

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    @trooworld Wow I like the idea of the calendar reminders. I live by my calendar and it's full. I think I will try this and see if it makes me more accountable or if I blow it off. :)
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Evening ladies,

    @cbabie - Go cbabie, you can do it!

    @lore11a - Hubby came home and I didn't get to try the nachos, he is leaving out tonight so I will make them tomorrow and let you know how it went.

    I did not get my hour of exercise in again today. Three days - I must do it tomorrow. I had a victory of another sort though. I was digging through my drawers trying to find shirts that fit, the 4x are huge as are most of the 3x. Buried in the bottom of the drawer I found five new 2x shirts that I had bought when I had lost the weight before. I had forgotten all about them. So now I have new shirts to wear to TX and I won't have to go out and shop (I hate shopping) YAY!!! :)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,249 Member
    lore Here's the recipe for the nachos

    cbabie I do better on a modified carb diet than a low carb. Good for you on tracking and your treadmill. Have you thought about not exercising on Saturdays. Even God rested that last day. You can always choose to exercise if you want to but by not making it mandatory, no guilt. Guilt makes us feel bad which makes us eat. On the calendar
    thing, tried it and yeah I blew it off. Now I'm trying Trello. I'm a visual person so this may help me more.

    gemwolf Back to 15 minutes on the treadmill. Break it up into three sets of 5 min if you are busy. I can't imagine housebreaking a puppy. I hated doing it with my kids. But something that has to be done, right?

    mysticlizard My mil can be funny at times. She has dementia\Alzheimers. Yesterday she was eating a pear and I kept hearing a noise and I looked and she had half of her pear and half of her teeth out chomping away. smh Of course that got a Put your teeth on the table, mama. I tried putting that adhesive tape but she picks it all off and then plays with the tape. lol My friend used to pack a cooler with healthy snacks and water for her long road trips. Some sandwiches. She said that kept her from buying soda, chips, and candy bars at every gas station. Yaaay on fitting into smaller clothes. I had a shirt that was really tight across the chest and I hadn't done laundry and I saw it and I couldn't believe it fit so much better. I have two more shirts I bought that I'm still waiting to get into. Maybe 5 more lbs and I'll try it on

    trooworld I was looking at the word naruto and it reminded me of a Japanese character that my boys watch. They've been watching for years even though it's in Japanese and they read subtitles.

    tracked under cals and carbs
    Goal: exercise not met

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    @lore11a - I used the same recipe as theslightedgeforever. I used 1 T less of oil and tossed the oil, spices, and cauliflower in a gallon zip lock to get the coating more even. I should have left the cauliflower in the oven longer to get it more crispy. But it was a nice change of menu.

    I got 51 minutes of my hour exercise in then had to pick up my youngest daughter. I am counting that as a victory.

    I hope everyone has a good evening.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,249 Member
    edited October 2016
    mysticlizard That's a good idea about the ziplock bag. I agree with less oil and more crispy but it was really good.

    I guess everyone is off enjoying their Sunday. I was busy but a good kind of busy.

    tracked under calories over carbs by 19
    Goal exercise Met 35 min walking

    So today was last day of 5% challenge by Halloween for those that participated. How did you do?

    I lost 6.7 lbs which was 3%.

    My next challenge will be to lose 3.5 lbs by Thanksgiving.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning team!

    I am sucky at this weight thing lately. no exercise yesterday, ran late for church. I got interrupted by a 15 year old boy that was bored..LOL oh well life is life and we live it.

    I didn't track yesterday either, but back on the wagon today. I have to work from home today as our new building at work won't be ready until tomorrow. But the good news is that I won't be driving our freeways EVERYDAY anymore. I have been driving 62 miles a day just to and from work, not including driving to clients. So I am happy about THAT! So I figure new route to work new route to health..LOL

    @theslightedgeforever great job, you got 3%, I got zippo I would like to lose 4 lbs by Thanksgiving.
    I couldn't find cauliflower at the store for some it will be next week before I try your recipies.
    @mysticlizard yes I count that as a victory too!!! Good idea on the bag!

