

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks. And yes, good idea. Good job on Weds! Good luck with the hill and sprint programs.

    @fabgeekmom Yeah I've heard it affects arthritis, too. I did enjoy the pizza, thanks! I'm glad you had good weather. Salmon with an orange glaze sounds delicious.

    Hi all. We were supposed to have beet salad with goat cheese last night for dinner with fresh beets from my container garden. But when we got home and I attempted to harvest the beets, they weren't ready lol. So, we pivoted and had just a regular salad. Luckily, we had stuff to make a salad. We had chicken on it. I was under on calories yesterday. I had another gain this week, but it was only 0.2 lbs. I can see why I gained, I had Mother's Day food, tacos, breakfast out, and pizza. Ah, the value of tracking.

    Water yesterday: 96 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom My wrist and ankle joints have been giving me problems the past couple of days. Never thought about the weather. The salmon sounds yummy.

    @trooworld Yaaay on being under calories. Think of your 0.2 as a maintain for the week. That's what I'm going to do and tell myself that "I know how to maintain" so when I finally reach my goal my brain will have already received that message. I went over my food diary last week to see why I lost just 0.2 lbs-an extra iced coffee, just pizza and not pizza plus salad, chips-one serving would have been enough, plus the stuff I ate at movie night with my friends.

    Commitment for the week is no chips

    Food: under carbs 43 over calories 102
    Water: 69 oz
    Exercise: 20 min walk 32 min treadmill

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Good job for being under calories. The weight gain was possibly due to sodium from eating out. You’re right that tracking helps. @theslightedgeforever Good job on tracking food and exercise. Hi, all. I went swimming today. Lunch was leftover salmon on Romain lettuce plus berries with nonfat Greek yogurt. I’m eating a Think bar for a snack. Tonight is steak night.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good way to look at it. I have a problem with chips, too, so I buy those packs of single-serving chips. I do a little better with that but still, sometimes, I have more than one serving in a day (that happened yesterday). Good exercise and pretty good water, you are doing better with water huh?

    @fabgeekmom Thanks. That's a good point about the sodium, I had pizza the day before for lunch and the day before that for dinner so it could be sodium. Good job with the swim! That must have felt nice. I hope you enjoyed steak night.

    Hi all. I didn't have a good eating day yesterday, I think I had a case of the "It's Friday, let's celebrate!". Today, we are going to the Puppy Prom and Kitty Court. It's going to be so much fun. It's a fundraiser for an animal center. It's being held at a brewery. We are entering Daisy in a contest to be Prom Queen. I can't wait. I also have a lot of running around to do.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Those eating days happen! The Puppy Prom and Kitty Court sound fun. Fingers crossed for Daisy. Hi, all. It’s raining and cool today. I’m not going anywhere today. I did 2 bike workouts and 2 stretching workouts. Tonight we are having crab legs again as my daughter missed out Tuesday when she was on a work trip. My son is making macaroni salad and fruit salad with pineapple, pears, raspberries and mangos.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes they do! The Puppy Prom was so much fun. I will share some pics. Daisy didn't win though. I don't blame you for not wanting to go out in the rain. Good job with the bike workouts and stretching! I'm making fruit salad today, what a coincidence.

    @cbabie @theslightedgeforever miss you.

    Hi all. Puppy Prom and Kitty Court was so much fun and chaos lol. I will share some pics. Daisy didn't win, as you will see, she has stiff competition. Her pearls wouldn't fit around her neck because her harness was pushing her excess skin up around her neck, unfortunately. But I did make a tiara for her! I felt like I didn't do well yesterday as I had a couple of drinks and split some fries with my husband at the prom, but luckily the rest of the day balanced out okay.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"


    The winners:

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, sorry I am not on here consistently. Been a crazy 2 weeks with my grandson here. He is my healthy it was good to have him here. It was almost 100 yesterday...summer is here to quickly. I haven't been exercising with the exception of walks, and my bones are telling on me. LOL

    @trooworld great pictures. Loved the tiara!! Keep tracking and yes sodium is a huge water sucker..LOL

    @fabgeekmom congrats on the workout even if you stayed inside. (you could send your cool weather here) LOL. I love that you live close to your kids and you guys all cook for each other. How awesome!

