

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The ravioli looks good. The taco holders will come in handy on taco night. You could put tortillas in them and air fryer them. I have lots of cookbooks and online sources for recipes.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @fabgeekmom The salmon was pretty good: Thank you! I thought the pozole was easy to prepare as well and tasty. mmmm enjoy your pizza!

    @theslightedgeforever It was good. I posted the recipe above in my comment. I have news about the walking pad, more below. That's true about the washboard lol. I have aprons, I love them, they are fun ones. I made one zebra striped one and I have another one that I bought that is girly. Did you make your tortilla shells yet? I bet they will turn out well with that bowl. Great job with the walk! Good idea to freeze the sauce. How were the raviolis? Those are the ones you made, right? They look good.

    Hi all. Well, I received an email from customer service and my walking pad is actually coming today! I don't know why they told me so far in the future, maybe they didn't have one in their US warehouse and needed to ship it from China. But it's coming today yay! I'll have to set it up this weekend (I have to oil the belt). I am making Chicken Cassoulet with Sausage and Swiss Chard tonight, it's a Skinnytaste recipe. I didn't realize how many steps and ingredients it had when I scheduled it. I don't look forward to making it but I sure do look forward to eating it!

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld The salmon recipe looks good. That’s good news about getting your walking pad today. A lot of Skinnytaste’s earlier recipes are labor intensive. But I bet it will be good. Hi, all! It’s really cold today. 38 degrees! I’m staying home and doing a Peloton workout on my bike. DH and I are going to my granddaughter’s Christmas band concert tonight. She is in the 6th grade and plays percussion. She has been talking private lessons for a few years. I’m preparing a recipe from Simple this afternoon so we can eat an early dinner. I’m fixing the one with chicken breast, low-fat cream cheese and pasta. I’m going to freeze one pound packages of chopped chicken breast so I can easily prepare other chicken recipes. There’s one with gnocchi that I have made. I might make that for family dinner on Tuesday.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld The recipe is Creamy Chicken and spinach tri-colore pasta, page 173. The gnocchi is on page 185.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, it's so cold here. I don't like being cold..LOL. I am maintaining in my weight. I really need to work on the exercises. I know as I get older, movement and core strength will be my friend. I am wanting to set some goals and usually I have a word for the year already, but I do not. One of my goals is to enjoy some of my crafting again.

    @trooworld YEA!!! your walking pad should be here today. I don't know that I will ever eat salmon. LOL

    @fabgeekmom good for you on continuing your exercise even though its cold. Enjoy your granddaughters concert tonight. I couldn't play an instrument of any kind. My dear brother always said I never had rhythm.. which I know isn't true, but I am not as good as him..LOL

    @theslightedgeforever good for you for making your own food. I had to laugh at the DS comment..LOL. just think if he grew up with our mom..LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @cbabie I don’t like the cold either! I find that I gain weight if I don’t exercise. I’m also maintaining. I’m eating too many calories but still within my goals. Enjoy your crafting.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @fabgeekmom It was! And I was definitely happy to get my walking pad yesterday. Ah interesting about the earlier recipes. I'll keep that in mind! Brrrr that's cold. I hope you enjoyed the concert. That's a good idea to freeze portions of cooked chicken, I may have to do that! Thank you for the recipe info, it sounds good. And I'll look at both.

    @cbabie I don't like it, either lol. I need to work on goals, too. And a phrase for the year. I can't wait to hear what you craft! You know I love to do that. Got the walking pad! LOL about the salmon.

    Hi all. The walking pad got delivered in the morning so at lunch, I went home to work from home the rest of the day. My (male) neighbor stood by and smoked a cigarette watching as I struggled to pull the heavy walking pad box into the house lol. But I got it in, no thanks to him! :D I could not weigh in this morning yet as my scale needed charging. Grrrr. I will weigh in as soon as it charges but I think it will be a gain: I didn't end up making the cassoulette last night, I started chopping all the veggies and my husband suggested I make it today instead. I had leftover pizza that we had frozen which will surely influence the scale.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld I froze the chicken raw to use in recipes. But that would be a good idea to freeze it cooked. Good job of getting the walking pad set up. Hi, all! I finally lost 2 pounds and am back to what I weighed weeks before Thanksgiving. The chicken dish I prepared was good although a bit bland. DH and I ate it for lunch and ate a peanut butter sandwich with banana for dinner. My in laws used to do that. They called the midafternoon meal dinner. The concert was good although it was cold getting out. I wore a coat I bought a few years ago to wear to Rhode Island.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @fabgeekmom Ah okay that's still a good idea to pre-portion it. I haven't gotten the walking pad set up, I am going to this weekend though! Congrats on the loss!!! I'm sorry your chicken dish was a bit bland. I'm glad you enjoyed the concert.

