

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @trooworld How has your tracking and exercise been? I have jazz hands and pretend I'm a Rockette. That Aerogarden sounds neat.

    @gemwolf110 So sorry about your covid. I wish it would stop mutating but then that's science and the way it's supposed to work. I bet lots of people got it around Christmas.

    @senoritafloridita You sound like you made good choices with the Greek food. You could have not chosen a salad and eaten the whole gyro. Plus added some baklava. :) Yaay no fries. The 80's party sounds fun. I love that era. The music, clothes, hair.

    @cbabie Yaaay on your tracking. It only takes a minute or so each meal. How is your back now? It's good you are doing your exercises. I felt a little twinge in my back yesterday so I decided to take one of my rest days today instead of Friday.

    I went to a party yesterday and while I stayed within my carb range, over on calories. I got my exercise in though before I went. Cardio and stretching.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld Wow that is such a productive day. I wish I could get that much out of the house to the Goodwill. That's good you skipped fries and had only half the gyro, that with the salad actually sounds like a reasonable meal.

    @cbabie Good luck on the decluttering, I need to do the same. It would be fantastic if I could clear out the basement. Good word for the year! And yeah, I still have no desire for a drink yet - lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Hope you had fun at the party - that's good you got your exercise in before going and stayed within your carb range. Yeah the '80s is definitely my favorite era too.

    I took progress pics on New Year's Day and I was really happy to see a positive difference even from my previous photos in early December. I love seeing DS's progress on our workouts. He was even faster on 4 miles than on 3 the day before. Today we had only 2 so we went even faster. I think I'll sign us up for a half marathon at the end of April.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @gemwolf110 Oh gosh, that's terrible! Yes, it was nice to donate all that.

    @cbabie LOL since last year, you are slacking! lol You are off to a good start in 2023. I love your word for the year. Thank you, I appreciate it! I'm glad we weren't alone going to bed early lol.

    @theslightedgeforever My tracking has been good for the past two days. My exercise: only cleaning and work movements, my knee has been killing me I'm walking with a limp because of it. I have a plan to start using the Tonal on Friday. That's my plan. LOL about jazz hands and pretending! I'm anxiously awaiting my herbs to sprout. ;) That was smart to get in your exercise before you went. Good job.

    @senoritafloridita It was an unusually productive day: I normally can't get my DH to do anything on his days off, but we just spontaneously started doing stuff and before you know it, we had did a full-day of cleaning/organizing! Yeah, I'm glad I ate like I did with that gyro and salad. My stomach probably would have been hurting had I eaten the whole thing with fries. What a great idea to take progress pics! I'm glad you could see a nice difference. How exciting to see progress in your husband and enough to sign up for a half marathon!!! Go, girl!

    Hi all. I did well yesterday, I drank a better amount of water, I tracked, and I didn't snack. My knee is starting to feel better so I am going to go ahead and work out on Friday, unless something changes. I need to eat more vegetables, that's my goal today along with water and tracking.

    Water yesterday: 65 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, baby is squawking, so this might be short..LOL. I did terrible yesterday. I tracked and was 475 over in calories. I ate a piece of cake and then after I ate it...I said it wasn't worth didn't even taste that good. I didn't was very fussy and was moving bookcases, books, etc in between. BUT today is another day

    @trooworld It will just be the beginning when you start on the know it's addicting for you..LOL. I need to eat more veggies too. I am just not a veggie eater.

    @theslightedgeforever good thing you rested...I am so sick of my back. But this lug of a baby doesn't help. LOL. I tracked but didn't do well today I TRY again.

    @gemwolf110 My DD is going back to work today...she said she would see how long she can last...wakes up nauseated and fogging still.

    @senoritafloridita Love that you can look and see a difference. Great job for your's great when we see our kids creating great habits. Good job mom for being a mentor.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @senoritafloridita It sounds like you and ds are really making some progress. Keep up the good work.

    @trooworld Yaaay on your tracking. How can you reframe your veggie goal to something more specific? Like I will eat 2 servings of vegetables at dinner time.

