

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Some recipes are best left alone. I see what you mean about the pancakes. Finding time to track while busy can be hard. But can be learned. Baby steps. @cbabie Sorry about baby girl’s ear infection. Hopefully antibiotics will clear it up.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @fabgeekmom Ah I see. Thanks, it looks ugly but is feeling better. Enjoy dinner!

    @cbabie Oh poor baby girl! I hope the antibiotics help.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks. Can you take 5 minutes to pretrack in the morning? I'm sure you will figure it out.

    Hi all. My hand is looking better but is very bruised. I started the antibiotics and some probiotics as well. Now, my husband isn't feeling well. I hope he doesn't have COVID. It's been raining for like 3 days in a row here now. I don't like driving in it. I had another appt with the dietician. It seems that these appointments are just for show, basically. It was another 8-minute phone call. She just said she looked at my food log and, for the most part, I am doing well with food (yes, I tracked honestly). I can eat like this after about a year after my surgery...except the cookies and chips. I need to switch to healthier snacks. She's really not helpful and it's just a formality from what I can tell.

    Water yesterday: 89 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @trooworld I am glad the hand is better. Too bad about DH. Also it stinks that the dietitian is not helpful. So you will have to find snacks that satisfy that sweet and salty craving. Hi, all. Dinner last night was good. Everyone enjoyed the meal. We’ve been eating salads every night. My son made ATK blue cheese dressing with low-fat ingredients. 1 tablespoon was plenty. Tonight I am preparing ST American Goulash. It’s so easy to prepare and since it serves 6 we’ll have leftovers. Today is a swim day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. Yes. That's good dinner was tasty. I love the American Goulash. Enjoy your swim!

    Hi all. My husband was very sick and is still very sick: his temperature spiked to 103.1 yesterday. He did a video visit with a doctor because he was so tired and weak, he couldn't make it to the car. They gave him antibiotics. Hopefully it helps. My eating was not good yesterday. Hopefully it will be better today. I've been so stressed.

    Water yesterday: 32 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, it's been raining here for the last couple of days and the wind is so cold!! My exercise is null, and my eating wasn't too bad yesterday. I have 2 sick kids and all I did yesterday was either rock one or sit on the couch and her lay in my lap. It's just life and at least I can be there to do this.

    @trooworld I hope your stress level goes down. That's worse that eating bad food (in the book of Cbabie). LOL. No really, I get the driving in the rain and when my loved ones are sick I am stressed, I hate sickness. So I pray he gets better and you have peace.

    @fabgeekmom Yum love goulash. We almost never have left overs. LOL My Dh will eat whatever we have and how much we have. Good for you on the salads, I need more greens in my life. :)

    Gotta run, baby is coughing

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about your DH being sick and your stress. @cbabie Too bad about children being sick. It’s good that you are able to hold and rock them. I hate the rain and being cold, too. Hi, all. My son is off today so we had omelets for breakfast. We went grocery shopping and got ribeyes on sale for tomorrow night. Tonight he is making ATK fried chicken sandwiches with coleslaw. I’m making polenta. Yesterday he went to BJ’s (a club similar to Sam’s) and bought a 4 pound container of chocolate protein powder for $16. It was on clearance.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @cbabie Yeah same here. I hope the kids get better soon. Thank you, me too, I can't take much more! Thank you so much.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Food sounds good, as usual! Wow, that's a great deal on that protein powder.

    Hi all. My husband is a bit better but still has a fever of 100. At least I was able to stay at work all day yesterday. The handyman is coming to paint and hang our blinds in the spare room. The dogs will go crazy. I will have one in their crate and the other on a leash with me. I hope it doesn't take too long but he's slow and methodical. I didn't eat well for dinner last night but everything else was good.

    Water yesterday: 32 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad your DH is better. Hopefully the fever will go down with the meds he’s taking. Good luck with the dogs. Hi, all. The chicken last night was really good. I made the polenta in the microwave in the afternoon and put it in the refrigerator to harden. I put it in the broiler when it was time to eat. Tonight is steak night and we have ribeyes. Today is a swim day. I hope everyone who is sick or has a sick family member gets better.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @fabgeekmom He's not really that better so we are going to urgent care this morning. The nurse practitioner he saw on Weds said if he's still got a fever by today, to go. Thank you. I love polenta. Sounds good. Great job with the swim! Thanks for the well-wishes.

