

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    Morning all, Just stopping by. I am getting ready to go pick up baby girl at school. Dropping off toys for foster kids. It is so cold here, I don't want to go outside. I think it was in the 50's this morning..UGH..
    I have seen a change in my mindset, eating better, but still not best..but it's progress.

    @trooworld It's good you tracked chips..I probably would not have.LOL. Yes I agree with the thing at a time..

    @fabgeekmom You have colder weather than I have and I am proud that you are still going out to exercise..good for you.

    @theslightedgeforever Your idea of vacationing...I think I am too much like dad. LOL. I will see it in a book, not in real time. LOL. Yes get back to doing what you know works for you.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good job at the gym. It’s easier for me to plan meals as I am retired. When I was working we ate out a lot. If I could go back in time I would figure out easy meals to fix in the crockpot. When I retired I decided that I was going to take care of myself.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Unfortunately, it seems like it's like this all year round. It's because of my commute and working full-time. Wow, 29! That is cold. I hope the rec center and dinner went well. I love shrimp but my husband doesn't so I hardly get to eat it.

    @theslightedgeforever No, I do not. That's a good idea though. I'd like to say I can do one thing at a time and focus on my priorities but it all seems to need to be done now lol. I'll have to give that some thought. Great job at the gym! I take it the habits you are relying on are not healthy habits? What are you having trouble with that makes you lean on those old habits?

    Hi all. My husband has to stay at his brother's apartment and take care of him until 9 pm tonight and tomorrow night so I am on my own for dinner. I think I may have leftovers but I'm not sure. If I make the salad as I planned, I will have to stop at the store after I drop off my husband at his brother's. This will make me get home late and make my whole evening later. So, I don't know what I will do. My husband made Zuppa Toscana in the NInja Foodi using the pressure cooker setting. It came out well.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @cbabie It sounds like you are making progress. WW said something like “progress, not perfection.” @trooworld I love Zuppa Toscana. The shrimp was good last night. Tonight I am making a burger and French fry recipe from the Dinner Air Fryer cookbook. Hi, all. I think today is supposed to be a little warmer. It’s 33 now and it’s supposed to get up to 54. I’m going to the recreation center.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    Morning all, it was 48 this morning taking baby girl to school....UGH. I have to get her a coat, she has to have one with NO HOOD..all of her stuff has hoods. LOL I had oatmeal for breakfast, we will see if my stomach gets upset or no. Last time I had it..not good, but it could have been something else..Like life..LOL No walks, but trying to get some exercise in later tonight. I have to change my lifetime routine of exercising in the just won't happen right now.

    @trooworld so sorry your DH has to go to BIL, glad he is available though. I am sure you will figure it out what to do for dinner...You always think it through and really you don't make bad choices, I think you think you do as it wasn't what was planned. It's hard doing one thing...but try one thing at a time..I am learning that SOMETHING will just not get done when you have too much on your plate. I also find that others like to fill my plate with things they don't want on their plate. LOL

    @fabgeekmom Yes it is progress..I am a perfectionist and it is a HARD lesson I have to try to unlearn. LOL. My sister always see 1/2 full, I see 1/2 empty. So glad you have a place to exercise. Let us know about the burger and fry recipe..LOL.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @cbabie 50's is springtime weather in some places. lol Your nephew would be wearing shorts. Just think your body burns more calories trying to stay warm. Wear layers and go out for a walk and fresh air. 1/2 full 1/2 empty: You got the craft lessons growing up while I got the lemon/lemonade lesson. Somebody always has it worse. I've got the exercise time figured out now it's back to the food. Usually it's the food that's not a problem.

    @fabgeekmom I don't work so I have no excuse not to plan out my meals and search out new recipes. For lunch I'm making bbq chicken and baked beans. My son was saying I have served the same meals since he was born. I told him that if he'd like something different feel free to go on Pinterest. Hubby is happy.

    @trooworld It's the meals themselves that could be healthier with veggies. For instance if I made some butternut squash soup versus spaghetti. My social calendar is too full right now. Plus reading. So I'm not taking the time to look at all the recipes I want to cook and then jot down the ingredients on my list. Plus I really hate cooking 3 times a day. But since hubby is retired. It is what it is as my dad would say.