    Hi all. I made the cassoulet last night and was extremely underwhelmed considering how much work I put into it lol. I will NOT make that again. I bought a prime rib roast as it was on sale for $6.97 a lb. I will make it on Sunday with Lyonnaise potatoes (Cook's Country recipe) and air fryer parmesan ranch brussels sprouts. It should be really good. Tonight, we are having sort of a Hawaiian meal: huli huli chicken with macaroni salad. I'm going to see a friend today who lives about 45 mins away. We are going to a winery that is closing. Maybe they will have good deals! :D

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld Too bad about the cassoulet. I follow Skinnytaste on FB and can find out which recipes work even though everyone has different tastes. The prime rib, potatoes and Brussels sprouts sound good. I love themed meals. Have fun at the winery. Hi, all. Last night my son fixed New York strip steaks. So good and he seasons them really well. We also had air fried asked potatoes and roasted carrots. He made a blueberry Sally Lunn bread that was to die for. We have an extra loaf that I am freezing and saving for NYE. Lunch today is leftover steak.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited December 2023
    @fabgeekmom I tried using tortillas once in the taco pans and they were too crispy. I don't like crispy foods. One of my kitchen fantasies is having a stocked freezer of shredded chicken breast, ground beef, etc. I already have my cut up red, green, and yellow peppers. Plus I bagged up 1 c servings of cauliflower rice in there. I need to just put some chicken breasts in my slow cooker and bag it up. I'm with you on not losing if I don't exercise. My food was really good last week but nothing on the scale. How was the concert? I would have loved for my grandparents to come to my choral concerts. I was even a special group. We sang and danced. @cbabie and I grew up with breakfast, dinner, and supper. My hubby is breakfast, lunch, dinner. Yaaay on your 2 lbs.

    @trooworld I have a red polka dot apron like Betty Boop. It has a heart shaped neckline with lace. The raviolis were good. Too good. I had seconds. Shouldn't have. I still stayed within my weeklies though. But higher points than I wanted for the day. Post the brussels sprout recipe. I think I would like that.

    @cbabie How about make your word or the year MOVE. Maybe we are all just storing our weight for the winter like bears.

    I have been busy the past couple of days with parties. I think I did pretty well on the food. Small portions on both food and dessert. I tracked all my food. Exercise not so much. This next week I only have bookclub and one breakfast with a friend. So my word for the week is going to be MOVE.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The concert was good. I got a little teary remembering all the band concerts we went to when our son and daughter were in the band. My daughter recorded it so I saw a close up of my granddaughter with her drum solo. Good luck on your meal preparations. When you make a meal make something extra to freeze.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    edited December 2023
    @fabgeekmom I do too, but didn't look into this one. It's rare that her recipes don't work for me, so it was a surprise. Thanks, me too! Your dinner sounds amazing.

    @theslightedgeforever What a cute apron! That's good you stayed within your weeklies even though you ate seconds. Here is the recipe for Air Fryer Parmesan Ranch Brussels Sprouts:

    @theslightedgeforever Sounds like you are doing great with the holidays, you must have your eyes on the prize!

    HI all. Yesterday was fun: dog training went well and then I dropped off my husband and the dogs at home and drove an hour away to see my friend. She lives on a horse farm so we visited with the horses and then stopped by a dog rescue that she volunteers at. We picked two chihuahuas to take with us to the winery, the one I picked was named "Dorito" (that's why I picked him lol) and the other (pictured on my friend's lap) was "Ebony". It was a beautiful day, low 80s F, no clouds. I got a wine slushy and bought a bottle of a new-release wine they had. This was the view from our table. When I got home, I had to cook dinner which was no fun but I did it anyway lol. It turned out pretty well (Huli Huli chicken with macaroni salad).

