

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    I am beginning to understand the Trello app, just made some for my workouts, did a check list for the weights. Now I am struggling with what to do for lunch today. I don't want to make a we will see what I end up with.LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I saw those fritters..sounds like a lot of work. :) Great job on the goals...
    @mysticlizard My DH and grandkids love Red Lobster...I don't like fish..LOL Happy birthday to you DD.
    @shellyld2016 Yes the pie is my weak point, I can take or leave the other stuff. Maybe I will have a piece of turkey for protein and then just eat the rest of my calories in PIE. :)

    okay gals gotta run work to do

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    @mysticlizard it is really good. It's my mother-in-law's recipe! I love your stir fry recipe, I'll have to try it. Thanks for sharing! I like the idea of a snack kit too. I'll have to work on that this week while I'm off. Great job, pretracking your Red Lobster! Happy birthday to your daughter.

    @theslightedgeforever ah the's a very tiny area which actually serves as our supply room and breakroom, so there is really only one small table there plus the water dispenser. The only reason I need to go in there is to eat viddles and get water. option is to go to another dispenser which is further away but doable so that's what I'm going to do. Thanks for helping me think through this, it's been a tough situation and I'm not saying I'll never go into the breakroom, but I do have the option to NOT go in! Your plan for the next time you are busy sounds good. I like the idea of having cooked chicken breasts in the freezer, maybe already diced up. Calendar view, I'll have to figure that out!

    @lentigogirl yeah I found MFP to have better database as well. I gave up my WW membership to save money. Good luck with Thanksgiving, stay strong! :) Ask yourself if whatever you are about to eat is a once a year thing, or could you have it any other time of the year? e.g. mashed potatoes...totally doable any other time of the year so no need to have this day. Cranberry sauce (homemade): once a year, I'm going for it!

    @cbabie it's's pizza-like...the grandkids might like it!

    Well today is the last day I have to work this week. I'm so excited! Not that I don't love my job, but I love home life more! :) Have a great day everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    My first attempt at salad in a jar. I either need smaller jars or more stuff. Oh well it's the thought that counts. I will figure out cals and macros and see how it turns out. But I have 4 ready to go healthy lunches that I didn't have yesterday
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi all-

    I got in my hour and a quarter exercise this morning. My daughter and I had a nice lunch. I did eat a second biscuit though. :( I logged it. I avoided soda and dessert so I think I did o.k. I have starting to prep for Thanksgiving this evening.

    I hope everyone has a good evening. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I love the idea of salads in jars all ready to go.

    @gemwolf110 I love pecan pie! I hope yours turns out well. Great job at the gym.

    @mysticlizard good luck with your prep!

    Hi all. My T-Day prep starts today, I have to make my cranberry sauce and the dessert. I've never made the dessert before and I'm always hesitant to make something I've never tried before, but it just sounded so good (Gingersnap crust pumpkin cheesecake with caramel sauce). I've made cheesecakes before, just not this one. Tomorrow, we will make the mashed potatoes (and put them in the crockpot so they stay hot) and roasted brussels sprouts.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I got my hour and a quarter of exercise in this morning and my calories are doing good. With the help of my three girls I got all the prep done for tomorrow. So it has been a good day.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! <3
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Ladies! Anyone remember me? lol...I've been missing so long, I barely remember me! So I left off trying to catch up somewhere around Nov 11...I gave up and just got here. I kept staying away thinking I needed to read and catch up before I could post. I'm silly ;-)
    Happy Thanksgiving to all! We are having our Thanksgiving meal on Sunday. Hubby works tomorrow, my daughter is in Vegas with my son's family having Thanksgiving with my hubby's cousin who lives there, so I'm making white chili tomorrow for dinner. Gives me a couple extra days to prep for Thanksgiving dinner. My daughter called me tonight from Memphis telling me she was given an 18 lb frozen turkey and asking how to cook it. I told her first off put it in a sink of cool water to defrost and pray it's not an iceberg tomorrow. Lol...her dad raised her...apparently he didn't teach her how to cook a turkey...go figure!
    I was really struggling for about a month, but I've been tracking for 6 days straight now and being really conscientious about my choices. I've been feeling better and in much less pain since eating healthier. I need to walk more - my walking partner and I are trying to work out are schedule.
    cbabie, you can shred and freeze bags of your zucchini to make breads and stuff, and you can slice and freeze I think.
    I now have to send my daughter cooking instructions for a turkey. Aye!
    Karla :-)

