

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    edited January 2023
    @trooworld I have this machine: I got it 5 years ago. Much of the time it has sat unused but I get good results when I do use it. Good that you went back and tracked. Happy crafting!

    @cbabie Congrats on the good dental report. It is definitely about mindset, also habits too. For me the idea of dieting had become insurmountable. It took a few months of Nutrisystem to put me back in good habits and show me they were still doable. I can relate on being scared about health, I can be a real hypochondriac. That's right, just keep trying. If something's not working, try something else.

    @theslightedgeforever Siri, haha! My son likes to ask some mind-bending questions too, would be interesting to see your answers to some of them. Like recently he got irritated that we are the only country to call "soccer" what the rest of the world calls "football," and why we don't use the metric system like the rest of the world, etc.

    @gemwolf110 hope you continue to feel better. We've gone with a realistic-looking plastic tree for the last 5 years. I always like not having to throw out a real tree, even if they were grown for that purpose.

    It's a day of rest for me today. After the excitement of seeing my progress, I am inevitably impatient again. It's not enough that I made such good progress, I want it all now. But my logical side knows that I have to just stay the course. I used to analogize it as riding the bus, as I used to do when I didn't have a car. Very slow and lots of stops, but you get to the destination eventually.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member

    Good morning!!!

    I’m here!!! Am on day 3 of intentional water intake and yesterday was a successful snack day. Aim at least facing towards the wagon - time to start crawling towards it 😁

    @trooworld Hello! I love your recipes - am going to search the pantry for this ingredients once I finish here 👍
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,081 Member
    @cbabie Yes, I know that feeling. I'm sorry about your day. I hope today is better for you. Yes about my phrase! We can do this, I know we can. I'm glad I motivate you. I can't wait to hear about how you stretched! :D

    @senoritafloridita Wow that's cool! I'm glad you are putting it to good use on occasion. I'm glad I remembered what I ate lol. Thank you! I am impatient as well. It's really my biggest downfall. I get impatient and give up. I like your analogy. I'll have to remember that.

    @Tamevv Yay for fighting for your health! I had one of those cookies for breakfast yesterday, they are delicious but kind of dangerous as a warning. Although there is no added sugar to the recipe, they are on the sweet side.

    Hi all. I woke up with a migraine. I took some medicine, hopefully, it helps. I have to drive to work today and it may not be possible if I have a migraine pounding in my head. I worked out last night: I did a 44-minute workout on the Tonal. I absolutely regretted my choice of choosing a 44-minute workout about halfway through. I was tired, my muscles were failing me, but I pushed through and even if I didn't have perfect form on some of the exercises, I got it done. I probably will not do that long of a workout in the future lol.

    Water yesterday: 80 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, I got in a little work out that the Chiro asked me to do for my back. I will work on the "stretching" in a bit. I have to work around baby's schedule. I am learning, just do one thing, IF you don't get to all of it, well you got ONE thing done. The one thing I HATE is planning what to eat for dinner. I am wanting to try to get into a habit of meal prep and plan meals for the week. LONG goal, but baby steps. I tracked and was real close in I take it as a win..

    @Tamevv glad to see you, yea for water in take. We don't do enough of water and just glad you met your goal.

    @senoritafloridita good to see you today. Interesting machine. Glad it works. I do miss my treadmill...I love to walk, not a real out door person, but I have to change..LOL.

    @trooworld So sorry you have a migraine...those things are just miserable. Do you know what triggered it? great job on the tonal...yea girl baby steps back into the work out routine....LOL

    Baby is crying gotta go..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @cbabie That's good that you are making different choices. Keep working on your health

    @senoritafloridita The short answer on the questions about soccer and metric is that Americans think they are more special and their way is better than the rest of the world (That's what the rest of the world thinks, lol) Then there is the whole gram thing with food. I hate when a food package is listed in calories per 100 gm. Slow and steady wins the race.

    @tamevv Sounds like you are walking beside the wagon with your water and snacks. Jump on when you are ready.

    @trooworld I think I might like those cookies for a snack with my tea. But I think I'd still be hungry if I ate them for breakfast. Yaaay on your long Tonal workout. I've been doing all mine in short spurts lately. Woohoo on all your water.

