non healthy stuff versus the whole thing I’m getting good at that half thing. When I get it first thing I do is cut it in half. You can do this. You have shown great determination so far
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I love them too, and everyone is incredibly surprised when they find out the ingredients hahaha. Yes, I think it's a blessing in disguise. ;) I'm so glad your knee is better. Yes, sticking with competing with yourself is a good plan! Your poor friend, that sounds tough.

    @cbabie I'm glad you are still trying despite your challenges. I love your attitude!!! I wish I had it.

    @theslightedgeforever me too! I did have 4 meatballs throughout the day.

    Well I signed up for a bookclub meeting in the end of November for a 512 page book called "Pachinko" which I've been wanting to read. I don't know why I chose to sign up for a massive book, that is a huge commitment with a chance that I won't finish it, but oh well it's done. They gave us the discussion questions ahead of time, which is nice. They didn't decide where we are meeting yet...that's a concern. But I'm sure it will be fine. 12 other people are signed up to go but I'm sure the numbers will dwindle by the time the event comes. I bet a lot of people won't finish the book in time even though there is plenty of time. Have a good day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Okay gals...gotta jump on here when my computer is working...LOL I am determined for change, life can't stay as it is..so each day I keep trying to do one thing in the direction I want be going in...it may be that I stay up when I really wanted to sleep one more hour, it may be don't take seconds..it could even be just sit and read a good book. What I know is that God places people and things in our lives and we don't even know that they were there for a purpose until later.. You each are on here for yourself and for someone else.. Thank you for each of you showing up to encourage and make my day brighter by just reading your comments.

    @trooworld Good for you for the positive attitude about finishing the book...You are trying something new, something you have wanted to do and you never know where it will take you until you try.

    @theslightedgeforever what is the meatball with bbq sauce and grape jelly you and trooworld are talking about..
    Okay gals,

    gotta run

  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    After nearly a week, using macros is such a big help to me. I’d forgotten how much sense it makes. For me, it helps me use WW points more efficiently.
    I’ll be home from a road trip, well two with one day at home, on Saturday night. Doing my best, but staying where food is not entirely in my control—and meals on the road isn’t helpful.
    After I weigh on Sunday, I’ll decide if I need to adjust.
    Thanks to those who have joined me. Still looking for mutual supporters! Judi
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Trooworld. So just divide the number of days with 512 pages so you know exactly how many pages you need to read everyday. My bookclub friends make fun of my method because I’ll stop at exactly 34 pages or whatever. They say what if you are at a really good part. Nope. I still stop. Then go back to reading where I left off on a different book. Something a bit more in my preferred genre. I kind of treat it like homework and I’m in search of balance. Can you get it on audio so you can listen while you commute?

    Cbabie. Just one thing is a good motto.
    Here’s the recipe for the meatballs. https://pin.it/bgp72i67os7xut

    Blueimp. I’m so glad you have found a program that works for you. Your road trip is a small speed bump. you’ll learn how to navigate over it so the next time you go on one you will get better and better at fitting in WW and macros. Do you take a soft-sided cooler with you so you can fill it with food of your choice?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you aren't giving up on yourself! Thank you, I'm going to try.

    @blueimp That's good that it is helping you use WW points more efficiently. I sent you a friend's request. Just know that I don't really use MFP for tracking, just to visit on here but I do offer my support.

    @theslightedgeforever I did that already :) . I put it on my calendar that I need to read 10 pages a day starting Saturday (I put a cushion in too). I was thinking I might get it on audio too (I already got the Kindle book). I just put it on hold at the library (the audiobook).

    Hi all. I've got a headache this morning, I think because of the change in the weather. I hope it doesn't get worse. My week so far hasn't been perfect but it has been better than last week. I'm still about 5 lbs off track. :\
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Morning! I am on line for a few..yea. I had to reset my modem. It seems I have to that to have internet in my room. LOL I just saw something really funny. I am looking out my window and a truck pulls across the street and a guy gets out , goes to the other side of the truck, gets a bowl off the edge of the bed of the truck, starts eating, gets in his truck and drive off...people are weird!!!

    @trooworld I have had that same headache for 3 days because of our weather...so please do send the CA weather over to AZ..LOL

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for the recipie...I love that you divide the book up..I really need to do that with all I am reading...

    oh my another truck pulled across the street...but this is a city truck...water services..I am thinking did I pay my water bill?

    Okay gals I gotta run....lots to do today!

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone, please let me apologise to everyone here for not replying to everyone’s posts in the past 2 days. A lot going on and it’s very hectic at my end. However, a very big thank you to theslightedgeforver, cbabie, trooworld, Teresaw for believing in me and for continued support and encouragement. A special thank you to theslightedgeforver, for a much needed kick in the butt, your post totally made rethink my reasons for losing weight.

    Tomorrow morning I promise, I will reply to everyone personally, I just simply wanted to say thank you, you guys are the best
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    @trooworld, good for you for signing up for the book club. I hope you love the book and meet some great people! I also hope they meet at a place that you won't feel too tempted by the food. ;) How's your headache doing?