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Happy thanksgiving everyone! Cooking for the family today, but going to try to stay within my calories while having treats. Thank God for the treadmill!
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member

    I haven't forgotten about you ladies!! Miss you all!! Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    Here's the finished product of my salad in a jar it was so good 7zvwbehqzywg.jpg

    Gem wolf I will add in some greens. That will fill up the jar I have about 20 of these jars and hate to spend money on new ones. How did that pie turn out

    Mysticlizard I hope you had a good time with your dd. I love biscuits but now they don't love me. Good for you on the exercise

    Trooworld. That's a good idea about mashed potatoes in the crockpot How was the dessert

    Bugmom. If you get behind just jump in where you are. Now how are you going to make us a priority for you everyday. Because you see it's not about us but you. By checking in here everyday you are making your health a priority. Kids, husband, games, conventions, Pokémon Go, Facebook etc all get second place when it comes to your health We don't think that way til our bodies turn on us. Your body is already sending you warning signals with your pain. You don't listen then it will turn up the volume
    I'm glad you are back tracking and exercising

    Shelly. Yes thank God for treadmills. When we use them. So holiday is over and we are all back on track

    Peru. Good to see you. Like I said to Karla come join us everyday We need your support too

    Cbabie and all the rest of the gals got buried under turkey I think

    I hope everyone had a good holiday. Throw out or go find a homeless person to give away those leftovers you don't need.

    Tracked over cals and carbs
    Goals exercise. Not met. Tracked dinner on time. Met

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

    I got an hour of exercise in yesterday before our company came. I went over my goal by 300 calories, but it was worth it. I packed up a majority of the left over side dishes for my oldest daughter and her boyfriend to take home with them, then today took all the white meat and seal a mealed them into individual servings and froze them for the girls and I to have for lunches. I felt tired most of the day. I finally took a nap and when I got up, knocked out an hour and a quarter workout. It was a nice holiday but I am glad it is over.

    Have a good evening. :)

  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    It sounds like everyone who's checked in had a happy and successful Thanksgiving! I love how you all shared the things you did to keep yourselves on track...sending away leftovers, packaging up leftovers in meal-size portions, tweaking recipes to make them lighter, and most important...tracking! Knowing that you went 300 calories "over" on one day helps you because you know you didn't "blow it" and use that as an excuse to keep eating, and you know you're not going to gain 10 lbs overnight because of it...your loss may be slowed, but not stalled. You're all being aware and've got this! Sunday is our Thanksgiving dinner, and because I'm cooking I can control what goes on the table, and make it easier for myself to stay on track. Tomorrow, however, is a craft night at my friend's and we're having a potluck. I'm bringing a baked bean casserole, and, though it's not exactly super "light", I know how many calories per portion and can control that. I know my friend is making a gluten free quiche so my daughter and I can eat it...I think the best I can do is small portions of anything I eat...and stay away from the desserts (my downfall). We're painting wooden ornaments and signs, and I ordered a I'll keep my hands busy painting! It's just tough not knowing what all the offerings will be ahead of time, in order to plan.
    Tomorrow shall be busy...lots of house cleaning with hubby for the holidays, then a matinee movie, then craft night. Also need to do a little more outside decorating...changing the garden flags from fall to winter, and putting lights on my fence. It's supposed to rain in the afternoon, so I'll have to be speedy!
    Have a wonderful weekend - hold on to the gratitude, continue to be mindful, and continue into the holidays with joy!
    Karla :-)u3rt3a1ceco9.jpg
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals:

