

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    Hi all! Well, yesterday was a bad day, eating-wise. My sister-in-law came over and we had a bunch of homemade appetizers (which we had planned to be healthy but somehow did not end up being so healthy). I went over my calories by a lot, and my carbs by a little. I'm glad today is a new day.

    @theslightedgeforever yes, I agree, very important. I try to do it at least once a week, but sometimes I'm too busy at work to take the time out of my schedule. At home, I don't have the room to do it in my apartment. I could take a class at the Y, and that was my intention, I still may. Your video you do sounds relaxing too.

    @charlie9er Hi! Welcome, please come in and feel free to say a little something about why you are if you like. I'm glad you stopped by, we don't bite. ;)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    I am on my way out the door...I maintained this week, no gain, no loss.
    @trooworld Hey at least you are trying to do yoga and stretches...I am not there yet. LOL
    @charlie9er Welcome...I haven't tracked points in a long time. I used the WW calculator and kept track that way. It go old doing both though, so I just track here.

  • threecharms
    threecharms Posts: 36 Member
    Lost over a pound this past week (hooray!) But TOM might derail me this coming week. I'll get in some great activity, drink plenty of water, and hope to maintain. Have a great week everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited July 2017
    @charlie9er Welcome to the group.

    trooworld So what happened with the snacks? That way when sis in law comes over again, you have a better plan in place.

    cbabie At least you didn't gain which means you are getting control of your nutrition, just a few more tweaks and you will turn your ship around and start losing.

    threecharms Yippee for losing that lb+. Onto next week for a repeat performance.

    Here's the WW weekly highlights:
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    I lost a lb this week.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi all! I'm doing okay, I'm a bit down hubby eavesdropped on my call with my Vida coach last night and he said it sounded like a bunch of excuses and that made me mad. I didn't ask for his opinion. I know he's talking about the exercise but I have no way of exercising when I have to fight traffic for an hour+ each way and then am exhausted. I can exercise on the weekends and am happy to. Do I do it? Not usually but sometimes. If I ask for his opinion, fine, I'll hear his opinion. But I didn't ask for it and it made me mad.

    @cbabie maintaining isn't bad, at least you didn't gain.

    @threecharms that's great! I put cucumber and lemon slices in my water and it helps with might try that.

    @theslightedgeforever good visual. What happened with the snacks is: we planned to make baked jalapeno poppers (we made them, those were semi-healthy), we planned to make baked chicken wings (hubby ended up frying them without telling me he was going to do it), hubby suggested he make potato salad and ribs and I went along with it. Sis-in-law brought deviled eggs and bbq meatballs. So, it's just a matter of sticking with the plan next time, we had a plan and it changed. Congrats on losing another pound, you are doing great!!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    edited July 2017
    Well I didn't stay OP yesterday, but here is where I say I got victory. I have been on a 21 day Prayer and Fast. My fast was no sweets. Fruit was the only type of "sweet" I allowed myself to eat. 3 weeks ago, I was let go from my 30 1/2 year job and started the prayer/fast that Sunday. Well as my life is, on Friday of that week, I was helping in the VBS (vacation Bible School) and a parent brought in cake..I mean brithday cake, cream frosting, custard filling...yes CAKE. My most favorite food, next to Jif. Well I brought 2 pieces home, someone at 1 and left the other. I stared at it for 2 days. then put in the freezer until my 21 day fast was done. That was yesterday. Oh did I mention I put extra frosting on this piece? LOL Well mid afternoon I finally gave in and ate...all the frosting and thew the cake away. Usually, I would have then eaten any sweet we have in the house. That was it, I continued with how I had been eating before on my fast.!!!!!! I haven't exercied much and I hate it. I am in the middle of rearaging my house so that sleeping people wont stop me from my exercise.

    @trooworld I am sorry your DH did that. One time many years ago my DH said these words to me, while I was looking for something "sweet" trying not to eat the whole bag of don't open it and I won't eat it was my motto. Well he said, whats the problem if you just would have some self control, you could eat that...oh I was SO MAD and HURT. He has always loved me no matter my weight, but this was like a dagger to my self worth. It took me awhile to move from that..but I DID. It's like someone fighting cancer, until you have had it and you don't know what it does to your emotions, your mind, can't judge or give your opion on how to fight it. So I aplogize for your DH and him not knowing how to encourage and be suportive. It's not enabeling to say You got this.etc. So don't let this stop you from your achieve YOUR goals and he will hopefully see how to help support you. ( I am sorry for my soap box, I hope I didn't overstep my bounds)

