

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @mysticlizard not enough snacks...I'm only bringing an apple and that isn't enough. Great job on the exercise and tracking! I like your goals for Dec.

    @gemwolf110 of course you have to get the dogs something! :) We get our dog a new toy too, and some treats. Great goals!

    @theslightedgeforever yes yes yes I do need to bring my own snackies. I'm going to work on that this weekend when I go shopping. This has to stop! Yesterday, I had some toffee but not much. I can't take it!!!

    @shellyld2016 sounds like excellent goals.

    I did buy a snack from the cafe: one of those Sabra hummus and pretzel cups. I overpaid for it but it was a good idea because it stopped me from going to the vending machines or eating more toffee. I need to buy some snacks to keep onhand there at work. I'm thinking 100-cal snack packs of nuts, turkey jerky, granola bars...? I wish I worked from home!!!

    Have a good day, everyone!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    @gemwolf110 - You are really knocking out the Christmas gifts. For your Gran maybe a bottle of wine to go with those chocolates or some flavored tea or special roast coffee?

    @theslightedgeforever - Yay 3.3 pounds! 3.3 pounds that you won't have to fight to lose this month. My snacking... Protein does help but it is more of a mental thing, I don't want to deprive myself of goodies or feel like I am depriving myself. I am trying to work my mindset around to knowing and understanding that just because I don't eat them, I am not depriving myself, if that makes any sense. I have never grown up and have the mind of an adolescent teenager, my mind is unruly and stubborn lol. I will keep at it. I am thinking about limiting the treats I keep available in the house and see if that will help. I did eat PB2 with corn flakes last night and it was good, I think I will throw that into the mix.

    @shellyld2016 - What weight lifting routine are you doing?

    @cbabie - Hi cbabie, I hope you have a good day and there are a few peaceful minutes in it just for you.

    @trooworld - I like the idea of the 100 calorie snack packs, it would be something quick and easy. Or you could prepackage humus and pretzels at home and take them with you.

    I got my hour and a quarter workout in. I have a couple of acorn squash to use so I will be making south west squash boats with ground turkey, black beans, corn and Rotel tomatoes with a little cheddar sprinkled over top.

    I hope everyone's day goes well. <3
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @mysticlizard that's a good idea, and I have a great hummus recipe. I think I'll do that. The squash sounds good!

    I've had a headache for about a week due to the weather (probably), and yesterday I went to yoga in hopes that it would help it. Well, it made it worse. :( My head always hurts with weird weather/barometric pressure.

    I was talking to my hubby about gaining weight and I can't seem to lose and he seems to think I'm underestimating what I'm eating. I don't think so, but I'll try to be more aware of the portions. All I know is I'm getting really frustrated.

    Have a great day, everyone! Happy Friday, we made it!
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @mysticlizard I started with the 5x5, and now I'm still doing those same lifts, but focus on different muscle groups everyday. My schedule is crazy, so it's not the same time daily that I would like, but it's working. I also try to get 30 minutes of cardio in after the weights at least.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi ladies,

    @trooworld - The squash was good, I enjoyed it. Yes make your humus to take for snack, but also maybe buy some of those 100 calorie packages and stash in your desk just in case. You could have your own little emergency snack kit. At this time of year I am sure there will be a lot of goodies showing up in your break room. I don't know if it would help but I was having a really hard time a couple of months back losing. I am big enough to set it to lose 2 pounds a week and I did, MFP gave me 1200 calories. Even with eating back half of my exercise calories I wasn't losing or losing .2 of a pound. I was miserable as well. I reset my wight loss to 1.5 pounds per week and got 1430 calories. I am now losing consistently and I feel much better.

    @shellyld2016 - I am looking at the different lifting programs right now to find one I can start in January.

    Yesterday I made my protein goal Yay! I had a NSV as well, my youngest daughter (16) was standing behind me and said, "Wow mom your back doesn't have as much fat on it as it used to." Rather tactless but I know she met well and I will take it. Looking in the mirror I still do not see a difference. I got an hour of exercise in this morning.

