

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all! Today's the day I go get my implant done. I wish I would have arranged a ride and to take the "goofy pill" they offered. Now, it's too late, I would have had to go in an hour early to get a "goofy pill" consultation before the procedure and I can't find anyone to take me anyway. So, I'll just be really anxious.

    @lore11a that's great you'll do less shuttling, it must be hard to take care of those things in a busy life. Congrats on your dental checkup! I have to go every 3 months, I would love it if I could go every 6. As to how I handle the dinner problem, I do best when I pretrack my day and then if I have to change something, I do.

    @theslightedgeforever I am lucky in that I do have enough bone mass. I'll let you know how it goes. It's actually my 2nd dental implant, the first one I had done last year and it went well but I recommend if you can afford to get knocked out, you do. I didn't, and won't again today, and it's a little bit of a creepy procedure. It only takes 10-15 minutes but I was very anxious when I got it done. It didn't really hurt, except afterwards my jaw was a bit sore.

    @cbabie you are lucky that you have good teeth. I don't really take that good of care of my teeth, and I have to go every 3 mths for a cleaning because I have periodontal disease. I used to hate going to the dentist because I had a jerk for a dentist and it was always pain, but I have a good dentist now and I like her and it doesn't hurt as much. I'm sorry you are struggling with sugar, that is a true demon. Sugar called my name yesterday afternoon and I got a cookie and regret it.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    trooworld Let me know how your dental implant goes. I don't have enough mass where they need to do the implant so I have to do a bone graft type thing first then wait for 6 months.

    lore I'm the exact same way. Tracking breakfast and lunch is a habit but not the evening. I'm not handling it I guess. I just entered my weight and realized I havent weighed for 3 weeks and gained 6.5 lbs. Dd was here 2 1/2 weeks. I guess I will start weighing daily again as that helps me but will only enter my weight on Mondays. Having my fitbit not work didn't seem to help either. Now that all of these excuses are behind me, I can move forward to better health.

    Not tracking, especially if you have company, is so easy to skip. I know I do that sometimes and think to myself, I am not eating that much, I did pretty good, then the nasty old scale shows different. Lol. Don't worry, you will get back on track and do awesome!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    cbabie wrote: »
    Morning friends...

    I realized I didn't post yesterday, even though I read. I just get so crazy busy these days. I was doing great and then blew it last night...sugar was calling my name and wouldn't let up. Now I have heartburn this morning...

    @trooworld I hate going to the dentist, not sure why. They tell me I have good bone structure, good teeth, etc. That just is genes..because I for sure don't take care of my teeth. You will get back on the band wagon of tracking. I have not done so well and yes I have to get back to it.

    @lore11a Night eating is the worst. I have been doing much better, but had a lapse yesterday. I have watched myself and it's usually do to something I ate before hand that triggered the craving or emotional eating... That's good on the slow down of PT and dr's..mine just seems to keep going, and I am looking forward to the day I don't have to take my Dad to the Dr, it's very tiring..

    @theslightedgeforever boy do I know the weight gain by not wanting to "see" the scale. I feel like the tracking and the weighing, makes me accountable...and I do so much better.

    Okay gals have to go walk...


    Yes, going to Doctors are very tiring. Both physically and mentally. We hate to see our loved ones in pain or not in the best of health. You are so right about it making you stop and think about taking better care of ourselves now and maybe avoid some of those Dr visits ourselves. I need to remember that when I don't want to exercise. Lol. Hang in there, God will get us through these times.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    Hi all! Today's the day I go get my implant done. I wish I would have arranged a ride and to take the "goofy pill" they offered. Now, it's too late, I would have had to go in an hour early to get a "goofy pill" consultation before the procedure and I can't find anyone to take me anyway. So, I'll just be really anxious.

    @lore11a that's great you'll do less shuttling, it must be hard to take care of those things in a busy life. Congrats on your dental checkup! I have to go every 3 months, I would love it if I could go every 6. As to how I handle the dinner problem, I do best when I pretrack my day and then if I have to change something, I do.

    @theslightedgeforever I am lucky in that I do have enough bone mass. I'll let you know how it goes. It's actually my 2nd dental implant, the first one I had done last year and it went well but I recommend if you can afford to get knocked out, you do. I didn't, and won't again today, and it's a little bit of a creepy procedure. It only takes 10-15 minutes but I was very anxious when I got it done. It didn't really hurt, except afterwards my jaw was a bit sore.

    @cbabie you are lucky that you have good teeth. I don't really take that good of care of my teeth, and I have to go every 3 mths for a cleaning because I have periodontal disease. I used to hate going to the dentist because I had a jerk for a dentist and it was always pain, but I have a good dentist now and I like her and it doesn't hurt as much. I'm sorry you are struggling with sugar, that is a true demon. Sugar called my name yesterday afternoon and I got a cookie and regret it.