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for the video, it was good. Great job on the loss, you are keeping your goals! I am assuming the PB vs apple was for my benifit..LOL

    @threecharms Great job!!! I am happy for you, just stay as you are doing and the big picture will show up! :)


  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning Ladies
    Well we are gearing up for a real heatwave here in BC. Predictions for high 30s low 40s C. Probably even higher in the Cariboo and Interior where the wildfires are burning. Way TOO HOT for here. I have the little girls here for a sleepover on Wednesday. I'm going to turn our backyard into a water park for them and stock up on popsicles!! Could be a LOOONG 24 hours. Wish me luck!!
    Cheers, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    trooworld Sometimes husbands are clueless. What did your Vida coach say about no exercising? What advice did she give you?

    cbabie yaaay for just eating part of the cake. My motto is eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your plan. Moderation is my friend. I think our journeys are less about willpower than commitment. You have willpower. You gave up sweets for 3 weeks. So back to interested or committed. Just keep finding things that work for you. Eating plans are not one size fits all. I MAY have thought about you for a bit when seeing that visual.

    cmedwards Seems to be hot all over. Well not in Seattle. I just had a friend tell me yesterday how wonderful the weather was. I guess perspective. As a child, my playground was my yard and a sprinkler. I still love grape ice pops. So did you get back to eating low carb and exercising?

    So today was a good day for me. I did some speed intervals on the treadmill and some strength training. Food was under on calories and so-so on the water. My bodyfat is going down. Go me!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    Hi all! Well, I went to the gym last night (as traffic allowed it) and did the bike for 20 minutes. Better than nothing. I need to stay under my calories and my carbs, I know that about my journey, and I need to stay consistent. Going to the gym to walk on the treadmill or ride the bike is nice, but it isn't going to make or break my journey HUBBY. (Sorry, I'm still a bit mad)

    @cbabie congratulations, that is an awesome NSV! It sounds like the Prayer and Fast has had lasting effects on you, way to go! Do you keep a list of NSVs somewhere? I do: I have a Google doc on my computer that I keep NSVs that I am constantly adding to so that when I am down on my journey, I can look back and see my progress through NSVs. If you don't do it, I would highly recommend it. It can be in your phone, a hand-written list, or like me on your computer! Congrats, again. Thanks re: my hubby. What strikes me as ironic is he's fighting his own obesity battle (and winning) you aren't overstepping your bounds, I appreciate everything you said! He thinks just because exercise is very important to his journey, it is the key for mine. Well, I'm here to say that food and mindful eating is the key to mine (and being consistent). I was so mad at him. Thank you for your kind words, cbabie.

    @theslightedgeforever she asked me what exercise I did, which I did do some: I did yoga on Thursday, Friday I did tai chi and Saturday and Sunday I walked the dog. She said that was pretty good and what did I think I could do this week? I said it depends on traffic because if traffic was bad and I got down to the gym area late, I wouldn't be able to go (he deemed this an excuse :( ). I committed to doing yoga on Thursday (if my schedule allows--- I'm at work, so it depends on my workload) and tai chi on Friday, and Mon-Weds go to the gym after work if traffic allows. CONGRATS ON THE LOWER BODYFAT!!!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    I totally bombed last night. I am not sure what happend, but it did. Oh yes I do know what happened. I had a manufacturer rep in town and we have talked for YEARS and have really become friends. Well because I no longer work for the company, I can't see him. It was more about someone finding out and thinking I was doing something that my old compamy would think I might be discussing Propietery I cried, he was funy thing is, I didn't want ice cream. That is usually what I am craving, but it wasn't.. I am not going to eat any right now, as I want to break the additction that I seem to have had. I am picking my battles. Today I really didn't know what I wanted to eat for breakfast, but I knew that I had to decide. I really didn't want the carbs in the bagle, but I knew that is what I was wanting. So I decided to make it, track it and now I have to watch what I eat for carbs the remainder of the day. I mopped floors intead of the teadmill today. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever yes moderation is our friend...I chose the bagel. (1) only. So happy to hear the body fat is going down. I saw a picture of me at dad's service and I looked was like a wake up call..

    @trooworld sounds like you got some good advise and you had some good responses. I am proud of you!! I know that long commute, that is why I could never "muster" the gumption to go after work. I could get up at 2AM if I needed to. The afterwork thing never worked for me, exept when I carpooled and my boss wanted to go to the we did.

