
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Today I got my hour of exercise in and have been making good food choices and logging so far... I am close to meeting my protein goal for the day as well. I just keep telling myself that I want to look good (oh I am so vain).

    I hope everyone has a peaceful evening. :)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    cbabie My Trello is like a puzzle. You don't sit and finish the whole thing at once. Just put in a couple of pieces and then get up and go do something else. Eventually it will be finished. I have all different kinds of boards. one is my regular time management, one is for each project. I have to break it down into small steps or I get overwhelmed and then nothing gets done. You can copy cards or move cards from board to board. You don't have to add pics, it just motivates me more. This book I got the idea from said to find pics that looks like you are looking at it. To tell your brain it's your goal vs somebody else.

    gemwolf Hooray on your weight loss. I don't understand iphones wireless earphones. I will lose them the first week.

    trooworld Feel free to copy anything from my Trello. If you come up with some great ideas share with me.

    mysticlizard sounds like you had a good day. Repeat tomorrow.

    tracked over cals and carbs
    Goals: exercised met tracked dinner on time met
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,634 Member
    okay gals, I am on a spiral I need to get off of. My personal life is causing me to stress eat, I don't get a full 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep...then after I eat I am mad at myself for giving in to that. So I have to work on my today and me alone. My friends and family will have to deal. I don't want to start this holiday season this way, it only gets worse.

    @theslightedgeforever I was reading on how to use, I can use this for work to and have it all in one place. That's part of my problem is I am everywhere and nowhere. :) Thanks for sharing this.
    @mysticlizard Yea for you with the protein. I fell into the sweet yuck..due to lack of time to own fault. I hope you had a peaceful night. My teeth hurt from clamping my mouth shut... :)
    @trooworld we can do this, I am confident in you!!! I hope your Friday is a good one.
    @gemwolf110 Great job on the LOSS!!! It sounds like you are for sure BACK!!! Glad your on our team.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    I made this today from the MFP blog I used chicken breasts instead of pork chops and orzo instead of the egg noodles


  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies, I hope everyone is having a lovely Friday evening.

    @cbabie - I am sending happy peaceful thoughts your way.
    @theslightedgeforever - your chicken looks good. You mentioned Mexican squash boats, that is one of my favorite go to meals at this time of year. I throw together black beans, corn, a can of Rotel, onions, and turkey sausage with a little salsa and if I have the calories a bit of cheese. I use whatever type of squash I have sitting on my counter. I am toying with substituting the sausage with lentils. I am not familiar with using lentils so it will be an adventure.
    @gemwolf110 - It looks like you are burning it up, way to go.

    I got an hour and a quarter of exercise in today. Some of it strength training, the outsides of my thighs are screaming from the squats. I will again meet my protein goal for the day, in fact all my macros are looking good. So far my calories are looking good as well. My mood is still a little dark but I am refusing to let it get me down.

    I hope everyone has a real nice weekend. B)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,634 Member

    I got up this morning and made my calendar to show my workout time, reading time, etc. I have set up my list on slightedge's app...I am in the process of making my meal plan, so I can do meal prep today after food shopping. I am taking this thing back. I am so encouraged, by all of you. I know I can have my life back...I just have to grab it.

    @mysticlizard Yea for you on your exercise and tracking..
    @theslightedgeforever ..YUM that looks really good. I have been looking into using Quinoa is kind of a bland food, but mixed with spices works.

    Okay gals, I have to meet someone at 10 today..trying to mentor this person, that means I have to have me together..LOL

    have a great Sat

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,472 Member
    edited November 2016
    @theslightedgeforever that food looks really good! Thanks for sharing. I will show a screenshot of my Trello board, it's not as nice as yours (it's more basic I think) but it motivates me. It is titled 2016/2017 goals and this board, I just started. I've got another one for reading which is more involved. On this new board, you will see it isn't just health goals but household and career goals as well. I would love any suggestions you guys have!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,472 Member
    @cbabie sleep is so important, and the lack of it alone (not even adding in stress!) can make you eat. Please remember to take care of YOU first, you can't help anyone else if you aren't taking care of yourself! (((( HUGS ))))
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    edited November 2016
    mysticlizard I'm going to try the burrito boats tomorrow. I find lentils plain so be sure and spice them up. I need to get back to my strength training.

    cbabie I've only tried quinoa once. It wasn't that good. I guess like the lentils, spice it up. That chicken recipe I posted was a crockpot recipe. Yaaay you started your Trello. On Chrome there is an extension called New Tab Redirect. You can put in the URL of your main board and then every time you open a new tab, it automatically defaults to that page so your goals are always in front of you.

    trooworld Thanks for sharing your board. I love the stickers. I'm going to steal that and your Motivation to eat healthy. I find Trello like scrapbooking. I have to spruce it up a bit to make it more motivating. I need a lot of help in that dept. lol

    tracked under cals and over carbs (reduce carb overage)
    Goals: exercise Met Track dinner on time Met
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,634 Member
    Morning girls

    I did better yesterday, didn't get my treadmill or weights in...this household has too many sleepers. I didn't have a good day emotionally yesterday, LIFE hit me right in the face, but I didn't turn to food, so that is a positive. I did get my 10K steps in and was close in OP, but I found I didn't eat enough protein, So today I will be gone most the day, but already have my food packed and ready to take with me. I have to be at church until about 4 today, they are bringing in pizza and that's a no for me. I have packed my to take.

