

  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    I'm trying to get back on track. 2nd day on plan. No ones fault but my own.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    trooworld: "hubby won't let me buy anything out"????? You do know this is 2017 right? Those kind of comments really scare me. You're all grown up. You get to make your own choices!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Hello to all:

    I went off the wagon a little yesterday, Ice Cream sandwich called my name and some gummy bears..but once I realized it was stress related I STOPPED. I hit a new badge on my Fitbit. I had never seen before it was active for 10 hours. I have my lunch and snacks ready, just have to do my exercise and shower and go to work.

    @rickweinberg WELCOME BACK, @theslightedgeforever and I were just talking about you and saying how we wish you would come back. Wow we have 2 of our friends come back same week. It's going to be a good week. Great job for trying to get back...we all are trying and with the help of each other we will make it!!

    @trooworld I like your name Carbie Chris...I will use that when puts a personality with it..LOL you will get it back together, the fact that you are here posting is a true sign that you are still pursuing your dreams and goals and you will get your victory!!

    Okay I gotta finish my morning routine!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hello all. Taking my hubby to the cardiologist today, we found out he has an enlarged aorta and we have to find out more about it. I'm scared and want to know more. My Vida coach is on vacation this week, and although we have had a little communication via text, not as much as usual and I feel like, "while the cat is away the mouse will play" type of thing is going on. I brought lemon bars to the birthday celebration at work yesterday and had to have one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I did have a little bit of pasta salad in the morning as well, but that is all I had at the birthday celebration. So I guess I didn't do too bad. I will do better today (I hope) because most of the food will be gone.

    @rickweinberg welcome back, Rick! We all have occasional slip ups. It's a new day, start fresh. You can do it!

    @cmedwards52 I didn't mean it to sound like that! :) We are on a very strict budget and we both made a commitment not to spend...I should have said that, not that he won't let me spend.

    @cbabie congrats on your new badge, I have never seen that badge either. Good job stopping. What clued you in that it was stress related? Yes, Carby Chris is going away!!! I had a healthy lunch (except for a baked potato which isn't the worst thing in the world), and a healthy dinner. I did indulge in lemon bars at the birthday celebration at work. They were made by my hubby, and are incredible if I do say so myself! lol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited May 2017
    Trooworld. I can be your Vida coach while she's away. I'm good at tough love. Indoor mall walking. This town is so small I dont think there is a mall. There's a Walmart though. Maybe I can go Walmart walking. Good idea though. It was nice yesterday I got in 10000 steps Have you thought about keeping supplies on hand such as turkey slices cheese sticks and fruit for those days when you don't have a good lunch you can take and make a meal out of that. I got the idea last year from flying. I had missed lunch because I had a short layover time and so bought a "snack" on the plane. It was the cheese and fruit plate Very satisfying and it held me over til I could get to my next meal It should have been listed as a meal versus a snack. That plays with our minds That's what I'm doing this week in my phase 3 of my trip. I'm avoiding the bread while eating in the house No sweets unless it's fruit or chocolate milk. I can't tell how much I've gained so I need to really watch it in this next phase of my trip.

    Karla welcome back Totally lost on your gaming but it sounds fun Think of this board and weight loss as a game You lose power for every day you dont post here ;)

    Cbabie wish I had some of your jello. Good for you for sticking with low carbs and recognizing stress eating and stopping. I've never seen that Fitbit badge either although probably won't if I have to be active for 10 hours ;)

    Rick. Yaay you're back Aim for progress not perfection My calories and carbs have been horrendous since I've been on vacation but I've tracked every meal That's progress for me over last years vacation.

    Cmedwards. Had to go back and read what you wrote about commuting. That was very nice of you. I bet your DH appreciates it. Great job on the weight loss. Keep it up

    Okay done here with all my personals Lots of rain today so I think exercise will be Fitstar training. My son took us to a chicken place yesterday I had salad

    I'm trying to remember to use my low carb app for restaurants so I can see which is the best thing for me to order My son was asking why I was entering in my food lol. I said so I don't get diabetes and die young
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. Not much to report here. I went to my first physical therapy appt last night so I didn't get home until late. I'm tired today, I hope that doesn't cause me to make poor choices today.

    @theslightedgeforever your hired! Yes, go Walmart walking. Those are pretty big. It's really rare that I don't have anything for lunch; I always take leftovers for lunch it's just that that particular day we had had pasta dishes two days in a row and I did not want to take it for lunch. But I found something in the fridge to take that I forgot about. I'm afraid if I bought turkey lunch meat, it would go bad before I used it. Maybe not though, I could always use it as snacks. I'll think about it, it's a good thought thanks! To avoid getting diabetes and dying young is a great reason to track your food.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    Boy I just spent the last HOUR trying to find something that wasn't tight and uncomfortable. I have JUST EXPLODED. I feel totally miserable and can't believe how FAT I have gotten. I am going to control the carbs...I don't want to see Carbie Carb in my home anymore...she is not welcome here. :) I hit my 10K again yesterday!! YEA

    @trooworld I know you can do this, you are going in the right direction and I will keep your DH in my prayers.