    Hi all. As I said above, I'm taking my DH to urgent care this morning, he's still got a fever. He's feeling a bit better but still not well. We are supposed to go to the pug rescue's Valentine's Day party today but we probably won't now. Last night, we just bought stuff for sandwiches again. I think I'll cook tonight though: since it's Lunar New Year, I am making Beef and Broccoli. I was going to make Longevity Noodles as well but decided it was too much work to make both. I don't even know if my DH will eat, he hasn't been eating (he's nauseated and not hungry).

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,412 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @fabgeekmom He's not really that better so we are going to urgent care this morning. The nurse practitioner he saw on Weds said if he's still got a fever by today, to go. Thank you. I love polenta. Sounds good. Great job with the swim! Thanks for the well-wishes.

    Hi all. As I said above, I'm taking my DH to urgent care this morning, he's still got a fever. He's feeling a bit better but still not well. We are supposed to go to the pug rescue's Valentine's Day party today but we probably won't now. Last night, we just bought stuff for sandwiches again. I think I'll cook tonight though: since it's Lunar New Year, I am making Beef and Broccoli. I was going to make Longevity Noodles as well but decided it was too much work to make both. I don't even know if my DH will eat, he hasn't been eating (he's nauseated and not hungry).

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

    Hope he feels better soon!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, still have sickness in the are still not up to par...I woke up with a sore throat and feel like a cold is trying to get me...but I am going to run fast. LOL. Eating not so good, ate 2 frosted sugar cookies last night..LOL I made Easy beef stroganoff with ground beef and instead of Worcester sauce, I grabbed the Teriyaki sauce and didn't realize until the meat was I decided to go ahead and make it to the recipe, everyone really liked it..(you never know). They asked for it to be saved for leftovers.. pretty unusual around here. No exercise, I just read 21 min of walking is very good for all kinds of stuff...I am wondering if I can make that commitment..

    @trooworld so sorry to hear DH is still sick I hope they give him something that works. It stinks to be sick..I don't care who you are or how old or young you are. Don't worry about anything else, but your DH and you. Everything else will work itself out.

    @fabgeekmom yea on the protein. It's great to get a deal, you always can say this was worth the cost..LOL. I will have to look up polenta not sure what that is. LOL. I came for a mom that hated to cook and my MIL was even worse..LOL. No wonder my DH will eat whatever I put in front of him.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @trooworld Sorry DH is still sick. Beef and broccoli sounds good. @cbabie Sorry everybody is sick. Beef teriyaki sounds good. The cooking I do is nothing like the food I grew up with. Hi, all. Steaks last night were good. This morning we had veggie omelets. It’s warmer today so we are going for a walk. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow. That always happens when it gets warm in the winter. Tonight we are eating at an Italian restaurant.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    edited February 11
    @gemwolf110 Thank you, Missy!

    @cbabie Oh dear, I hope you don't get sick too! I bet that was a good, happy accident. It sounds good to me! If you can't do 21 mins, start with 5 and work your way up to 21. Thank you, I appreciate it! It does suck to be sick.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! I got two steaks on clearance from Sams Club, they are nice looking. We will have them in a few weeks. I hope you enjoyed the restaurant. What are you guys making for Valentine's Day? We are celebrating next weekend and I'm making lemon pasta with sea scallops.

    Hi all. Well, again, he didn't want to go to urgent care. He claims today he will go but we'll see. I went ahead and went to the pug party without him. I was there for two hours. It was a lot of fun. I took only Violet and I dressed her up in a purple dress and pearls. She looked so cute and had so much fun. She was running around like a madwoman, playing and chasing. I enjoyed watching her frolic. Today, whether or not I take DH to urgent care, I have a Spanish lesson over Zoom, my first. I am trying to learn Spanish because we are going to go to Mexico City in 2025. I am doing a trial lesson with 3 different tutors to pick which one I like best. Have a great day!

