

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,568 Member
    Well we moved dad into a Rehab Hospital last night. Wow I am exhausted, I slept 7 hours last night, meaning I got up I usually live on 4 -5 hours sleep, but I got 7 last night. I am not working any program right now, other than the church fast, but I am hoping to do my treadmill this morning, even if it's for 15 min..we will see.

    @rickweinberg Hopefully all is well at your household! If I put my yoga clothes on, I would probably sleep in them and not go..LOL Good for you for knowing yourself and taking away the obstacles.
    @theslightedgeforever hope all is going good for you today!
    @mysticlizard Today is I hope you crawled into bed and stay there!!
    @trooworld I am so sorry for your ER trip..glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you are still making plans and achieving them!!
    @mmcjtink so happy for you for meeting your goals!! great job. :)
    okay gotta run and do life.
    @cathyfalcon Yea retirement. My girlfriend retired about 3 years ago and is loving enjoy. You will get it done, I am sure!
    @HappyBride917 I know about WW pulling you back in, it's because you are comfortable with that and KNOW it. It's kind of like a security blanket. We all hate to get out of our comfort zone. You have to do what is best for you, some people do both. I had a hard time breaking up from them. I still have online and look once at it, hoping to find some good pointers or recipes in awhile, but that will end in Feb and I have to make a choice then as well. So you do what is what you need right now. Congratulations on your goals! Maybe try 1 week without WW and see what you's like getting through withdrawals...once you have gotten through it, you never look back. :)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,909 Member
    Hi all! Well I went to work yesterday got there at 10:15 and left again at 12:15, I was in too much pain and had to go. So I came home and took a long nap and felt better after that, the pains were gone. I'm ready to tackle the day today! I hope you all have a great day.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi All,

    @theslightedgeforever - Yay for children who come to visit! Awesome with the treadmill, every little bit helps.

    @cathyfalcone - When my mom and aunt retired they were busier than when they worked, but it was doing things they wanted to do. I wish you all the time to do what you want to do! Like Rick said, we are here for you.

    @HappyBride917 - My logging has been crap the last couple of days and I have not been mindful of what I have been eating. But I know when I log everything, the good, bad, and ugly, I usually end up losing even if it is a little bit. Some days it is hard looking at the carnage, but I find the next day's eating and logging always shows some improvement. You are thinking about how you want to go about it and are working on it so that is a victory too. I can't help you on the WW thing, I have never belonged. My dearest friend has done WW for years and swears by it. It works for her but only when she is working the program. The same can be said for me using MFP, as long as I am trying it works.

    @mmcjtink - Yay for you getting your exercise in! You are doing awesome!

    @trooworld - I am glad you are over your gut ache. I know you will come up with an eating plan that works for you.

    @rickweinberg - I have been thinking a lot about your two steps forward statement. I really think that I want to keep that front and center in my mind.

    @cbabie - Hang in there. (((HUGS))) I am glad you got a decent night sleep.

    @gemwolf110 - I am glad you are having a good break and the fur babies are enjoying your home time. The hockey game sounds like it was fun.

    I didn't get to rest as planned as there was so much to catch up here. Hubby came home so I had help and that was appreciated. The youngest is laid out with this cold, I know she is sick, she didn't want to go to the mall with her friends lol. My knee is still giving me twinges, I don't think I will be doing squats any time soon. I am going to wait until Monday and try a walking video and a little peddling. I feel miserable not exercising and I miss my extra calories to eat back.

    I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! <3


    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 238
    1. Log all food 26 out of 31 days Under calories 13 of 31 days Over calories 13 of 31 days Protein goal 6 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 1005 minutes
    3. Managing stress 16 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.
  • HappyBride917
    HappyBride917 Posts: 27 Member
    @cbabie looks like you really did need all that sleep! Thanks for the WW advice. You are right, I am comfortable with them and that's why I want to keep going back. I have to really give MFP a try and stop doing back and forth. The back and forth is what makes me so confused.

    @trooworld I hope that those pains are staying away for good! There is nothing as awful as feeling bad at work!

    @gemwolf110 glad you're enjoying your vacation. Sometimes your brain definitely just needs you to do nothing, I know that feeling for sure!

    @mysticlizard you are right about the logging. I hope your knee is feeling better and your youngest as well! My mom has been home with bronchitis all week so I know it's awful when someone in the house is sick.