    @cbabie So here is your limiting belief: I am just not a veggie eater. You can reframe that by saying I used to not be a veggie eater but now I am having one serving of vegetables with my lunch. Does baby have a bouncy chair or swing so he can sit up and see what's going on around him. That way he doesn't get used to being held all the time. You know me. :)

    I was looking at my percentages for my habit goals yesterday. I've been religiously tracking them for 2 months. Some things I got better and some things I didn't. If I get 85% or higher, then I need to tweak the goal by adding an extra day or raise/lower the amount that I'm tracking. I track every day so that it stays a habit but if I meet my goal on a day I'm not watching I still get credit for it. This is from the Habit Factor app

    Eat at or under daily food target (calories/carbs) tracked 6 days per week
    November 73%
    December 83%

    Reduce sugar grams equal to or less than 100 gms. January will be reduced to 80 gms.
    November: 3 days per week 158%
    December: 4 days per week 137%

    Eat 1 serving of vegetables at lunch or dinner (cannot be corn, tomatoes, onions)
    November 3 days per week 100%
    December 4 days per week 100%

    Drink 4 glasses of water
    November 3 days per week 75%
    December 3 days per week 25%

    Burn 300 calories via intentional exercise
    November 4 days per week 33%
    December 4 days per week 50%

    Today I'm back to exercising. Food was OP yesterday. Water goal met.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @cbabie I hate when I eat something and then regret it. It makes me want to eat something else to make up for it lol. Today IS a new day! Yes it kind of is addicting lol. I just need to start again. ;) Everyone says eating veggies is a key behavior. So, I'm going to do it lol. The webinar I have been in on Tuesday nights wants me to eat half my plate in non-starchy veggies but that's just a lot of veggies lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Well, I actually do have a goal of 5 servings fruits/veggies a day, that's pretty specific. I just didn't say that initially. I really do need to focus more on it. I'm supposed to fill half my plate with nonstarchy veggies and fruits. Wow, you are doing great overall! I'm really impressed with those numbers. How can you increase your water and intentional exercise? What is your plan?

    Hi all. I did really well yesterday as far as eating and drinking water go. I tracked everything and drank 80 oz of water. My pre-diabetes webinar series starts in two weeks. I'm finishing up the weight loss webinar series now. I think the biggest takeaway I've had from this series is how important eating more fruits and veggies is. It helps control blood sugar levels, improves digestion/gives you fiber, fights cancer, etc.

    Today, I have to take Daisy to the vet. She's been having bathroom problems off and on for a week or so.

    Water yesterday: 80 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @trooworld How big are your plates? You could do a serving of veggie casserole, raw vegetable, and small serving of salad and hit the 1/2. Unless you use smaller plates. ;) Which is a good practice anyway. Water: I have a small accountability group and that is my focus for January. So far I've hit it every day this week. Exercise: For December I exercised 4-5 days a week for all the weeks except one. That week I did 3 days. My goal is 5 days a week. So I'm still shooting for my goal of 5, but I need to burn 300 cals per day for it to count towards my percentages. One day I burned 200 and then life happened and didn't make up the other 100 during the rest of the day. :( I've been trying habit stacking so I hit my goal of moving my body 3 times per day. I'm trying to think "Be active" versus exercise session. Another good thing about f&v is helping to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia. I need more work on that too but so many things to work on at the same time.

    Food was within my carb boundary yesterday. I burnt 310 calories. Met my water goal.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member

    I’m saying hi and am missing checking in and will get back to it - I have not disappeared, just out of routines 😊

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I have 3 different plates I use. The one I usually use (a red plate) is a smaller plate, maybe 9" across? It's supposed to be a "salad" plate I think. The next one I use is a Portion Control Nutrition Plate that has the portions printed on it (half veggies, 1/4 carbs 1/4 protein) and is 10" across. The one I hardly use is a huge plate, maybe 12" across. Yes, I use smaller plates but still can't fill up the 1/2 with veggies because I get too full and can't eat the protein/carbs. That's good you are focusing on water and doing well with it. Wow, the exercise is on point, excellent job! That's a great reason to eat more F&V.

    @Tamevv Hi there!

    Hi all. I did really well yesterday, I tracked all of my food but was a little short on water. All 3 meals were healthy. Since it is raining here, I made chili in the slow cooker. I used 1/2 93% lean ground beef, 1/2 fake meat. My husband was displeased I use soy meat as apparently now he has something against soy which I wasn't aware of. It wasn't my best chili, it was a new recipe and I didn't like it and won't make it again.

    Water yesterday: 45 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    I forgot to mention: I lost 1.6 lbs this week.

