

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld You inspired me to get the ingredients for pozole. I almost couldn’t find the hominy until I remembered it would be near the canned corn. I’m using canned instead of dried as I couldn’t find the dried. Also I read in the comments that a lot of people had trouble with the dried not working well. I’m also going to use the pork loin that I have in the freezer. Good luck with the cookie dough. Hi, all. I’m staying home today and getting my exercise on the recumbent bike. I may go for a walk as it is supposed to be warmer today.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    @trooworld I had been exercising in the early morning when I first wake up. This past week and a half I've just been so tired in the morning. I keep hitting my snooze or just turn it off and go back to bed. Then by 7 life around here starts and I I'm busy doing this or that. In the afternoon my biorhythms are down. Then evening is spent with my mil. So I'll keep trying this next week. I had to go look up pozole. Never heard of that before. I think I would eat the cookie dough straight out of the freezer.

    @fabgeekmom I think I tried hominy once when I was a kid. Didn't like it that I remember. I might like it now. I eat all sorts of things I didn't eat as a kid.

    Here's the finished product of the butternut squash. It was really good. Filling but light. I added cantaloupe as a side. I did some spontaneous exercise with my son a bit ago. 10 min worth. HIIT type workout. Usually dh and I walk on Saturdays but he wasn't feeling well so.......guess I'm going to have to get in there on the treadmill soon. I'm waiting for my dd to call. She's heading to Ireland tonight. My son flew this afternoon to Cancun for a wedding. I'm sure he will enjoy the warmth for 2 days. I'd just love to sit and stare at the water. Reading a book. Although that doesn't burn very many calories does it.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That butternut squash looks delicious. I know what you mean about exercising. I try to do mine in the morning or early afternoon. Maybe you could start with just a few minutes until you work up to more.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @fabgeekmom I bought canned as well, couldn't find the dried either. I did not make the pozole again! I WILL make it tonight. How did yours turn out? I hope you enjoyed the warmer weather...what is considered warmer?

    @theslightedgeforever Ah yes, the get it done first thing in the morning type of thing. I get that. Keep trying, you'll get it! Yeah I had never heard of pozole before I moved to CA. I kind of was tempted to eat the dough straight from the freezer but so far, I have resisted! :D Your butternut squash looks good. Your family sure does like to travel, don't they? That's cool. It may not burn very many calories but it sure is relaxing!

    Hi all. It didn't feel like a "pozole" type of night so we got pizza instead lol. Pizza and a salad and I only had 2 pieces of pizza plus the salad so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. It was good pizza, too, so don't think I didn't want more. The salad was really delicious. It had mixed greens, very thinly sliced mushrooms, green olives, guero peppers, parmesan, artichokes and we put a combo of balsamic vinaigrette and caesar dressing on it. I am making the pozole tonight come h311 or high water lol. This morning, we are decorating more for Christmas. We were supposed to do it last night but ran out of steam.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld I am preparing mine on Tuesday as that night is family dinner. What are you eating with yours? The recipe suggested shredded cabbage, avocado, and limes. I am thinking of making a yeast cornbread in the bread maker. Hi, all. We ate at an Italian restaurant last night. My son had plans so my daughter and her husband picked us up. I eat the same thing every time I go: manicotti, salad and bread. So good and worth the calories! Tonight we are eating at my cousin’s house for a Hanukkah meal. She is preparing matzo ball soup, brisket, potato latkes and string beans. We are bringing donuts as that is part of the celebration. @trooworld Warm temperatures are from the 50’s to 60’s. Today the high is 70 but it is going to rain. Unfortunately warm temperatures mean rain is coming but we enjoy them when we get them.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    @fabgeekmom If I'm going to wake up at 5:30 to exercise I might as well do the whole thing. lol I got up at 6 this morning and exercised for 45 min. Happy Hanukkah! I like potato latkes.

    @trooworld Good for you for sticking to 2 pieces of pizza and having a healthy salad with it. My son will travel for weddings where as my daughter travels for fun. She basically works so she can travel. No husband or kids. That's the way she likes it.

    I made a Mexican Impossible Pie but I didn't like it. I substituted black beans for half the meat. But I think the flour mixture needed more salt. The top part was bland and the bottom part was too spicy. lol Oh well. I can't say I'm just fixing the same old foods.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good job on exercise! Too bad about the Mexican pie. But you tried something different!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @fabgeekmom I did make it last night, we had it with sliced radishes, shredded cabbage, limes, and some cheese quesadillas. It was pretty good, not the best pozole I've made but pretty good. I would make it again as it was very easy. Cornbread may be a good side for it. I love matzo ball soup and latkes! Wow, how nice what a great celebration. Well, aside from the rain, I hope you enjoy(ed) your warmer weather.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah, two different traveling philosophies lol. That's too bad about the impossible pie. Did you add salt to your portion, did it help? Yay for trying new things! And I see your substitution, well done!