    I wish you the best of luck with your Dental Implant. I know just how you feel with being anxious at the Dentist. I didn't go to the Dentist very much when I was growing up, only if I had to. Now I go regularly but I still get anxious sometimes. Great idea about tracking food ahead of time. Thanks!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all! Well, my dental implant went okay. It took about 10 minutes to do and by the time it was done, my hands were shaking I was so anxious. I'm in a bit of pain but on pain medicine so that helps. I hope all is well for all of you.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    cbabie for me the daily weighing was a habit. I'm not one to get devestated by a higher number because I lnow sodium bloat may be responsible. Its a good way to see which foods bloat me. I just got out of the habit. It keeps me accountable too.

    trooworld I'm glad the implant went okay. I should look into this goofy pill.

    lore I have my food planned out for tomorrow and will track ALL of it.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member

    I went off track and feel like crap. So I pick myself up and try try again

    @trooworld so glad ur implants went well!! Glad you are taking care of YOU

    @lore11a yes God will get us through. Sometimes I ask Him when is through. Lol

    @theslightedgeforever great job tracking today!

    Okay gotta hit the road

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all! Well, it's back to work today. Man, it's hard to go back after having 4 1/2 days off but at least the weekend will come quickly. I'm going out to lunch with a work friend, we are going to a place that is pretty healthy it's called Sansei. It's a Japanese restaurant that is kind of fast food. It should be fun.

    @theslightedgeforever lol yeah I don't know what they really call it. It's probably a mild sedative.

    @cbabie good attitude, just get right back to it.

    @gemwolf110 you got the job? Congratulations!!! I knew you would!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    Hi all! Well, my dental implant went okay. It took about 10 minutes to do and by the time it was done, my hands were shaking I was so anxious. I'm in a bit of pain but on pain medicine so that helps. I hope all is well for all of you.

    Bless your heart. I am so happy for you that the implant is over!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Thank you, me too @lore11a !
  • beachlovertam
    beachlovertam Posts: 7 Member
    Well I did it. I closed my eyes and hit the cancel button on weight watchers. I technically have my account until the end of March but I'm not going to be using it. I'm hoping I can come here, and along with my feed from my profile and my friends, I can get all the support I need. I need to make lifestyle changes and I feel that this is the only way to do that. I'm going to focus on calories and learn as I go. I'm excited for a fresh start! Hope everyone has a great day!

    I did too! Let's do this!!! :D
  • oldyogi66
    oldyogi66 Posts: 45 Member
    Well I did it. I closed my eyes and hit the cancel button on weight watchers. I technically have my account until the end of March but I'm not going to be using it. I'm hoping I can come here, and along with my feed from my profile and my friends, I can get all the support I need. I need to make lifestyle changes and I feel that this is the only way to do that. I'm going to focus on calories and learn as I go. I'm excited for a fresh start! Hope everyone has a great day!

    I did too! Let's do this!!! :D

    If you haven't already check out /r/loseit on You'll find tons of info and support, many of the members are on here as well.
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    I just got caught up on reading...sorry I haven't checked in for (eek) like 2 weeks. The game convention that is held 3 times a year in L A is a big deal for us...we volunteer lots of hours and I have several responsibilities, so I'm a stressed out mess the week before, and a recuperating mess the week after, lol. The journey with hubby continues...he's lost 8 lbs since Jan 31, I'm down 3...went up over the last weekend at the con, but back down...and I've got the motivation still rolling. Having hubby on board has been soooo helpful to me. It makes me stop and think before I overeat, eat junk, or get lazy about tracking.
    I see we have some new folks...welcome! I love the camaraderie and energy on this board. I'm just checking in quick and waving "hi" right now. Hubby's work schedule has my sleep schedule messed up. I'm going to go to bed right now....11 time I've gotten to bed before 1 or 2 am in the last 9 days! I'll try to stay caught up better now.
    Until tomorrow!
    Karla :-)
  • HappyBride917
    HappyBride917 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    @cbabie - that's all you can do is try try again...isn't that what this whole journey is? We just have to take it one day at a time.

    @gemwolf110 - I haven't been too active on the boards lately either. I was stuck deciding on WW or MFP. Now that I've cancelled WW I'm going to try to be more active here to get and give the support that we all need.

    @trooworld - I hope you enjoyed lunch with your friend! We have a Japanese restaurant close by that my fiance and I go to often. It's a hibachi restaurant but they also have a regular menu and really great sushi!

    @beachlovertam - Yes, Let's do this! I've added you so we can encourage each other on the feed pages as well!

    @oldyogi66 - I'll have to check that board out later. It's interesting to see what is posted on other sites for support.

    @bugmom92 - I hope you had a great time at the game convention and are recuperating nicely! :) It's great that your husband is on this journey with you! It's nice to have support at home!

