

  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @HappyBride917 Good luck on your job interview! Did you find a good dress for it? I"m teaching part time right now, and probably will next year too, but I'm thinking of trying to get a job with a bank in May or June. I'll need business suit attire for the interview, which I don't have. My 19 yo daughter is also considering applying there. As for leaving WW...I was so hesitant, but I'm doing just as well now between MFP and my hubby's support..actually better. Saves me $42 a month, which is nice. Good job on pre-tracking. I introduced hubby to that concept today!

    @trooworld Yes, the convention was fun. I love getting to teach people games, learn new games, connect and re-connect with people. Glad you're taking time to relax this weekend...I did a little of that today...tomorrow I need to get busy around here, lol.

    @rickweinberg I agree with your statement about the money spent on WW was a good motivator...but then I'd lose motivation anyway and just get discouraged that I was wasting my money, feel guilty, and eat ice My friend teaches these amazing pilates classes, and I really need to go...I should spend my money on those now! When I slip away from the board there is usually something going not tracking, not making good I hear you! Glad you're diving back into it. Glad your kids are both doing well. I think the cheerleading will be a good motivator for your daughter. I laughed about your boat...definitely easier to get forgiveness than permission sometimes! But $150 for a project like that isn't much. I think it's awesome. Our hobby is board games, and we back a lot of games on "we" I mean mostly hubby, but I've gotten hooked too. I used to have horses...I think they were definitely a cheaper hobby, lol. Good job tracking stick with it so we see you here tomorrow!!! I miss everyone when I don't get here too.

    @gemwolf110 Glad you checked in, even though briefly. I HATE typing on my phone, and so I don't. If I would do it, I'd get here more often, so I know where you're coming from.

    @cbabie I'm here, where are you??? Hope all is well, and that you're having a revitalizing weekend.

    @peruviansweetie @theslightedgeforever miss you both!

    Everyone else {{waving hi}}
    Until tomorrow,
    Karla :-)

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member

    I am sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days. Life has gotten so busy with going and seeing and still responding to issues with dad everyday, working, trying to cook to eat healthy, church. I actually have had no sweets for 3 days now. I have been eating protein and veggies and a little fruit. I have been walking on my treadmill (working a sweat) every day this week.!!!

    @gemwolf110 agree with the laptop, I hate typing on my phone for this as well. Sometimes I do the voice thing, but sometimes it's not worth the edits.. :)

    @rickweinberg I do believe my DH would kill me for bringing home something that big..LOL I am so happy that things are looking up in the kid department. Makes me smile. Glad @theslightedgeforever came and got you we missed you. I did that for one our MISSING board member...:)

    @bugmom92 Glad to see you back and yes it would help if DH was on the same no sugar..LOL He sat down last night with a HUGE slice of chocolate cake.

    @trooworld I hope you got your relaxing on this weekend!! I did my nails too, always feel a little more feminine with my nails done.

    @HappyBride917 So happy you made a decision. It sounds like there is a huge weight off your shoulders.. You actually seem not so stressed. Excited for you about the job interview!!

    @oldyogi66 I will check out the site. Thanks!

    @beachlovertam Yea, sounds like you made a decision too that we all have made and it's hard, but I am so glad
    to be on this journey with you!!

    @lore11a Hope you are having a great weekend.


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all! It's raining today which makes me super lazy. I think I'll just fold laundry and then read for the rest of the day.

    I am doing this 90 day financial bootcamp by The Busy Budgeter because I really think that my weight problems are tied to my financial problems and if I can get my finances in order, I can get my weight under control. I've always used an Excel spreadsheet budget that is for the year, and done a pretty good thing keeping things in order (nothing is ever late and don't have many surprise bills). We are just drowning in debt. Something has shifted in my brain lately though, I started pre-arranging payments for the next 2 paychecks, and this I think is going to be the key to making progress.

    @rickweinberg welcome back! It sounds like things with your family are going good. The boat sounds like a neat project.

    @gemwolf110 I'm glad you had time to check in. I don't even try to do it on my phone, that would be totally frustrating.

    @theslightedgeforever I did enjoy Sansei. I don't think there are any bad choices there, maybe there are, but I made good choices: teriyaki chicken breast over rice with a side salad. I would like to lose a pound this week. I'll join you. 52 lbs lighter by next year would be awesome. Hubby and I would like to go to Mexico (Cancun) next year some time, it would be great to feel better about myself by then.

    @bugmom92 I would go to a convention like that. At Comic-con they have some game rooms where you can learn to play games and try them out. We went one year to that area and it was really fun, we should go back. I want to learn how to play Munchkin, which we own but don't use yet.