    I'm getting frustrated, but I know it's my own fault. In the past week and a half, I'm up .8. Some of you may not think that's a lot, but it is to me. I know I have not been tracking faithfully, which is my own fault, but it makes me want to go back to WW. I know that on MFP I can eat better for you foods, things like whole milk yogurt and cottage cheese. They would both be about 3 points on WW but they're only 80-100 calories. Like @cbabie said - I am comfortable with WW and that's why I want to keep going back. Monday starts my new week with MFP. I'm going to honestly truthfully try to track every single bite and see what happens. I have a WW membership until the end of March so we'll see what happens here and if I decide to stay or not. You guys have all been so supportive. Thank you so much!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,909 Member
    Hi all! Well the gut problem didn't go away, I was at work yesterday and pain came back. I called the nurse line and they said to come in to my doc, so that's what I did. Unfortunately, he didn't give me anything but a vague "I'm not sure what could be causing it..." he suggested I start probiotics and eat prunes. :( So, I bought some probiotics and started them last night. We'll see if it helps. He did say to email him if the pain wasn't gone in a week.

    @gemwolf110 I'm so glad you are enjoying your time off! I bet the pups do love you being home. Great job, getting to Zumba and for the loss.

    @mysticlizard guess what came back yesterday? If you are guessing my gut ache, you are right! See above. Take it easy on that knee...a walking video sounds perfect. I love Lesley Sansone's videos.

    @HappyBride917 yep, nothing worse than being at work in pain.
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Hi all - I cannot believe I've never seen this thread before. I am a former WW member, gave it up a year ago, and haven't regretted it even once. My backstory - I did 3 rounds of WW over the course of my adult life (currently 45). I saw success with all 3, but only hit goal the first time when I was in college. This last round started in 2008. I lost a bunch of weight, then gained some back after back-to-backleg injuries that had me on crutches & in PT for 2-3 months each injury. When they switched to the new program in Nov 2015, I gave it a real try, I truly did. I was hangry all of the time. I started crying about my struggle, which I hadn't done in YEARS. I felt miserable, and worse, I'd only lost about 5# in a full year. I talked to my doc about the fact that I was working so hard (and was able to prove it, with my WW diaries and fitness tracker logs to show that I really was doing what I was supposed to do), and she agreed that I should be losing more. I saw a dietitian. Thanks to WW, she was very impressed with my food logs, and said I was one of the healthiest eaters for a first time client that she'd ever seen. She is the one who had me join MFP, so she could analyze my macros better, since she had no idea what WW pts corresponded to in real-world terms. I dual tracked for a month. One day around Christmas I hit my WW daily target exactly after dinner. I immediately went into MFP to track to see what it meant in calories. Mind you, it was a great WW day, chicken, 7 servings of F/V, 2 or 3 serving of whole grain items, plenty of water) and I was only at 990 calories. No wonder I was hungry and emotional all the time. The new points system had me starving myself. That was the day I decided to cancel WW for good. I'd learned what I needed to from them. The meeting topics were the same ones that we'd had for the past 5 years, and I wasn't learning anything new.

    I was part of a regular challenge group on the WW boards, and we set up a secret FB group to keep in touch in case WW shut down the boards, which of course they did a few months later. Working with others all trying to become healthier selves was the best part of WW, and now we can get that here *_*

    I only had to see the dietitian for 3 months before she "graduated" me without really changing much of my diet. The habits I'd ingrained from years of WW really did pay off. I also saw an endocrinologist in January 2016 to see if there was an underlying cause to my slow loss, and yep, I was insulin resistant, which makes losing weight extremely difficult. After I went on the medication I started losing weight steadily, without a change of lifestyle, since my lifestyle was healthy to begin with. I lost 30 last year. I have another 25 to go and hope to reach goal by my birthday in late August. I love the freedom of MFP. That doesn't mean I don't struggle with motivation sometimes, but it's usually on the exercise front. I have tracked & complete every single day since I started 412 days ago. MFP also helps me more than the WW tracker did because now I need to pay closer attention to sugar & carb grams every day.

    I do track my exercise, but don't try to eat them back, although it is nice that they are there if I am having a higher calorie day than normal. General consensus on the forums here is that if you are eating them back, that you only try to eat half of them, to account for the fact that most trackers overestimate burn.