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend. :)
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @mysticlizard I liked the StrongLifts 5x5 to start. It progresses you pretty fast. I decided to do more though. Depending on your goals that might be a good one for you. I did it and added more exercises to it as for me I didn't feel it was quite enough.
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    My goal is weight loss, but I want to do some sculpting too. That will take more focus on muscle groups.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    Shelly. Great goals You were asking about using kids as weights for your upcoming trip. I was also thinking about using backpacks or diaper bags filled with books or other objects from your environment

    Cbabie. Start where you are on the elliptical. The thrill is meeting the goal. Then you can increase it. That keeps you feeling successful. I was wanting to increase my heart rate during exercise so I chose where I was and added 5 to that and the goal was "be in this heart range for 5 days" I finished that goal tonight. So now I increased it by 5 more.

    Trooworld. So another December goal for you is bring more healthy snacks to work. Breaking that down to first step is make a list of healthy snacks to take. Oh I see you did that. Next step add it to the grocery list. Pinterest has loads of healthy snack options. Gaining weight- are you tracking every bite that goes into your mouth. Are you measuring or weighing your food portions instead of eyeballing it.

    Mysticlizard you are preaching to the choir when you speak of not growing up. I understand perfectly. What I've learned is find the way that works for me not anyone else. Now I am finally learning and wish I had learned it faster but hey I'm getting there. I had a gathering on Thursday and someone mentioned my weight loss Finally! The scale is one thing but I like it when others recognize my hard work. This person said how are you doing it cutting out all sugar and junk? I laughed and said you know abstinence is not my thing. I'm reducing. Plus learning to like salads. I just saw your dd's comment and laughed. I know all about the back fat.

    Okay that's it for me

    tracked over cals and carbs
    Exercise I was going to do nothing but did 15 min
    Glucose reading 121- Go me

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @mysticlizard I have a fridge in my office, so I can store the hummus with no problem. I like the idea of an emergency snack kit. I was getting 1200 a day with 2 lb weight loss as well, so I switched recently to "lightly active" and it gave me 1590 cals. The problem is I'm either not sticking with it or I'm underestimating/not tracking accurately. I need to get this under control!!!

    @theslightedgeforever yes indeed, that's a great goal. I'll check out pinterest for some more ideas. I am not measuring things like casseroles or homemade dishes because I don't know what the measurement would be. I eyeball a portion size, which is dangerous. How do you measure things like casseroles and stir frys? I do track 95% of what goes into my mouth, I may just be underestimating the portion size.

    I ordered an air fryer on Black Friday and it came yesterday. I'm going to use it some time this weekend. Does anyone else have one? I found a bunch of recipes on pinterest for it. I'm getting ready to go to BodyPump, I haven't been to the gym all week. :( Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    @shellyld2016 - I read through the StrongLifts 5x5 website. It looks like a good place for me to start. I think I will need to start with a regular set of weights as I have a really hard time with an empty Olympic bar and keeping good form. So I will start slow and build up. My main goal with the lifting is to retain muscle mass as I lose weight. I have a ways to go before I can think about sculpting.

    @theslightedgeforever - I am so thick headed, the only way I seem to learn is the hard way. :D

    @trooworld - With the fridge maybe you could have some baby carrots, celery, or cut veggies to go with the hummus. Maybe take away 100 calories from the 1590 and see if that makes a difference. When I get home from the grocery I prep and cut all the veggies and throw them into Tupperware veggie keepers. Then as we cook through the week we just grab what we need, weigh it and throw it in for stir fry or sides and for casseroles I put the mixing bowl on the scale, weigh and tare, weigh and tare, then dump it into the baking dish to bake. I look at the fully cooked item when I am finished, then divide by how many servings I think there is. Sometimes I will dump dinner back into a mixing bowl on the scale and then divide by servings. We have a pen and a sticky note pad above the scale to write it all down. We have been doing this for almost two years and I have everyone in the house well trained. It is second nature at this point. When I use the recipe builder I will often just do the sauces and canned goods, then add the meat and veggies individually in my food diary. I have come to the conclusion I will have to do this for the rest of my life. I am interested to hear how your air fryer works, I have been looking at them.