    Yesterday was OP. I met my water goal and burned 300+ calories.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,413 Member
    cbabie wrote: »
    Morning all, I had a meltdown yesterday and my BP was way too high. You know when you get scared for your health, like really scared..not when I function with a mild headache, makes you stop and think...what on earth am I doing. I am trying to make little changes, some of which would be don't get so upset when it's not in your control. I realized today that I am a care taker by nature...that usually means I put everyone else first. No matter how many times I say put your oxygen on first to myself. So today, we try try again. Eating is better, just not moving as much as I want to. I am accepting what I have done..making choices like "this or that". which is better for me.

    @trooworld I can see your phrase on my screen as I type..yes Every CHOICE is another chance to change my health for the better". I have got to do more always motivate me. :)

    @theslightedgeforever working on things....yes I am too general...trying to be more specific. Like 1 green today.. LOL

    @gemwolf110 real trees are not my thing...I hate the's like we do all this work for 4 weeks? LOL. My daughter loves the smell, I say spray evergreen on the fake one. LOL


    I’m going fake next year. It’s too much and usually need assistance to get it in and out. My stepdad has one he is going to give me
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,413 Member
    @trooworld I have this machine: I got it 5 years ago. Much of the time it has sat unused but I get good results when I do use it. Good that you went back and tracked. Happy crafting!

    @cbabie Congrats on the good dental report. It is definitely about mindset, also habits too. For me the idea of dieting had become insurmountable. It took a few months of Nutrisystem to put me back in good habits and show me they were still doable. I can relate on being scared about health, I can be a real hypochondriac. That's right, just keep trying. If something's not working, try something else.

    @theslightedgeforever Siri, haha! My son likes to ask some mind-bending questions too, would be interesting to see your answers to some of them. Like recently he got irritated that we are the only country to call "soccer" what the rest of the world calls "football," and why we don't use the metric system like the rest of the world, etc.

    @gemwolf110 hope you continue to feel better. We've gone with a realistic-looking plastic tree for the last 5 years. I always like not having to throw out a real tree, even if they were grown for that purpose.

    It's a day of rest for me today. After the excitement of seeing my progress, I am inevitably impatient again. It's not enough that I made such good progress, I want it all now. But my logical side knows that I have to just stay the course. I used to analogize it as riding the bus, as I used to do when I didn't have a car. Very slow and lots of stops, but you get to the destination eventually.

    I’m feeling better. Just tired and a lingering cough. Returned to work in person today and I’m wiped out. Too much talking lol I miss working from home and away from people.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,081 Member
    @cbabie Is the chiro helping? How's your back? Once you get in a habit of planning your meals, it will be easier. Good job tracking! Thanks, it went away after the medication (thankfully). They are miserable! I am not sure what triggered it but it may have been the weather, it was raining all day yesterday. Thanks, I'm trying! :D

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah that's what I am finding lol. I ate one of those yesterday with nothing else because I was busy and I was starving by 11am. Today, I bring some fruit and 2 veggie sausages with it. Thank you! Congrats on a good day.

    Hi all. I am going to share my heart rate BMP from my 46 min Tonal workout. The maximum I achieved was 166 BMP, which is too high. My maximum for my age is 170, so I got very close to that ceiling. I'm going to do less minutes next time. I'm also including a pic of my dinner, which was a nice salad (Autumn Kale Salad with Fennel, Honeycrisp and Goat Cheese). My weight is up a bit, I think my muscles are retaining water from the workout.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."


  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi @senoritafloridita. Trying to catch up a little…. Where are you? I’m in Australia and we call it “soccer” here. We have our own version of “football” which in my opinion is a stupid game that shouldn’t even be called a “sport” but that’s a different conversation 😊.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @gemwolf110 I hope your energy comes back soon.

    @trooworld Do you monitor your HR as you are working out? When I notice I'm in my peak zone, I back off and slow it down to cardio. Your salad looks good although I would substitute the goat cheese. lol

    @Tamevv What good choices did you make today? Now I'm intrigued. I didn't realize you all down under called it soccer. I went and looked up to see if it was rugby by just a different name but no, looks like it combines a bunch of different games. Now I'm going to have to watch a youtube video to see it played.

    Food was OP on yesterday. I was at my carb boundary exactly. I burned my 300+ calories for exercise. Met my water goal.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Morning everyone.

    I’ve exercised and drunk water. Go me.