    My current goal is just to lose at least .5 each week, get to sleep before midnight so I can eventually wake up early enough to do morning workouts, and to hit my Garmin step target at least 4x out of any 7 day period. Currently I'm only at 3x for the past 7 because I had a work project that forced me to sit down for more hours in the day than my job usually requires.

    My apologies for the novel LOL - I hope to keep up with this thread moving forward *_* Have a great day!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello, everyone!
    I haven't posted in a while but have been trying to keep up with at least reading everyone's posts. Still busy with taking
    parents to Doctor's and Physical Therapy several times a week. We have been having some cold days with a few really pretty ones mixed in. It almost gives me spring fever. Lol.

    @trooworld Glad the Whole30 is going well for you. Did you have to buy a book to follow? I am sorry to read about your stomach problems, that is certainly no fun. The probiotics should help though. Saying a little prayer that you will feel better soon.

    @cbabie It does take a toll on your body caring for others. Taking care of our bodies is so importand and if we do, hopefully we will be able to care for ourselves longer. Hang in there, I feel your pain. Your quiche looks amazing. It inspired me and I made some.

    @mysticlizard How is your knee feeling?

    @gemwolf110 Glad you are having a good vacation. Good luck with your job interviews.

    @NEOHgirl Welcome I enjoyed reading your post. I used to go to WW and am a lifetime member. I have to say I like MFP better. I did enjoy some of the WW meetings but I really enjoy this board. Everyone is nice and very encouraging.

    @rickweinberg I remember when my kids first got their driver license and wanted to go out by themselves for the first time. Yikes!! It is hard to cut the apron strings but we all have to. Congrats on your weight loss.

    @theslightedge Thank you for the youtube link for the WW lady. I enjoyed it.
    @HappyBride917 Hope you are enjoying this board. The people are awesome.
    @cathyfalcon Retirement is good. I retired in 2013 and stay really busy!
  • cathyfalcone9819
    cathyfalcone9819 Posts: 49 Member
    It was tough decision to leave WW and it has to be your own. I have been a member since about 1979. I actually attained life time the first time and maintained several years. I had left WW before but never with a good back up plan. I've done quite well with mfp but lately have been in a slump ( long story). I actually thought about going back but frankly I'm tired of spending so much money.

    Do what works for you. I have friends who are still going and others who quit years ago. I may drop on a meeting while they are doing promotions. It's not generally well known but it is allowed . Feel free to friend
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,312 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I too go back and forth with WW. Right now I am religiously recording everything I eat on both MFP and the WW online app. I just wasn't losing anything with WW. In 2010 I joined MFP at 160.5 lbs. my all time high. I got down to 126 lb just 2 lbs short of my goal. But by then I was losing so slowly that I quit for awhile deciding to try something different. I tried WW but with not a lot of luck. Eventually I put back on 13 lbs and now I SAID NO WAY. I'm motivated again to lose this weight.

    I'm only 4' 11" so I don't have a lot of leeway.

    By using both WW and MFP. I can see where I was going wrong with WW. Too much fruit and too much leeway with the fit points that I earned. Obviously I can't use them all, all it does is stop me from losing weight.

    My WW plan expires in June, I'll see then if I want to renew.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,312 Member
    edited January 2017
    ITrack Bites is very very similar to WW. You have a choice of all the previous plans as well from just calories to the newest one Smart Points. They just call them slightly different names. I didn't find it as easy to use as MFP or WW but compared to WW the price is definitely


    There are add on for restaurants as well. It does have a barcode scanner but does not interact with Fitbit or Garmin but I think that is in the works. That ability to sync with my device is the main reason I stopped using it.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,568 Member
    Well it was good to come see all the activity on the board today. I am finally off my fast and I am not sure what I will eat today. My cravings say I am ready to get my life back, but I think it will be awhile.

    @trooworld I am so sorry to hear about your stomach pains. I hope you feel better over and can go back to work on Monday. (not that any of us like Mondays.) LOL

    @NEOHgirl Welcome to the board. Wow what a lot of good information. Thank you for sharing that. I was always hangry as well, I like the fact that I can see how many carbs, sugar, protein, etc that I am eating. At my age and with my family history, it's important. (both parents diabetic, one died of cancer and one just had a stroke.)

    @lore11a Good to hear from you and I totally get how exhausting this parent thing can be. LOL Thank you for taking care of them.

