

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals:

    tracked all my food, even the cookie from work. We had a "block" party to tell us the dos and don'ts at work..LOL So I had a cookie to say who cares...but I tracked every bite. I came home stressed from work, but only ate a bowl of oatmeal.

    @trooworld your snacks look great..I love those containers. Where did you get them?
    @mysticlizard we all have those days..I am pushing to get my exercise in today.
    @theslightedgeforever I am sorry for your tooth..hope you heal quickly!! I went to the dentist on Sat..good and bad news..I hadn't been in 3 years due to life circumstances...but just a lot of plaque and they found one tooth the old filling fell out of ..I go back in 4 weeks to finish the cleaning and fill the tooth. But all my bones look good. with both parents having false teeth and my DH, I was concerned..but all is good.

    okay gals gotta run..


    tracked under cal
    exercised walked 30 min
    read: no

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @theslightedgeforever yes, I successfully avoided those goodies! I'm so happy about that. Could you try adding plain Greek yogurt and mustard to your tuna? Or something like that? Ouch, I hope your mouth feels better soon. I hate having things pulled!

    @cbabie I got them on Amazon, just search something like "food prep containers" and they should come up. They are pretty cheap and for me, make a difference.

    Hi all! I'm trying to decide if I will indulge at our office Christmas party on Thursday, or will I just eat my snacks in the afternoon before the party and just have a beer instead. I think that is what I will do, but am not sure. I am going to the gym tonight, I haven't been in a week. Just been caught up in things. It will feel good to get back at it.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi everyone,

    @theslightedgeforever - I like mustard and have like six different kinds at 1 tsp for 5 calories, I have horseradish, Siracha, and several oriental sauces that are all low calorie for a tsp to TBSP which I mix in with my tuna. I love mixing hard boiled egg and/or avacodo in with tuna as well. But right now avocados are too expensive. :'(

    @cbabie - Yay for your awesome tracking!

    @trooworld - Go for the beer and enjoy it. B):)

    @gemwolf110 - Good for you getting your exercise in. Take care of you ankle. <3

    Well I went 15 calories over last night. That is not bad, but if I had gotten the lead out, I would have exercise calories to cover. I did start strong lifts today. I am not very strong so I guess I should say wimpy lifts. I started out with our regular weights. But it is a start and I will get strong and be able to use our Olympic bar. I rounded out with some walking and peddling so I got an hour in. My eating is going o.k. Hubby came through last night and he left half of a container of mini eclairs in the fridge. I can fit some into my calories today but they are so good, the struggle is real. :s Otherwise it is an average gray cold day in southern MN.

    I hope all you ladies have a happy Tuesday.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals:

    I tracked even the food that I had to eat for with senior leadership and you don't want to be Chicken salad, chips and cookie.. :) I did get my workout in, but still felt like I needed more to still moving forward. Over on the calories and not enough protein. :(

    @mysticlizard I think every struggle is real and some are in 3D :) I hope you have a great day today!! Great job on the weights..slow and steady wins the race.
    @gemwolf110 yes please be careful with the ankle, you need to let it heal or you will have a long winter. yes you are right, late but there is always better than no go.. :)
    @trooworld See you are a better woman than stuck to your snacks. Tomorrow we celebrate birthdays and one will be mine...I can't say, sorry no cheesecake for I have to work it in. :)

    okay to the rest of my friends...hope to see you here even if it hurts. LOL

  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    So glad to see you all and some new "faces" too. I've been pretty busy and haven't been tracking or eating right. I need to get out of this slump that I'm in. I'm hoping to be back soon, but I just wanted to say hello to you ladies!!
    Have a wonderful day!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @gemwolf110 ouch, I hope your ankle feels better soon. Great job with the exercise! I agree with you about the dentist being the most disliked visit, even though my dentist is a sweetheart. I hate going because they almost always find something that needs to be done, and it's usually expensive!