    Hi all. I did a lot of clothes folding yesterday, it was overdue and getting on my nerves. I have more to do but at least it's off my clothes-chair lol. It's been cold here (50s-60s) so we are making Instant Pot Mushroom Wild Rice Soup with a side of chicken breasts (my husband insists on having protein at every meal whereas I could care less).

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad the pozole was good. Good job on the clothes folding. Stuff can pile up, pun intended. I agree with your husband. I like to have protein with each meal. It fills me up. Hi, all. The Hanukkah meal was fun. I ate more than I should have but not as much as I could have! Today is a swim day. I need to go grocery shopping. My son fixed a sandwich for work with the deli turkey I was going to eat for lunch. I am going to air fry some shrimp. I saw a recipe on Skinnytaste: shrimp, spices and a little olive oil, about 8minutes on 400. Rice and salad will round out the meal.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited December 2023
    @trooworld I did add salt to the recipe. Evidently not enough. The recipe said salt and pepper added to the Bisquick mix, eggs,and milk. But no amount was given. So I added 1/2 t. The bisquick had salt in it and there was 1 c shredded cheddar cheese added. It was a waste of points to me. I didn't even think about salting my own portion. Because of my blood pressure, I usually don't salt my food once it's cooked. I have two portions left, I'll see if that helps. I have 2 piles of clothes that need folding.

    @fabgeekmom How was the shrimp? I air-fryed some chicken tenders. Added a fruit and called it a meal. I never eat as much protein as the charts say I should. But I do have some with every meal.

    Tonight I'm making an old skool recipe. Milk gravy with scrambled ground chicken over bread.

    Went to the gym this morning for a short session.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    @fabgeekmom LOL yes! That's a good point about the protein. I'm glad you had fun. That's an easy recipe for the shrimp. Enjoy!

    @theslightedgeforever Ah I see. I hate when things are a waste of points/calories. Ugh. The funny thing about folding those clothes was after I was done, my husband did more laundry which means I have more to fold lol. But I will do it this weekend, no time between now and then. My mom used to make SOS (I won't say what that acronym stands for but you can probably find it online lol), milk gravy, ground beef over bread. It was my brother's favorite meal. Good job with the gym.

    Hi all. I finally made the walking pad video and sent it to customer service. They are going to send a new walking pad to me! Yay! It will take 7 days to get here. The soup last night was okay, my husband put some chicken in the soup and the chicken got way overcooked and the texture was off because of that. But it was eatable. We are having taco salad tonight. I love taco salad.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @theslightedgeforever My husband would like the milk gravy with scrambled chicken on toast. He loves gravy but I don’t fix it. My cousin will make Salisbury steak with gravy and invite us over. @trooworld I know what SOS is. That was a food made popular during WWII. Too bad about the soup. I’ll let everyone know tomorrow how mine turns out. I’m glad you are getting a new walking pad. Hi, all. My shrimp was delicious! It didn’t need any sauce. I only used 1 tablespoon of olive oil. It is 37 here now. I’m glad I have indoor options for exercise! Today is a swim day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all, it's so cold here...I am looking at the thermometer and it says 49 outside, but feels like 36...YEA..NOT..My Dh smokes and has to do it outside...another reason not to smoke..LOL. I made air fried salmon filets last night with asparagus. I of course didn't eat any as I don't like it. The family said it was good. I got on the scale and I am up, the contest I am in ends Monday and I need to get a couple of lbs off before then. LOL. Haven't slept much in the last 2 days and I truly think that makes your body gain weight...your body isn't resting and healing itself as you sleep. Well still going to try. I also haven't been walking the baby as it's been too cold...I am going to have to do that in the afternoon when it's a bit warmer. He loves outside.

    @theslightedgeforever keep trying new's good for you. Why do you think you are sleeping in..well you have always been the sleeper..LOL

    @fabgeekmom My mom like hominy.. NOT me.. I love that you are always trying new foods. It's keeps things interesting. Glad you have a bike to ride too!!!

