

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    agenda for today grocery shopping taking dad to nurse for wharfarin check he will be 85 on sunday so sis & i going to book restaurant ill check out menu sure to find something permitable lol hope you all have fab weekend kate xx
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Good morning all! I made the mistake of weighing in this morning a day early (Saturdays are my official weigh in days) after eating a salty salad, and I was up over a lb! I deleted the weigh in because I don't think I'm up, I think I'm down, but my hands are still swollen from the salad. Now that I deleted it, I feel like I am cheating! lol

    Have a great day everyone!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @bininj you just click on the person's name, when it brings you to the profile page for that person, you will see an add button. :smiley:
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Well girls, we officially hit the 500 message post! I love it, thank you all for making this a place of encouragement and accountability.

    I was much better yesterday, but was hungry all the time. so I ate all the time..LOL
    I am still working on ME.. :)

    we have so many new ones..I hope I don't miss anyone. But welcome to all, we are all on the same journey, some are farther along, some on on a different route, but the end point of the journey is the same.

    @dankas001: Morning! Thank you, that has always been my those candles :) you are doing great, think of how far you have come just this year!! Enjoy your dinner with your dad, yes we can still eat out and be on target with our health. Great job!
    @reed1295 Welcome to this board!! glad you and your hubby are here joining together to get your health back as your own!
    @mysticlizard great job on staying on your goals! I always eat more at the end of my week..feel like its a whew, I made it another week routine. I am sure that is how it is with DH, you enjoy him being home and whew, we made it..LOL Enjoy and know it's part of our journey.
    @dawnemjh thank you I do feel better! Sorry you have a cold and I hope you get back to normal soon..great job on the bites/licks/chews :P)
    @tattooedprincess8 Believe!! So glad you found us and you were so missed! you can do this. You have done so much for yourself in the past, take your health and belief in yourself back, you are totally worth happiness, love, health and just plain ole peace! :) Know that you are worth it and tackle one thing at a time.
    @bininj Welcome! I sent you a request. I wasn't sure how to do that either..LOL I am glad you are here.
    @bugmom92 Karla get some rest and take care of that cough...EO's? I am happy to see you posting even though you don't feel well. Take care of you please!
    @trooworld Oh I hate when my hands are swollen. I just feel icky all over. You didn't cheat, you know your body more than anyone. Drink lots of water and push it out. :smile: Then go weigh yourself! Thanks for explaining the friend request.
    @gemwolf110 Take care of you! I just hate coughs, they are so annoying..LOL get some rest.
    @theslightedgeforever hope all is well with you. I think you had some food event you were going to? Looking forward to your encouragement and goals. you always have some great ideas.
    @jjansen39 Morning! How are you doing today?

    Okay gals gotta run get my workout done. Working at home today 1/2 day, then chores..etc.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited October 2016


    1. Choose one of the benefits and explain how it will help you.
    2. Find a new cauliflower recipe to try. Make it and review it.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    1. Choose one of the benefits and explain how it will help you.
    2. Find a new cauliflower recipe to try. Make it and review it.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    jackie yaaay on no snacking. Are you measuring and tracking?

    cbabie Sorry to hear you were sick. I was more worried to hear you were driving and dizzy. Did you eat enough the day before? I had bookclub at a restaurant so yes there was food. We read The Underground Railroad.

    danka Minor bump in the road. Some of it is probably sodium bloat due to your holiday. wishing you and your dad/sis a good time

    reed Welcome to the group.

    mysticlizard I went and bought my squash so I'm ready to make it.

    dawn Good for you with no BLTs and eating right

    shannon welcome back Good to hear from you. I think we all start over everyday. you can do this

    bininj welcome to the group

    karla I hope your cold goes away

    trooworld I always think those sodium bloat weigh ins aren't real. Its the overall trend that I look for.

    gemwolf Yikes on the antibiotics. Take care Lots of colds on here. I need to disinfect my computer. lol

    Goal- exercise (not yet)

    So cauliflower......The health benefit I choose is 1) Reduces cancer risk. My mom died of cancer and all her brothers and sisters except one did too. There are so many new ways to use cauliflower than the traditional way to use it. A great carb substitute.

    I want to make cauliflower nachos. I will try it and then let you know how it turned out and give you the recipe.

  • bininj
    bininj Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you trooworld. Perfect!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Cauliflower- I choose "balance hormones" because I am in the premenopausal state right now, or am about to be. I just saw a cauliflower tater tot recipe, I don't know if it can be "healthified" let me see if I can find it. Here it is:
  • tattooedprincess8
    So far so good today. One of my co-workers bought me Almond M&M's and a King Size Almond Joy for my birthday...I brought them home but left them in the car til hubby gets home. He can have them! I still have 700 calories left for the night...I had a bowl of White Chicken Chili in the fridge at work that I was going to have...but I forgot it. Kids have a birthday party so dinner will be late. See lots of new people or at least new to me. The WW Newbie group has grown and that is awesome. I can't wait to start interacting with everyone and giving/receiving some much needed support.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @tattooedprincess8 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That was a good idea to leave the treats in the car for hubby.