    @mysticlizard I decided I will have the beer, but I might also have the food they serve and just not eat much dinner. I don't know, it depends on what they have. They are having a beer tasting contest, and of course I will compete! :) I hope you can resist those mini eclairs. My husband brought home some sort of French pastry too, I just have ignored it so far but tonight I'll probably have a bite.

    @cbabie not so fast, cbabie! I ended up getting some Reese's peanut butter cups yesterday even though I had my snacks. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Enjoy the cheesecake! :)

    Hi all! In case you missed my comment above, I broke down and got some peanut butter cups from the vending machine yesterday. Lesson learned: put a piece of chocolate in your lunch bag! I still haven't made it to the gym, there have been things to do every day after work and before work, I just haven't had the energy. Today MAY be the day I go to the gym after work. Tomorrow's the party, so definitely not then. I made an doctor's appt for my toes: on Halloween, I wore the wrong shoes and my toenails got huge bruises under them and they are still black and blue and a bit tender. They are gross!

    Anyway, on that note, have a great day everyone!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning!! I can't believe it is already December and not long until Christmas. I have been busy taking my parents back and forth to Doctors and Physical Therapy, but I am so grateful to still have my parents. It keeps me busy. I think I have most of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped. One of my goals for December is to lose 2 pounds and be more consistent with getting some excercise in most days of the week. With all the running back and forth to Doctors, I have not been excercising like I should. I guess any excuse is better than none. Lol. I don't always have time to comment but I have been trying to read everyone's comments when I can. Sounds like everyone did really good through Thanksgiving. Good Luck to all and hope to talk with you soon!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies, We got through hump day, Yay!

    @cbabie - I love it a struggle in 3D! I will need to tuck that away and use it with one of my teenagers. Good for you getting your exercise in. Happy Birthday, may the next year be all you want it to be. <3

    @peruviansweetie - sending happy thoughts your way.

    @trooworld - I think a chocolate in the snack kit is a good idea. There are so many little candy bars to choose from. At the dollar store here they have little peanut butter cups. I ended up eating the eclairs but had enough calories so I didn't go over.

    @lore11a - Good for you having your gifts nearly wrapped. I have been putting it off but needing to get it done so I can get half of them in the mail.

    @theslightedgeforever - I was thinking of you when I was mashing my tuna and hard boiled egg together. I will sometimes mix my tuna with garlic powder, onion powder, or celery seed, or dill. I will also mix in green onion or tomatoes. Some times I eat it with crackers.

    I did an hour and quarter of cardio today and my calories are good. So it has been a good day. It is cold here in MN but still no snow, usually by this time of year the yards are white and they stay that way until the end of March early April.

    I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. :)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    cbabie evidently my bones are really strong cause they couldn't get the darn tooth out without excessive force. I'm still swollen and now the pain is going up towards my ear. But I will persevere. I have become a wuss in my old age.

    trooworld I will try the mustard in tuna and see. So what led to the Reeses PB cup? Emotional eating? Knowing our triggers can help us come up with a plan for next time. Evidently one of my triggers is pain. So I need a plan in 3 weeks when I'll be in pain all over again with them drilling a hole in my bones and gum.

    gemwolf wait until you hit 50 everything goes downhill in warp speed. I was at the dentist 6 months ago and there was a little decay but nothing major in this tooth. I had him show me the Xrays because I was asking how he missed something this big I should have taken care of earlier. So we looked again at all my other teeth because I'm not doing this again. How is the ankle?

    mysticlizard If you could see my face as I read through your list of sauces. lol I will expand my palate a bit at a time.

    peru Come on and join us everyday. Guaranteed that at least one of us will be struggling with something. My dental pain has had me off kilter for three days. Not tracking very well and only 15 min of exercising. But I've done enough wallowing and time to get back to it.

    lore having aging parents is hard. But you are right, at least you still have them. Wouldn't it be nice if we took care of our bodies now so someone won't be carting us back and forth to the doctors. Exercise seems to be the easiest thing to let drop off our to do list, but yet it's the one that we need the most. Exercise gives us energy to complete all the other things on our list. I was so busy last week with the shower prep that I had to break my exercise down into two tasks. Exercise 15 min. I also put fun things on my list. Read 15 min. did that twice too. It felt so good to be busy and get my exercise in. Normally I just say I'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow and Friday will be a busy day for me so I think I'm going to have to use that same strategy or it won't get done. I've not been exercising while I have been wallowing. Time to get out of the mud.