    Today we're going to the mall to get one of my grandmother's an outfit for the wedding (we took my mom and my other grandmother 2 weeks ago and they were successful!). I'm also on the hunt for a nice dress for a job interview! I have been applying to one place for about 5 or 6 years. It's very hard to get a job there and so when I decided to leave teaching last year I said that this was the place I wanted to go. Well...I have an interview on Monday! I'm SO excited and I'm hoping to find a nice black dress that's professional looking to make a good impression. Praying that this all works out! We're also hitting a restaurant at the mall, I believe it's an Italian restaurant called Brio. I've ate there before and it's delicious, I looked up menu items and pre-tracked them. Hopefully I'll stick with that! Have a great day everyone! I'll check back in later. :smiley:
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all. Where is everyone? Missing you and hope you come back soon. Well, I'm going grocery shopping today and redoing my nails some time this weekend. Other than that, I'm relaxing. I hope you all have a great weekend.

    @HappyBride917 congratulations! You can always go back if you decide you want to. :) Lunch with my friend was good. It's been a while since I've made a new friend, and she's kind of a newer friend...we say hi in the halls at work but that has been the extent of our relationship until we went to lunch. Now I have someone to have lunch with on occasion! Good luck on the interview, I hope you get it. Did you find the right dress?

    @bugmom92 HI! The convention sounds fun.
  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    I think the money I spent on WW was a good motivator.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    oldyogi66 wrote: »
    Well I did it. I closed my eyes and hit the cancel button on weight watchers. I technically have my account until the end of March but I'm not going to be using it. I'm hoping I can come here, and along with my feed from my profile and my friends, I can get all the support I need. I need to make lifestyle changes and I feel that this is the only way to do that. I'm going to focus on calories and learn as I go. I'm excited for a fresh start! Hope everyone has a great day!

    I did too! Let's do this!!! :D

    If you haven't already check out /r/loseit on You'll find tons of info and support, many of the members are on here as well.

    Thank you!! Great site.
  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    I'm sorry everyone. I'm one of those regulars (that's what I consider myself) who has not shown up on this board in a while. I'm sorry about that. I've been making poor choices. I am confident that I can get it together in short order. I never stopped exercising. I just stopped tracking and making health eating choices.

    I want to give a special thank you to @slightedgeforever for sending me an MFP email. That was very nice and motivating. It is amazing when people don't really know you find you motivating. It is always a surprise.

    My daughter is off of being grounded. She had a sleepover last night and got her electric device back (iPod Touch). Her grades are up. She also decided to go out for cheerleading. With her gymnastics skill I think she made the squad pretty easily. Now she has to keep her grades up or she is off the cheer team. Not sure how I feel about the whole cheer thing but it makes her happy and maybe will motivate her school wise.

    The boy (17) is getting a bunch of letters from colleges. Something I never experienced. His job at McDonalds is working out. He seems to like it and gets just enough hours, considering his school work and things.

    With the sleep over last night and having 2 extra girls I decided to work on my rainy day project. I bought a boat for $150. It is a total fixer upper. I bought it and had it delivered to our house (driveway) and never told my wife. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. I did a lot of shop vaccing to get out debris. Hey, it was activity, got me out of the house and got the boat just a small tincy bit closer to being on the water this late summer.

    I'm tracking my calories today and nothing will derail me today. Tomorrow: who knows. I actually missed you guys.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    cbabie Are you eating junk all day long or just when you get in at night? You haven't given up yet. Maybe cook up some cut up chicken breasts and freeze them so you can just pop one into the microwave and put it in a wrap or over a salad.

    gemwolf sometimes it's good to just jump in where you are. Have you been keeping up with your health program

    trooworld Did you enjoy sansei and make good choices? Are there any bad choices at a Japanese restaurant?

    lore Tell me one good thing you did today

    HappyBride. That took courage and you did it. So what are you goals for March. Let's start there. Great job on pretracking your food at the restaurant.

    Beachlovertam You made the plunge too I see. Courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success-Johann Wolfgange Von Goethe How will you be successful in March?

    @oldyogi66 Welcome to the group I will go check out reddit

    karla I wondered where you were Glad to see hubby still on board that will help you. Let's shoot for a 1 lb loss this week

    rickweinberg Glad to see you back on here. I missed your motivation. So a boat. That sounds fun and a distraction from food. win-win

    So as a new week begins, My goal is to lose at least one pound this week. Anyone with me on this challenge? one lb a week is 52 lbs a year I would look awesome 52lbs lighter

    Have you thought about March action steps? I think I will include them in my signature line to help me remember. I found an online post it note I wrote from last April it was at the end of March and I was making some April action steps. Same ones I've been working towards but not quite nailing them. So that deserves a why not thinking session.