    @cathyfalcon Hope you have a great Sunday, and I hope you get out of your slump very soon! Life sometimes happens :)

    @fancyladyJeri I had to really look at your picture, you look so close to a friend of mine and her name is Jeri as well!! :) Welcome! Great info and I would look at the other tracking if it synced with my gadgets..LOL

    @gemwolf110 Well sounds like you are having a great time off from work and I hope you get the job you are looking to change to.

    Alright, I have to go take my shower and get ready for church. See you all later.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi all,

    @HappyBride917 - When I go up in weight and I am doing what I should I remind myself that it could be a have a had a high sodium day or might be retaining water or something. I also remind myself that unfortunately weight loss isn't linear. Just keep plugging away it, you will see results.

    @trooworld - I am sorry you gut is aching again. I hope it passes (sorry no pun intended) and you get to feeling better.

    @NEOHgirl - I am glad you found us welcome!

    @lore11a - Hi it is good to see you. My knee is improving, I am going to try some easy peddling today.

    @cathyfalcon @fancyladyJeri and @gemwolf110 - Hi ladies!

    @cbabie - I hope you have a peaceful Sunday.

    Yesterday I spent most of my day in bed resting. The cold is feeling better today. I want to do some light peddling and see how my knee does. Food wise it was a bad week but I am feeling better and am motivated to get it turned around.

    I hope everyone has a restful Sunday. <3


    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 238
    1. Log all food 26 out of 31 days Under calories 13 of 31 days Over calories 16 of 31 days Protein goal 6 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 1005 minutes
    3. Managing stress 16 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.
  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    @theslightedgeforever @HappyBride917 @mmcjtink @trooworld @cbabie @gemwolf110 @mysticlizard @cathyfalcone9819 @fancyladyjeri @lore11a @NEOHgirl

    Hello All,
    I just wrote a whole bunch and lost it. Amateur move for a tech director.

    I think I'm having a good week. I'm exercising and logging most of my calories. Thursday night I had spin class and I ate back most of the calories I lost. Unfortunately, I got real hungry and I could not sleep. I got up, ate two bowls of cereal and a kind bar, watched TV for 15 minutes and went back to bed. I did not track those Thursday night calories. I have been pretty good this week but not perfect. Who is perfect?

    @theslightedgeforever I think it is possible to have about 3 plans while changing your life. 3 might be the max. I think the 3 categories for a life style change are calorie intake, exercise and possibly a sleep/mindfulness program. That is just me. Anything over that is too much for me to keep in my brain and it becomes unattainable. I read once only do things that you can sustain and maintain for a lifetime.

    @cbabie Glad your Dad is now in rehab. I hope he gets well soon. I need about 9 hours of sleep every night. If not, I'm out of it for the next day. Hope you were able to get on the treadmill (1/27) at least for a little bit. Right now I pretty much alternate Yoga and cycling/XC skiing. Although, I maybe swimming today.

    @trooworld It stinks that you have gone to work, were in too much pain and had to go home. I really hope you are feeling better now. Nothing is more important than our health.

    @mysticlizard I hope you are able to exercise on Monday (tomorrow-1/30/17). I think husbands helping is very important. I try to help. Like yesterday my workout was vacuuming and riding my bike indoors.

    @happybride917 I use the WW mentality in MFP. For example your frustration is feedback. My WW leader would say "It's not failure. It's feedback." I feel failure is the first step to success.

    @mmcjtink I noticed a couple things. You are working hard toward your goal. Keep it up. I've not seen you post in a while. Hope all is well and you are still taking two steps forward.

    @gemwolf110 Zumba twice on vacation? That is great. There is not better sport to watch live than hockey. It's hard to follow the puck on TV. Everyone needs a break. It helps us recharge.

    @cathyfalcone9819 I like my job but I think about retirement everyday. I want to camp in the woods and drive an RV around North America. I also want to bike a lot. It is good exercise and I enjoy it. I'm not sure my wife wants to do any of these things with me. I have about 13 years before I can retire.

    @fancyladyjeri Jeri. I used MFP and the WW app along side each other. That was what kinda helped me decide to go with MFP. I lost for those 3 weeks on both. I was within my point and calorie allotment. I had the hardest time convincing myself that MFP would work. Why? Because I was not faithful for MFP. How could I judge a new plan without fidelity and consistency? It can't be done. I gave MFP and earnest try so here I am.