    Well, I came home 3 hours early from work today because I feel like I am coming down with something. Either that, or it's my allergies, either way I don't feel well. I made Thai Chicken Noodle Soup to comfort myself. It was delicious and 546 cals for 1 1/2 servings! Here's a pic:
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    @bugmom92 -Thanks. I hope you get to feeling better. What do you teach?
    @gemwolf110 - I hope you start feeling better soon too.
    @cbabie - Good for you keeping focused on you.
    @theslightedgeforever -I hope you enjoy it.
    @tattooedprincess - Your white chicken chili sounds yummy? Might you give me the recipe?

    1. Choose one of the benefits and explain how it will help you. There are so many good ones to choose from. But I will go with 2 & 8. 2 because I have a touch of arthritis forming in a couple of places and 8 because I love to read and work on crafts.
    2. Find a new cauliflower recipe to try. Make it and review it. I had never tried cauliflower "rice". It was all right. I could eat a lot more of it than I could a serving of rice. It didn't effect the taste of the tofu masala (which I also tried it was meh). I will make more cauliflower "rice" in the future. I will note hubby ate it as well and wasn't that impressed with it. The recipe I used,

    Cut cauliflower into large florets.
    Rice cauliflower using shredding blade on food processor. Or pulse cauliflower in food processor with chopping blade, or grate by hand on box grater.
    Heat fat (I just sprayed the skillet with some olive oil spray) in large frying pan over medium heat. Add cauliflower rice and saute until just cooked through, about 5 minutes.

    MFP is glitchy tonight. I couldn't access the forums late this afternoon and had problems tonight.

    I hope everyone has a good night and a great weekend.
  • karinidowu
    karinidowu Posts: 327 Member
    Hello just started WW just a couple weeks now. I know it works it is all about tracking and following plan. It is nice to find a group on mfp!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Mystic lizard I've got my squash\chicken concoction in the crockpot. I will see how it turns out. Fingers crossed
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Good Morning everyone!
    Its interesting, I did WW for a month and went up and down 3 lbs, and after a month ended up the same weight as when I started. Then a week ago I started back here tracking instead of points and lost 3 lbs....I think it must be the fruit and veggies...the whole "free concept"....makes me eat fruit if I am hungry or even just because they are free so why not, then I eat something with points because I can.....

    I went to a wine tasting last night and managed to not eat EVERYTHING in site, which is good, but still ate more than I would have liked....

    My goal for today is to stay on track and get some walking in. I am recovering from runners knee so I was hoping to do yoga but missed the class....
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member


    1. Choose one of the benefits and explain how it will help you.
    2. Find a new cauliflower recipe to try. Make it and review it.

    I love cauliflower so I can eat it anyway but my new favorite is buying the riced cauliflower and cooking it and then using a wedge of the laughing cow cheese and melting it in with cauli and eating it like that. I have also had it with pulled chicken and its uyummy as well...And the cauliflower rice goes bad faster than regular so I freeze it....Near me they sell it at Trader Joes...
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    mmmmm some good ideas here hope your all well have a good weekend all
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

    @trooworld - The soup looks amazing. I am going to have to try it out.
    @theslightedgeforever - let me know how it comes out in the crock pot. I would love to make a large batch and freeze it.
    @dawnemjh - You may have eaten a bit more then you wanted, but you were mindful of what you were eating and that is a victory in itself.

    I got hubby back on the road. My daughter 17 and I will be sharing the truck this week. She had a tire blow and broke the front axial on her car. Thankfully she kept her head and came through safe. I did not get my hour of exercise in yesterday or today, but I have been good about my eating. I WILL exercise tomorrow!

    Have a good evening everyone. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @mysticlizard it was really good, and not too hard to make! It hit the spot. Great job with the food! I hope you get your exercise in tomorrow. I'm glad your daughter came out okay.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member

    This is a chicken butternut squash stew. It's supposed to have added quinoa but I didn't have any so I used rice. Next time I will substitute lentils for the rice.

    Quinoa 5 gm fiber; 8 gm protein; 3 mg iron; 20% B vitamin folate

    Lentils 16 gm fiber 18 gm protein ; 7 mg iron ; 90% B vitamin folate

    Added fiber helps control blood sugar

    Quinoa does have more amino acids than lentils