    OK I think that's it for me.

    halfway tracked
    glucose reading -none taken
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals:

    I am just maintaining right now..watching, but not being regimented. I have so much emotional things going on, I am trying hard not to eat my way through these. I am determined which is why I feel maintaining is good even though I would like to say I am making a dent in my weight. However, right now my peace and my emotional health is more important than my losing weight. I will take maintaining if I don't lose my emotional health. You see this journey is NOT about our weight, it is about our mental, physical, spiritual well being. We are made up of these 3 dimensions and we must be looking to be healthy in all aspects of our beings. So I choose maintain if I can't lose physical, but the emotional plays such a huge part of our physical, we need to be looking there to. I am
    reading this book , "8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise" by Christina G Hibbert. It talks about depression, bi polar,OCD, all of these things. So it is about what we put in our bodies, but there is more to us than food. So again I challenge each of us during this Christmas season, to make sure that the times and stress do not take a toll on our emotional well beings. If you can only maintain, maintain, but say today I choose to evaluate before I eat or before I spout off in anger, or before I cry, or before I laugh...what is causing it and will getting up and talking a walk outside or around the room change that emotion?

    @lore11a Great job, I am glad you are trying to read and visiting us. We miss your post. I understand aging parents..I have lost one and the other is an emotional basket case right now.

    @mysticlizard Great job on the exercise...I am still only finding time for 30 min..but I will get there.

    @trooworld I will be eating the cheesecake, LOL My actual birthday is not until Christmas, but we celebrate all the people who have birthdays in the month of Dec.. and there are quite a few of us. :)

    @peruviansweetie hello!!! miss you my dear Friend. Thanks for saying Hi, how about put us on your calendar and keep your appt with us.. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever Sorry about your mouth, I am still working on using the Trello, I seemed to have gotten side tracked with the pageant and lost my momentum Looking to find it again. Thanks for sharing that program.

    Okay gals,

    gotta run, have to get this morning going.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @lore11a 2 lbs is a nice reasonable goal, good luck!

    @mysticlizard I love peanut butter cups so I'll have to look for those. I'm glad you enjoyed the eclairs.

    @theslightedgeforver oh no! I'm so sorry you are in pain. I hope it goes away soon. I think stress got to me at work, that's why I went for the cups. If I have that piece of chocolate from hubby, I think I'll be okay.

    @cbabie peace and emotional health are very important and I'm glad you are making that a priority. RE: birthday, yeah that's how we do it too. It makes for a smorgasbord at work. Sigh.

    Hi all! Well, today is the day of my work party. It should be a lot of fun. Not only is there food and beer and wine, but there is a gingerbread decorating station, a selfie station, raffle prizes, a beer tasting contest, and more. Last year, I won a gift card in the ugly Christmas sweater contest, I wore a Christmas sweater with a sloth on it. I'm looking forward to it. Have a great day!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    @theslightedgeforever - I hope your mouth is starting to feel better. <3

    @cbabie - The book sounds interesting. I ordered it from As far as day to day stress I rarely suffer from it. In the last few years I have realized there is a whole lot I cannot control so I no longer fret about it. I say a prayer for it then move on to what I can do. It seems like the older I get the less things bother me. It has taken practice but I am getting pretty good at it. Years ago a friend told me that worrying wouldn't do anything but kill you. I think she is right. :)

    @trooworld - I hope you had a wonderful time at your office party. B)

    Today I did my second day of SL 5x5, some walking, and peddling. I got my hour in and don't feel to sore, so I am pleased. The girls and I finished the Christmas cookies for church. I told them I would order pizza. So we got the cookies done and ate pizza while watching White Christmas a holiday favorite. It was fun, I think I will be a bit over my calories but its all right.