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld I love the pictures! Hi, all. No rain today but cool and dreary. I’ll do similar workouts as I did yesterday. Crab legs were good last night. We have some fruit salad leftover that we’ll eat tonight. The macaroni salad was good, too. My daughter is coming over to prepare dinner. She’s making crispy gnocchi with sausage, a NYT recipe. She’s using turkey sausage so the calories will be a little less.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @fabgeekmom Yes they do! The Puppy Prom was so much fun. I will share some pics. Daisy didn't win though. I don't blame you for not wanting to go out in the rain. Good job with the bike workouts and stretching! I'm making fruit salad today, what a coincidence.

    @cbabie @theslightedgeforever miss you.

    Hi all. Puppy Prom and Kitty Court was so much fun and chaos lol. I will share some pics. Daisy didn't win, as you will see, she has stiff competition. Her pearls wouldn't fit around her neck because her harness was pushing her excess skin up around her neck, unfortunately. But I did make a tiara for her! I felt like I didn't do well yesterday as I had a couple of drinks and split some fries with my husband at the prom, but luckily the rest of the day balanced out okay.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"


    The winners:

    Love the pictures!!!! Love this idea.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie Wow! 100 degrees! That’s hot! I’m sure you enjoyed having your grandson with you. It’s good that he is a healthy eater.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom The swimming sounds relaxing. I was thinking of macaroni salad yesterday. I had ordered a to-go Mexican salad and thought some fusilli would be really nice in this. Second thought was "you are just adding carbs to this dish"

    @trooworld I can overboard with the single pack Doritos. These I have went to buying 2 bags a month. One for me and one for hubby. Once they are gone have to wait again for the next round. Hubby's bag is still unopened. He is usually diving into my bag (which is why I buy separate bags). Mine is halfway gone. But none for me this week. I love all the pics. Sorry Daisy didn't win. Boy people go all out.

    @cbabie Did you eat healthily right along side your grandson? Usually it's the environment that causes us to have good or bad habits. When that changes our habits change.

    @gemwolf110 How would you dress up your furbabies?

    Food- under 15 carbs over 4 calories
    Water-63 oz

    Yesterday I played Parcheesi with my dd. Each of us won a game.

    Food- Over carbs 46 Over calories 410 :o Culprit was too much of corn nuts/mini pretzels
    Water-48 oz
    Exercise-15 min walk in the mall
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever The struggle is real with the carbs! Yes, the water feels good and I can burn a lot of calories swimming. It doesn’t feel like I’m working hard but I’m tired afterwards.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie That's good that your healthy eater is there. 100? Really? Wow! Thanks, I took a kid's tiara and converted it to work for her. Will do!

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! You remind me I haven't made the fruit salad. Ugh. I made a gnocchi dish last night. I'll share it below, it was really good and healthy. I love that about swimming, you don't feel like you are working hard but you are!

    @gemwolf110 Thanks!

    @theslightedgeforever That's a good idea to set a limit on the bag. Oh I'm okay Daisy didn't win, it all went to a good animal charity anyway! People do go all out, I wasn't prepared for that or maybe I would have, too! :D Was Friday an intentional rest day? Good day other than the exercise. Good job with the exercise on Sunday.

    Hi all. We took Violet to two dog parks in the morning and she had a blast. Then, we went running errands. It seemed to take forever. After that, we went to one of our favorite coffee shops and read and then headed over to our favorite used bookstore. When we got back, we wanted to take a nap and I went to shut the front door and it wouldn't shut! We had to take the door off the hinges and re-put it on. That fixed it. We didn't end up taking a nap. I made "Healthy Blue Zone Baked Gnocchi" and it was really good:

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, it is cloudy here this morning...which only means it will be humid with hot temps..LOL. I got on the scale this morning and lost 1 lb. So that is a good start to a busy day.

    @trooworld Sounds like you had a busy yet relaxing weekend. Good for you!

    @fabgeekmom You would think I would exercise in the pool right? LOL. (Reminds me too much of therapy when I broke my knee) LOL. I am glad you enjoy it and have a place to do it..

