

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    edited November 2016
    Morning gals...I don't have a lot of time, I will try to do personals later today..(much later) I have to get ready for the day..Christmas pageant practice, grocery shopping, work, oh then there is the clean the house, meal prep,

    Sounds like everyone has made plans on how to get through Thanksgiving without going totally off the wagon to say...

    Enjoy your's cooler in AZ today..feels good..makes me want to sit in front of the fireplace and read..(not going to happen)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    @mysticlizard I toss them in a little olive oil and salt and pepper and then roast them at 400 until they are turning brown and yummy. I love them too! That's a great idea on the leftovers. If we were having people over to our house, we were going to take the leftovers to the homeless in the neighborhood and give them out in individual portions. Next year, we will do that if we have it at our house. I miss the seasons! I'm from Ohio, and San Diego just doesn't get the changes that Ohio does. Great job, asking for a box right away!

    @theslightedgeforever I think I need to up my protein for sure. I'm a bit low.

    @jjansen39 I hope things calm down for you!

    @cbabie sitting by a fireplace and reading is my idea of heaven! I wish I had a fireplace to do that.

    Well, I'm up at 6:30 on a Saturday to walk the dog and then go to BodyPump at 8. After that, I'll come home and work on school work until about 1:30 and then go grocery shopping. What is everyone else up to?
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @theslightedgeforever My son is healing. He has an appointment with his doctor next week to check the neck fracture. Thanks for asking. He has a ways to go and now a financial crisis with all of this. The lady that hit him was at fault, but didn't have enough insurance to touch the expenses.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I hope all of you are having a nice weekend.

    @jjansen39 and @cbabie - I hope you are able to put your feet up and relax a little tomorrow.

    @trooworld - Thant is the way I make them. I just love them. I like the idea of giving the left overs to the local homeless. That is really thoughtful. My oldest son was stationed in San Diego for eight years. When they re-located to WY last year they froze.

    I didn't get my exercise in today. I am watching my calories. The girls and I cleaned the house and started organizing for the holiday. I will have all of my girls home on Wednesday to help with the cooking. I hope hubby comes through so he can make the pie crusts, all of us women are really heavy handed with pastry dough. I am hoping he is home with us for the holiday. But he will be home for Christmas though so we are excited for that.

    Have a good night! :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    This is what I did with the hollowed out portion of the butternut squash

    Since it was already cooked. I just removed it from the fridge and drizzled 1 T honey over it and threw in some dried cranberries. Baked it for 15 min and then topped it with feta cheese and added some chopped mint for decor

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    Good morning everyone :)

    Aside from being annoyed with myself, I think I am seeing a pattern. When I do not exercise, I tend to snack more or make poorer food choices. I have not figured out if my body being well exercised does not send me signals to snack as much or if I am more vigilant because I don't want to undue the perceived gains I have made. Do any of you have thoughts on this?
    Maybe a bit of both? I'm wondering if exercise doesn't raise your serotonin levels so you are happier and aren't as inclined to snack to make yourself feel good. If you know what I mean.

    gemwolf Yaaaay on your weifgt loss. Your program is working. I think constant change of routine would bother me but you won't get bored.

    cbabie So you need two separate agendas Yes I know you are all or nothing. But you are capable of change. We make our own rules. You have a Thanksgiving agenda. This is just a different one. So Agenda 1 is what you eat normally and then Agenda 2 is when you have to go out to eat with people. Some options are That shows you the best choices to eat at the restaurant and gives tips. or try the restaurant logging feature on MFP. I don't know if you have tried that yet. They have added filtering and sorting to make it even better.

    shelly Good idea on carrying veggies around with you.

    lore Did you walk on your treadmill? Add exercise in that busy category. That means you have to make it a priority just like you would all the other things on your list. It's a hard thing to do but it will keep us healthy. Isn't being healthy more important than hanging Christmas lights or whatever else is on your busy list. So it should have a higher place in the day on your to-do list. I'm learning the lesson too. Hard to say to other people I'll get on that thing for you after I take care of this thing for me. We usually put ourselves on the bottom of the list. I think of Trello as a big game of Solitare. I just keep moving my cards from one pile to the other as I plan and complete them.

    trooworld Tell me about your terrible food day the other day. What was happening, who were you with? Where were you? So we can help you construct a plan for next time.

    jackie Hang in there. Take some time out to enjoy the non crazy moments

    So I think I'm all caught up.

