

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,255 Member
    @trooworld So you've gained now it's time to lose. It's good to think about what actions led you to gain. I was thinking the other day about how many good choices I routinely do now compared to my past. But then I say to myself, then why am I still so darn fat! Because it's all the other actions that I do that keeps me this way. Basically we know how many calories/points/whatever we should be eating to lose weight. If we throw in exercise that number rises. So we have to basically have a deficit of calories compared to our maintenance calories. Plain and simple. of course quality of food matters. But it still comes down to a deficit. So what can you do today to eat at a deficit?

    @cbabie Good for you for making small choices. A little bit here and there will add up. Can you do 5 minutes of exercise here and there? Those add up too.

    Food: Over 36 carbs/over 840 calories. This is why I'm still fat
    Exercise: 50 min gym cardio/weights
    Water: 34 oz
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @cbabie That's great you can talk health things with your grandson. Good job with the cereal! Thank you for the pep talk. You take after your sister! Or does she take after you? LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I can follow my eating plan and stick to it, not eat out. I can track. You are right, that's the case for me too, it's the other things. Good job with the gym. Give yourself some grace.

    Hi all. I still have a headache but I feel a tiny bit hopeful today compared to yesterday. I am going to get healthy groceries today. That is a new chance. I did not track at all yesterday, but I will track today. Yesterday at work, I went to the cafe and got a chorizo breakfast burrito for breakfast. BUT I only ate half of it. I only ate half of my lunch, too.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, Yesterday it was as if, my MIND was telling my body to eat everything I KNEW I was not supposed to be eating, even in moderation. LOL. So it was a bust. I didn't track, didn't exercise...took care of a whining baby all day and night...his one tooth finally broke through, so hopefully today is much better. I am going to try to meal plan some healthy meals for the week and see how much improvement I get. LOL

    @trooworld Good for you for your choices. See I still say unless you are allergic to it or it will kill you literally...everything in moderation! I am the oldest, but my sister is probably the wisest...AND we had a mom that believed Robert Schuller..the power of positive thinking. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever Yes we all have those days...but they don't outweigh the good days. You did go to the that is your win for yesterday!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @cbabie Sorry about Friday. I didn't track, either. :( I hope planning meals helps. It does me to some extent. Thank you, I like your motto! I don't know, you are both wise! I just love you guys! <3

    Hi all. I did not track, I did not eat breakfast or lunch, I did snack on crackers and cheese spread. Then we ordered Mexican food delivery for dinner. :/ I didn't do anything I wanted to do yesterday but get healthy groceries. I wanted to make bone broth and dehydrated veggie chips. I don't know if I will be able to do it today, we'll see. I am going to a yoga class at 9 and then we are going to the movies at 11.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, well yesterday was a bust. I can't shake these headaches, grandson left back to Alaska and I cried like a baby...We had a dog that we think was bit by a spider, but we didn't know it and it became a big not on his neck, opened during the night and to the vet they all went at 6am...then it's a chore to keep all the dogs seperate...teething baby...( I need a vacation) LOL. I measured my breakfast today and found that my mini shredded wheats are same in calories, but not shakology shake has way more protein and less carbs... So maybe I will alternate. LOL

    @trooworld Sorry you didn't get to do anything you wanted but the food shopping...those days I have to say, well I got one thing done and just start my list again. LOL. Like today..I could only get on the treadmill for 10 min before taking care of baby I say it's better than zero...LOL. Awe thanks, I know my sister and I are so glad you are in our life. Funny we never met, but it's most likely a better relationship than some people I have met. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @cbabie I've got the same problem with the headaches. I think it's the weather, in my case. What about you? Do you think you need to go to the doctor about them? I'm sorry your grandson left. When will he visit again? Is the dog okay? That's good you might alternate breakfasts. Yes, anything is better than the big fat zero lol. I am glad you guys are in my life! And yes, same here lol.

    Hi all. Yesterday was a good day at work. I stuck to my foods. I also had a work victory: something I was assigned when my coworkers were laid off, I didn't know how to do. I figured it out with a lot of research and some communication with one of my ex-coworkers. It's a relief. It's so hot here. I've had a headache for like 3 weeks straight. Nothing helps. I think it's just this hot weather. Yesterday, it was 95F. Today, it's supposed to get up to 100F. I don't like this weather. I tracked yesterday. First day in a couple of days that I tracked.

    Water yesterday: 100 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, I got no sleep last night for various reasons. I ate terrible as I was eating out of stress and I was disappointed in myself for not exercising. I have reasons, but I am at a point in my life where I say #$%$ the reasons just get it done.

    @trooworld It is supposed to be 110 today 105 tomorrow, etc. We have Excessive heat warnings out. so I get you. I don't like the cold, but I am sure ready for fall. LOL and pray we don't get what we used to call in I love you very much Indian Summer..not sure why it was called that, but that's what it was called. I just want fall or spring all year round. :). YEA on your work victory...see you are a persistent person and it paid off for you!!! It will do the same for you in your health journey!! Hope you have a great day today!