    @theslightedgeforever Funny I am not a chip eater, but give me a good cake, LOL and it's all gone all by myself. Good for you for sticking to the plan.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld What a fun weekend you had! That was terrible about the door! Glad you fixed it. @cbabie I am also a sweets person. I do occasionally eat protein chips. I hate the humidity. That will be our weather later in the summer. Hi, all. I’m tired today as I didn’t sleep much last night. DH and I had dentist appointments this morning. We found out that the receptionist scheduled us for 2025 when we were last there. I was able to get a cleaning and DH luckily was able to get an appointment on Wednesday. Tonight we are having flank steak fajitas. My son is cooking.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom Having fun and burning calories is a great combo

    @trooworld No Friday I just didn't exercise. I've designated Saturday as my rest day from the gym. I did just get finished with the gym though. So I've broken that awful streak. Your water intake is down. Can you beat your ounces from yesterday? Hubby and I like to read at a cafe too. Usually it's on Saturday mornings after breakfast.

    @cbabie Yaaay on your weight loss. How about some volleyball in the pool. That's fun and not therapy.

    Went to the theater and ordered no popcorn or snacks. Not even a drink.


    Food-under 8 carbs under 682 calories
    Water-66 oz
    Exercise-22 min walk

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That’s good discipline in not buying snacks at the theater. You are doing great with the food tracking and exe!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie Congrats on the loss! Yeah! Yes, I did have a busy and relaxing weekend. :)

    @fabgeekmom I did, it was fun. Yeah, that door, I'm glad we avoided calling the handyman. Although, now our toilet seems to be having difficulties. Sorry you didn't sleep well. Too bad about the dentist appts. I'm glad it worked out though.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah ok. What was the awful streak? My water intake is always horrible on the weekends. I drank 64 oz yesterday, I will drink more today. That's a nice time to go to the cafe, when the crowds die down. Congrats on your theater victory! What did you see? Wow, you were really under in cals on Sunday. Good job in all areas!

    Hi all. Even though I ate well yesterday, I was so tired in the afternoon, I put my chin on my hand and pretended to look at my monitor and I fell asleep! I don't know how long I was out. Hopefully not long lol. It did make me more productive to take that mini nap, before I fell asleep, I was dragging and fighting sleep. After, I was able to get stuff done. My husband made bean and cheese burritos last night for dinner, he didn't feel like making what was scheduled. I went over.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes I'm doing much better with water and exercise and the weigh is just hovering. So I am trying to forget weight loss and focus on the habits. I've dropped my calories just a bit this week. Trying to nudge it along.

    @trooworld Your house sounds like ours. There is always something to be fixed. Awful streak was not exercising like I had planned. I've been doing well every morning with my sunshine stroll but was not getting to the gym. It was only a couple of days but still it's a streak. We saw the new planet of the apes. Expectations going in was I wasn't going to like it and hubby would since he wanted to see it. But leaving I really enjoyed it and he said Meh! Sunday I took a nap that ended up being 3 hours. I was in a deep sleep evidently so I missed one of my meals which is why I had low calories. Yummy. I love bean and cheese burritos. My favorite kind. So what's one way to increase your water on the weekends? One thing that has helped me is that I am building the daily habit of drinking a coffee mug of water when I cook breakfast. You could do it for one meal you are in the kitchen. Even if that is warming up food you have pre-cooked.


    Food-Over 5 carbs Under 212 calories
    Water-65 oz
    Exercise-21 min walk, 5 min hitting a tennis ball against the wall, 40 min hill/spring program on treadmill

    I was looking at my data and it said I climbed 22 flights of stairs. I guess that was part of the hill part. Plus I increased my Zone 2 minutes and got a little Zone 3 and 4.
    I was doing weights before I posted this and we have a pulley machine. I was finishing up a set something broke and the wires and pulleys all came down. Hoping it's a quick fix. Hubby will love that. Another thing for him to fix. So I finished up with hand weights.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld I guess you really needed the nap. Glad you felt better afterwards. Bean and cheese burritos sound good. @theslightedgeforever You are correct in going for a healthy lifestyle instead of just being on a diet. I used to work for WW and that was one of our constant topics. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. The weather has finally gotten warm. We ate lunch on the patio. I’m sitting outside on the front porch now. I love watching people walk by. Tonight we’re having beef fajitas. My son is cooking.