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @trooworld Violet is so cute! Glad you had fun at the pug party. Learning Spanish will be a good thing. I love looking forward to a trip. I hadn’t thought of Valentines Day. We’re planning a birthday meal on the 20th for my granddaughter. That’s ATK pan pizza, chocolate cake and Oreo ice cream. And salad to make it a little healthy. Tonight we are watching the Super Bowl at my daughter’s house. Normally we are not a family that watches football, but the Chiefs are in it, and as I mentioned before my son and daughter are Swifties. My granddaughter is pulling for the other team, possibly because she’s tired of hearing so much about Taylor Swift. Or some of her friends are pulling for that team. My daughter is preparing Skinnytaste appetizers and my son is making ATK banana bread.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Yes, learning Spanish is also good for my job: once our director retires next month, there will be nobody who speaks Spanish in the library. I'm very much looking forward to the trip! That sounds like good food for a birthday party. Sounds like you would have fun at the Superbowl at your daughter's.

    Hi all. I had fun yesterday: I had my Spanish lesson. I like the tutor but I'll see what the other tutors are like. I can also just alternate between 2-3 of the tutors if I want. It's flexible, I don't have to stay with one tutor. He said my Spanish was good but had some errors and I just needed some practice. I was able to speak with him in Spanish for the entire 30 minutes. Later, we watched the Puppy Bowl XX (we don't watch football) and I made hot dogs on the grill + beer cheese dip with soft pretzel bites. It was really good. I love watching the Puppy Bowl, it's for a good cause and the pups are so fun to watch and it makes me happy.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @trooworld Your meal sounds good. My granddaughter wanted to watch the puppy bowl but she was outvoted. Hi, all. I had fun at my daughter’s house. We ate in the living room while watching the game. I read a book and kept up with what was happening in the game. The halftime show was good. We didn’t watch the whole game as my son had to work early this morning. Actually my DH was and I watched an episode of Father Brown. Today is a swim day. Dinner tonight is American goulash that I froze last week.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    I'm all caught up reading. My dance card has been booked the past four days. Bookclub, firepit party, I know I had something on Saturday but don't remember what. Yesterday I turned 60. Went to Texas Roadhouse and then to a separate restaurant for a piece of cheesecake. That was my bday cake. I didn't want a whole one left over for days sitting on my counter as I know I would keep eating it. This morning I was supposed to meet a friend for breakfast but she didn't sleep well and didn't hear her alarm. So I waited a bit and then ordered my breakfast for take out. We'll do it next week.

    I'm beginning to make a habit out of going to the gym at 11:30 a.m. I'm shooting for Tues-Sat. So we are getting one piece of the puzzle in place. I made the apple cauliflower salad for lunch but then realized I didn't have enough apples so I sliced some figs up and threw those in.

    @trooworld How is your hubby now? The pugs are so cute

    @cbabie How are the kiddos? On the 21 min of walking, ask yourself instead How can I make this commitment? The answer will come.

    @fabgeekmom They ought to make the game earlier in the day I think. Everyone is always so tired the next day. I was glad the Chiefs won. We love to watch football. I'm more of the half-time show person in the family though. But I usually sit and read and watch.

    @gemwolf110 How is this semester? You keeping up with everything?
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 462 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Happy birthday! Way to go with the exercise and portion control of the cheesecake. It sounds like you have a lot of fun activities. We were also glad the Chiefs won.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks! Haha well your granddaughter can probably find it on YouTube still. I'm glad you had fun. Great job with swimming!

    @theslightedgeforever HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Good idea to just have a slice instead of a whole birthday cake. That's great you are making a habit out of the gym. I love figs. My DH is better now, back to normal, thankfully. So much drama over the past two weeks. Thank you, I agree, the pugs are cute!

    Hi all. One drama-free day down, 4 more to go until the weekend. Well, a minor drama: our portable a/c which we run year-round at night is going out and will need to be replaced. I had the psych eval for my gastric bypass yesterday. The doctor was TERRIBLE. He was slow and forgot he already asked me things and suggested I go off one of my medications that is causing me weight gain (but it's necessary to keep me mentally stable so, no, I won't go off it) and then I can magically lose the weight naturally. An appointment that should have taken 30 minutes took an hour. I was so frustrated. My husband made Skinnytaste's Chicken Gnocchi Soup last night. It was delicious and I highly recommend it:

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @fabgeekmom I'm trying to make little changes here and there. It's so frustrating when I think about all the things I used to do that I no longer do and I'm still just as fat. But I keep hanging in there. Still lots of habits I need to change.

    @trooworld Sorry about your dr visit. Usually drs won't give a patient that much time. Is there another med that could be substituted that wouldn't have the same side effects? It would be nice to be able to have good mental health and a thinner body. The gnocchi sounds good.

    I walked today for 42 min. Onto tomorrow.