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    @cbabie and @trooworld that’s so hot! To think it’s going to be September this week! Hopefully it cools down. It’s not that hot here 81 but I’m ready for 60 degree weather and fall crisp air. If it could be fall/spring year round.

    @trooworld glad to hear work assignment worked out. Hope your headache passes soon.

    Happy Humpday All!

    2 weeks left of class and then I get a break for 12 weeks. Stress eating is bad. And have to tighten up the budget a bit. Everything seems a bit off this year. Cancelled my WW membership for now. When things settle I’ll jump back on. I was going to try some of those “free” online dating apps and yeah think I’m happy being single. One guy is definitely a scammer/cat fisher so blocked him, plenty of guys want hookups (not interested in that) and one guy seems nice but have an odd feeling about him. IDK 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Anyways hope everyone has a great day and check in later.

    ~ Missy

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @cbabie Oh that's terrible you didn't get any sleep. I'm sure your eating was also a result of not sleeping. Oh gosh, that weather is awful. I'm ready for fall, too. I've heard of Indian Summer but not the I love you very much part. Fall or spring all year round sounds good to me! I sure hope it does the same for my health journey. You too!

    @gemwolf110 Yeah I hate this weather lol. It's always like this at the end of August and into September here. Thank you so much! A 12 week break, that's awesome! How do you like your classes? Cancelling WW is a good thing when your budget is hurting. Too bad about the dating apps. I wonder if there are less scammers on paid apps? I got with my husband kind of before the dating app thing.

    Hi all. I was busy all day yesterday at work so I was distracted about thinking of food. One of my ex-coworkers came in and brought cookies from a Persian bakery and I did have 3 small cookies. I felt obligated to take them since I never see her and they were for another coworkers' birthday. :/ She left a bunch of brownie brittle in the break room so it will be a challenge today to stay out of it.

    Water yesterday: 100 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Hi All, I didn't do well yesterday and today isn't promising. I won't eat tomorrow, having thyroid surgery. See it's all in your mindset. LOL

    @trooworld I laughed at your comment, "she left a bunch of brownie brittle in the break room so it will be a challenge today to stay out of it." I can see (cartoon mind) the little pieces "calling" to you...saying eat me eat me...LOL. I am sure you put your headphones on and ignored them. LOL.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    cbabie wrote: »
    Hi All, I didn't do well yesterday and today isn't promising. I won't eat tomorrow, having thyroid surgery. See it's all in your mindset. LOL

    @trooworld I laughed at your comment, "she left a bunch of brownie brittle in the break room so it will be a challenge today to stay out of it." I can see (cartoon mind) the little pieces "calling" to you...saying eat me eat me...LOL. I am sure you put your headphones on and ignored them. LOL.


    Good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @cbabie Oh that's terrible you didn't get any sleep. I'm sure your eating was also a result of not sleeping. Oh gosh, that weather is awful. I'm ready for fall, too. I've heard of Indian Summer but not the I love you very much part. Fall or spring all year round sounds good to me! I sure hope it does the same for my health journey. You too!

    @gemwolf110 Yeah I hate this weather lol. It's always like this at the end of August and into September here. Thank you so much! A 12 week break, that's awesome! How do you like your classes? Cancelling WW is a good thing when your budget is hurting. Too bad about the dating apps. I wonder if there are less scammers on paid apps? I got with my husband kind of before the dating app thing.

    Hi all. I was busy all day yesterday at work so I was distracted about thinking of food. One of my ex-coworkers came in and brought cookies from a Persian bakery and I did have 3 small cookies. I felt obligated to take them since I never see her and they were for another coworkers' birthday. :/ She left a bunch of brownie brittle in the break room so it will be a challenge today to stay out of it.

    Water yesterday: 100 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

    I’m wondering if I would get better catches on paid sites. They are just expensive. Much prefer the old way of meeting people but doesn’t seem like there’s many single men in my area.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,255 Member
    @trooworld How about next time take one small cookie. OK two if you have to while you work your way down to one. That way you won't feel guilty but less fat, carbs, and calories for you and your health.

    @cbabie Wishing you well on your surgery. I'll be thinking about you. So I think more than ever we need to do everything we can to make sure we all stay healthy.

    @gemwolf110 Can you still do WW but use Healthi app like @trooworld was doing? It may not be perfect but better than you regaining all those pounds you loss. I think it was working for you. Do you have meetup in your area? You can look at and choose your city. My friend had moved to a new city and told me about it. What about your local library? Do they have a monthly bookclub. That's a good way to meet people. Yoga class? Trust your gut on that one odd guy.

    I haven't tracked today on here. I did on my symptoms app. I've been doing that the past week. I have to list my food but it doesn't give me any calories/carbs. So I'll have to back and input it. I know I didn't stay within my boundaries. I'm leaving on Saturday for Chicago and then taking a 2 1/2 week European vacation with my dd. So I won't be checking in regularly as I don't know how my internet will be. My goal is to weigh tomorrow and then at least maintain that weight while I'm gone. So there must be some balance. I can't just go all out and say I'm ON VACATION. My foot is mostly better. I've been resting it as I know I'll do thousands of step walking around there and I need both of my feet to be strong and healthy. My plan was to do weights instead but no, haven't done that. :(

    I finished the Heart of Invictus on Netflix today. I'm so motivated by what those competitors could do versus me who couldn't seem to find her way off the couch this week. No excuses! I can do better.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @cbabie Oh gosh, I hope your surgery goes okay! I'm sorry you didn't have a good couple of days. YES those brittle pieces did call my name! LOL

    @gemwolf110 I've known a couple of people that have met through paid sites. E-Harmony is one that worked for someone. I am not even sure if that site is still around. I don't know the other, it was a while ago when they met. Good luck!

