

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @fabgeekmom Oh good. Thank you! Can't go wrong with pizza! Your son sounds like an awesome cook, like you. :D

    @cbabie I'm sorry you aren't feeling well still. But that's good you are getting out. Thanks, it was a lot of fun! I forgot to post the one of DH and I, so I will post it.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! Oh that bookstore is AMAZING! That's an interesting idea.

    Hi all. The faucet got fixed so yay for that. It's raining here, was yesterday too. I think maybe for a few days. Totally unusual for our area. Neither of us thought the Vietnamese Ginger Chicken sounded good so my DH made French bread pizza instead, which we really enjoyed. Tonight is Chicken Korma, which we've made before. It's a really good Indian dish. I have a dental appt today for a cleaning. It will be the last time I see my current dentist, she's retiring. Another dentist is taking over for her so I'll see them. It's very sad because I used to be phobic of dentists before her and I've grown very attached to her. Here's a pic of my DH and me that I didn't post the other day.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @trooworld You and DH look good! The bread pizza sounds good. Our pizza was good, too. I’m glad you got the faucet fixed. My son and I would eat the chicken korma but my husband wouldn’t.Too bad about the dentist. Hi, all. I walked around the block yesterday. I think I made good time as it was cold! Then I rode my recumbent bike while listening to Carlene O’Conner’s new book in the Irish Village series. It’s a cozy mystery. Today is a swim day. Tonight my son is making ATK shrimp risotto. It serves 4 but I can eat 1/6 of it with a salad.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning all, It supposed to be nice here today, but not sure I will be able to get out and walk. Baby girl didn't go to school again today, she was up all night coughing...DH is full of congestion, Baby boy had a hard time last night I didn't get any sleep. I have a follow up Dr appt today, that should be just a normal visit.

    @trooworld don't send your rain..LOL. Send it to New Mexico or someplace else.. I love that picture of you and DH, good looking couple!!!

    @fabgeekmom Oh good you got outside and then finished up with a ride and good book..sounds like the perfect plan for me. I love a good "clean" mystery. LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever I couldn't tell you what I did in 2019, well not food wise. LOL. I do know my hair looked good, I wasn't quite as heavy, but I was on my way up the scale. LOL. I hope you find your answers.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @cbabie Gosh, you can’t get a break! I hope you and everyone in your family gets well soon. I am like you; I can’t remember what I ate a few years ago and I don’t have my WW app to see what I tracked.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you! I'm glad your pizza was good, too. Yeah the chicken korma was good. Is your husband picky? I'm lucky my husband isn't. Good job with the walk and bike! I hope you enjoyed the reading, swim, and risotto.

    @cbabie Man, I am sending good juju your way for you guys to get healthy. that sucks that everyone is sick. The rain is gone, I don't know where it went but hopefully not to you! LOL Aww, thank you!

    Hi all. I met my new dentist and she very much reminds me of the one who is retiring: kind, inquisitive, and thorough. I liked her. So, that was good. The chicken korma was excellent. Tonight, we are having Hungarian mushroom soup. I am half Hungarian so it's a good soup for me to make! It's not a family recipe, but one I found on the internet. We'll probably have it with salad or something.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Afternoon all, Baby girl went to school today!! YEA, We go on a field trip tomorrow to the childrens museum here so I will be walking and talking with a bunch of 5-6 year olds. LOL. That will be my exercise. :). Went on another bike ride last night, but I am running along side of Baby I am getting my movement. LOL

    @fabgeekmom isn't funny we have all done WW and here we are still working on our health. Some maintaining, some moving up and down, but we are all here!!

    @trooworld Glad your food came out well. I like when what you spend time on works!!! I hate to throw food away. (part of my weight issue). LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,243 Member
    edited February 22
    I'm popping in here as proof of life. I had a good walk on the treadmill yesterday. Went to a gathering and had extremely small portions of food. Gatherings are never my problem. My sil will arrive tomorrow night for a week. Lots of distractions there. I will persevere. I've done it before.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @trooworld My husband is not really picky except he doesn’t like anything with ginger in it and most Asian food has spices he doesn’t like. The Hungarian mushroom soup sounds interesting. I’ll have to google it. My son has made a mushroom soup from ATK that is good. @cbabie I’m glad baby girl went to school. The field trip sounds like fun and you will get lots of steps. I used to love children’s museums when my granddaughter was younger. Good exercise running beside baby girl. @theslightedgeforever Good job on the treadmill and portion control. Past experience helps with distractions. Hi, all. The shrimp was good last night. My son made ATK chocolate cake to take to my granddaughter for her birthday. Of course we had to have a slice. I got carried away eating the leftover icing and my son told me to quit or I would get sick. So I stopped and rinsed out the bowl. I only ate half my cake as I was full so I have the other half tonight. There’s no more cake. Which is a good thing!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @cbabie Oh that's great! The field trip sounds fun and good exercise lol. Yes, I'm glad too lol. I hate to throw food away, too.

    @theslightedgeforever I've been thinking of you. I'm glad you got on the treadmill. Good job at the gathering. You've got this.

    @fabgeekmom Ah I see. Here's the link for the recipe, we used some heavy cream for part of the milk: Chocolate cake is always good for a birthday. That's good all the cake is gone.

    Hi all. I have a busy day today, lots of things I need to get done. I gained again this week. Not much, but it's a gain. The mushroom soup was really good. Tonight is "Jailhouse chili, Dallas County style" - with cornbread. Not healthy but hopefully delicious!