    @theslightedgeforever Haha, we call it AFL - Australian football league. It’s just like a big schoolyard game of “keeping a off” on my opinion, but people here LOVE it and get very passionate. We also play rugby league and rugby union - I like the union. At least I used to but the last couple of years the refereeing has become so ridiculous they barely get to actually play the game anymore. Anyway good luck with making sense of the AFL 😁
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,081 Member
    @theslightedgeforever My watch vibrates at certain levels but I am not paying attention to that. I can tell when I am too intense, I just need to back off a bit I think. That IS goat cheese lol, it's the hard crumbly kind! ;) Sounds like Tuesday was an excellent day for you, way to go!

    @Tamevv That's fantastic, keep it up!

    Hi all. My plan yesterday was to work all day and come home and work out before my Diabetes Prevention Program webinar that started last night. But we had to stop at the store after work, and when we got home, I didn't feel like working out. So, I told myself to just stretch but I didn't even feel like doing that. I decided that I would work out on my lunch 30 minutes today. That will keep the intensity down since it will be short and I will feel better for doing it. I ate another nice salad last night, Colorful Beet Salad with Carrot, Quinoa & Spinach (added protein source): We were out of quinoa so we added chickpeas. It was healthy and good, not as good as the one from the night before but still, good.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld Good job on pushing through on the Tonal workout. Sometimes I have gone through a week of soreness or longer with this marathon training. But it seems the soreness is fading. Wow that salad looks delicious!

    @cbabie right - don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Reminds me of a good saying from reddit I saw recently - a bad workout is better than no workout at all. Could you get another treadmill? They have a wide variety of prices on amazon.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah I can't do the metric system either - bugs me when the food I need on MFP is only measured in grams. Good job on being OP!

    @Tamevv I'm close to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. AFL sounds interesting, lol

    I signed DS and I up for our very first race together. So excited about it. He has improved in leaps and bounds, so proud of him.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Afternoon all, Yesterday was a bust...went to the Dr and was there for 2 felt good to have some of the test done. We will see what the results are later and see if I still feel that way.. LOL Today I am just wiped...didn't get in bed until 1am.

    @trooworld love the visuals and yes don't max off, but it feels good once in a while right? LOL. You dinner looks yummy...maybe you can come to AZ and cook for me. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever You are doing don't like goat cheese? Even I like goat cheese..LOL

    @Tamevv Glad to be "seeing" you more. yea on the water...I love that we all come from some place different and are a team working to support each other. You get to learn all sorts of things, not just diet and exercise. LOL

    @senoritafloridita. I don't have the room right now, if things ever change here I will be getting another one. I liked it cause I could do it any time of the day rain or shine.. I would love to see Philadelphia, I love the old things from our past as a country. Well actually, I just like antiques.

    @gemwolf110 That's a win mess, no cost. LOL. Hope you feel better soon.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,081 Member
    @senoritafloridita Thank you! I kind of like the soreness, it makes me feel like I worked hard lol. How's the training going? That salad was delicious! Congrats on signing up for your first race, how exciting! When is it?

    @cbabie Ugh that sounds like a frustrating doctor visit. I hope you can catch up on your rest today. Yes, it feels good once in a while to max out! LOL you got it! I'm actually going to be in Tucson for work in Feb but will be very busy with work. I'll wave to you as I come into AZ!

    Hi all. I'm proud of myself, I worked out on my lunch yesterday. I did a "recovery" workout which is still lifting weights but with lighter weights and so it's not as intense. Today, I will have an intense workout but will only do it for 23 mins, I think it is. I basically stayed the same this week, I lost -0.2 lbs. I feel like I'm getting my life together: I've been working on my cc debt (which has been weighing on me), eating better, and starting to exercise. It feels good, and less chaotic lol.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, wow yesterday was a lazy day...I was sleepy all day. I think it's the new medicine I am on. We will see..have to be more active today. I feel energized right now, so have to do exercises when I am done here. LOL. I wasn't even really hungry yesterday, so it has to be the new medicine. :sweat_smile:

    @trooworld I will wave back as you come into AZ. Hopefully we have good weather when you get here. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @trooworld Your salad sounds good. I don't like goat cheese that's why if I ever made it there would be feta cheese on my plate. Woohoo on working out on your lunch hour. You sound like things are coming together for you. That's great.

    @senoritafloridita That's awesome that you are going to be training for race.

