

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    I just lost my post as I was finishing up. It looked like it just minimized but it's gone. :(

    Anyway I walked this morning with hubby for 48 min. I lost 1.1 lbs this week. So now looking towards the next lb gone.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    afternoon all, getting ready to go to the dentist...YEA. NOT. He will tell me I eat too many sweets. LOL I am extremely tired. I don't think I am getting rest the short hours I am in bed. No exercise today that I am planning on, it's a busy day and I just don't see it happening. I do have to change my mindset on that I know. Still not sure about my phone..I am trying to make the right decision and therefore, making no decision. LOL

    @trooworld why do we have to be the kind of women that say if you want it done..LOL. I sometimes wish I could be that person that can sit on the couch and think nothing of it. good for you for being so productive, sorry about your foot. I hope it gets better quickly.

    @fabgeekmom the bread sounds yummy. I too have had my bread machine for a years...same with my Sunbeam mixer..the old stuff lasted longer..LOL. (Is that us) I hope so, don't like being called old stuff, but would like to last longer.

    @theslightedgeforever sorry you lost your post..I had to laugh about DH wanting to try a new "plan". Mine is so skinny he should hand that metabolism over to me. LOL.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good job on the walk and weight loss! @cbabie I don’t like going to the dentist either. No one does. Sorry you are tired. I struggle with that, too but keep on going. I don’t mind being called old stuff. I’m 72!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom I did, it was too busy! Thank you. I love fig preserves. I also love bread, so I would have loved that! Dinner sounds amazing as usual. We had a nice salad with sweet potatoes, mixed greens, pomegranate seeds, chicken, goat cheese and pecans. It was really good.

    @theslightedgeforever Oh no! That stinks. Great job and congrats on the loss!

    @cbabie I love my dentist but hate going there. Good luck! Do you take naps during the day? Is that even possible with a baby and toddler in the house? Good luck with the phone situation. Why do we? LOL Yeah that would be nice to be able to sit on the couch and do nothing. Thank you!

    Hi all. Can you believe I'm still suffering from vertigo? I could go to physical therapy but I just can't pay the $40 per session that is my deductible. I may have to bite the bullet and do it though, if this continues into the new year. It's not constant but sometimes unexpected. It's usually when I tip my head up or down.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @trooworld Your dinner sounded really good. Too bad about the vertigo. Hi, all. Yesterday I went swimming. The water always feels good. I love that I can burn so many calories. The air fried fish and potatoes with coleslaw was really good. I have fish and coleslaw for lunch today. Today I will do the recumbent elliptical. Tonight is family dinner. I am making Skinnytaste Easy Lasagna Recipe from the website. I will make bread also.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited December 2023
    @cbabie I think I got all the "sit on the couch and ignore it" genes. lol But also I have the "it could be worse" mindset so probably that's why things don't bother me as much. I do have some things that bother me though. Have you got your exercise planned out for tomorrow? 5 min. What can you do for 5 min that gets your heart racing?

    @fabgeekmom Instead of old stuff how about vintage? I like that better. lol Sounds like you enjoyed your workout at the rec center.

    @trooworld Have they figured out the cause of the vertigo? Sometimes you can find really good YouTube videos for therapy exercises that you can do at home. I think it's really just a matter of being shown what to do and then doing them consistently.

    I made this recipe but changed alot of the ingredients to use what I had on hand. lol The end result was really good. I used fava beans with cumin instead of black beans, chicken breasts instead of pork, then used a mix of green peas with red and yellow peppers for the rest of the veggies. Added the onions and doubled the greek yogurt and taco seasoning. I took the leftovers and made a soup out of it with a small bit of vermicelli.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I like vintage! The recipe looks good and easy.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. Yes. Swimming is good exercise. I saw that lasagna recipe, I'm curious how it is.

    @theslightedgeforever They said it could be caused by dehydration or by sinus problems and I've had both lately. I talked to my doctor, she said it would only take 1-2 sessions so I will schedule one and see how it goes. That recipe looks really good.