    I hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!

    The youngest (16) brought her first boyfriend home for supper tonight. I forgot that she was bringing him home and made grilled Dijon dill tuna steaks, roasted Brussels sprouts, and baked potatoes for supper. Thankfully he is either very polite or enjoyed what I made because he ate well. He seems like he is a nice kid and I managed not to embarrass her in front of him. I woke up a bit sore this morning (those darned squats). I got my hour and a quarter of exercise in. The eating I am not sure, I will see how the rest of the evening goes.

    I hope everyone has an awesome weekend.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    I didn't get to post yesterday, sorry. I was working from home on my day off...LOL I was so busy, that I never stopped. Well I did about 4, but then I went into read book mode. I never ate dinner, but I had had enough nuts during the day that I didn't need to eat. I was still too low on my protein..that is a hard thing to get in. I want for Christmas someone hired to tell me what to eat when to achieve my weight goal...LOL

    I am enjoying this book, I not only see me, but I see my daughters. I wish I had known this earlier in life. I have always exercised, well starting in my late 20's..but I did it more for eating more, trimming down the belly, etc. Not for my mental health. I am still real early in the book, but it is keeping my attention. (hard to do these days)

    @trooworld I hope your party was fun and you enjoyed the festivities. You are making good choices..well you are at least thinking before indulging. right?!

    @mysticlizard LOL I don't think mine every brought them home until it was so far into the relationship it wouldn't matter. The girls never wanted them to me us..afraid of Dad bulling the boys and me embarrassing them. Glad you had a great time. It really is about building relationships!! As I reflect back now, I wish I had had someone in my life that was not dysfunctional to teach me those things.

    Okay gals, plan is to go meal plan and get ready to go to the store to buy food for this week.

    Have a great day

    tracked: yes
    exercised: yes
    read: yes

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good afternoon ladies :)

    @cbabie - I would always tell my boyfriends what to expect from my dysfunctional family, it was embarrassing but better than the boys not being prepared. I was not allowed out with a guy unless he came in and met the folks. I have had the same rule with the kids but considering what I went through, I have been very careful to try not to be embarrassing. It doesn't always workout as I tend to speak whatever is on my mind... I was grateful hubby wasn't home at 6'5" and 305 pounds he looks like Sasquatch (which is his nickname) and can look very intimidating. It doesn't matter he is a gentle giant. When the young men first meet him they get nervous.

    I got my third day of SL in. Then I walked and peddled so I got an hour of exercise in. So far so good on the food.

    I hope everyone has a nice Saturday and are able to do one thing nice for themselves.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    I hope you all have a good Sunday. I have been sleeping more to eat less, but I did eat too much yesterday, good thing is I know why. Once you know the why, then you can accept or change. This time of year always seems emotional for me. I am ready for change in a good way.

    @gemwolf110 I loved to problem is I really just wanted to get married to the love of my life, have kids and stay at home..well life can turn you upside down I work all the time and am never home. :)

    @mysticlizard Good for you on your exercise. I am hoping to hike today with my granddaughter..we will see if she can get out of bed by 2pm..LOL

    enjoy your Sunday.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @mysticlizard that sounds like a wonderful time. Holiday memory made. The dinner when the boyfriend came sounds good. I'm sure it was very good and he wasn't just being polite.

    @cbabie what book are you reading? I go into book mode, too. I love to read.

    @gemwolf110 that was very sweet of you to purchase the doll house. I can imagine they would get expensive. Some little one will be very happy on Christmas day.

    Well, the party was a lot of fun. I ate a reasonable amount of food and no dessert. There was even a donut wall (a wall with pegs on it with donuts on the pegs), and I just brought one home for the hubby but had none. I didn't win any of the raffle prizes, boo. But we had a great time in the selfie booth, they had selfie sticks and feather boas, funny hats and glasses, and we went to town. I'll attach one of them to this post. I'm the one in front with the fuzzy hat.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @gemwolf110 - The doll house sounds wonderful, I am sure the little girl is going to be thrilled with the Christmas gift.