    I fell yesterday going up the steps carrying a tray. Hit my kneecap right on the edge of the stair. I was wearing wide leg pants and my foot got caught inside. :frowning: Luckily nothing broken but my knee is sore. So I rested this morning.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, it came out very well. Gotta love a burger! That's good it will be warmer today. It's cold for here: 53 lol. Of course, it's 5:30 am so it will get a little warmer today.

    @cbabie Yeah that's about what it is here right now but by the mid-morning, it will warm up to about 60. Sometimes oatmeal upsets my stomach, too. Thanks, yes, it's good he is available. It makes for a long day for him as he's going there straight from work. I think you are right, I ended up eating leftover soup. Those are good observations.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah yes, pumping up the veggies. I see why you are having this problem...too busy. Can't you make enough at dinner so that you can have leftovers for lunch? I would hate cooking that much lol. Ouch, that had to hurt. I have a pair of wide leg jeans and I'm always afraid when I wear them that I will trip.

    Hi all. I didn't do well at lunch yesterday, I got fast food. I almost said I did bad the whole day but that's not true. It was just lunch. I forgot today was weigh-in day as the fast food would surely influence my weigh-in. I basically maintained. Today will be hard: I have to be alone with the dogs all day and until 9 pm tonight. I love my dogs but it's stressful keeping them from fighting.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @cbabie I am also a perfectionist and hate when things don’t go as planned. Sometimes I have to roll with the punches. @theslightedgeforever It sounds like you are happy with your meal choices. Your hubby, too. I don’t know how old your son is but he can cook, too. @trooworld Fast food is okay occasionally. Good luck with the dogs. Hi,all. The burger meal was good last night. Everyone liked it. Tonight I am making turkey meatballs in marinara sauce on top of rotini. I ordered 2 breadmaker cookbooks so I will make some bread to go with it. My hubby is happy as that’s one of his favorite meals. Today is a swim day. I’m hoping to get a calorie deficit so I can eat all of that.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited December 2023
    @trooworld Sometimes there are left overs and sometimes not. Depends on how hungry dh is. But I also have my mil and the caregiver. So if there is any left it's usually enough for one serving. lol Then he doesn't want to eat it if I'm just going to get a bowl of cereal. Are there any doggy chill pills or sprays?

    @fabgeekmom No not really happy with my meal choices as far as the veggies go. I was looking at meal plan apps today but didn't find any I really like. At one time I set up a Trello board for that. I'm going to have to go back and tweak it since I'm doing points now. My son is almost 34. He can cook eggs. I think that's it. He could always learn but has no interest. He's never home at a consistent time to be here for meals unless it's a weekend but then I rarely cook on weekends. Depends on my social schedule. My other son cooks very well but unfortunately he doesn't live with me. I was in the mood for raisin bread today and was going to make that but ended up making some 2-ingredient dough Everything bagel bites in my airfryer.

    Off to play with my Trello board
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @theslightedgeforever My husband is like your son. He can make eggs and sandwiches. I am not sure what a Trello board is. I’m assuming a planning tool. As I mentioned before, I use Skinnytaste a lot. I have all of the cookbooks and follow her on Facebook. The books don’t have points but she lists them on her website. I fix stuff that is not diet food. I got burned out on WW because I was fixing a lot of weird stuff.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes but I have it about once every couple of weeks or so, I want to have it less. But yes, occasionally? Okay. Thanks, it ended up being okay. I'm glad the burgers were good. I made a Skinnytaste recipe last night: Instant Pot Spaghetti and Meatballs. It was pretty good. I like how you are planning ahead to budget in dinner, good job!

    @theslightedgeforever Ah I see. That stinks you have to cook so much. One of my dogs, Daisy (the older one) is actually on doggy prozac as it is lol. It helps a lot but she gets annoyed by the younger pup who nips her ears and constantly wants to play. I'd get annoyed by that as well lol.

