

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, Sorry I have been MIA. It's been a tiring last week. I have had two very sick 5 year old ran a fever from Friday until yesterday. Yesterday was her first full day with no fever. The 15 month old got sick Christmas day, took him to the Dr and he has an ear infection, plus trying to get tooth in. Then my grandson and his wife got here from Alaska on the 18th and they have been sick, plus my adult child and my DH were also sick. It's been so much fun. I think my family got my message that I want to eat healthy. LOL I got 2 Ninjia cookers. One has a grill and one does not...

    I have tried to read all the comments, but not a lot of time to respond. I just wanted to check in and welcome our newbies..

    Welcome to the group @lindamartin27 and @Neds1980.

    I will try to get back to posting every day, but still trying to dig out from my wonderful Christmas. LOL

    @trooworld , @fabgeekmom , @theslightedgeforever , @gemwolf110 . I hope you all had a good Christmas and yes it's time to get back in the saddle and get our health back this year. I got on the scale yesterday and because I have not really had a "resting" Christmas, I lost another lb..LOL. Maybe i can keep it off. But it's more important that I start moving my body.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,255 Member
    edited December 2023
    @fabgeekmom Maybe you are at the stage where you gain a couple of lbs because your routine was a bit different during the holidays and then you lose those 2 lbs over the next month or so. All the while eating healthily and exercising. If your body wants you to lose more weight, it will naturally on its own.

    @trooworld When I read buckwheat I think of the character on Little Rascals. :D That's how old I am. I've never tried it either. I'll look it up. I'm assuming a grain? OK, so not a grain I just read. Does it have any flavor? The book I'm reading for bookclub next is West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge. It's about moving giraffes from NJ to San Diego Zoo(I think, I just started it) in 1938.

    I walked 49 minutes today. Food was good. I said no to a donut and Bugles.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 476 Member
    @trooworld I understand that feeling of FOMO. It’s good you got a lot of work done. Your meals sound good. @theslightedgeforever Yes, I think my weight is set. I might be able to lose a few my pounds but it seems like I have to be too strict. I read the book about the giraffes and enjoyed it. &cbabie Sorry about all that sickness. I am glad your family got the idea that you want to eat healthy. Enjoy the cooking appliances. Hi, all. DH and I went to the recreation center and then to Sam’s Club. We bought salmon for tonight, steak and asparagus for tomorrow night, low cal bread, high fiber wraps and other stuff. Tonight we are having mushroom soup from a recipe book my daughter gave my son, teriyaki salmon and rice. All the leftovers are gone except the ham which is in the freezer and the gingerbread cookies my daughter made. Tomorrow night she will take home most of them. She has been eating with us all week as her husband and daughter are in NY visiting family.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    @cbabie Oh gosh, all your family! I am so sorry about all the sickness. I hope it doesn't reach you, too. I hope everyone feels better soon. Hugs. I have a Ninja Foodi XL and I love it. It is the 3rd Ninja Foodi I've had. I also have an outdoor Ninja grill and haven't used it much but I know I will love it. I hope you like yours, too. Congrats on losing that pound!

    @theslightedgeforever HAHAHAHA! I loved him. I am that old, too! :D I didn't know it wasn't a grain, I thought it was one of the "ancient grains" lol. I cooked it in beef broth so it took on that flavor + the seasonings. I bet it would be boring without that stuff. I've heard West with Giraffes is really good, let me know how you like it! Great NSVs yesterday. Stay strong!

    @fabgeekmom Yes, FOMO is real! lol I did. Thanks. I love mushroom soup. That's good the leftovers are gone.

    Hi all. I cleared some clutter from my office at work yesterday and it felt so good. My office seems to be a dumping ground for things people don't want thanks to my officemate's inability to throw things away. These unwanted things end up in my area and she's on vacation so I got rid of a couple of things that weren't hers, they weren't anyone's. It looks much better. I still have to deal with some things but I'll work on it next week. Today, I will be the only person on the clock besides my director. And I work from home on Fridays so it will be a very quiet day.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 476 Member
    @trooworld You really had a productive day at work yesterday. It feels good to get things neat. My husband is the one who gets rid of clutter. I think my son and I drive him crazy as we like things to be on the kitchen counter where we can find them. Hi, all. I ate some cookies last night after dinner and told my daughter to take the rest home with her. The salmon, rice and soup were good. It was great not to have heartburn before bedtime! I have leftovers for lunch. We are getting back to our steak meal tonight.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,255 Member
    @fabgeekmom Teriyaki salmon sounds so good. I am like your hubby. Nothing on the counters. My hubby on the other hand loves flat surfaces.