    @theslightedgeforever Good plan. That's good you know what you ate so you can back-track. I love your traveling life! Enjoy the trip. I'm glad your foot is doing better. I am going to look up Heart of Invictus.

    Hi all. I lost 2 lbs this week, I am surprised because I really haven't done that well this week. Yesterday at work, not only was there brownie brittle but there was also these European cookies with chocolate in them. It was too much and I couldn't resist. :( But it's okay, today's a new day.

    Water yesterday: 85 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Latestarter2018
    Latestarter2018 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All - I’m new on this group. WW, Noom and Jenny Craig veteran 😂. Around 20 pounds to loose. I’ve really enjoyed reading the discussions- looking forward to being a part of this. Thanks @cbabie for starting this great group. Have a good day all - Sarah
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Welcome @Latestarter2018 ! I’ve done WW, Real Appeal, one on one with a health coach/nutritionist, and MFP.

    Can I say that I’m exhausted! Went to my final WW meeting for now, down 1.5 pounds! Did Zumba last night and Zumba this morning. It had been at least a year before I had gone to a Zumba class! And I trimmed a Yew tree that is huge in my backyard that the huskies like to hide in and probably get themselves into trouble.

    Here’s the before for one of the 2 trees.


    Here’s the clean up:


    And here’s the after-need a chainsaw to really finish it. But I don’t trust myself with one of those lol

  • Latestarter2018
    Latestarter2018 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi @gemwolf110 thanks for the welcome. Wow what a great effort with the trees. It lets loads more light in for you and creates lot of extra space. The huskies might be a bit disappointed 😂 you’ll be able to see what they are up to though!
    I need to get into some planned exercise. I’ve got a busy corporate job and I’ve let things go a bit really. Good for you with Zumba! Sarah
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,140 Member
    @Latestarter2018 Hi Sarah, welcome! :D WW, Noom veteran here lol. Yeah, this group is really good, it's been very helpful for me. I hope you enjoy it, it's great support! I've also got a busy job and I also have a commute. I find it hard to fit in exercise. About the only time I have to exercise is on the weekends.

    @gemwolf110 Congrats on your loss! Wow, you've been busy lol. That tree was a lot of work! It looks good and cute pup.

    Hi all. I was busy yesterday, we were celebrating my SIL's birthday and then we went shopping for a recliner. I've been doing ok but not tracking. I will track today. I am probably going to Aqua Zumba class this morning. Either that or adaptive yoga. What are you up to?

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    morning all, just. quick note. Surgery went good, just sore and nausea. LOL. I am not eating well as I just want something to swallow easy. (Ice cream) LOL. Hopefully I can exercise this week. Trying to meal plan sometime to day. We have a family birthday party, so I know I will have desert LOL

    @trooworld Good job on the loss, you are doing something even if you don't recognize it. Yes today is a new day.

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you have a great time and no foot symptoms. I can say one thing about you, well today only one thing..LOL. You have your health in your forefront and in your phone. LOL I am confident you can maintain. Just tell DD you will blame her and make her trip miserable if she doesn't think about your health when she wants to eat sweets. LOL. Naw, you really do have this and enjoy. Mom would be got her genes I got dads genes...just stay in my 4 corners. LOL

    @gemwolf110 Thank you, I haven't dated in 40 some years and I wouldn't know what to do. LOL I will pray you find the right person in your every day activities. The world we live in is different. :)

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    edited September 2023
    cbabie wrote: »
    morning all, just. quick note. Surgery went good, just sore and nausea. LOL. I am not eating well as I just want something to swallow easy. (Ice cream) LOL. Hopefully I can exercise this week. Trying to meal plan sometime to day. We have a family birthday party, so I know I will have desert LOL

    @trooworld Good job on the loss, you are doing something even if you don't recognize it. Yes today is a new day.

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you have a great time and no foot symptoms. I can say one thing about you, well today only one thing..LOL. You have your health in your forefront and in your phone. LOL I am confident you can maintain. Just tell DD you will blame her and make her trip miserable if she doesn't think about your health when she wants to eat sweets. LOL. Naw, you really do have this and enjoy. Mom would be got her genes I got dads genes...just stay in my 4 corners. LOL

    @gemwolf110 Thank you, I haven't dated in 40 some years and I wouldn't know what to do. LOL I will pray you find the right person in your every day activities. The world we live in is different. :)


    Thank you so much 😊 I always envisioned meetings someone in real life. Not doing this online thing. Not a huge fan of it.

    Glad to hear surgery went good! Praying for a full and speedy recovery!