    @cmedwards52 I don't know the conversion, but if yo say it's hot...I say it's hot. Well I hope you enjoyed those little girls..what a fun time in your life.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    trooworld Yaaaay for making it to the gym. Have you considered doing exercise DVDs or YouTube at home instead of going to the gym on the days that traffic is bad. Even break it up into two sessions. 15 min a.m. and 15 min p.m. Lunchtime is also another way to get in some exercise time depending how long they give you. Weight loss is still 80% food intake/20% exercise. I think, anyway. So keep working on your consistency. I'm trying to take mine one day at a time. Besides weight loss, there are so many other benefits to exercise. The main one I keep in mind for myself is to stay mobile and walk around like a young person versus an old person. But there is increased metabolism, bone health, more oxygen pumping through your body which reaches your brain and we don't get those "brain farts" as much.

    cbabie If you bombed last night, that must mean that you did well during the day. Give yourself credit for doing things right not just when you mess up. Have you thought about using Bagel Thins? You get the bagel but less carbs. For the last month I have been pretracking my food the day before. That way I know when I get up, I look at my food diary and go prepare my breakfast. I have been really successful losing weight this month. 9.7 lbs The old me got up and asked myself what sounds good for breakfast. That usually meant choosing something unhealthy and full of calories/carbs. Then I had to watch what I ate the rest of the day. (which I'm not good at). This way, I know my calories will be under my limit when I go to bed if I just stick to the plan. I have planned snacks in afternoon and before I sleep while I'm watching TV. That way I don't get too hungry and I'm satisfied. Sometimes it's healthy like a tangerine and a cheese stick and sometimes it's a cup of milk and 4 Oreo Thins.

    So today was a good day overall for me. Cardio and strength training. Done. Water. Done. Stayed under my calories. Done.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    Hi all! Well yesterday was a bad day mood-wise. It started out fine, but then it just went downhill. I don't know what happened, I think it's a combo of things: I got TOM for the first time in months on Monday so I think that is monkeying with my mood + I didn't sleep well on Sunday nor Monday nights. By about 1:30, I was depressed, rundown and ready to go home. I couldn't go home, nor did I, and I just moped around the library like some emo teenager. I didn't end up going to the gym because I was so tired, but I couldn't have even if I had the energy because I forgot my gym bag at home. It was all packed and everything. Today, I need to bring it because hubby is working late and then going to the gym. Hopefully I will have more energy today.

    @cbabie I'm sorry that happened. I like @theslightedgeforever 's idea of using bagel thins...those are just as good and so much less carbs and cals. That way, you can have it without guilt. You could have light cream cheese on it, or mix up some PB2 powder with some water. re: going to the gym before vs after work...yeah, sometimes I can get up at 4:20 to go to the gym at 5 but since the time changed, I just haven't been able to. I need to try again. I liked going at that hour, it was less crowded. At this point, I value my sleep more than I value that visit to the gym. ;)

    @theslightedgeforever there's no room in my living room or I would. There is a space about 1 1/2' x 1 1/2' maybe a little bigger in the living room that is clear. I may try to do a Leslie Sansone video there one day that's a good thought thanks! For lunch, I only get 30 minutes so my eating time takes up about 20 minutes of that. I have 10 minutes that I could go for a walk if I wanted. I agree, weight loss is 80/20 food/exercise. That's why I'm not too focused on the exercise at this point. However, I do realize it is important too for other reasons besides the ones you mention such as it builds good habits, it sets a healthy tone for the day, you are less likely to eat something unhealthy if you've exercised, etc. so it does have its benefits. Plus the flexibility you gain from doing yoga and tai chi. Well done on your day!
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning

    Well if the heatwave isn't enough, now we are in thick smoke from the wildfires. So my plans for a waterpark backyard this afternoon for the little girls (they are here for a sleepover tonight) has all changed. Not a good idea for them to be outside all that much today. We don't have air conditioning so I guess I will be putting every fan I can find in the playroom and take it from there. Could be a long 24 hours.

    cbabie: The conversion? 40C = 104F. WAY TOO HOT for here. They are predicting, with the smoke, we may not see it quite that high (predicting high 30s - low 40s) but I'd rather hot and clear than not so hot and smokey. And to think we are so much better off than the folks who have dealt with heavy smoke for weeks, not to mention those who are dealing with the actual fires, evacuation and loss. :(

    Have been doing quite well on my eating or lack of! Had my stitch group here for dinner last night. 11 ladies. The hostess supplies the protein and the wine and everyone else contributes whatever appies, sides or dessert they'd like. I left out the rice, pasta salad and dessert. Oh, and I didn't have wine either. Good for me!!