    @trooworld Have you been using your walking pad?

    @cbabie Yaaay for losing a lb.

    Here's something to think about as we near the end of 2023.

    What is the story I'm telling myself about 2023?
    How is this story serving me—or holding me back?
    Consider your most exciting desires for 2024. How could the hard experiences of 2023 be preparing me for, even accelerating me towards, those desires?
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 476 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good things to think about!
  • saybyebob
    saybyebob Posts: 37 Member
    Afternoon all. Just stopped by to introduce myself and say "hi!". Steadily gained A LOT of weight since working at home for the last 3 years and of course the low back and knee pain that comes with it. Last visit to the doctors was that I have prediabetes and was put on metformin. Will try to post frequently to keep me accountable for a healthy 2024.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, yesterday was hard, don't like whiny babies. I think I am like my mother. I know it's not their fault, just tired of taking care of sick folks. LOL. I am trying to get at least one project done I started at the beginning of the year. I can't believe that I am in the same spot. What happened to 2023?

    The positive, I haven't given up, I still have my house, my family, my mind and I am working on my health, still have a few other areas I really need to put my nose to the ground and work on.

    @trooworld I love to declutter..I am so ready for a clutter free home. Good for you for ending the year on a decluttering exercise. I was the first to get sick..LOL. I am sure you and DH will enjoy that grill.

    @fabgeekmom that's nice you get to have your daughter with you this week. I think your foods always sound good and healthy. That's one of my goals this better.

    @theslightedgeforever Are we of the same blood? I know you got moms genes and I got dads.. LOL I like clean counters, but I also like easy access. So I gave up on the clean counter until sometime in the future when it's just me and DH here. LOL. Good for you for moving your body.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    edited December 2023
    Happy Friday all!


    @cbabie I can’t believe this year is almost over either! Was a good crazy year but ready for 2024 to see what it brings!

    What’s everyone’s plans and aspirations for the new year? I’m planning on staying in or dinner with the family. I’m making goals/aspirations to make small baby steps to get my diet back on track to be healthier and home cook more and reduce processed foods. I want to be under 200 lbs by June 2024. I also want to paint the upstairs walls this year, declutter room by room and to live more simply and in the moment. Want to work out 2 x a week minimum of 30 minutes. I also want to get my financial health in better shape.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    ~ Missy
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    @fabgeekmom I did and yes it does! I like things out where I can find them, too. Smart to send the cookies home with your daughter. I hate heartburn, I have GERD so I get it quite often.

    @theslightedgeforever It's not set up yet...waiting on my husband. He finally took the old one out. I need his help getting it out of the box. I'll probably set it up sometime this weekend. Those are good questions.

    @saybyebob Hi and welcome! I am also prediabetic and on metformin. I'm sorry about the back and knee pain. I look forward to getting to know you.

    @cbabie My husband is a whiny baby when he's sick lol. But then when I'm sick, he acts like I should suck it up and take care of myself. I'm glad you haven't given up. And you've made efforts throughout the year, fighting to stay in the game. I wish I could have a clutter-free home but I've got too many craft hobbies going on lol. Well, I'm glad your sickness is over. But that means you have to take care of everyone else huh lol.

    @gemwolf110 Yay for the weekend!!! I'm also staying in: making some appetizers and drinking champagne. Those are all great goals. I haven't made any goals yet...not sure if I will. I probably will.

    Hi all. The electricity was out in my neighborhood from 3:30 - 10 pm yesterday! Some equipment needed repairing. We went out and drove around and stopped and got burgers at this great burger place. Came home and started watching a movie on my phone. It's supposed to rain today so no dog training. I'm getting groceries and that's about it. Have a great Saturday!

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 476 Member
    @saybyebob Welcome and good luck on achieving your goals. @cbabie I like your attitude in appreciating what you have. It’s always good to have a project, a goal to achieve. @trooworld Too bad about the electricity but you made the best of it. @gemwolf110 Good idea to make small steps. Good luck on those goals. Hi, all. Yesterday was a swim day. I enjoyed my salmon for lunch I have another piece for lunch today. Last night we got back to our steak and potato routine. I roasted asparagus and have some left for lunch today. I ate a few pieces of candy I bought from my granddaughter’s PTA. And tracked them. As for goals, I plan to keep on eating healthy, work on portion control, exercise, eat treats in moderation and still enjoy family celebrations.
  • saybyebob
    saybyebob Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all the kind welcoming words. Wrote down my goals and planning how to achieve them for the new year. My biggest drawback I don't get up and move...but I'm working on it!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, the year went fast, but this week has gone so slow...too many sicknesses..LOL. I am so ready for fresh air and open doors. Well if I didn't live on a very busy loud main road. LOL My grandson and his wife leave Monday and I will so miss him. I am cooking Chicken with veggies tonight and Spaghetti tomorrow night. I am making homemade white bread today and made banana bread last night. We still have fudge left and peanut butter cookies, so hoping they eat this all before they leave. LOL.