    @trooworld I love your boards...I might have to steal a couple of ideas. Thanks for the advise on taking care of me...yes I know and some of that is the LIFE part that hit me in the face yesterday. Most of the people I "take" care of could give 2 rips about me..LOL
    @theslightedgeforever what is the crockpot recipe. I love to cook in the crockpot since all of here have different cycles.

    10K steps

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,472 Member
    @theslightedgeforever steal away! Yes, Trello is like scrapbooking. I actually do digital scrapbooking, I'll attach a piece I did about 8 years ago about my weight gain. It's a shame that I've been struggling with my weight 31% of my lifespan, but it's true. I find digital scrapbooking very therapeutic, I use it as kind of a diary.

    @cbabie I'm so sorry you are surrounded by that. It doesn't sound very healthy. Good for you for tracking, posting, and getting in your steps despite what is going on!

    @gemwolf110 that looks like a lot of calorie-burning work! :) Enjoy your days off.

    I am doing a lot of miscellaneous things today: dyeing my hair, folding laundry, doing schoolwork, meal prepping if I have time. I also have to do a great hunt in the garage for my Dave Ramsey book, a Jamberry nail heater, and some crafting supplies and I'm not looking forward to THAT but it needs to be done. I also have to return an overdue video to the library and pick up a book.

    Have a good day, everyone!c5del2glgbzc.jpg
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Ladies, Your Trello boards look amazing!

    @cbabie - I like that you took food to church with you to stay on track, Awesome!

    @theslightedgeforever - Yay! for your exercise and tracking.

    @gemwolf110 - That is a lot of hard work. I bet you will enjoy it when it is done.

    @trooworld - Hope you find your DR book, I have done his program for years. I don't envy your hunt through the garage. I like your scrapbook page, I can't wait to see the page you do when you get to goal weight.

    I didn't workout yesterday but met my calorie goals. I did get my hour workout today and am doing well with my calories and macros. I am looking forward to the week ahead.

    I hope everyone has a nice evening. <3

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    cbabie good for you on packing your lunch ahead of time. As Dr Phil always said we teach people how to treat us. So time to re-educate them Tell them there is a new sheriff in town. :) Here's the recipe

    gemwolf You really worked hard. But it will be so worth it. Good kind of exercise.

    trooworld Thanks for sharing your scrapbooking page That looks fun. I've got you beat. I'm at 51%. I found an old page with my weight and measurements. I would be almost at goal and then I would get pregnant again. Then with the stress of life just a steady climb uphill after that.

    mysticlizard Meeting your cals and macros goals is the hardest part I think. But the most important I'm still working on my carbs. I went over by 4 today. I'm working on getting my blood sugar down.

    tracked under cals and over carbs
    Goals exercise met track dinner on time met

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,634 Member
    Morning girls...well I may have packed my lunch, but night time stress got me. I had ice cream with a pudding cup..LOL Well I tracked it...that's the important thing for me today. I am getting ready to go walk, I have my lunch packed and ready to go....snacks for protein and calcium...two very important things in my body I need.

    @gemwolf110 looks like fun..I love redoing the house. I cleaned all day Friday, made me feel so much better..something about shiny floors..
    @trooworld love the scrapbook page. I taught the DR class in our church..I enjoyed that so much...Now I need to implement it in my own life..LOL Good book. I am so glad I don't have to dye my hair anymore..I finally let it all go grey. I got so tired of having to do my hair every 3 weeks or less. My hair grows too fast and the roots...oh my. skunk city...I looked like. LOL The fun thing is we as girls get to dye our hair when ever and what ever color we want. My daughter and her daughter, like the rainbow effect..LOL
    @mysticlizard great job on meeting your goals!! feels great doesn't it...I think that is why I set more than least I hope to meet one..LOL

    Okay girls gotta run..

    stay op
    exercise 30 min
    closer to protein goals

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I hope everyone made it through their Monday all right.

    @theslightedgeforever - I don't know why but the last few days my macros have just fallen into place (except fiber today). The one I really have to watch is protein. If I don't hit that one , I tend to over eat and DOMS is awful. It sounds like you are working close to your carbs goal. It is a challenge.

    @cbabie - Yay for logging the goodies! Being honest with yourself is good, you don't set yourself up for failure. It sounds like you packed a lunch that fuels you and keeps you going. I hope your day was as calm as it could be. :)

    I got my hour and a quarter of exercise in. I will be excited when I am in better shape to do shorter, more demanding exercise. I am not as sore as I was last week so that is a victory. I have logged what I have eaten so far today and have enough calories for my two treats later tonight. I think it has been a successful day.