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @trooworld The recipe for the soup looked good. We never have milk but we always have half and half. Hi, all. DH and I went swimming today. Today was our last day as the pool will be closed for annual maintenance for 2 weeks. Hopefully the weather will be nice so we can walk. And I have my recumbent bike. My son is out of town visiting friends so I have lost my chef. Tonight I am cooking steaks so that’s easy. Tomorrow we will eat out if my daughter feels up to going out. She is better and no longer has COVID. Sunday I am cooking for the family so she won’t have to cook.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @fabgeekmom I hope the weather for the next two weeks is good for you. That's good your daughter is better. I hope you enjoy the steaks, we are having steaks tonight, too!

    Hi all. Yesterday was a beautiful day, mid-70s. It is supposed to get up to 79F here on Sunday! I didn't get to enjoy the weather yesterday but I sure will today and tomorrow. The only commitments I have are a Spanish lesson this morning and then I am going to a musical with some coworkers at 2 pm. Tomorrow, absolutely nothing! Maybe I'll see if my husband wants to go to the zoo tomorrow. I got a new pair of shoes. They look like pancake flippers (see photos) but they are so comfortable. They are Hoka Bondi 8s. I got custom insoles to go with them, those cost a lot, too. But they made such a difference. They don't take the plantar fasciitis away but it helps.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,243 Member
    @fabgeekmom I'm with your husband on Asian spices. Maybe I've not tried the right ones. It's nice to have so many cooks in your house.

    @trooworld Chili sounds good. I keep saying I'm going to make some but then for some reason keep putting it off. Wow on the temps. Spring is on the way. Pancake flippers. lol

    My sil is here now with me. She got in last night and will be here til Thursday. So I'll do my best to get here.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Enjoy your time with your SIL. @trooworld I love the shoes! Comfort is important. The insoles should help. Enjoy the warmer weather and hopefully the zoo. I’m sure your steaks will be good. Ours was good. I prepared them in a frying pan, using the technique from ATK. It’s too cold and dark to grill anything. Hi, all. We slept late this morning. We had nowhere to go which was nice. I did a good workout on my recumbent bike. I don’t know where we are eating tonight. My granddaughter is choosing the restaurant. I told DH if we go somewhere that he doesn’t like, to suck it up and eat a snack when we get home. He’s worse than a child.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @fabgeekmom It was good. Yeah, today it is supposed to get up to 79F! I am looking forward to it. Enjoy your time with your SIL.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! Yes, I agree. The insoles only help so much. The steaks were good, I fried them in a cast iron skillet in butter. I seasoned them with a special rub. Yum. Good job with the bike! I hope your granddaughter picked somewhere you guys liked.

    Hi all. My Spanish lesson that I had scheduled for yesterday morning got canceled so we spontaneously decided to go to the zoo. It was a nice trip. My foot was hurting very badly, even with the new insoles and shoes. It hurt terribly for the rest of the day. We came home from the zoo and I left for the musical I was going to see. That was really good. I'm a theatre crier so it was a bit embarrassing getting teared up in front of my coworkers lol. Came home and made dinner which came out really well. I had bought fresh asparagus from Sam's Club and just threw that in a frying pan with some olive oil and salt and pepper. Today, I have to go to the pet store and make my breakfast for the week (caprese frittata). I am making Chicken Caesar Wraps for dinner.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @trooworld I love the pictures! Too bad about your feet. Is it possible that you may need to gradually get used to the inserts? Your meals and recipes sound good. I’m making One Pot Chicken sausage pasta from ST Simple. I found turkey sausage. My daughter and her family are coming over. She usually cooks on Sunday and I am giving her a break. Hi, all. I prepared protein waffles and bacon for breakfast. I was going to do grocery shopping after breakfast but my cousin called me. So I rode the bike and talked to her. I did my shopping before lunch. So now I can relax a bit.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks! No, the inserts are fine and I've had inserts for years now thanks to having plantar fasciitis before. It's just a lot of pain from the condition. That recipe sounds good. I hope you liked it. Is your daughter feeling better? I'm glad you got to relax a bit.

    Hi all. I had a lot to do yesterday and only got about 30% of it done. The most important thing I had to do was fold my clothes but I was overwhelmed by that task and didn't get it done. I didn't make my breakfast either so now I'll have to have yogurt and berries again this week. I did make dinner and it came out well (Chicken Caesar Salad wraps). I'm not feeling well this morning, I am having tummy troubles and chills, so I don't know if I will go to work but I hope to.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the feet problems and not feeling good. I hope you feel better soon. Hi, all. Everyone liked the pasta. DH ate some for lunch today. It’s nice outside so we are going for a walk. I’m also going to ride my bike. I’m late exercising as we had things to do this morning. Tonight is an easy meal: salad, burgers and fries.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. I'm glad you have good weather. That's good after a busy day, you are having an easy meal. Good job with the walk and bike.

    Hi all. Still not feeling well. I'll keep this short. I'm going to lie down.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 453 Member
    @trooworld Sorry you are still feeling bad. Hi, all. DH and I went to the recreation center and worked out on the ellipticals. I listened to Barbra Streisand’s memoir. It’s really long and I listen to a little bit occasionally. Tonight we are having NC Eastern barbecue, Brunswick stew, coleslaw and banana pudding. I have a Boston butt simmering in the crockpot with vinegar, hot pepper flakes and salt. My son made the pudding yesterday. He’s making the stew with corn, butter beans, canned tomatoes and potatoes. The slaw is low-fat, an adaptation of an ATK recipe. Tonight is family dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. I'm feeling a little better today. That's great you did the elliptical. I find that really hard to do. I've never had Brunswick stew but have heard of it. I hope you enjoyed family dinner.

    Hi all. I felt better yesterday but still had some stomach pains. We were supposed to have a tofu dish last night but I didn't have the energy so I just took frozen tortellini out of the freezer and made a simple marinara sauce and ate that with the tortellini. We'll have the Bang Bang Tofu tonight (it's called that because it is a little spicy). It's made in the air fryer. Have a good day.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"