    Okay where are the rest of's MONDAY!!


    stay OP
    30 min of exercise

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,107 Member
    @cbabie - I just made a calendar (I'll post it) with my scale goals along with my exercise goals. I think it will help me, give it a shot it might help you too! :)

    @mysticlizard - that is fantastic! Congrats, what a feeling, eh?

    @theslightedgeforever - I use Trello for my reading accomplishments, I love it. Maybe I'll create a fitness board too, thanks for the idea! Yes, Naruto is an anime show...I guess that it means fish cakes? hahaha

    Well here is my calendar for November, I set it as a desktop wallpaper so it's in my face every time I use the computer:
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I hope everyone had a good Monday. I didn't get in my exercise and my eating has been crap today. I will get up tomorrow and do better. I hope everyone has a good Tuesday.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,249 Member
    cbabie back at it. You will conquer it.

    trooworld I started a mealplan board on Trello yesterday. Good idea on the calendar.

    mysticlizard Seems like Monday has been hard on a bunch of us.

    tracked over cal by 75 over carbs by 62.
    Goal exercise Not met

    I'm working on finding a timeslot that works for me.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,107 Member
    @mysticlizard Mondays just stink! Today is a new day, start fresh.

    I'm up at 4:20 am today to go to the gym like I planned. Not happy about being up so early, I haven't gotten adequate sleep in a few days, but I said I would go so I'm going. Grumble grumble. It's hard to get motivated to go knowing that losing weight is 80% diet, but exercise is still important.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning gals:

    I have been up since 3 my time...I slept an extra hour and my neck shows it..:( I tracked, I tracked, I tracked...Yea I tried a new smoothie and hated it...had to dump it and make another. I thought lets try apple, PB2, protein was was grainy..

    @mysticlizard yep today is a NEW day..take full advantage of it. :)
    @trooworld Great job on getting up and sticking to your remember what you felt like after you got done so that tomorrow it will be a little eaiser. :) PS I love the new icon.
    @theslightedgeforever I will have to look at Trello, never heard of it. I am proud that you tracked, great job.

    Okay what happened to the rest of our newbies.. I could type a list, send out the hounds, but you know who you's time to come get some encouragement...

    tracked- yes over on my sugar and eveything but cal..but close to goal.
    exercised - yes 30 min walk, weights - arms..but didn't get my 10K in..close

    So I am taking baby steps to getting my sync back.

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Today is a new day and a new month. Yesterday was ugly with my eating. I know that it is the stress of this trip to TX. I am bingeing (sp) for comfort, I know that it is self defeating, at 51 I know better. :s I am tracking EVERYTHING EVERYDAY that I am eating and that was one of my goals for Oct. I met that goal! Yay! o:) I exercised for an hour 21 days during the month. My goal was one hour exercise daily, so I did not quite reach that goal. :| For the month I lost 7.6 pounds. Yay!!!!! B)

    My goals for November
    1. Continue logging everyday. I did this and I can keep doing this.
    2. No more than 476 calories for snacks a day. I am set at 1430 calories for 1.5 pounds lost per week. I do not eat breakfast, lunch is usually no more than 300 calories, and that will give me 576 calories for supper.
    3. Get at least 85 g. of protein a day. I need to make better food choices.
    4. Get one hour of exercise a day for 25 days of the month. I would like to get at least 15 minutes on the days I don't get an hour in.

    I hope all of you have a good day.
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    The last time I posted was Oct 21! Wow. I’ve been fighting this bug all this time, the cough got worse. I think it’s all heading in the right direction now though.

    @tattooedprincess8 Hi Believe! I am going to get everyone’s names mixed up, haha.