    I hope everyone has a peaceful night and a good Tuesday.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,472 Member
    @mysticlizard I DID NOT find my DR book, but I did put it on reserve at the library (I think DR would like that I didn't buy it a second time lol). We're just getting started with his ways. I hope it has helped you. Yes, I will definitely make a goal weight one once that comes time, it's really fun to make those. Congrats on making your calorie goals and good on you for the hour workout today!

    @theslightedgeforever well if I counted just my years so far, it would be more like 70% but that is assuming I'll live to be at least 75. :) Pregnancy would definitely mess with your weight. Not that I would know firsthand, I don't have any kids, but I'm sure.

    @cbabie thanks. I think it is easier to learn than's hard! We are on baby step #1 and are picking up the wreckage of bad habits right now, so it will be a while before we move on to #2. Yeah, I'm in between where it is okay to leave as is, my hair is gray in spots but not enough to look okay if I let it be. I love colorful hair, I had a streak of purple in it about a year ago but felt paranoid because I work for a corporation and was worried I might lose my job.

    @gemwolf110 wow, that's a lot of steps, great job!

    I did "eh" today: there was a Pattie LaBelle cake at work and I "had to try Pattie's cake!" so I had a little sliver. That wouldn't be bad if that was it, but I also had a piece of taffy and then we had this reception at work and I had a crab cake and a bunch of peach cobbler. Gah. But I did track all but the reception food and cake, I'll go track that now.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    edited November 2016
    cbabie nighttime stress eating Think of it like pizza and subway at your event, You knew it was going to be there and you wanted to eat healthy so you had made other arrangements in advance. So what is your advance plan for nighttime stress event. You know it's going to happen. It sounds like it happens almost every night. Now to the trello board, a list is needed about ways to combat nighttime eating. Make cards for all the choices you have. Everything is a choice in life. We either do A or we decide to do B. Instead of going to the freezer and pulling out the ice cream, what other action could you do? Go sit in your car and listen to some music? Sit in the car and read? You don't have to stay long but you are allowing your brain to burn another pathway. Muscle memory. Right now it only knows Stress=going to kitchen and finding food to make you feel better. So choose a different place and different action. I will be like my Granny dyeing my hair til I'm dead. lol

    mystic lizard Ah my carbs goal. I actually hit it today. The key was checking to see how many I had left vs eating tracking and realizing I've went over a bit. Seems like a no brainer. Now the trick is to repeat tomorrow. I made my squash boats but didn't realize the high carb content. Now I know. Look at the progress you are making on your exercise. You are beating everyone still sitting on the couch.

    gemwolf Wow look at those steps and those active minutes. You are pushing your metabolism into a higher gear. Your reward will be a nice lean healthy body and a beautiful yard :)

    trooworld Now one day we can start counting our years that we were at a healthy weight.

    I took a walk today and was busy

    tracked under cals and carbs
    Goals exercise met track dinner on time met

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    edited November 2016
    My husband took one look and said healthy crap? Yes just eat it He also found me on hands and knees when he returned from work dusting the bottom of a cabinet in our bathroom which I haven't done in ages. He said what's gotten into you. I said My Trello board.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    edited November 2016
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,634 Member
    Morning gals: I was so excited to see so many post. And that each one clicked with me and I said oh yea that might work. LOL I blew it yesterday...all that planning and I came home so angry from work, I just said screw it..then I got up still in a foul mood...then I cried and cried out to God, why? Well I thank God for my friends who pray for me. I am able to face life again this day. I choose to take one step in front of the other, with purpose in mind. So I have made my lunch, took some extra as yesterday I was hungry and ate a handful of trail mix and then later a handful of pretzels with PB in them...So before you ask, yes I know why I am/was so really has lifted off of me.

    @trooworld I had to laugh, I worked for a corp and hated it...we got bought out 8 years ago my a corp and sold again 1 year ago, now not as much corp, but the people who bought us were from the same corp so yes still some mindsets...That buy out 8 years ago was a spiral in life downward for I totally understand the hair color thing. :) Maybe that's why I am all grey..who knows.
    @gemwolf110 glad your not on my fitbit friends would be #1 and I and one other friend of mine fight for the number one spot..LOL ( you know I am kidding) I am glad to see you are moving...I agree with slightedge, turn up the're doing great! Can you pass some of that energy my way? :)
    @theslightedgeforever I like the way you think...yes I know about the memory are right, I need to retrain my brain..funny when I was doing the shakes only for a week, nothing could change what I's the rules that keep me in line. I am so rules based in my life, that when all the rules go out the window I don't do well...hence my trouble at work..why I was so angry yesterday...So now that I KNOW this, I have to work with this..I think I am too old to change my ways of following rules. :)

    okay hope everyone has a great day!!

    I wonder what happened to our other know I come here and tell my faults and know that I am gladly accepted by you all..thank you for that. But you also tell me to keep moving forward.change is a must. Thank you.