    @cbabie - I agree knowing what you are doing helps with change. Good for you! I hope your granddaughter gets up so you can hike.

    @trooworld - Your party sounds like it was a lot of fun. I love the picture of you. Your snowman pin is so cute.

    Yesterday evening both of the girls were gone so I got all the wrapping done (yay!). Tomorrow I will stand in line at the post office to mail the boxes to the boys, my mom, and my best friend. I got my hour and a quarter of exercise in this morning. Hubby is home and wants to make homemade pizza. His pizza is the best so I think I will be over in calories tonight. I am just going to enjoy it and call it good.

    I hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday. <3
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    Options I'm checking in quick. Read some back, not too far back though. Super exhausting days the last 2 weeks, especially with fighting colds and cough. Trying to relax a bit and take care of myself this week now. Tomorrow is Bunco night - December is always a "potluck" (assigned), and I'm bringing a braised bacon brussel sprout dish...I'm thinking about getting fancy and adding in butternut squash - basically I made the recipe once following it to a "t", so now I am all about changing it however I want...typical of me. No classes to teach until January. I'm doing some organizing of my class/craft supplies; organizing kitchen/groceries; organizing the game library; going through my laundry and getting it under control; wrapping Christmas presents, the next week and a half. Trying to stay home as much as possible. I really want to go to my friend's pilates class tomorrow, but it's at 8 am and I'd have to get up by 7 to get my body moving enough to be ready by 8...and I have no flexible clothes that fit! But I'm going to go in my room now, try to figure out clothes, and go to bed soon, so I can beat those excuses. Wish me luck. My friend posted this thing on FB on her pilates page, I am posting it here. I made a comment "I was kinda thinking of becoming a hermit crab." She said "Yeah .... No, I'm not gonna let you do that. :-) ". It got me thinking...if my friend cares that much about me...I should care about me too. Also I had a party here yesterday with all kinds of people - our annual board game holiday bash. I realized I have some really cool friends, and even though I'm 25 years or so their senior, they like hanging out with the "fun me"...and I want to be able to hang out and enjoy these people for a long time in my I need to work on being healthy and vital. No new year's resolutions for begins here and now!
    Love to you all, and I'll be getting back in the groove here and on my food tracker!!!
    Karla :-)74tc9icsrova.jpg
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    cbabie I have been sidetracked too using my Trello. Just more lessons we need to learn so that next December we will know how to do it right. Everything is a learning responsibility.

    trooworld I like sloths. Hope you had a good party. oh saw the pic That looks fun. A donut wall. interesting

    mysticworld I agree with you on the worrying about what you can't control. Other things that are in our control are sometimes bad by choices we make. That too is in our control to make better choices. Its just sometimes we don't want to face the consequences out of guilt and fear. Smiling about the first boyfriend.

    cbabie You know what to eat and all you just need go do it consistently. Oprah had everything at her disposal and she is still fat. I'm glad to see you reading. I looked at it but it's not a kindle unlimited book. I think we are all dysfunctional in one way or another, I mean who writes the rules that says this is the way it should be. Thats just that person's perception. There is no truth only perception.

    gemwolf Sounds like you got lucky in the dh dept. I did too actually. I'm reading Boys in the Boat about the University of Washington crew team that beat Germany in front of Hitler in the '36 Olympics. Bookclub is Thursday. I was reading last week Diabetes Dominator. Im only about 1/4 of the way through that one but good so far. Lovely tree and decorations.

    karla I think its a matter of finding out what works for you and just keep doing it most of the time. Since you like to tweak recipes, think of it as a recipe for a healthy body. What would be the ingredients? What would you add? what would you leave out?

    Ive taken the last few days off it seems but need a good swift kick in the patooty. I did have fun with friends at a cabin though. So back to December goals.