

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Congrats on the loss! Good idea to "bank" your losses for the holiday gain.

    Hi all. I had fun with my sister-in-law. We had a nice night. This morning, I am going to a stretch class, picking up healthy groceries, and then going to meet a friend for coffee. I've also gotta take my car to the dealership for an oil change. We are having an indulgent meal tonight: chicken alfredo fettucine and I'm making sangria.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld All that sounds good, the exercise, time with your sister in law, healthy food shopping and the meal. Last night we had grilled ribeyes and a salad from ATK. I used extra arugula so I would have less dressing. We’re going swimming today. Tonight we’re eating Thai food. I order a tofu noodle bowl. Not sure of calories but I track it as tofu pho.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning all, I didn't do well last night. I NEVER eat pizza, however last night seemed easier to go with the crowd than fight it...

    @trooworld you plans sounded great and I think you needed it. So glad you had a good time. Oh I could use a stretch class. enjoy it

    @fabgeekmom I love the group name. Slow but steady wins the race. :). Enjoy the pool. I think we are done with ours for the season.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah it was nice time spent with my sister-in-law. Your dinner sounds good. I love Thai food, it's probably my favorite. I think that is good to find something similar to track.

    @cbabie Did the pizza hurt your stomach? You are right, I needed it. The stretch class makes me feel so good.

    Hi all. I love the stretch class, it doesn't hurt me and feels really good. I was late getting there and almost missed the cutoff time to get in but I made it. I went to breakfast with my husband and tried to make a healthyish choice but it was a French restaurant so I don't know how well I did. I put artificial nails on because we changed our plans for dinner: we decided to go out for beers at this place with some of the best burgers in San Diego so of course, I had a burger. I did not make sangria, I will make it next weekend. My nails look surprisingly nice for fakes. This morning, we are going to go birdwatching for the first time. We will get a lot of walking in.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, all. I hope everyone is well. @trooworld I love going to different restaurants. I’ve never eaten French food. A burger is a always. My son and I went to San Diego last year and loved it. We ate some good food. Dinner last night was good. I didn’t eat all the noodles as I was full from the vegetables, broth and tofu. I am going to the recreation center today to use the recumbent elliptical. Dinner is at my daughter’s house. She cooks healthy so it will be easy to stay on my diet.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Me too. Yeah, I love living here, I'm not from here originally but have been here the majority of my adult life. That's good your daughter cooks healthy. Enjoy the time with family.

    Hi all. We did go birdwatching yesterday morning. It was a good time. We didn't stay long because my husband wasn't feeling well. I developed a headache yesterday and was exhausted so I chose to make the fettucine alfredo which was an easy meal. Not healthy, but easy. Today, I work all day onsite. Hopefully my husband will cook dinner, which is scheduled to be Spinach Avocado Chicken Burgers (wrapped in lettuce) with roasted broccoli.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    Dinner last night was good. We had Skinnytaste cheeseburger soup and garlic sticks. Healthy and easy to track. I woke up early in the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. Hopefully tonight I will sleep better. @trooworld birdwatching sounds fun. Too bad you and your husband didn’t feel good. The burgers sound good. It’s nice that your husband cooks. Mine doesn’t, but he does most of the cleaning: vacuuming, bathrooms, floors. And my son says we don’t want him to cook!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yum! I hope you sleep better tonight. Yes, birdwatching was fun. We had a foldable chart with all the local birds we could expect to see and our binoculars. The burgers were really good! Yes, I am very lucky he likes to cook. At least yours does like to clean...mine does, too (I kind of hit the jackpot over here lol).

    Hi all. I have a bad headache, possibly the start of a migraine. I will take some medication shortly. I'm not looking forward to work with this headache but we are short-staffed so I will go in. Dinner tonight is quinoa veggie power bowls with a side of chicken breast. Not my night to cook so I will rest while the bowls are being made.

    Water yesterday: 70 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, all. I hope everyone is well. I’m eating breakfast now. Coffee with frothed unsweetened vanilla almond milk, air fried toast with cinnamon (647 bread) , scrambled eggs, muscadine grapes and baked figs on my toast. Last night I prepared salmon and we have some for lunch today. Tonight I am making Skinnytaste chicken nuggets. I’m also getting her new cookbook today. @trooworld your quinoa bowl sounds good. Unfortunately my husband and son are not fans. But there are other foods they eat.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yum to your breakfast, that's right up my alley! Let us know how the cookbook is. The quinoa bowl was good but my husband deviated from the recipe by using yams instead of butternut squash and broccoli instead of brussels sprouts. It was still a hit: He also made the chicken on the side but I didn't want any chicken.