    Water yesterday: 45 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I didn't do well on the eating path yesterday. It was a very long day and I got the "who cares" attitude. I can't change my sleep schedule as it seems baby is now on a up til 12:30 pm and up at 5ish.. So makes for a long day. Once I am up, I am up...if it's after 4:30. I feel like ground hog day is upon wanting him to see his shadow and go away. LOL

    @trooworld I am not one for fake meat..not sure why just never liked it. One thing I know about me is I feel I always have to have protein more than other feel full. Looking into that behavior. I never get full on veggies. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I am so envious of how you track your details of you health. Great job. You are our mother....somehow I got the Dad gene. LOL You have achieved MUCH.

    @Tamevv Hello! Good to see you didn't fall into the black hole..LOL

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    edited January 2023
    @trooworld Glad your knee has been feeling better and that your water/tracking/food has been going well. Hope Daisy feels better soon. Could your husband actually taste the difference or was it only because you told him? Woohoo on the weight loss!

    @cbabie That's good that even if you went over in calories, it was only 475 calories. Won't make much of a dent in your progress. And good for recognizing how it didn't even taste that good. Thanks re: my son. Yeah it's great to see I can still positively influence him, even now that he's an edgy teenager who knows everything, lol.

    @theslightedgeforever That's great how much insight the Habit app has given you, and knowing exactly how to tweak things. Looks like you have definitely mastered your sugar and veggie goals, and I'm sure the others are not far behind.

    I got on the scale again today after not weighing in for 3 weeks (originally I planned to wait a month). Was really happy with the results, I've lost another 10 lbs since the last WI and about 25 lbs total! I've been sticking to 1500 cal/day for the most part except for holidays and a few slip-ups. DS and I do our half marathon training 4 days/week and I do cross-training the other 2 days with a climbing replicating machine and weight training. Also have been adding apple cider gummies to my supplements. I'm so glad to see this working after being in a rut for about 5 years.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    edited January 2023
    @cbabie Oh gosh, I hope the baby adjusts his sleep schedule soon so you can get better rest. I don't mind fake meat, I like the ground fake meat as a sub for ground beef and I guess I do like some of the burgers. I really like that it saves calories! Protein is very important and yes, it helps you feel fuller.

    @senoritafloridita Thank you! Daisy is already feeling better since going on probiotics. I think my husband could not taste the difference as it was all mixed in. I shouldn't have told him! Thanks, I appreciate your support! Wow, congrats on that nice weigh-in! You are doing awesome! Do you use a climbing replicating machine at the gym? Congrats on turning it around!

    Hi all. I did it! I got on the Tonal and did a full-body workout! I wanted to start out slow and also I did this on my 30-minute lunch, so my workout was 24 minutes but I did it! I'm so glad I made myself do it. Yesterday was a great day overall: I ate well, I drank plenty of water, I worked out...the only thing I didn't do was track but I'll go back and track now as I know exactly what I ate. I've got some organizing of my craft supplies to do today but I also hope to work out.

    Water yesterday: 85 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I tracked yesterday, did my exercises, went to the dentist ( got a good report), got a little more sleep, so all is good. One day at a time and baby steps, to keep moving forward.

    @trooworld I laughed out loud when I read " I did it". Good for you, isn't that a great feeling. Great JOB. Yes I agree, I never tell my family what is in the food, most of the time since we have so many different people with different "likes" I would always have someone not eating and wanting me to cook something "different" for them. The only person I do that for is baby girl. Covid messed up her eating..but little by little she is eating a little better. She is basically a carb eater...she doesn't like cereal, lots of food that normal kids her age eats.. Enjoy your craft organizing...I love to organize. LOL

    @senoritafloridita Wow you have had some good results and sounds like you are making good choices. I am learning really it's all in our mindset. I am working on looking at things differently. Thank you for the reminder of how to "frame" my day tracking.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited January 2023
    @tamevv I have a hard time when I get out of routines. Kind of black and white with me but I'm changing.

    @trooworld "Yes, I use smaller plates but still can't fill up the 1/2 with veggies because I get too full and can't eat the protein/carbs." That's not necessarily a bad thing. Chili sounds good. I think I'll make some but I can't eat a lot of soy because of breast cancer risk. Pretty well the only soy I eat is edamame occasionally. Yaaay on your healthy meals and losing weight. So glad Daisy is better and you did your Tonal. Woohoo.