    @theslightedgeforever You posted that chart on cauliflower…I saw it and thought pizza..haha, I have yet to try the cauliflower pizza crust. Those cauliflower nachos look yummy! Your mother in law sounds like my mom. The caretakers have a dickens of a time getting her to keep her dentures in. I lost 3.4 lbs, which was amazing for not tracking almost half a month. Not 5%, but it’s a loss, I’ll take it.

    @dawnemjh I had the same problem with WW…free fruit and veggies that I’d eat just ‘cause I could. I personally do better tracking here (when I track).

    @vingogly I think the board works for us this way as it is something we are used to, and people are finding us! It’s easy enough to “favorite” the thread and come right back to where you left off. Of course if you’re gone 11 days like I was, you might come back to 90 messages, lol. It’s all good though!

    @trooworld Hi fellow Californian! I’m up in L A. Been loving the rain, even though it’s made me cough more, lol. I make my own chicken bone broth in the pressure cooker…same results as slow cooking, but faster. I always add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. It doesn’t flavor the broth, but it does pull the calcium out of the bones so the broth is richer. I like your calendar. Especially since you made it your desktop. Good idea! You are right about diet being the most important factor. The point is, exercise is for your health…and if you’re exercising you’re going to make better food choices, not wanting to waste the exercise.

    @peruviansweetie Glad you found a cheaper dentist. I sure understand wanting to take a break from the dentist. I’m close to done with all the work I need. Will take the next year (since I’m out of insurance coverage for this year, lol).

    @mysticlizard and @gemwolf110 I will post my chili recipe later tonight or tomorrow.

    @mysticlizard I teach a thematic class to homeschoolers, aprox 2nd through 4th grade. I thought your comment to cbabie was interesting. I have so much going on, just going and going, and I have fallen a couple times in the last year and I’m always bumping into things. I think your advice is spot on. Being sick the last few weeks has taught me to slow down, just a little. I still have my part time teaching job, and I had a convention to go to this weekend, but I have been trying to rest a bit more. It’s helped my carpal tunnel issues, resting my arms!

    @gemwolf Thanks for the invite to the challenge. I have about the same goal as you by New Years.

    @cbabie Hi! Missed all of you! I saw Stephanie O posting on here, going to try to get her here on the board!

    I’ll post my November goals later tonight or tomorrow.

    Karla :-)

  • stephanieoney21
    stephanieoney21 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello ww buddies and the non ww. I know it's been a long time. My bad. Life just got in the way.

    How's everyone doing? :)
  • stephanieoney21
    stephanieoney21 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the invite bugmom92.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,249 Member
    edited November 2016
    trooworld I'm a more slow to rise type person and think my biorthyms kick in later in the day. I'm experimenting with different times for exercise to see which timeslot is the perfect one for me.

    cbabie Baby steps are good. I think I've got the tracking down now to make sure I don't go over my calories. Input before I eat it.....

    gemwolf Get the candy out of sight. An old friend I hadn't seen in two years came for a visit and brought me candy. 5 pieces later......I usually can be satisfied with one piece. Which really happened but I was satisfied 5 different times. Motivation All my tricks from high school don'toit of the bones. seem to work now. I have one shirt hanging so I can see it. But 2 summers have come and gone. Still looking for my motivation. I just realized when I started to reply to mysticlizard that I lost a fair amount of weight this last month. I guess the motivation is there but I didn't recognize it. I need to concentrate more on my successes evidently instead of thinking about how I went over my calories today and didn't exercise.

    mysticlizard Good weight loss.

    My goals for November
    1. 4 days of strength training 3 days cardio
    2. Input dinner at meal time not before going to bed.

    bugmom Glad to see you back. I was thinking about your comment on vinegar and how it pulls the calcium out of the bones. It doesn't do that with humans does it? I drink 2-3 T of vinegar everyday.