    Hi all. Not much going on here. Going to work and that's about it. We are having Chicken Cashew Crunch Salad for dinner. Our tomato plant is dying, I think it has root rot but we don't have time to deal with it until Saturday. Oh well.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld The cookbook looks great! I read a few pages and will try to prepare one recipe next week.
    Hi, all! My granddaughter stayed with us last night so her parents could go to a concert. She is 11 and very easy going. I made Skinnytaste chicken nuggets from the website for dinner. They had cauliflower in them but we couldn’t taste them. She said they were very good. We have leftovers for lunch. Today is a swimming day. I’m making burgers from a Skinnytaste air fryer cookbook for dinner. As you can see, I am using a lot Skinnytaste recipes.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Oh good. Let us know what you decide to make! I love Skinnytaste recipes, they are very reliable.

    Hi all. Where is everyone? @cbabie @theslightedgeforever @gemwolf110 who else is missing?

    Not much going on, we had a good and easy salad last night for dinner: Chicken Cashew Crunch Salad Tonight, I'M making a Skinnytaste recipe, Air Fryer Asian Meatballs. We got our 1 yr old pug a supposedly indestructible plush toy and it was dead within 24 hours lol.

    Water yesterday: 70 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld The Asian meatballs sound good. My husband doesn’t like ginger so when we make something like that we give him something else. My cousin made some spaghetti a few months ago and after inviting us over she gave him leftovers to freeze. That has been his alternate meal. Last night I made the Skinnytaste Gouda cheeseburgers from the dinner air fry cookbook. Lunch yesterday was the nuggets I made Tuesday night.
    Hi, all. Please post and tell us how you are doing.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning all, so sorry I haven't been posting. It's been a hectic week. My morning routines have been rushed and well so have my days. I was given the clear by my Dr this week, so I am going to try to start walking again and doing hand weights. I had a Turkey burger for dinner last night. I haven't had one in years. It was so good.

    @fabgeekmom all your meals sound Yummy. I will have to check Skinnytaste out! So glad your grand daughter liked the nuggets. I need to try that, my 5 year old will only eat FF nuggets and that is the only "meat" she will eat.

    @trooworld Sorry about your tomato plant. I had to buy a tomato yesterday...I was so craving fresh vegetables. I would love a garden, but no time to try it now. LOL I laughed at the pug story.. Thanks I really needed a laugh.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @cbabie I’m glad you are doing better.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom The meatballs were good. gouda cheeseburgers sound delicious!

    @cbabie Good to hear from you. That's great your doctor gave you the all clear. How are you going to fit walking and exercise in with the kids? I hope you can. Yeah, that tomato plant is on its last leg lol. I really hope it doesn't die. I would love a garden, too, but no time or place for it. LOL yeah, that darned dog scared the $%@# out of me! :D What's your sister up to?

    Hi all. I basically maintained this week: I lost a few ounces. I didn't track so I think that's fair. My goal this week is to track at least 50% of the time. I also want to increase my water intake. I lost my water tumbler so I got another one, a bigger one, that will keep liquids cold. Tonight, I'm getting my hair cut. I'm cutting it all off into a bob. I've had bobs a lot in the past and I love them. Right now, my hair is just below my shoulders.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, all! @trooworld I’m glad the meatballs were good. We ate leftover burgers last night so I didn’t have to cook. I don’t know what I am preparing tonight. It’s supposed to rain today so I’ll do some Peloton workouts. I’m glad I bought a recumbent bike during Covid.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Hi all, I want to tell you, I made my self lock myself in my room after taking baby girl to school and did 30 min exercise on my treadmill and hand weights. I said to me....I am important and my DH can handle the baby for that long....I will just have to continue this mindset.

    @trooworld Well I think you did great. I love Bobs and am thinking of cutting off my hair as well. I have a full head of white hair past my shoulders. Every time I go to get it cut I hear from the person cutting it...but your hair is beatiful, love the color! So I don't. LOL. Hopefully my sister will be back on here soon, I think she is still on vacation.

    @fabgeekmom Is a recumbent bike like what I used to call a stationary bike? I had to do that for therapy when I broke my knee a long time ago and just couldn't make myself do it after that. LOL, same reason I don't really do water aerobics. :)

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @cbabie Yes, recumbent is like a stationary bike but not upright. I like it because it is laid back and the seat is comfortable. It helps with knee and hip arthritis. The recreation center has a recumbent elliptical that I like to use.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Not having to cook is always a win! Stay dry!

    @cbabie Oh that's awesome! Woo hoo! Yes, he can handle the baby for 30 mins out of 24 hours lol. You go, girl! Yeah, I've had bobs a lot in the past, I do love them. I bet your hair is beautiful. Ah, okay, figures she's traveling again lol. That woman is a traveling soul!

    Hi all. I did it: I got all my hair chopped off. I like it but not as much as when I've done it in the past: the problem is that I am no longer dying my hair so my hair color is meh, it's salt and pepper with some leftover dye in it so it's kind of gray on top, and the rest is kind of burgundy. :/ Here, I'll share a pic from yesterday so you'll see what I mean. Never mind the guy that photo bombed my photo lol, I don't know what he thinks about my hair! :D

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