    @trooworld good for you on only having 2 pieces of pizza.. I really have to stay away from it. My family thinks I don't like I love it especially if its a thicker crust...but the sodium kills me. LOL If I don't MAKE myself put the laundry away right away...I will just get the clothes as I need them. LOL. My DH knows not to put MY clothes in the dryer as I want to put them in when I have the mindset to do it. We have had several arguments over this.. LOL. Can you imagine living in the early 1900 doing laundry? NOT!!!!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @cbabie I hate cold weather! But it’s warmer where you are. Too bad about the weight gain and sleep problems. I love salmon in the air fryer! Glad your family liked it. I like to do small loads of laundry so I don’t have to fold and put away so much.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited December 2023
    @trooworld I love taco salad too. I bought some taco shell pans I haven't really used. I think if I put some puff pastry dough in there it will work. Yes, I know....more calories. lol I used to use ground beef for SOS til dh can't have beef anymore. I like it much better that way. My son said ah another 25 year old recipe. I said older than that. You are 32. lol But he ate it cause he really likes it. Yaaay on the new walking pad

    @fabgeekmom I love Salisbury steak. I'm glad you have indoor options for exercise too.

    @cbabie When is the last time you ate salmon and asparagus? Maybe the first time you tried it wasn't cooked properly and tasted bad. So you just accepted you don't like it. That happened to me with asparagus. Mom always liked weird stuff. Hominy, beets, oyster crackers in milk, :s
    Probably sleeping til 6:30 cause I tell myself that I can exercise later. But then I don't for one reason or another. You said "I will just get the clothes as I need them. LOL." I've been known to unpack suitcases like this. lol So what time in the afternoon will be good for you to take the baby for a walk? Here's a good idea. Go 30 min ahead of time before you have to pick up the other one from school. Take the baby with you and the stroller. Then walk around the school neighborhood while you wait. You are guaranteed 30 min exercise. You both get out and get some Vitamin D and fresh air. There's never going to be a good time to exercise. (Believe me, I'm still trying to find it in my schedule). if you piggyback it onto another task, it's much easier. I can't imagine doing anything in the early 1900's. I'd love to time travel just once to see our relatives.

    Another big cooking day. I made lentil/carrot soup and cheese twists. Plus for dinner I made some butternut squash ravioli. I'm trying out cooking all at once so only one clean up. I'll let you know how they turned out.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,146 Member
    edited December 2023
    @fabgeekmom Yes exactly! Thanks. I'm glad you liked your shrimp. Wow, that's cold!

    @cbabie Oh gosh, that's cold lol. That meal sounds good, I would have eaten it. We are having salmon tonight. What kind of contest are you in? Good luck! I think lack of sleep makes you gain weight, too. I hope it warms up for you. Yeah the sodium is bad. Homemade pizza is a little better but still. That's what I've been doing with the clothes lol. If we had to wash things on a washing board in a tub, I just wouldn't survive lol.

    @theslightedgeforever That's interesting, like one of those taco shells you get in your taco salad out in a restaurant? Oh I forgot your DH can't have beef. HAHAHA about what your son said. Are the cheese twists for the soup? That sounds good. I hope your ravioli turned out well.

    Hi all. Well, I got a message from the walking pad people saying they would ship it out on Dec 24th and it will take a week from that point. I'm a bit disappointed as I thought they would ship it out right away. Oh well. On another note, I booked an appointment with the weight loss doctor at my clinic to see what options I have. I am so tired of this hamster wheel called a weight loss journey. We are having Curried Maple-Mustard Salmon with sauteed broccoli tonight.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 478 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The taco pans sound interesting. Puff pastry, too. LOL on what your son said. @trooworld That salmon sounds delicious! Too bad about the walking pad. I’m glad you made an appointment with the weight loss doctor. I hope that goes well. Hi, all. The pozole was really good last night and easy to prepare. Skinnytaste has a similar recipe if you don’t have AMK. My son bought the NYT cooking app so we have another resource. I’m making pizza tonight. I’m making the dough in my bread machine. I’m using low fat mozzarella and turkey pepperoni so the calories should be a little less than regular pizza.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    @trooworld Your salmon sounds really good. Sorry about the walking pad. Just think you can start off the New Year with it. If we had to wash clothes on a washboard, we would all have less clothes in our closet. lol That's why they wore aprons so the main dress wouldn't get dirty. lol Yes the cheese twists was for the soup. The taco shells like the ones in the restaurants. I've seen you can do the same thing with a tortilla and upside down muffin pans.

    @fabgeekmom I like the turkey pepperoni. Especially since my hubby can't eat beef. Sounds like you have a lot of resources. I was telling dh this morning about back in the day we didn't have all these recipe apps. I still have my cookbooks because I think what will happen if one day there is a major internet blackout and I can't access the internet. lol

    45 min walking today. I had left overs from freezer tonight. 1 slice of homemade pizza and 1 cup of fettucinie alfredo. Dh had the leftover ravioli. There is some sauce left so now I need to think up what I can do with that. Oh, I'll freeze it and use it the next time I make a pizza.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member