    Have a nice day everyone. I'll touch base tomorrow sometime after my little charges have headed for home and let you know how I've done.

    Cheers, Carol
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning to all! What a pleasant surprise to get on and have you all posting!
    I stayed OP yesterday and was a little under my calories. I just didn't walk. :(

    @cmedwards52 Thanks for letting me know how hot it is there. Yes, that is hot no matter where you live. Sorry about the smoke, I know that can make you fell icky. What is a stitch group? I wasn't sure if it was like cross stitch, or knitting? You are doing great. I hope you really get to enjoy those girls.

    @trooworld I am so sorry you had some hormonal issues going on. I hope you are better today. I have bought the thin bagles., there just seems to be so many of them. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever glad you are getting to check off the check list. LOL Yes I know I am improving, it's just the perfectionist inside of me that comes out every so often. :)

    Okay I have to get back to my school work.

    Ps I have tracked all today and I did get in my walk. :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    trooworld Just a thought. Maybe with your dh's recent surgery it was making him think about his health and then your health and he doesn't want to lose you prematurely. So maybe that's why he was talking to you about exercise. It was a sign of caring. My dh and I have different points of views when it comes to our health journey too. So he does his and I do mine now. He did comment on me losing weight so woohoo. Someone is noticing it.

    cmedwards That is hot weather. Our bodies acclimate to the temps we live in. I hope you had some good times with the grandkids despite the hot weather. Excellent job on your food at the stitch group.

    cbabie Shall we lay hands on you and drive that perfectionist out? ;) Look at all the new habits you are forming. I have a picture on my vision board that says, Motivation is what got you started, habit is what keeps you going.

    Today's progress report: food was under, strength training done, water 8 glasses.
  • charlie9er
    charlie9er Posts: 272 Member
    Good morning!
    I've been on WW since December. I did good thru April then lost & gained the same 2 pounds thru June. June to present I'm gaining.
    I am switching my meetings & trying MFP for awhile. I need some kick in the butt to start losing again. It's so frustrating
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,920 Member
    Hi all! I was feeling much better yesterday, thankfully. Things went pretty well except dinner (see my explanation in my comment to @theslightedgeforever below). I'm hoping to go to yoga today.

    @cbabie good job staying OP and getting in your walk yesterday, you are doing great! Thanks, I was better yesterday.

    @theslightedgeforever his surgery: it was to remove a weight-loss device, he lost 36 lbs over the past year because he was part of a medical trial for a weight-loss device. It could be true what you say, but I don't think that is what it is. He thinks the key is physical exercise (because for him, it is...he works out for hours at a time, but that's not me). If he was so concerned, he'd not be encouraging me to order pizza because he felt like eating something bad (last night's occurrence). I'm sorry...I'm still mad at him a bit. That's great your hubby is noticing! You are doing fantastic, by the way. I see your updates on my timeline, woo hoo you!

    @charlie9er Hi Charlie! Good morning. Sometimes we just need to switch things up. I did well on WW (I lost 40 lbs) then I quit and gained some of it back, then joined again and lost about 15 of it, and then stayed the same for a couple of years and just quit because I didn't want to waste my money while I wasn't making progress. I wish you all the best.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    edited August 2017
    Morning all:

    I didn't stay OP, it was like something hit me mood wise last night, I was even upset at church..not like me. HOWEVER!! I did not eat ice cream. It's funny I don't have a taste for it right now. I thought about it, but I knew that if I did, I wouldn't stop. I could find other things and I did..LOL I walked again today. I got a new idea, my oldest daughter has found exercise keeps alot of things at bay in her. A long time ago she made me little stickers for my calendar..I never used them, as it was something I did without thought. However, now that life is different I don't do it as a matter of routine. I decided to use them as a challenge for myself. I will get to put a sticker on my daily calendar for each day I workout.

    @theslightedgeforever I think you found your secret place...LOL I am trying to lose some of my perfectinst..LOL

    @trooworld I think you know what makes you work and with that said...keep doing it.

    @charlie9er Welcome. I think we have all been there. I am so glad you introduced yourself. I have been at my same weight for a bit and I am working on finding that one thing.