    Hi all. I got up at 3:10 am today. I couldn't fall back to sleep, so here I am! I have a really busy day ahead of me: groceries and dog training this morning, and right after dog training, I have to drive 40 minutes away to a "jewelry party" hosted by the artist. I'm meeting some coworkers there and then we are going to have coffee. After that, home to hopefully do some more Christmas decorating. My husband got home early last night, he got home at about 5:30, so that was nice. There is an app called "Too Good to Go" and it has restaurants and grocery stores on it that are selling off last-minute goods/expiring goods like end-of-the-day baked goods etc. Well, I got a grocery bag of stuff from a supermarket for $5.99: not all stuff I would eat, but it was a bag worth a lot more than $5.99...a bag of organic dried pinto beans, a big box of Cheerios, reduced-fat Wheat Thins, those Mexican hot chocolate discs, water crackers, a single-sized bag of hot Cheetos, Keebler striped cookies (I didn't eat any of those, gave them to my husband). I was hoping and envisioning a bag of fresh produce but that wasn't what I got. That's what I get for having expectations lol. All of the stuff had expired recently but I think is still good to eat.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @trooworld It’s too bad you wake up so early. That happens to me occasionally and I am really tired the next day. I see a sleep doctor once a year and take medication so I can sleep. The party sounds fun. I have heard of the app you mentioned. Someone I followed on Connect would post what she got. She was from Los Angeles. I wonder if it is a California thing or just in bigger cities. I have made the Skinnytaste recipe you mentioned. Hi, all. My pasta was good last night. I decided to make a simple recipe instead of meatballs. I sautéed onions and garlic in a little olive oil and then sautéed the ground turkey. Then added rotini. I had some Parmesan rinds so I simmered them in the sauce. My bread was good, too. Today my husband and I are going to a fabric store. He wants to upholster some chairs we have at our cottage. They are really old and give the cottage a 1950 or 60’s vibe. I also need to go grocery shopping.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    Morning all, I have been working on my phone for the last couple of days..think I might have been compromised, but not really sure. My GS is telling me I need to change my phone number, I have had it for 20+ years..Tmobile told me to change all. my that's been my life for a couple of days. UGH...

    @trooworld I am glad DH got home early. Your calendar sounds like someone else on here..LOL. (theslightedge)

    @fabgeekmom I love the vintage look, but I am vintage..LOL. what kind of bread did you make..I live with a bunch of bread lovers...including the baby. :)

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you are okay...sorry about the fall. MY knee hurts just thinking about it. You know it must be something about DH eats like there will be no food tomorrow. The other night...I said....glad I didn't want to eat what I cooked... NOT...he said his portions are normal. I would weigh 500 lbs if I ate what his portions are..

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @cbabie I made Italian bread. It had a crispy crust and soft inside. Also not very sweet. My husband had some this morning. I’m making a loaf tomorrow to take to my daughter’s house. Not sure what kind. I have had my bread machine since the 1980’s. My husband gave it to me for Christmas. I enjoy making bread as it makes everyone happy and I can be satisfied with one slice.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited December 2023
    @fabgeekmom Trello can be anything you want it to be really. Here's a short description.

    I have a meal planning board, an outfits board, a weekly planner, yearly planner, Next Actions board, Goal progress board, grocery list board, reference board. These are the ones I use. My family is now trained that if they want me to remember something to go write it down on Trello. Meatballs are on my menu for this week too. I might just use your simple recipe. lol I'm already changing the recipe. I'm supposed to spiralize the zucchini but that's always such a pain. I'm going to cut it into large matchsticks. I love homemade bread. It would be hard for me to stop at one slice.

    @trooworld I'm with Daisy. Don't bother me..... lol That app sounds like a good way to save money. How has your tracking been going? Exercise?