    Hi all. We have the cookie exchange party today. I made orange-cranberry + white chocolate cookies. I'm wearing an ugly Christmas sweater with a pug on it that I got at Kohl's. It should be fun. I got up at 3:30 am to bake my cookies and I didn't sleep well so this will be kind of a hard day.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @trooworld Good idea about the PT. The cookies sound yummy. And the party I’m sure will be fun. Too bad about your sleep. Hi, all. The lasagna was delicious. I added some Italian seasoning to the ground beef and tomato mixture. I used ricotta cheese. I made ricotta bread which was also good. Tonight I am making the salmon teriyaki from Simple but using white rice and broccolini. I’m air frying the salmon. About 7-8 minutes on 400. The teriyaki is equal parts mirin and soy sauce. Marinade the salmon for about 15 minutes. Simmer on low heat the remaining sauce until thick, about 3 minutes. Today is a swim day.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited December 2023
    @trooworld I was reading about the vertigo and it said some crystals are loose in your inner ear and moving out of place. It reminded me about being a kid and some people said I had marbles in my head. lol Your cookies sound really good. I saw a recipe today for pistachio cranberry shortbread that I might try. I'm only going to bake one recipe so I don't eat alot. Cause I know I'll want to try everything if I do.

    @fabgeekmom The salmon sounds really good. Lasagna too. I just looked up ricotta bread and found some ricotta dinner rolls I may try. I have to be very careful making things like this as I will just keep eating them one by one with lots of butter.

    I found this video today I'm going to try. Christmas Dance Workout

    I was just browsing through YouTube and it came up on suggested videos. I laughed because another one that came up was Jane Fonda's original workout that I used to do over and over again. When I heard the opening music it brought me back so many memories. I was laughing at all the leotards and what I used to wear. Also laughing at the man on there in a crop top. My hubby used to wear one of those when we would go to aerobics class at the Rec Center on campus. lol The 80's were something. :D

    I made a couple of recipes today. One was Tandoori chicken burgers. Dh liked it but I wouldn't make it again. The other was a sheet pan marinated chicken with some sweet potato and white zucchini strips.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I remember Jane Fonda! I can see you and hubby in leotards! Those workouts are too strenuous for me now. Your meal looked good. My son and I like tandoori but my husband doesn’t.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. The party was fun! I'm glad to hear the lasagna was good. I'll have to try it. The salmon sounds good, too.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, that's correct about the vertigo. That's funny! The cookies were really good. That recipe sounds good with the pistachios, I got some chopped pistachios on sale at the international market for $5.99 a pound, which is a steal. Can you share that recipe, please? I need to use those pistachios! :) I put the dough in the freezer so I won't get into it. That's fun that you watched the Jane Fonda video, I remember that. Hilarious that your hubby used to wear a crop top! The dinner I made the other night was a sheet pan meal. I love those.Your food looks good and I see you did 3/4 your plate with veggies, well done!

    Hi all. I had fun yesterday even though I had a migraine. I did overeat cookies, unfortunately. I think it's hard not to at those events. I had a healthy dinner though, my husband made Korean fire chicken from Milk Street's website. He also made rice and roasted Brussels sprouts with it. Tonight will be healthy as well: "Ugly" salad with chicken breasts. The name comes from my friend who made up the recipe, she said when she served it, "Oh it's just an ugly salad" lol. It has dried cranberries, blue cheese, walnuts and lettuce with a balsamic vinaigrette.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @trooworld Too bad and the migraine. I love Milk Street recipes and sheet pan recipes. That salad sounds delicious. Hi, all. My salmon was really good last night. I had some really thick pieces. We have leftovers for lunch. I’m going to buy salad ingredients so we can eat it over a salad. I’m going to the recreation center tomorrow to workout on the recumbent elliptical. Tonight we are eating the pizza my son made last week and put in the freezer.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @fabgeek This morning I tried that Christmas zumba workout I mentioned yesterday. Dh made it about 7 min and then went to the bathroom and then out of the room. lol I made it 25 min. First part was good and then the movements kept getting harder. I was expecting more traditional upbeat Christmas songs. But I tried something new.

    @trooworld Here's the recipe you requested. Your ugly salad sounds so good. I have been trying to add in more veggies

    I roasted a butternut squash today. It will serve as a bowl for some cauliflower rice, spinach, dried cranberries and chick peas. I hope it's good. I'll let you know. I'm scooping out alot of the squash and will use that for some squash ravioli early next week.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,597 Member
    Afternoon...I just read all the post and thought, you guys are such good on the other hand..eating F&V is like eating cooked cabbage to me.. LOL. Its too much work on the veggies..I am trying to get where it's not, but right seems to be. I just have no energy this week. I think some of it is been living on 4 to 5 hours sleep again and food hasn't been the best.