    I have been reading, but not typing. I get pulled away with everyone being home right now. Plus 2 birthdays and thanksgiving...oh yea. Last night I started listening to the "truth about cancer" This is very interesting since a lot of my family has died from it or the complications of it. I felt so horrible last night almost cried over how I felt. I had "birthday" cake yesterday and I got really bad heartburn, swollen up like a balloon. I haven't had either of these in forever. I know it's because I am eating garbage right now. Especially after listening to only a portion of this I understand why I felt so much better when I fasted for 3 weeks only having juice. I can't tell you I could ever recommend that or do it again. However, it explained a lot to me last night. Sitting here contimplating over what to eat before I start my VERY busy day. I have to leave in about an hour and won't be home again til 1 and then out again taking my dad shopping and be home and ready to sit around 4...I will be glad when this season is done. :)

    So I will let you know what I decided and how my day went later.

    All of you are doing great, wish I could say the same about me. I will we all have our turn at this...LOL

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    @gemwolf110 - Your pie is beautiful and the new coffee maker looks awesome! I am glad you enjoyed your meal and didn't feel the need to overeat.
    @bugmom92 - I love the Christmas lights, the snowman is so cute. Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal tomorrow.
    @cbabie - Sorry you were feeling bad. Take some time and think about what is important to you for the holiday, not what everyone else wants you to do or what you think you have to do. Make a list and stick to it. Be gentle with yourself, there is only one of you and you have to take care of yourself so you are able to take care of others.

    I did not exercise today. The girls and I cleaned the house and then were content to each do our own thing. I curled up with my new book Thinner Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews. He has a really interesting chapter on how the mind works and how we set ourselves up for failure. One of the things he talks about is how we self sabotage our will power by rewarding ourselves with food when we have worked out or been eating right and even when we see ourselves doing the right thing the following day. He suggests to build up will power that when we want something we should wait ten minutes before indulging. He says with practice we build up our will power to go for longer periods of time. He also suggests that when we want something to remind ourselves of our goal by saying I want_____. That our minds will learn to prioritize the goal we want to achieve before going for what is right in front of us. So when I want something to snack on, I am going to tell myself I want to be 160 pounds.

    I hope everyone has a lovely evening.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    mysticlizard, sounds like you were in control over your holiday. Good for you for getting in your exercise. Thank you for sharing the words of wisdom from the book.

    gemwolf The pies look great. Although I'm not a pecan pie lover. It was always too sweet for me. This is the derssing I uswed. The sald was this bit I tweaked it. lentils for quinoa peas and carrrots for peas. Aren't new appliances fun?

    karla Love the decorations. Especially the snowman. Sounds like you have a plan for the weekend.

    cbabie Have you tried going out and sitting in your car to keep from eating the garbage? Its not making you feel good. That's why we eat it, right? What else makes you feel good?

    okay I'm done.

    tracked under cals and carbs
    Exercise: not met tracked dinner on time not met

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Checking in, but can't post. I have 1 hour to be at church...haven't worked out all week..ate too the holiday!. NOT...I will not give up..I am very proud of ALL of you.. great job on meeting goals...I will be there with you this week. I won't be home to eat..LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    @theslightedgeforever the dessert was TOO good...I have eaten like 4 slices of it I'm glad it's gone now! Your salad looks delicious.

    @bugmom92 I love your decorations! How festive!

    I thought I did better this year but I still gained weight. AND since we didn't have a turkey and my favorites sides on Thanksgiving, I am making it today. I'm going to control myself I hope! I did go to BodyPump this morning in hopes of negating some of the calories.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I hope everyone had a restful Sunday.

    @theslightedgeforever - The dressing looks amazing, I can't wait to try it.

    @cbabie - I am sending happy thoughts your way. Hang in there. <3

    @trooworld - Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason why the weight goes up, that time of the month? water retention? sodium? Feel good about thinking that you did better this year, that shows you are being mindful and that is a victory too. Yay! for getting your workout in.

    I got an hour workout in this morning. I read more of my book and I am getting a lot of good ideas. I am on track with my calories. I weigh tomorrow to see what damage I did this week.

    Have a good evening. :)