    @lore11a Good luck with getting parents to doctors and your physical therapy. You should post more often. I find it as a type of therapy.

    @NEOHgirl Welcome to the group. Your story is great. I think you should make some slight modifications and add it to the "success story" board in MFP. Discovering your "insulin issue" must have been a great day of relief. Now you had a reason and something to hang your hat on when it came to your weight loss struggle. I can't wait to learn more from you. I have MFP set to 1 LBS a month. It is working for me. I also loved your "990 calorie" discovery. Shocking. That is good feedback.

    Now I'm headed out to go XC skiing. Taking the pooch with me. When I return I will do the dishes again. Plus, I need to put my folded clothes away. Peace to all.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,909 Member
    Hi all! Well, my stomach problems seem to be passing, so I'm going back to work. I did slip on Saturday night and had homemade pizza and beer. As the creators of the Whole30 say, "there is no perfect Whole30". But I'm sure they would say I need to start over now (I'm not going to). I'm back on Whole30 as of last night (I also had something not allowed for breakfast yesterday followed by more homemade pizza for lunch). I'll be on Whole30 until next Tuesday and then I'm done (Thank god! It was good but difficult). I'm not beating myself up about it. It is what it is...I made it 21 days with just a little slip. I know it's not Whole21 lol, but I think I did pretty well.

    @NEOHgirl welcome! wow about your story...that's incredible! I'm glad you figured out why you were so hungry. Maybe that was my problem as well. Great job on the losses I'm sure you will get there soon!

    @lore11a no, I didn't have to buy a book. There is a tremendous amount of information out there on websites. Thanks! I will update about tummy above this.

    @fancyladyJeri hi welcome! It's good you were doing both WW and MFP so you could figure it out. iTrackBites looks interesting.

    @gemwolf110 I agree. It's not affordable for a lot of people (me included). Thanks for the article, I am interested. I hadn't seen some of those links, so thank you!

    @cbabie I'll be going back to work today, I'm glad to be going back fairly healthy!

    @rickweinberg that stinks that you lost what you wrote! That's happened to me before so I started pre-writing my post in Notepad and I copy and paste it into the webform. I am feeling better, thank you.

  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    Yes. I know. I'm always positive but I'm disappointed that I gained the 3 pounds I lost last week. I gained them back. I did not sleep well last night and now I'm tired.

    Weight loss is not always linear. I'm hoping that this is just one step back and next Monday it will be 2 steps forward.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi everyone,

    @rickweinberg - Sorry about the weight. Like you said, two steps forward.

    @gemwolf110 - I hope your going back to work is going good. I can't wait to hear about your new job prospect. I am sending positive thoughts your way.

    @trooworld - I am glad you are feeling better.

    It is a good day today. I peddled for an hour yesterday and an hour today, I am pleased. I lost weight this week though by all rights I shouldn't have. I will take it though and be happy.

    I hope everyone has a smooth Monday. <3


    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 235.6
    1. Log all food 26 out of 31 days Under calories 13 of 31 days Over calories 16 of 31 days Protein goal 6 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 1125 minutes
    3. Managing stress 17 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Hello all - had a good OP day today. I stayed under my calorie target, and I earned 500+ calories shoveling my driveway to clear the 10"+ of snow that we go overnight. My goal this evening is to get a full night's sleep because I might very well have to shovel the darn thing again tomorrow morning. At least it gets my exercise in early *_* Have a good night.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited January 2017
    Another WW meeting highlights:

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    My dh surprised me with a getaway and then came back to no internet. When I was sick this past month I forgot to pay the internet bill. Finally got that taken care of today and then MFP was down for maint. So here I am now.

    Not even going to attempt personals 27 of them Welcome to the newbies of the group. Interesting info on insulin resistance and iTrackbites. I have used that app. When I was tracking both points and MFP but it got too much for me. Doc says I really need to watch my carbs.

    My daughter is coming in tonight for 2 1/2 weeks. So the fun begins on combining healthy lifestyle and a break in my routine. In the past, I've not been very good at this. But I'm different now and I just need to focus on one day at a time. Remember my goals. Be diligent.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,568 Member

    I am running on fumes and trying to get into some sort of healthy routine. I have eaten whatever I have wanted the last 2 days and today it stops. I am going to get on the treadmill after I write this.
    I am just being accountable right now to you guys. If somehow I get time, I will post personals . If not, I promise I will write to each of you tomorrow.