    tracked Under cals and carbs
    Goals: exercise Met track dinner on time Not met
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    2 days in a row no exercise...weekends who needs them. Didn't do so well eating either...started strong but sat up watching about 7 hours of TV with my grandson and DH...(stranger things) Ice cream and Jif got me...So don't think I can't beat this, because I know I can.. Gotta run get ready for church..singing both services. We livestream so my Dad can watch...he gets excited to "see" one of his kids singing..we grew up singing, but my kids..none of you believe it? Why do they get our bad habits and not our good ones..LOL

    I will hopefully be back here this afternoon to catch up..wanted to check in with you guys. Keeps me accountable.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    Anyone have any recipes?
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    @cbabie I sing in church too, love singing. I really just love music all together!
    I have so many recipes I could look up when I get home. It would be Tuesday sometime though. You might check They have so many and have all been wonderful!
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 75 Member
    Morning all, hope you have a great/relaxing Sunday !
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,130 Member
    @mysticlizard there are just so many homeless in our neighborhood, it's painful to just ignore it every day of the year. I am SURE your son froze! lol we do have nice weather here. I didn't get my exercise done today either, I was going to go to the gym, but I enjoyed my day none the less. That's good you have help cooking on Weds.

    @theslightedgeforever that looks soooooo good! and healthy. The terrible food day: I looked back at my tracker because I couldn't remember which day it was, it could have been Monday when I ate some crap at work, but it also could have been Weds which was bad because I thought I had a blood clot, so I ate my breakfast at 8:30, then went to urgent care and didn't have lunch until 2:00. By that time, I was starving and had Carls Jr by myself. The worst times are at work, when people bring junk into the breakroom. There is just something about free food that I have a hard time resisting.

    @cbabie yes I do have a recipe, I'm actually making it tonight. It's not the healthiest but it's not too bad I love it:
    Mom's Pizza Pasta - 4 servings
    2 large zucchini, sliced
    2 large yellow squash, sliced
    1 medium red onion, diced
    2 jars pizza sauce
    10 ounces whole wheat pasta
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 teaspoon italian seasoning
    4 cloves garlic, minced
    black pepper, to taste
    1 cup part skim milk mozzarella cheese

    Saute onion in olive oil until starting to turn brown, add garlic, squash and zucchini and saute until all are tender. Meanwhile, cook pasta and set aside.

    Add pizza sauce and seasonings and stir well. Cook a few minutes, until combined well and hot. Add pasta and stir well. Top with mozzarella.

    Well I feel somewhat accomplished, I cleaned the stove and the kitchen and now I'm going to cook the above for dinner! Have a great night everyone.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi ladies,

    @trooworld - Mom's Pizza Pasta looks yummy. Maybe after the holidays I can try it out. The girls will love it.

    @cbabie - I use both yellow squash and zucchini in this dish. We eat it quite often.
    Zucchini and Shrimp Stir-Fry
    Recipe Serves 2-3 | Prep Time: 15 Minutes | Cook Time: 5 Minutes

    Ingredients:1 1/2 tablespoons oil
    8 oz shelled and deveined shrimp or chicken breast (cut into pieces)
    1 zucchini, about 8 oz, cut into rounds and then quarters
    3-4 button mushrooms, cut into pieces
    3-4 baby carrots, sliced
    5-6 slices peeled ginger
    Brown Sauce:
    1 tablespoon oyster sauce
    5 tablespoons water
    1 teaspoon sugar
    1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
    Pinch of salt, or to taste

    Method:Mix all the ingredients in the Brown Sauce, stir well and set aside.
    Heat up your pan/skillet/wok and add the oil. When the oil is heated, add the ginger and stir-fry until aromatic, follow by the shrimp. Stir-fry the shrimp until the surface turns opaque, then add in the zucchini, carrots, and mushrooms.
    Toss and stir-fry for about 30 seconds.
    Add the Brown Sauce (stir right before using), stir to combine well with the ingredients. Once the sauce thickens, dish out and serve immediately with steamed rice.

    I got my hour and a quarter exercise in today. I am doing o.k. on the eating.
    My goal for this week I am go to work hard to stay on track this week.

    Have a good evening. :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    cbabie Here's a recipe and buy a spiralizer and you can make zuchinni noodles. Lots of good recipes using them.

    shelly Skinnytaste does have some good recipes

    jackie Did you find some time to relax

    trooworld You sound like me on not remembering things lol So the breakroom....what are your options? Don't go to the breakroom, walk around outside instead. Go to the breakroom and sit far away from the goodies and Bring your own healthy goodies. Go to the breakroom and read a chapter in your favorite book or magazine. No one says you have to eat on breaktime. Keep reminding yourself there is nothing free in life. You aren't paying in cash but you will soon be paying in hospital bills, dr visits, prescriptions, etc because the free food is damaging your body if it's not healthy. Your recipe sounds good

    OK that's all I have. Anyone else have anything for Trooworld?

    mysticlizard I thought I woukd try your recipe tomorrow as I have everything then saw oyster sauce. Hmmmmm Will need to go look up substitutions for that.