    My goals are still being written, but I do know I want to cook 99% of my food at home, exercise more and be in the present, not in the past or too distant future. Enjoy each day and find something good to say about others to encourage them. Declutter is a very distant goal.

    @saybyebob Welcome to the group, you know everyone starts someplace and you are trying to move, that is the very first step. I used to see if I could do Leslie walking program on Youtube, even if it was for 2 min. I could say in my heart I tried and will keep increasing as time would allow. You got this and I am proud of you.

    @fabgeekmom I love seeing what you plan for dinner is. I am so proud that you keep moving!!! that is so important. I know I need to stretch more, my back is starting to get sore again. You know I am glad you bought from your grand daughter and you ate's important for her and you just built a memory with her.

    @trooworld You have a lot of goals girl. Pick one and focus on that, what is the most important one. I love that you are trying to be in the present. You and DH went with the hand you were dealt with the internet... <3 I am so glad we have hot spot. LOL

    @gemwolf110 I am there with you girl. We always stay in and yet....the dog we have hates the fireworks and barks all I think I will put headphones is. LOL. Yes, good time to readjust from this past year.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 476 Member
    @cbabie Those meals sound delicious! I love homemade bread, banana bread, too. I know what you mean about wanting family to eat all the goodies. It’s a good time to work on goals.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hi All!

    @cbabie @fabgeekmom great goals! We have similar to mine. We got this!! 💪🏻

    @saybyebob welcome to the group! 👋🏻

    @trooworld yikes! Loosing power stinks but sounds like you had a good day!

    Had a busy day today. Cleaned out 7 bags of clothes, sheets, quilts and a dish set and donated them. Still have more to go through but it was productive day. Went to church with my family and we had my stepdads famous omelettes for dinner. Home with the pups now. They have been spoiled this week with me home 🏡

    Have a great night everyone!


    CW 209.6
    GW: 110-120
    HW: 228.8
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 476 Member
    @gemwolf110 Wow, that was a productive day!Omelettes for dinner sounds good. I’m glad you are enjoying your pups. My daughter and her family have 2 cats and they give us a lot of pleasure.
  • Neds1980
    Neds1980 Posts: 28 Member
    @cbabie many thanks for the welcome. I started yesterday, and scales say I have lost 1.5lbs this morning. Today is going to be a challenge as we are celebrating a birthday as well as New Years! How are you all managing today...we have so much cake - HELP! Have a wonderful New Year's Eve.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes! That's great you tracked the candy. Great goals.

    @saybyebob Same here, I hate exercise lol. But I am working on it bit by bit.

    @cbabie That stuff sounds yummy! Those are good goals. I think you are confusing me with someone else, I don't have any goals yet lol. Yeah, hot spots are great!

    @gemwolf110 Yes, it was kind of fun! Sounds like you had a productive day, awesome!

    @Neds1980 Welcome! Congrats on the loss, you are off to a great start for the new year! Ooh a birthday AND NYE? That is rough, but you got this!

    Hi all. I had a fun day yesterday: we went to a game store and bought a new board game and played it last night. It's a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure board game based on those types of books. It is really fun. I also made Thai food which was fabulous. Have a great NYE!

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 476 Member
    @Neds1980 Good job on the weight loss! As for the cake, there are several options. Is is homemade or store bought? Store bought is easier to say no to. You could eat one piece and track it as it’s hard not to eat cake when everyone else is. Give the rest away. If that’s not an option, freeze it for later. I often do this and end up throwing it away months later. @trooworld The game sounds like fun. I love Thai food but my husband doesn’t. Hi, all. I’m staying home today and will do some Peloton workouts on my bike. Yesterday I did some fun ones and even did a strength one. I neglect strength workouts. This one was 10 minutes and I could do it seated. Tonight we are going to my daughter’s house for dinner. We went to our favorite Italian restaurant last night.