    @cbabie Maybe not full on veggies is a mindset thing. I would agree if all you were eating were vegetables. Or maybe you didn't eat enough vegetables. Plus if you are hungry eat again. The whole thing is listening to our bodies and eating when we are truly hungry, not eating when we aren't. Plus giving our bodies good food with vitamin and minerals instead of junk. Dad had enough genes to go around for the both of us. Yaaay on your good day. Eventually baby will grow and go to school and you'll be able to do some "me" things.

    @senoritafloridita I am the master of tweaking, adjusting schedules, etc. All 3 of my babies were weaned onto a sippy cup on the 1st birthday. lol I couldn't handle all the arm touching anymore. Now if I could just figure out a good way to do that to myself to lose weight permanently. I'm still working on it. I'm so happy about your weight loss and finding a program that works for you and your son. Even if he knows it all. My husband calls me Siri for the same reason.

    I attended an all day online goal achievement course yesterday. So hopefully 2023 I will be better in getting things done than I did in 2022.

    Stayed OP, met my 300+ burned calorie and water goal.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,413 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi all. Checking in. Feeling much better today. Getting laundry done, tree decorations and lights are put away and will have help to get tree taken out to curb before trash day. I think this is going to be my last year with a real tree. Taking breaks to rest when needed.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @cbabie Sounds like a great day you had! Yes, a great feeling! Thank you. Yeah I wouldn't tell all those people either, who wants to deal with all of that lol. That's interesting about baby girl not liking cereal. Yeah I like to organize, too. I didn't do enough of it yesterday, I have to weed out my craft supplies today and hopefully combine some things or get rid of some things.

    @theslightedgeforever That's true. I can see why you wouldn't want to eat much soy. I love edamame. Thank you! You sound like you are going full-throttle on goal setting! Woo hoo!

    @gemwolf110 I'm glad to hear that, I've been thinking of you.

    Hi all. I had a so-so day yesterday: eating was kind of bad but I did do a stretching workout using the Tonal. I was going to do a strength training workout but I was too sore from the day before lol.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @gemwolf110 I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. My mom always said real trees were too much mess. I think better than a fake white one with red balls every year. LOL My apologies in advance to anyone here who has a fake white tree with only red balls on it. :D

    @trooworld Yaay on doing some stretching and you got in a fair amount of water. What prevented you from eating well and staying on your plan yesterday.

    @cbabie How was your eating choices today? You probably haven't given baby girl the good kind of cereal. LOL

    Yesterday was a rest day for me. I earned 331 active zone minutes last week. Food was good with carbs but I went over 171 cals. Only met half my water goal. So today will be a better day.
    I've made some nice lentil soup for lunch.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @theslightedgeforever It started out well with Greek yogurt and blueberries for breakfast. But then my husband wanted steak, asparagus and mashed potatoes for lunch. That was the biggest downfall of the day as it set the tone. For dinner, I made steak fajitas and refried beans, which wouldn't have been that bad had it not been for what I ate for lunch. And then when my husband was at the store, he bought me some Talenti gelato and I ate most of that at about 8pm. So yeah, not a good day. I can't say yesterday was much better: ham and cheese scones for brunch, my husband made homemade pecan sandies and I had 3 of those; and bean, rice and cheese burrito for dinner from delivery. The good thing is that I tracked it all. 331 active zone minutes is great! Enjoy the lentil soup.

    Hi all. I'm not going to talk about what I ate yesterday more than I already did in my comment to slightedge above. I'm not happy about it. I did get some physical activity in moving craft boxes around and sorting through things. That's about all the good that came out of yesterday lol. Oh, I did make my breakfast for the week even though I didn't feel like it: Superfood Breakfast Cookies -

    Have a good day!

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I had a meltdown yesterday and my BP was way too high. You know when you get scared for your health, like really scared..not when I function with a mild headache, makes you stop and think...what on earth am I doing. I am trying to make little changes, some of which would be don't get so upset when it's not in your control. I realized today that I am a care taker by nature...that usually means I put everyone else first. No matter how many times I say put your oxygen on first to myself. So today, we try try again. Eating is better, just not moving as much as I want to. I am accepting what I have done..making choices like "this or that". which is better for me.

    @trooworld I can see your phrase on my screen as I type..yes Every CHOICE is another chance to change my health for the better". I have got to do more always motivate me. :)

    @theslightedgeforever working on things....yes I am too general...trying to be more specific. Like 1 green today.. LOL

    @gemwolf110 real trees are not my thing...I hate the's like we do all this work for 4 weeks? LOL. My daughter loves the smell, I say spray evergreen on the fake one. LOL