    StephanieO Welcome to the group

    tracked over calories 270 translated into 5 pieces of choc over carbs by 28
    Goal exercise Not met :(
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,107 Member
    @bugmom92 good tip about the broth! I don't have a pressure cooker (wish I did!), but I can still add the vinegar. Right on about the just makes me have my health at the front of my mind and make better choices.

    @gemwolf110 yes it is very early! Good for you for making it 7 months, it's rough!

    @mysticlizard great goals.

    @theslightedgeforever that's great, finding what works for you is the key!

    I got the flu shot yesterday (despite signing a paper saying that I hadn't been sick in the past 2 weeks, which I actually had been) and now I feel sick. Lesson learned!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    lore Here's the recipe for the nachos

    cbabie I do better on a modified carb diet than a low carb. Good for you on tracking and your treadmill. Have you thought about not exercising on Saturdays. Even God rested that last day. You can always choose to exercise if you want to but by not making it mandatory, no guilt. Guilt makes us feel bad which makes us eat. On the calendar
    thing, tried it and yeah I blew it off. Now I'm trying Trello. I'm a visual person so this may help me more.

    gemwolf Back to 15 minutes on the treadmill. Break it up into three sets of 5 min if you are busy. I can't imagine housebreaking a puppy. I hated doing it with my kids. But something that has to be done, right?

    mysticlizard My mil can be funny at times. She has dementia\Alzheimers. Yesterday she was eating a pear and I kept hearing a noise and I looked and she had half of her pear and half of her teeth out chomping away. smh Of course that got a Put your teeth on the table, mama. I tried putting that adhesive tape but she picks it all off and then plays with the tape. lol My friend used to pack a cooler with healthy snacks and water for her long road trips. Some sandwiches. She said that kept her from buying soda, chips, and candy bars at every gas station. Yaaay on fitting into smaller clothes. I had a shirt that was really tight across the chest and I hadn't done laundry and I saw it and I couldn't believe it fit so much better. I have two more shirts I bought that I'm still waiting to get into. Maybe 5 more lbs and I'll try it on

    trooworld I was looking at the word naruto and it reminded me of a Japanese character that my boys watch. They've been watching for years even though it's in Japanese and they read subtitles.

    tracked under cals and carbs
    Goal: exercise not met

    Thank you so much for the Cauliflower Nacho recipe. I will definitely be making those!!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    @lore11a - I used the same recipe as theslightedgeforever. I used 1 T less of oil and tossed the oil, spices, and cauliflower in a gallon zip lock to get the coating more even. I should have left the cauliflower in the oven longer to get it more crispy. But it was a nice change of menu.

    I got 51 minutes of my hour exercise in then had to pick up my youngest daughter. I am counting that as a victory.

    I hope everyone has a good evening.

    Thank you, that sounds great to me!!!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi ladies,

    @bugmom92 - 2nd - 4th graders, kids are really neat at the age. I hope that cold leaves you soon. I am sure you are sick of it (no pun intended). I am looking forward to the chili recipe too. It is getting cold enough up here (MN) so that chili will be an awesome meal.

    @gemwolf110 - I had to smile about your aunt's cooking. We are leaving tomorrow to go to TX for my younger son's wedding. The rehearsal dinner and the wedding supper are vegan, gluten free, and dairy free, no cake either. The menu sounds pretty unappetizing. So like you, I think I will do all right. I just have to worry about the meals on the road. We are taking the cooler with lunch fixings and I have weighed everything and figured calories for what I will eat. I hope that tooth doesn't give you any more problems.

    @trooworld - I hope you feel better quick.

    I did not get my exercise, doing last minute stuff for this trip. I hope to get a bunch of walking in on the way down to TX and while we are there. Our three girls are traveling with us, my oldest son, his wife, and my year old grandson will be there, and of course the groom and his partner. So we will be able to spend a little time with all the kids and I am really looking forward to it. I know I will be checking in, I don't want to lose my 669 day streak. I don't know that I will post though. So I hope everyone has a good end of week and a lovely weekend.