

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld I’m sorry about your BIL and that you are stressed. Hi, all! The burgers were good last night. My husband and I are going to the cottage today. This will be our last trip as he will cut off the water. Lucky it’s going to be nice so I can walk the track while he works on things in the cottage. I’m bringing chicken breast that I’ll marinate in buttermilk and then air fry. I also have burgers for one night.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. The salad was good. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with your cousin and her husband. That's nice that the hairdresser comes to you. Enjoy your day and dinner!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes but unfortunately, I've eaten it too many times and it's not appealing to me anymore. Lunch is easy because it's leftovers from the night before. That's true about the takeout. That's great you went for a walk with hubby.

    @cbabie That must be frustrating having the doctor tell you that. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Some people don't eat when they are anxious but I'm like you and eat. I hate depression, too. I have a friend who just moved to WA state and I don't know how she is going to do because she suffers from depression. She seems to love it but winter hasn't quite hit yet.

    Hi all. It's a bit stressful and a bit sad at my house: my BIL might have to go back to the hospital, he's not doing well. So, for now, we have not made any Thanksgiving plans because we won't have Thanksgiving if he's in the hospital. I'm feeling pretty stressed.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

    Will be praying for your BIL and your family.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. I'm glad the burgers were good. Enjoy the last visit to the cottage!

    @gemwolf110 Thank you.

    Hi all. They didn't find anything wrong with my BIL yet so he will probably be able to leave the hospital soon, thankfully. He's had a lot of serious health problems within the past 4-5 years so it's always a worry when he has to go to the hospital.

    I am going to pick up ingredients for a Thanksgiving dinner. Here's the menu for Thanksgiving Day (so far, it may change). I was so stressed yesterday, I ate whatever wasn't nailed down. Luckily, we didn't really have that much to eat here.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad your BIL is coming home from the hospital. Your Thanksgiving menu looks good. I’m eating at my cousin’s house and it will be a calorie buster. Hi, all. I walked the track this morning with my husband. The weather is nice today. We’re having burgers, frozen French fries and salad for dinner.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Hi All

    So I had 65 bucks in rewards cash to Michaels from buying my artificial tree there. It was due to expire early next month so I went there today to see what I could buy. Well I started in the Christmas decorations but I already have more than enough, then I remembered my coworker saying there is edible markers for decorating cookies and such almost went and bought that stuff but then was like why would I buy stuff to make stuff I shouldn’t eat. Moved on. Looked at picture frames and frames for my diploma. But I rather keep mine safely locked up. Made my way over to the knitting and crochet aisle and stocked up on a new kit to teach myself how to crochet and re learn how to knit. Picked up my mom stuff too as she wants to do it with me. I also picked up a couple of boxes to paint for Christmas gifts. Will post the finished products when done.

    Got some new runners for the bedroom. And other stuff that I needed.

    ~ Missy

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Well, he is still there. They haven't actually said when he can come home. They are concerned about his inability to swallow. So, he'll be there at least until Monday. We'll see. That's good you don't have to cook! We had burgers and frozen fries last night, too.

    @gemwofl110 Oh fun! I can't wait to see what you make.

    Hi all. Well the turkey for Thanksgiving is tentative depending on if I can find one today: I went to Walmart yesterday and all they had left were gigantic turkeys. I'm going to a grocery store this morning with more hope. I went to my Silent Book Club meeting last night. It was really fun and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I may go to the virtual meeting today, I don't know.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @gemwolf110 That was a great idea to buy something to make rather than something to eat! I’m looking forward to seeing pictures! @trooworld Burgers were good last night. I forgot to bring buns so we ate them on toast. If you can’t find a turkey you could get a chicken to roast. I don’t cook a turkey on Thanksgiving as we eat with my cousin but I always buy one when they are on sale for Christmas. Hi, all. We are going home today. I don’t have much planned. I’ll workout the recumbent bike and we go to my daughters’s house for dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    edited November 2023
    @fabgeekmom I ended up finding a turkey. Safe travels home. Enjoy dinner.