    I had too many errands today while toting around my mil. Exhausting and I make poor choices when I'm tired. No exercise and then ordered take out and that put me over. So off I go to read and next time I have to take her on errands exercise before I go and have my healthy dinner in the crockpot ready. Or if I would finish up making my salads in a jar I could have just grabbed one of them. Oh just had a thought. I need to keep marinated cooked chicken breasts in the freezer so I can just take it out and have a wrap or something. Another Trello card in the making lol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    I just learned something new on Trello. Calendar view. For the cards that I put a due date, I can see at a glance either a week view or a month view. Cool. This all started with me making a card to remember to prepare the french toast the night before and put it in the fridge. A small group of friends always has a brunch a day or two before Thanksgiving. This year I'm hosting.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Still trying to log both but the MFP databases are so much more complete. After a couple of months off because of travel and packing for moving, I am finally back in my exercise routine and it feels so good! I appreciate everyone's Thanksgiving tips. If I can avoid gravy, starches, and desserts, I will be ridiculously proud of myself.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    @lentigogirl I just eat in portions.. I don't try not to have a piece of pie. I just enjoy the day

    I have fracked and stayed op today. I did my exercise..and now to get me sleep too.

    @theslightedgeforever yep I found that. I just am still trying to get the boards organized

    @mysticlizard thanks for the recipe ask and receive. Lol
    @trooworld thanks for the pizza recipe. Wonder if my grandkids would know the difference.
    @shellyld2016 I will check out that skinny taste...thanks!!!!
    @jjansen39 hope you had a good Monday

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Still trying to log both but the MFP databases are so much more complete. After a couple of months off because of travel and packing for moving, I am finally back in my exercise routine and it feels so good! I appreciate everyone's Thanksgiving tips. If I can avoid gravy, starches, and desserts, I will be ridiculously proud of myself.

    I have lost even on holidays by just getting in my exercise and portion control. I have the dessert, just a smaller piece and always skip the gravy and mashed potatoes, but for me those are not my weakness. Just decide what you want most and skip the rest. It's a holiday for you too. If you don't stretch it out for a week, you should be great! I just send the highest calorie things with my kids! They love it and so do I.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I hope everyone's Monday of this holiday week went well.

    @theslightedgeforever - you can always substitute soy sauce, or hoisin sauce. I think the soy sauce would work well. I make a lot of oriental dishes so I have a lot of different sauces on hand.
    @trooworld - I like slightedge's idea of bringing your own goodies. You could put a snack kit together that has the things you like and that fit in your calories. As a fall back a bag of microwave popcorn?
    @lentigogirl - Even if you just manage to be mindful of what you are eating and can come away from the table full but not bloated, that is a victory as well. Maybe just choose your favorites from the table and say no to seconds.
    @cbabie - Yay for getting your exercise in! I hope you get a restful night sleep.

    I got my hour and a quarter exercise in and my eating has been good so far. My oldest daughter turns 23 tomorrow. I am taking her out to lunch at the Red Lobster. I went online today and looked at their nutrition information, figured out what I will have, and logged it. My challenge will be to eat only one cheddar bay biscuit.

    Have a good day tomorrow everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    Lentigogirl. Isn't it nice to get back to a routine when I go to food gatherings I have my three thing rule I pick the best three things on the table and eat and enjoy it I used to take a couple of spoonfuls of everything and logging them became a nightmare trying to figure out exact portions and I ended up with just as many calories so now I try to stick with my 3 things rule. The problem comes that we end up having a second big meal because of leftovers. Just decide what you think will be a successful day to you.

    Cbabie sounds like you had a productive day I'm a pie person too problem is no one here is so I become a whole pie person. Can't do that anymore

    Shelly. Good advice. Exercise and portion control

    Mysticlizard. I was out at the store today and saw oyster sauce and was debating should I try it. But then decided against it. I did pick up my soy sauce though so I'm glad it has a similar taste. Awesome job on planning ahead for your dd's outing. Hope she has a happy birthday

    Ok that's it for me

    Tracked. Under cals and carbs
    Goals. Exercised. Met. Tracked dinner on time met
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member