    @cbabie it sounds like you are handling things as good as you can, congrats on not having sweets for 3 days! I am relaxing for sure. I decided that the wraps I have on my nails (I use Jamberry nail wraps) can last another week, so I'm going to spend the time I would have on my nails, on reading.
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Hello everyone!!
    How are you??? I've missed you all!! Sorry I've been gone for so long I've just been busy with the kids and really discouraged with this weight loss journey. I'm going to get back on track though!!!
    I will be back and try to come often, but for now, I just wanted to send a quick hello and hugs to everyone!!!
    Have a great Sunday!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    I started this a while ago but keep watching the Oscars instead. So personals tomorrow.

    I stayed within my food budget today for both calories and carbs
    I exercised two times 31 min walk and 30 min treadmill
    I hit my step goal of 8000 steps

    Who is with Trooworld and I this week We have committed to losing at least one lb.


  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @trooworld There's a game convention down your way at the end of April called KingdomCon. We're going to that one for the first time. Come by and I'll teach you Munchkin (or one of my friends will!). It's funny you should mention Munchkin. I've been demoing for Steve Jackson Games for 10 or 11 years. Our demo guys are (MIBs) Men in Black, and we're organized in areas by "cells". I've been the L A Cell Leader for a year. We were at SDCC last year for the first time, demoing the entire time for CoolMiniOrNot...they make Zombicide and a lot of other games with miniatures. I don't think we're doing SDCC this year. The company we demoed for supplied hotel room...but we worked A LOT of hours to do that, and it took a lot out of me. It was a lot of fun though. The vendor and artist areas were insane...I only ventured down there to get something signed by an artist.

    @peruviansweetie good to see you back. I'm sorry you've been discouraged. Just keep in mind it's a journey...there's so much to see and learn along the way. I'm still figuring things out. I quit making weight loss goals for myself, and just made one today for the end of May. I needed to get to a point where I felt like I was getting somewhere without goals and deadlines. I feel pretty confident about my goal now, and if I don't quite make it, that's ok as long as I'm close. Hubby is "winning" this race right now, and I just needed to have my own goal to get to, so I don't feel like I'm not doing as good (men have it so much easier lol).

    @cbabie glad to see you!

    @theslightedgeforever I'll jump on losing at least one pound this week with you and Trooworld.

    Until tomorrow,
    Karla :-)

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning: I am starting day 5 of my no sugar. I am having to cook more or have more food prepped..LOL I didn't get my walk in yesterday. DH was still in bed when I left for church. I am taking one day at a time. If I look too much to the future, meaning tomorrow..I get overwhelmed right now. I have to look at what I have to get done today and focus only on it. However, I just realized that I have a client coming to our showroom on Thursday and I thought it was next Thursday...I have to get my presentation and plan ready..OH MY.. little things stress me out right now. So again one thing, one day, one step at a time.

    @trooworld I would agree with you finances always play into other areas of our life. It's like me with my family things..makes me eat, but I am trying to understand that I must stay healthy to survive long enough to enjoy life and family when things settle down..

    @peruviansweetie so glad to see you here!! I miss you, I am sorry for your struggle with this journey we call life. Funny I sat and CRIED over the death of Bill Paxton yesterday. It just brought to the forefront how short life really is and we just never also shows how emotional I am with life right now. So I totally get the struggle. I am praying for you my dear friend.

    @theslightedgeforever yes I will join you on the 1 lb a week.

    @bugmom92 Glad to see you here too!! :)

  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi all no loss this week however ive been to gp as im shattered whole time plus feeling cold dr did bloods last week & im getting referred to hospital to query Graves Disease I don't think I can handle much more I went thru 3 massive brain surgery last year to remove a large meningioma(benign brain tumour) now this !!!! sorry but getting so Peeved with drs at moment.... rant over hope your all well kate xx
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member


    Who's next?


    one.jpg 37.4K
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    When does our week start? I weigh every day, lol.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all! I'm working on cutting the fat of our budget. We are planning on getting rid of cable in the middle of March, it will save us $35 not much but it adds up. I'm trying to make the best choices I can (sometimes) while eating really cheaply. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! lol

    @peruviansweetie I hear you! I'm discouraged as well. Just keep coming back, maybe something someone says will strike a cord.

    @bugmom92 I could play Munchkin AND meet you? I'm there! Seriously, I will talk to my hubby and see if he's "game" lol. I have heard of Zombicide. I love anything zombie, so I'd probably like that. The problem is that it is just me and my hubby, we don't have any friends! Well, I have a few friends but most of them are single and no boyfriend. I see KingdomCon is in Mission Valley, which is literally 5 minutes from my house! I hope to see you there. All of SDCC was insane, always is, but it's fun.