    Hi all. I wasn't as productive yesterday as I had hoped: I went to the grocery store and got the turkey, and then I attended my virtual meeting for my book club. After that, I began to make broth for my turkey gravy but in the middle of it, I got vertigo. I took some anti-nausea medication and lay on the couch. When my husband came home, he found my anti-dizzy medication and I took that, too. Both medications make you drowsy so I found myself asleep at 4:30 pm. I officially went to bed at 5.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad you got a turkey. Too bad about the vertigo. Going to bed early was what you needed. Hi, all. When I got home yesterday I found that my son had made soup. ATK, of course. I ate half a serving. More calories than I would like but it was very good. I’m eating some for lunch today. I’m going swimming so I will burn a lot of calories. Dinner at my daughter’s was good. She made soup, too. It’s soup season!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning all, I wanted to get on here before everyone gets up and my time is all on them. LOL. I haven't been able to exercise, but I am going to try to start again today. It's cold here, so not sure about walking outside, we will see. It should be up in the 70's, but I am always cold. LOL My granddaughter asked me if I was losing weight, so that is a plus. I think from picking up the baby, my arms get the workout. :sweat_smile: My oldest daughter is cooking a turkey this year, so I don't have to. YEA I just have to make deserts LOL

    @trooworld I am so sorry about your vertigo, I can't stand that dizzy nausea feeling. I had that the other day and wasn't sure what caused it, but had to lay and DH only allowed that for 10 I am glad DH found your other med. I agree your body needed the rest, glad you got it.

    @fabgeekmom Do you have a heated pool? My little one always ask me if she can get in the pool and I try to explain the "season" is over...sometimes she gets and and we move on and sometimes not. LOL I love soup, I was thinking of making it for dinner one night this week. I however, live with one that is a carnivore and I have to decide if it's worth the effort. :)

    @gemwolf110 You made some good choices. My youngest is into making afghans this season.. that's all I used to make when I crocheted. I didn't like the little stuff, too tedious for me :). My mom loved all those little things. She hated the big things. (they took to long for her). ha ha. I can't wait to see what you make...I tried to learn to knit, but working with two needles just was hard for me to do. Someday I will try again, still have my stuff.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @cbabie Hopefully the sickness in the house will be behind you and you can start looking at yourself.

    @fabgeekmom I was commenting on your 2 lb gain. I just wondered if you had been less active which would account for the gain then I just reread and you said you had eaten more calories this month. I eat the same number of calories but in the past I have had it based on burning a certain amount of calories. When I don't do that I gain. I've been in the mood for soup too. I just need to make some. Safe trip home. Although I think I'm late for that you are probably already home.

    @gemwolf110 1 vs 5 cups. lol I don't think I've ever found eggnog I liked. Tis the season. You got a nice haul from Michaels. I shiver when I see crochet needles. My mom tried to teach me once.

    @trooworld Sorry about your bil and the hospital. I eat when stressed. I eat when happy. Oh just read your going to be able to have Thanksgiving dinner. I bet the family is so relieved. I hope they figure out your vertigo problem.

    I gained 1.5 lbs this week. Eating slightly a bit more points than I need and moving less than I need because I've been sitting and reading. Finished another book in the series I'm reading. So cannot continue this behavior
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @cbabie That’s great that your granddaughter noticed your weight loss. Good that you don’t have to cook on Thanksgiving. I swim at an indoor pool at a recreation center. The water is always warm.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks, me too! Yeah, I hate vertigo, it's the worst. I did need that extra sleep. What kind of soup did your son make? And what kind did your daughter make? It is soup season (most places, not here quite yet)!

    @cbabie Woo hoo on your granddaughter noticing weight loss! That's good you don't have to cook the turkey this year. What kind of desserts are you making? Thanks, I hate that feeling too. It ruins my day. I'm sorry you had it, too.

    @theslightedgeforever Thank you. I do, too. My BIL should be out today if he wasn't out last night, haven't talked to my MIL yet. Yes, we are relieved. Thanks! I'm sorry about your gain but it sounds like you know what caused it. What series are you reading?