    @cbabie, I like your attitude about doing one thing a day to keep going in the right direction. Even if we have to do the same one thing more than once or 50 times, that's OK, because we aren't stopping!! I also believe that God puts us where we need to be and with people, we need to be with. This is a great group!! :)

    @Krupalip, don't worry about having to post to everyone! Life gets busy for us all. We are just happy to hear from you. <3

    Well, I had a pretty good day! I finally told my boss that I wanted to change my schedule and leave the office early on Wednesday's because the homeschool group that uses our church buildings on Wednesday has been making me crazy! They are OK in the morning but by noon they have classes upstairs, which some are above my office and it sounds like a herd of elephants is about to come through the ceiling. They are kids and there is no stopping them but I can't concentrate. Plus, because I have to be back up at the church at 5:30 for our Wednesday night stuff it will give me more time to work out and make dinner. I would rather stay a little late on Thursday or Friday, which I do often enough as it is. :)

    I've also decided to stop buying fruit-flavored Tic Tacs. Why? Because they have become an addiction and I don't think there is a 12-step program for Tic Tacs!! :p
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey all,
    I know I said I would write to everyone personally and I will soon, just extremely busy with last minute things before I take my flight on Monday morning to the US.
    Thank god for my parents who have come to stay with us and the kids as this trip is “sans” kids.
    Went shopping and had a great time, for into the infamous S size, somehow I was picking clothes which were too big for me and then remembered that I need a smaller size, so bizzare, but in a good way
    So this may be my last post for the next 2 weeks, if I get wifi in the US then will definitely check in.
    I promise to eat small portions and try and clean and not go bonkers on beer. As theslightedgeforever says this weight loss is for my life and not for this trip alone
    Giving myself a 2 kg concession, I plan not to put on more than 2 kgs on this trip..
    Just one question, how is the weather in California and Nevada, do I need to pack warm clothing. NY will be cold I guess.
    Bye guys, please take care of injuries and eating habits
    Love you all, will post when I can
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie lol people are weird!!! I don't know if you want our weather, it causes headaches too! But I'll send some your way!!! I hope your head feels better. I took some prescription medicine (it makes me feel nauseous so I also drank ginger tea) and that took my headache away.

    @krupalip You can do this!!! That's great that you are going on your trip without the kids. The weather in CA depends on what part of CA you are in. Southern CA's weather next week is going to be from a low 68F to a high of 79F. If you are in northern CA, like in San Francisco, the low is going to be 53F and the high is going to be about 74F. Nevada (Las Vegas), the low is going to be 72F the high will be 99F. Have a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear how you like our country! It will be an interesting experience.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! My headache is much better, I took something prescription strength and it knocked it out. ;) Good for you for speaking your truth/speaking up for yourself. I'm sure that schedule will work out better for you. We have people above our work area sometimes and it is very distracting so I know what you mean about not being able to concentrate!

    Hello all. I'm so glad it is Friday and I'm glad my head feels better! I hope you all have a fantastic day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    Hello all,

    I got on the scale and said oh my, I have to get back to control. This has been a long week and I chose Ice cream to comfort myself...NOT...I just ate an apple and PB and was surprised at how much 2 T was..I don't usually measure that because, I know when I eat it, I am usually going in the wrong direction..but today I did...

    @trooworld day 4 headache...I usually use my oils, but I have to be careful around the baby with my headache oils...so going without...

    @krupalip I say just enjoy your vacation...how many times do you get to go on a vacation to another country and without kids...LOL

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, we have homeschoolers in our church on Tuesdays....madhouse I say, madhouse.. Luckily the office is in another suite down so I can stay away from the noise..LOL I am glad you spoke up..sometimes we just keep doing and we should say wait...let me really look at this from all sides.

    I learned a new acronym today..
    Ask yourself this and then do the opposite..
    Are you?
    Hungry- then feed what ever is hungry...physical, spiritual, mental?
    Angry - opposite of that is affection...don't pull away, embrace
    Lonely - community, be with people, whether it is church? friends? like hobbies?
    Tired - get some real sleep...

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Trooworld I’m glad your head feels better too. As far as temps Northern California sounds like the place to be. I was just telling my sister last night I’ve never been to California. I want to go drive by the Pacific Ocean.

    Cbabie. Was the PB measuring a good surprise or a bad surprise. You just reminded me that I didn’t log my PB toast. Now I think I’m over calories 😩. If the oils aren’t good for a baby are they good for you?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Krupalip. We all need a kick in the butt sometime. My family calls it nagging. I am also trying to learn about different perspectives. Testing and analyzing why do we do the things we do. I’m still trying to figure out mine. I have had one vacation without kids (mine are grown. They revert to little kids when on vacation). It’s pure bliss. Enjoy it immensely

    Teresaw1020. The kids noise would bother me too. The older I get the worse I get. Tic Tac addiction. I think I have an icebreakers addiction

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,632 Member
    @theslightedgeforever in regards to the oils....yes they are good for me, better than chemicals....its the peppermint...its too hot of an oil for baby when they are little...you can dilute oils ..but I need the full effect...lol