    @cbabie Did you exercise yesterday? No I don't like goat cheese, but I like goat meat. If you like antiques, look in the mirror. :p Yes I know, brat!

    I had a busy day yesterday. Bookclub: We discussed Of Women and Salt. Then did a webinar on Mindset. Then did some errands.

    I still met my goals though. Stayed within my carb boundaries but went over on calories by 100. Water goal met. 300+ burned calories. Today I'm doing nothing.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi everyone. I’m in the bush again so reception is patchy. Been eating more carbs and fats than usual but doing lots of activity so will see how it pans out I guess. Loving the calm and quiet here.

    For the record I like the crumbly feta and goats cheeses, but not the overly salty ones like danish 😊

    All the talk about heart rates got me thinking so I did some research into my max and what it should be for each zone and so on. Happy to see my usual workouts put me pretty much were I should be. It’s reassuring to know I’m doing the right things. Gives me some ideas for future goals though, regarding monitoring my activities. I know I don’t use half of what the Apple Watch is capable of, so might try to tap into that.

    @trooworld I’m envious of your salads. Lots of inspiration for when I’m home.

    @cbabie Hi!!!!! 👋 😁. How’d the exercises go??

    @senioritafloridita Race sounds exciting and motivating. When is it? We can cheer you on 😊

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,081 Member
    @cbabie I hope the new medicine helps and that you can get used to it. Yep, get that exercise done while you have the energy! I would love to not be hungry lol. Yeah, I come to Tucson almost every year and it's always cold and sometimes rainy. I will hope for the best! LOL

    @theslightedgeforever It was! Oh, I get it now. I love feta, too. Yes, things are coming together FINALLY! How did you like Of Women and Salt? I've got it on my to-read list. Sounds like a busy day. Great job meeting your goals! Enjoy your "day off"!

    @Tamevv Time in the bush sounds so relaxing. Do you sleep in a tent? We go camping here and sleep in a tent and I love it. We haven't been camping in about 3 or more years though. I don't know if I've ever had Danish cheese but if it's salty, I'd probably like it lol. That's good you looked up your max heart rate. I know what you mean about your Apple watch, I am the same way with my Samsung Galaxy watch lol. The salad was awesome! :D

    Hi all. I honored my commitment to myself yesterday and worked out after I got off at 11:15 a.m. which was before I got my booster shot. This is good because 1) I didn't feel like doing it 2) I felt a little ill because I had eaten a protein bar and not much else and it made me a little lightheaded. This time when I worked out, it was only for 23 mins heart rate shot up to 179 for several minutes, not good (my max I'm supposed to achieve is 170)! I thought I was taking it easier but apparently not. I plan on working out today if I have time but Saturdays are always so busy for me, with lots of running around. And I got the booster yesterday so there's that.

    We are supposed to go to dinner tonight at a friend's house. I'm afraid he's going to serve us oxtails lol. I am freaked out by stuff like that and the reason I think he's going to serve that is that he said that it is his best dish and he'd make it for us sometime.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited January 2023
    @Tamevv I think you are doing it right when it comes to your health journey. Enjoy your time in the bush. I think I'm probably more of a glamping person instead of camping person. I've been camping three times in my life. Twice with girl scouts and once with cub scouts. I do enjoying sitting in the middle of nowhere by a fire though. So I went on YouTube and looked at some AFL clips. My first thought was if they call it soccer, why is it AFL and not ASL. lol Second thought was are there actual rules to this game? LOL Hubby says it looks like everyone's nose has been broken at least once. I was surprised it was a football they were playing with. It was kind of just get the ball to the goal line any way that will get it there. I do remember in the past liking the way the referee does that little pointing thing when they get a goal/touchdown. What do you call it?

    @trooworld Yaaay for your workout. Did you get served oxtails? I had to go look that up and it is just what it sounds like. I have never been to Tucson. Oh wait, I drove through it one time on my way between Houston and Phoenix. But didn't stop. I would like to see the Wild Wild West things they have there. I really liked Of Women and Salt. I learned alot about Cuba that I didn't know before. Time jumping was a bit hard because there were so many characters and I had to keep looking at the genealogy chart in the beginning. I think 5 generations worth of women. But it was a good discussion. I never understand how Cuban immigrants/refugees get a pass in the US but the other Latinx people don't.

    So yesterday was an exercise rest day. I did stay OP. I made some good chicken/okra stew with rice. Did not meet my water goal though.