    Hi all. I am off today because I have to take one of my dogs for a rhinoscopy. I do have to work tomorrow but only until 2:15. I'm leaving early tomorrow so I can try to beat the traffic home. My BIL should be released today or was released last night, not sure which because I haven't talked to my MIL. So, he will be home for Thanksgiving.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld Lemon chicken and orzo soup from ATK was the soup my son made. My daughter made Zuppa Toscana from
    Hi, all. I enjoyed my swim yesterday. For dinner I made the white pizza from Simple. The dough was easier to roll out as I let it come to room temperature for an hour. My husband made a comment about wanting pepperoni. I’ll have to figure out how to make a lower calorie pizza with turkey pepperoni. Tonight is family dinner. My son is making ATK Manhattan clam chowder. He has made it before and it is good. I’m going to the recreation center to workout on the recumbent elliptical. I have an audio book to listen to. I’m alternating between audio and the ebook.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom Oh I love those types of soups. I'm glad you enjoyed your swim. Have you ever made pizza with 2 ingredient dough? I like it: Have a great day!

    Hi all. I was hungry most of yesterday but I only ate at meals. This was mostly because we didn't have any snacks in the house lol. I have to work until 2:15 today and then I'm off until Monday. I should have gotten something simple to make for dinner like frozen something or other but I did not: we are supposed to have shirataki noodle stir fry for dinner. I might need to stop by the store and get something as we will probably either be too lazy to cook tonight or cooking Thanksgiving stuff.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld Yes. I have tried the 2 ingredient dough. I like buying the pizza dough from the deli department as it’s easy to use. I don’t know if the calorie difference is that much. I’ll have to investigate. I could use the ready made dough and add sauce, cheese and pepperoni. I also have been trying not to eat snacks during the day but there are always snacks in the house as my son and husband would mutiny if we didn’t.
    Hi, all. Last night’s dinner was good. I limited myself to 2 small slices of bread to go with the soup. I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 1.5 pounds of the 2 pounds I gained. If I can stay within 2 pounds of what I weighed I will be happy. It’s raining so it will be messy getting out. We’re going swimming and then going to buy some salmon for dinner. I will air fry it like I did last week.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    I tried to get on here yesterday but my computer just sat spinning at log on. Food was good today. I'm under 5 points which is good because I'm -5 for my weeklies. Tomorrow I get a new stash. Exercise was some treadmill and weights.

    Healthi is having a black Friday sale. The Pro is priced now at $29.99 for the year. I'll do it for a year and see if it's worth it.

    @trooworld I'm reading A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas. I'm almost done with book 4 and after that one left. It's so good if you like that genre.

    @fabgeekmom You're very lucky you have all the cooks in the house. That's good that you can read while you are on the elliptical. What book are you listening to? Hooray you've almost lost all the weight you gain. I hope I do too this next week.

    @cbabie It's nice when others notice our weight loss.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I am reading Sweet Shop of Dreams by Jenny Colgan. I have read a lot of her books. It’s good they you are under points. Any kind of tracking is good.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @fabgeekmom I like doing that, too, but my store doesn't always have pizza dough. Snacks are a problem for me, too. Congrats on the loss! I hope you enjoyed the swimming and the salmon.

    @theslightedgeforever That's good your stash of weeklies renews today. I liked the Healthi Pro. I found it useful. I've heard of that book. It's not really my genre but I do try different things on occasion, for instance, I just started Fourth Wing. I tried it once before but couldn't get into it but I've heard so many good things about it, I figured I would give it another chance.

    Happy Thanksgiving! If you need some mindful eating tips today, here's an article on a mindful Thanksgiving: I don't think my Thanksgiving will go too badly: I have made several of my favorite sides in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving so I wouldn't feel obligated to make them today. I am making different things than I usually make (besides the cranberry sauce and turkey).

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 479 Member
    @trooworld I read the article and mindful eating is what I am going to do tonight and tomorrow night. I’m not going to track calories and no food is off limits. I will probably eat past satisfaction. The one thing I have learned is not to get seconds. I do get a little crazy with dessert but I try not to stuff myself.
    Hi, all. Today is the big day. I hope everyone has a great day with family and friends. I plan on getting some exercise today. It’s cold outside but I might wear a warm coat and go for a walk. Also I will do a Peloton workout on my bike.