    @theslightedgeforever LOL I had to laugh..I can see you in your workout clothes. when I think of me in leotards..I just want to go hang my head over the toilet. But it was the trend..LOL

    @trooworld I hope you get your vertigo fixed. It's not something that is fun. BUT you could use it to have DH cook every night, clean the floors, get groceries..LOL. (JK) It wouldn't work on mine..he would tell everyone here to tough it up and we would be eating bread for dinner.

    @fabgeekmom I would have never guessed 72! I am so glad you are active and eating balanced food. My parents would still be here if they had.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah, I get them on occasion but hadn't had one for a while. The salad is easy and really good. We had it with salmon instead of chicken and it was delicious! I'm glad your salmon was good. Enjoy the rest of your day!

    @theslightedgeforever I see you tried a Christmas Zumba workout. That sounds fun and it was fun that your DH tried it even though he skirted out to the bathroom lol. Thanks for the recipe! I love butternut squash. I hope your dish is good.

    @cbabie LOL you are funny. Do you like any veggies or fruits? I'm sorry you aren't sleeping or eating well. Thanks, me too...I've had vertigo for over a month now. LOL my DH would say, "if you fall over, I'll pick you up" lol. No, it wouldn't work on mine either haha although I did get him to refill the water in the Christmas tree. ;)

    Hi all. I had a slight gain this week (+0.2 lbs) which I am okay with because I thought it would be a bigger gain after all these cookies. I'm glad I froze that cookie dough, I am just lazy enough not to bake it lol. I'm supposed to make an America's Test Kitchen recipe tonight, Instant Pot Pork Pozole Rojo, which is a Mexican soup. I hope I have the energy to do it. We haven't gotten takeout in a while, since getting Little Caesar's pizza on 11/19. I'm proud of us! LOL We are getting a local burger place tomorrow for lunch, my sister-in-law gave us a gift card to that place.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 480 Member
    @cbabie Thanks for the compliment. I’m sorry you are not sleeping well. @trooworld The .2 gain wasn’t too bad. It’s good that you put the cookie dough in the freezer. I’ll have to look up that soup. Good job on limiting takeout. The burger meal sounds good. Hi all, we are having burgers and frozen fries in the air fryer for dinner. I also have some string beans. Yesterday I bought some arugula and when I got home discovered it was bad. I’ll exchange it today or tomorrow. I was looking forward to eating my salmon on it. Luckily I had a bit of lettuce. Today is a swim day.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @cbabie Buy a bag of baby carrots. Boom instant veggies. No hard work involved. Butternut squash is easy. Cut it in half, drizzle with some oil, salt and pepper and throw in the oven for 45-55 min. I also like to add cinnamon. You could even eat it straight out of the shell if you didn't want to mess with scooping or dicing into squares and then scooping it out. It's your mind saying veggies are hard. Buy a jar of queso and use on frozen veggies in a bag. Steaming veggies isn't hard or time consuming. While queso will add some calories to the meal, it would be a lot less than what you are currently eating instead probably. Plus you get some good vitamins and minerals from the veggies. Do you want to stay on the same road your parents traveled? Can you start with once a week, eat some veggies.

    @trooworld Good for you on cutting back on the take out. We did too this week. I am trying new recipes with veggies and such. I was also practicing mindset thoughts. Instead of saying, I hate cooking and doing it with a negative attitude. I was saying to myself, I bet this is going to turn out so pretty. Look how I'm creating.

    @fabgeekmom Too bad about the arugula. I usually buy kiwis every week for my mil and this week I came home with none because the whole lot seemed to be too soft. So she got apples. She can't eat them raw any more so we peel and dice them cook them up with some cinnamon. The house always smells like apple pie after that.

    I need to get my mojo back with my exercise. Food was good this week. I can't seem both to come together right now. lol

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah if that dough was defrosted, I would definitely be into it nonstop lol. I didn't make the soup last night but will tonight. That's too bad about the arugula. I hope you enjoyed your swim.

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah for a while, we were getting takeout once a week. That's good you are changing your mindset around cooking. What happened with the exercise? You were on a roll, weren't you?

    Hi all. I didn't make the pozole last night, I will make it tonight. Instead, we went and got burgers (we won't go for lunch today). It was cold and we sat outside but luckily, they had heaters so it wasn't too bad. I got my hair cut last night, I like it. I have a lot of running around to do today. The day will fly by. My husband said, "We've gotta get that cookie dough out of the house" and I said, "I'm just lazy enough that I won't just willy-nilly make cookies with that dough, that would require getting up and opening the freezer" and he said, "I'm not." So, we will probably bake some of the dough for my MIL.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."