    @cbabie I think retired men eat more cause they are bored. lol He has now entered into the prediabetic stage. He was watching a youtube video about an 80 year old man that changed his life when he was 60. So he tells me let's do his plan. I said you go ahead. Cause I know how this is going to work. He has said, no sugar, no potatoes, no (fill in the blank) He will do fine for a while and then go back to his normal eating. I said just reduce your portion sizes would be a good start. Go the gym. Just start there. Then he has to throw in, "cause we know your program is working so well" Do as I say not as I do. :smiley:

    I started converting my recipes to points last night and adding them to my Trello board. Such a long process as some foods are 0 points and you can't just enter in the nutrition data to the calculator. But once it's done, it's done. I've added labels like Breakfast, Lunch, etc. so I can just move them around if needed. I went to the gym this morning and did my cardio and weights.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks for sharing. I’m glad it works for you. I agree about what you told your husband. Those diets where you can’t eat anything never work! I have learned to eat a few pieces of candy, not the whole bag. Right now we have 2 bowls of Hershey’s kisses and a bowl of lifesavers on the counter. Because I know that I can eat some, I don’t go crazy with them.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, it made me tired all day lol. The party was quick but fun. Hmmm good question about TooGoodToGo. I don't know. Your spaghetti sounds yummy, I like that you added the parm rinds. What kind of fabric did you pick out for the chairs?

    @cbabie Oh no, I hope not! What a hassle. LOL yeah she is a social butterfly. :D

    @theslightedgeforever Lol. Yes, the app is a good way to save money. I have only used it that one time because you have to pick up the stuff in a certain time frame, like 2:30pm - 3:30 pm or 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm and it's always hours that don't work for me.One of my coworkers gets stuff from a grocery store, whole bags of produce. She has so much produce, she made a Greek salad and brought it in to share. My tracking has been spotty but I'm making an effort. No exercise, too busy. Today, I have a couple of priorities: fix the toilet, make cookies for the cookie exchange we are having, make dinner, get a Xmas tree and finish decorating. That will be helpful to convert your recipes, once you are done, you will be glad you did it. I couldn't do that as I have over 7,000 recipes saved and organized! Good job with the gym.

    Hi all. I bought two things at the jewelry party: a gift for my best friend and a necklace for myself. Both were very reasonably priced for which I was glad. My number one priority today is to fix our toilet: it hasn't been flushing all the way for two months. I've been riding my husband to fix it but he's putting it off so you know what they say, if you want something done you have to do it yourself. I think I know what's wrong and it's a simple fix: there is some calcification going on in the siphon jet, I think it's clogged. It's an easy fix. Thank you, YouTube.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @trooworld Good luck on fixing the toilet. That’s so annoying. Your party sounded like fun and I like that someone brought a salad. Enjoy your gifts. Hi, all. I chose a fire engine red for the chairs. They were a bright yellow but that color wasn’t available. We used a coupon online so the material wasn’t too expensive. Afterwards we went to Trader Joe’s as it was close by. Big mistake! The store was packed. I bought 2 persimmons and my husband got some chips and animal crackers. I also got my granddaughter some gummies in holiday shapes. I noticed that the calories for the persimmon was the same as that for the cookies. I don’t usually eat fruit at lunch but I don’t get persimmons that often. I noticed that they come from California. Instead of eating out last night we ate at my daughter’s house. She made Skinnytaste picadilla (sp?). I almost clogged up the kitchen sink this morning as I put some slaw in the disposal. Luckily my husband unclogged it. I won’t do that again!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks, I did fix it. It's such a relief. Yes, it was very annoying. I think you must be talking to @theslightedgeforever with the party and gifts? Oh I like that color for your chairs. I love the snacky foods at TJs. I'm glad you didn't clog your disposal!

    Hi all. Yesterday was so busy, I didn't sit down much at all. I made cookie dough in the morning and froze it, got a Christmas tree, went to the pet store and Sam's Club, and then came home and made a whole turkey + a corn casserole from Skinnytaste. I also decorated the tree. Busy day and my foot with the plantar fasciitis was hurting so badly by the end of the day and still is.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @trooworld Wow, you really had a busy day! All that cooking will help with your meal planning. Good job on fixing the toilet. Hi, all. I had a good meal at my daughter’s house. I made bread with fig preserves and it was really good. I ate one slice and left half for my daughter’s family and brought the rest for my husband. Tonight I am making air fried fish, air fried potatoes and coleslaw. I’m going to the recreation center this morning.