    I got my hour and a quarter workout in. I failed miserably with my protein goal yesterday and it isn't looking like I am going to do much better with it today. I need to start eating tuna and eggs again.

    I hope all you ladies are having a good weekend. <3

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @mysticlizard hope you enjoy 5x5. You just start where you need to and go from there. We all have a starting point. For some things I use dumbbells as I don't have a spotter. Safety first!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    trooworld I use the recipe builder for things I make a lot and divide into servings. Other times like for a stir fry I will divide the ingredients into fourths because I'm cooking for 4 and list them individually. an onion becomes 0.25 of an onion. 2 carrots become 0.5 carrot. lb of chicken breasts becomes 4 oz. then I divide the mixture into 4 portions in the skillet when I'm done.

    mysticlizard Protein is something I struggle with too. I'm not one for protein shakes or bars. Tuna.....I could add that in.

    shellyld I'll have to look into that 5x5. I need to get consistent again on my weights. I was doing a split routine and pyramiding with dumbbells and machines. At this point anything to get some muscle mass on me and strengthen bones would be good.

    tracked under cals and carbs
    exercise- yard work
    no glucose reading
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals:

    I should be back to normal after today. The being gone almost every waking hour is taking a toll on me. My eating habits and my exercise habits are not what they should be. The pageant ends today and though my life will be very busy because of the time of year and the work life is crazy right now...I will not have to be gone EVERY night after work and all weekend. I haven't tracked at all in the last couple of days, I haven't walked on my treadmill, I have gotten over 10K steps in..does that tell you I don't sit down? LOL

    @shellyld2016 I will have to look at the 5x5, my muscle builds fast, but I need a routine. I worked out with a girlfriend when I first started exercising...she got mad at me because in 4 weeks I had better muscle build than her who had been working out for 4 years... (part man I am) Lol

    @theslightedgeforever I am proud of your weight loss and glad people are I think have finally found the key for your body.

    @trooworld I have learned that I have to measure, my portions were not right, I was surprised when I started measuring. I bought a scale and it has been good for me. When I don't want to track or want to be "good" as we call it..I don't weigh. However, when I am serious about my health and my weight..I weigh and measure all my food. If I can't measure or weigh I don't eat it.. that's just me...remember I am the one who HAS to follow rules...LOL

    okay gals off to get ready for the pageant.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @mysticlizard I did make some hummus today to have this week, and got some baby carrots, so great minds think alike! I didn't have time to prep like you did, but maybe tomorrow morning I will throw some things together. I did make a breakfast casserole today + some turkey meatballs for the freezer. That's a great idea to use the scale to divide things up, or to divide the whole thing up before eating. My air fryer: I made fried pickles in the air fryer yesterday. They came out pretty good, although they did not look like typically fried pickles. We are going to make carne asada in it tonight, I'll let you know how that comes out. Good luck with the protein goal!

    @theslightedgeforever I forgot to mention that I do use the recipe builder here on the site, I just need to divide things up like you guys do I guess.

    @cbabie I'm going to commit to weighing/measuring my carne asada tonight. I will have 4 ounces of it, a tortilla and 1/4 c reduced fat cheddar. The pageant sounds time consuming! I know you'll be glad to get back to "normalcy".

    @gemwolf110 I love eggnog with rum or brandy! I want to come to your house to put up the tree...we don't have room for a tree in our new apartment. :( I'm glad the baby got her shots so she can go for walks like the big dogs.