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld What a cutie! That dog is adorable! A beautiful place, too. I’m jealous of 80 degree weather! I’m glad the dog training went well and your meal was good. Hi, all. I did a holiday Peloton workout on my bike yesterday. I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. My daughter, son, husband and I ate at a Mediterranean restaurant last night. I had one stuffed grape leaf, a salmon kebab, a vegetable kebab and hummus. It came with rice but I had a small taste and decided it wasn’t worth the calories. My daughter came home and wrapped gifts for my granddaughter and we listened to Taylor Swift.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah she's pretty sweet. It was a really nice weekend, both weather-wise and just in general! Thanks! Good job with the bike workout! Yummy dinner. That was smart to decide the rice wasn't worth the calories. Sounds like a great weekend.

    Hi all. All I did yesterday was cook lol. I made us breakfast (mostly so I'd have leftovers for the rest of the week):
    Bacon Spinach Breakfast Casserole with Gruyère - totally yummy

    Best Skillet Breakfast Potatoes (I used butter instead of olive oil and I added a diced red pepper) - delicious and no leftovers lol

    Then, I rested a bit and then it was time to make the rib roast, Lyonnaise Potatoes, and brussels sprouts. All came out well. I have work today but it won't be busy because the students are on break for the holidays for 2 weeks. It will be nice, I can wear jeans to work for the two weeks, and there won't be many people coming in and out so I can get stuff done.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld Your recipes sound good. I did have a good weekend. We ate dinner at my daughter’s house last night. She prepared Skinnytaste Slow Cooker Moroccan Chicken with rice and roasted string beans. Hi, all. I slept late this morning and it felt good. Today is a swim day. Burgers and fries are on the menu for tonight. I bought string beans before I knew my daughter was going to have them I might go to the grocery store to buy a different vegetable.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited December 2023
    @trooworld Thanks for the recipe. I'll try to make that next week. Your day at the winery looked wonderful. I have never heard of a wine slushy before. The color is pretty though. So is your walking pad all set up ready to use?

    @fabgeekmom Yaaay on your bike workout. I love grape leaves. My favorite ones are the ones with a bit of pomegranate molasses drizzled over the top. I could just have a whole meal out of those. But I do love kebab and hummus too. Although not all hummus are the same. What's your favorite Taylor Swift song? I looked up that Skinnytaste recipe for Moroccan chicken. That looks good. I'll add it to my plan for next week.

    I tried those taco shell pans with puff pastry. :D:D:D Didn't turn out as expected but it was good. Should have pricked the dough with a fork. That might have helped. Let's just call them mini taco salads.


  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The tacos look good. I don’t really have a favorite Taylor Swift song. My son and daughter are Swiftties and I enjoy listening to her songs when they play them. Our plans for dinner changed as my cousin gave us some chicken meatballs in sauce with couscous. So all I have to do is warm it up!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Afternoon all, I am here. I am tired of being cold...can you imagine if I didn't live in AZ? :lol: I need to get my body moving. Eating has been so so. waiting for the holidays to be over and life is somewhat normal, what ever that is for me LOL

    @trooworld your wine afternoon looks so peaceful.

    well I guess I will have to finish this later...someone walked up and wants something NOW

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    @trooworld Thanks for the recipe. I'll try to make that next week. Your day at the winery looked wonderful. I have never heard of a wine slushy before. The color is pretty though. So is your walking pad all set up ready to use?

    @fabgeekmom Yaaay on your bike workout. I love grape leaves. My favorite ones are the ones with a bit of pomegranate molasses drizzled over the top. I could just have a whole meal out of those. But I do love kebab and hummus too. Although not all hummus are the same. What's your favorite Taylor Swift song? I looked up that Skinnytaste recipe for Moroccan chicken. That looks good. I'll add it to my plan for next week.

    I tried those taco shell pans with puff pastry. :D:D:D Didn't turn out as expected but it was good. Should have pricked the dough with a fork. That might have helped. Let's just call them mini taco salads.


    That looks delicious 😋