    @dankas001 I hope your referral turns out okay and you don't have Graves Disease. It sounds like you've been through enough!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    cbabie Good for you for your weightloss and no sugar days. You CAN be stressed and still be in control.

    peru We miss you. How about just check in once a day and just tell us about your exercise for the day. It will be quick and keep you accountable.

    danka Hopefully you will be healthy again soon. Make good nutrition choices and keep your body moving. That will help.

    gemwolf Are you fitting good food choices and exercise into this busy schedule? My dd is dealing with the same thing. How to fit exercise into 12 hr shifts. i've got her convinced to join a gym Now to figure out when to go.

    bugmom Pretend you are going to WW to be officially weighed in once a week. Pick a day and stick with that for reporting. Do you post your daily weigh ins on MFP? I will be using Sunday as my weigh in day.

    trooworld Sounds like you and bugmom have something in common. I have had two days of food success. Right now what I'm doing is I know how many calories I want for each meal and snack. If I use up all my breakfast and morning snack cals on breakfast then no eating til lunch. It divides my day up into thirds so I'm just focusing a meal or two at a time vs whole days worth of calories. I'm going out to lunch tomorrow with a friend and I've already preplanned my cals to see how much I will have left over for dinner. It won't be much so I have some chicken broth ready and I'll make a light soup out of that with some veggies. What did you do today to help you lose that lb

    Stayed within cals but over carbs by 5 gm
    walked outside with dh for 34 min
  • beachlovertam
    beachlovertam Posts: 7 Member
    Happy Monday ... didn't lose much the past few days but didn't gain so that's a plus!

    Are there any mfp meetups? That would be awesome!
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you xxx Definitely looking at making better choices cutting out caffeine & chocolate lent is a good time to start tomorrow hopefully see small loss nxt Monday is anybody giving up anything for lent ?x
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all! Not much up here since last night. Today will be a long day, I have to work 45 mins extra due to leaving 45 mins early yesterday because of the rain. I hate days like this!

    @theslightedgeforever great job! I took a smaller than normal portion of burrito casserole for dinner. I think that's about all I did, but it's a step in the right direction.

    @beachlovertam I don't know about any meetups, I'm sure there are some somewhere, but congrats on not gaining!

    @gemwolf110 we are in contract as well (with Cox) and the fee to get out is $169. We still have over a year left in our contract, but we are going to pay that fee and get out early. We will be getting Playstation Vue (which offers local channels, HBO, and other channels that we like such as the Cooking Channel and the sports package) and we have Netflix and Amazon Prime. It may be worth talking to your cable company to see what the fee would be?

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    beachlovertam Not gaining is a great thing indeed. I haven't heard of any mfp meetups from this group Did you exercise today?

    danka I don't do Lent but I did see a good thing on Twitter about giving up something other than food. Food is always what I hear people talk about.

    gemwolf 1 lb challenge is easy. Just commit to losing one lb this week and then work towards that goal. Are you in?

    trooworld eating less of your burrito casserole is a good thing. My plans got suddenly changed today. So I ended up at Starbucks. I had the blueberry muffin and cut it in half at the beginning. Then took home the other half to dh.

    over today on my food budget with cals and carbs
    no exercise

    Days like these do not help me lose 1 lb

  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @trooworld (and anyone else if you'd like) find me on Facebook. If you friend me, send me a message that you're from MFP so I know who you are, lol.

    It's after midnight , so just a quick check in. Final "score" for February weight loss in our house: Hubby 11 lb, me 5 lbs. YAY! We both are winners!!!!

    Karla :-)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member

    Well I was MIA yesterday. I was so sick.. I literally have slept since Monday night except the occasional potty break and to eat. It seemed like allergies, but by Monday night, my throat felt as if I had knives in it.. I have lived on nite medicine. I have to be at work early today, so this will be short. Even though I wanted to fix me a PB sandwich yesterday (I can live on those) I chose to eat foods I knew were on my plan. I wanted to cave in and say I am sick, shouldn't I be able to eat what I want for comfort food..thankfully I texted my daughter and she said eat a banana a BP...well I had already eaten my banana an PBfit, no real PB for me. So I stayed from sugar another day!! I don't have a lot of time to prep my food, so not sure what I will do for lunch but I have to do something. I am really trying to stay on this plan. I took my dad to the urologist on Monday and I couldn't believe how full it was, non stop patients and they were all OLD..

    I am not sure when I will have time to catch up on personals..but I have to go make a lunch and jump in the shower and leave an an hour.

    Good to see all of you here!!!!!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi all! I have a follow up appt for my dental implant so I have to go in early to make up for leaving early. I got up at 4:30. Man, am I tired! But at least I'll get off at 2 today and only have to use an hour of sick time. I don't feel like I ever get enough sleep, although I get at least 8 hours a night usually.

    @gemwolf110 yeah since you are so close, it doesn't make sense. I like the Outlander series, that's why I got Starz, but I'm way behind (a whole season!).

    @theslightedgeforever that was very good of you, I don't know if I could have done that. I would have had that second half lol.

    @bugmom92 great job on the Feb weight loss! I sent you a friends request on FB.

    @cbabie I hope you feel better soon. Great job avoiding the comfort foods, super! I would have dove face-first into some mac and cheeese lol.