    Hi everyone else! I'm meal prepping today, and I do think I will put together some snack kits. I've got those nice black containers with dividers in them, it makes my food look like it came from restaurant takeout which really helps me want to eat it lol. I'm a very visual person. I got for snacks: stuff to make hummus (I made it today), hardboiled eggs, Babybel lights, a green pepper, baby carrots, grapes, grape tomatoes, and (healthier) fig newton bars from Sam's Club. I think that's all I got but who knows, I might be forgetting something! I'm excited to have snacks this week. I've been bored with having just an apple as a snack, and that's why I've been sneaking off to the cafe or vending machine.

    Well, have a good night everyone! Thanks for your advice on weighing and measuring things!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    edited December 2016
    cbabie I'm glad your pageant is over. Don't be volunteering for anything else unless it's the Cbabie's Back to Health night. Imagine if all the hours you spent on the pageant went towards your health and well being instead. There is only one YOU.

    gemwolf your tree plans sound wonderful. A little background music always puts me in the holiday mood. Is there a furbaby Santa? I was just thinking how nice pics would be. so make you a plan that's doable with your schedule.It might not be optimal. but right now that's your life. So figure out the easiest way to exercise and eat right.

    trooworld Your snack boxes sound wonderful. Your snack list too. Once or twice a week, in my snack boxes I would add a Hershey's kiss or one of those little Hershey's mini candy bars, but then I love chocolate. Portions are controlled and I get to satisfy my sweet tooth. Although the trick is not to eat the rest of the bag at home. I do better giving myself permission to eat vs No I can't have that. Cbabie was talking about rules. We are our own boss so we get to make the rules. So yes you can have a kiss at work but not at home. Unless it's from your dh

    tracked over cals and carbs
    exercise- none
    glucose reading- none taken
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Oh good idea to include a piece of chocolate! Hubby brings home an occasional few pieces of chocolate and I can include one on a low-cal day. Here is a pic of 2 of my snack packs minus the hummus, which is in a separate container. I measured out the grapes (5 oz) and hummus (2 oz), counted everything else.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals:

    off to work, despite the mood I got up in, I got my walk in. I knew from past that the walk would take the emotion off the edge. I am so glad for my treadmill. My eyes are sleep in this house...but God's alarms says it's time to go to work.

    I have made my salad, measured, taken snacks,etc. oh my my pants are so tight...can't make myself get on the scale...just starting with what I know..measure, exercise and keep the fight on.

    here's to a successful day to EACH of YOU!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @cbabie Walks really help me too, I'm glad you are able to do it. Keep fighting!

    I just wanted to come on and brag that I'm at work and someone brought in goodies in the break room. It's 12:47 pm and I have successfully avoided eating any of that junk so far today! I am not worried about the rest of the day because I have that lovely snack pack I made still in my bag! Have a great day everyone!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good Evening ladies,

    I hope everyone's Monday went smoothly.

    @trooworld - Yay, you go with your snacks! Your snacks look yummy and very appealing. I too am a visual eater. I love red grapes.

    @gemwolf110 - It sounds like you are going to have a nice time decorating your tree. I bet your fur baby is going to love her first time in the snow.

    @cbabie - I am glad your pageant was successfully concluded.

    @theslightedgeforever - I am still struggling with my protein. I hope tomorrow goes better with it. I will also add hard boiled eggs to boost my grams.

    @shellyld2016 - I was going to wait to start SL 5x5 tomorrow. I got to thinking why should I wait until the new year. Don't put off what you can do today and all that lol.

    I didn't get my exercise in the last two days. I was a little over on my calories yesterday as well. I am doing o.k. today.

    I hope all of you have a good evening.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,256 Member
    trooworld Your snack boxes look so enticing. I want to go make my own. Look at you avoiding the goodies in the breakroom. Bravo!

    cbabie Looks like you have donned the armor for a good battle for your health. Just take it one day at a time.

    mysticlizard I bought some tuna today and now to figure it into my mealplans. My way of eating tuna consists of lots of fat and calories. So I need a new way. I bought some red grapes too.

    I had a molar pulled today and I'm hurting and cranky. I go back next week to get my stitches out.

    tracked over cals and carbs
    glucose-none taken