    @theslightedgeforever I wish you had eaten all the jello...great job on the steps. You motivate me...keep it up, LOL

    ok gotta run, I am so far behind at work..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited May 2017
    Here's the link for the WW weekly highlights
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    So I didn't do Fitstar training. DH got me out in the rain walking It was cold and I don't like to be outside in the cold. But I got my 8000 steps in which is my daily goal

    Just passed up a Milky Way bar. DH wouldn't split one with me so I'm drinking my 1% choc milk instead. Sugar grams were probably the same I can tell when I'm in PMS mode I start craving salty snacks and choc

    Trooworld. Have you been filling out your journal listing feelings and emotions and all the other things your coach wanted you to do as you eat? How do you need me to help you the most?

    Cbabie Are you controlling or avoiding the carbs. There is a difference. How did your body feel all those years ago when you ate kettle corn and fudgsicles. I was watching the twins that I love to watch and they were talking about doing what you can do for right now to get you where you need to go vs doing the best thing that you can do to get you to the same place That Journey might take longer. One was talking about diet cokes and how she knows they aren't good for her and she will work on that when she arrives at goal. It was too hard for her to give up diet cokes and change her overall eating habits She's lost 75 and has about 10 more to go I noticed the other day they have taken out aspartame out of the Diet Pepsi.

    Okay have to go out and meet some of my sons friends parents. More walking for me though.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all! Not much time here. I'm doing pretty well. Last night, I had a salad for dinner and for lunch yesterday I had a homemade burrito. Today's lunch is leftover salad. Tonight's dinner is pita pizza.

    @cbabie time to make some changes? Congrats on hitting your steps again, you are rocking those steps!!!! Thank you for your kind words.

    @theslightedgeforever cbabie isn't the only one rocking the steps, congrats! Chocolate milk is a good substitution. I substitute hot chocolate for chocolate at work. It works pretty well. I have been filling out my journal for the most part. I'm doing okay now. Just keep poking me once in a while like you are doing. :) Thank you very much, you are helping me more than you know by keeping me on my toes.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning: I stayed to the course yesterday, I was under my goals, but better under than over. I am trying to balance, but I have to be strict in the beginning to get me back to my mindset. I did not get my 10K steps..close but nada....9882 :(

    @theslightedgeforever I am avoiding...therefore controlling. :) I am glad they took the aspartame out, maybe Diet Coke will follow. You are doing great and I am so proud of the choices you are making.

    @trooworld how did your PT go? I always hated PT, but knew I had to do it..LOL

    Okay I am going to go walk and I hope our other newbies come by and say hi..

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! I'm celebrating with pita pizza. :) Had to order my hubby a new blood pressure monitor, the one we have, the cuff doesn't fit him and we can't find a replacement cuff that works with the machine. The new machine has bluetooth so it will upload the readings to a spreadsheet we can share with his doctor. Making a menu this week took longer than usual but it looks good:

    Chicken Snow Peas Stir Fry
    Chicken Enchiladas Verdes (not heart-healthy but hubby insists on making them to use up tomatillos! grrrrr)
    Kale, White Bean, and Chicken Soup
    Seared Tilapia with Pinapple and Cucumber Relish
    Fusilli wiht Broccoli Pesto
    Sweet and Tangy Glazed Salmon iwth Orange-Almond Rice

    And that's just dinners.

    @cbabie better under than over indeed. My pt was fine, my back and neck are pretty sore today, but he said to expect it. I hated it just like you did. lol But I'll do it.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    @trooworld wow we left you here all alone. I am so sorry. I had a crazy busy day yesterday and hardly left the house. I got my 10K steps in by 2 yesterday..LOL Great job on planning your meals..I have mine planned, but most of which I won't be able to's stuff like biscuits and gravy. ON a budget this week.

    Well I blew it yesterday, I couldn't find that one thing that would satisfy and just kept eating every thing with sugar in it. I did manage to bet 15415 steps in yesterday! But I have to get my eating under control. I hate not being in control. I am a control freak at best. I am learning that I don't have control over everything in my life, but I do have control over what goes in my mouth...need to remember that.

    Okay well I don't know where everyone is, but I have another busy day. I have church from about 7-1 and then a 3:00 birthday party. I may not go and just give the gift to his finance' at church. We will see.

    well gotta run, I have to be at church in 2 hours. Still doing my laundry...

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    I'm here I've had a busy two days. My son graduated with his Masters on Friday. Cinco De Mayo was celebrated in a Mexican restaurant after the ceremony. Yesterday we drove about an hour and a bit to Kansas to go to an outlet mall. Lots of walking there plus my morning walk so I got in over 11000 steps Today we leave in about an hour for Phase 4 of my trip. I'm not looking forward to the almost 6 hr drive though. Steps will be light today So I need to work on the food. I hate not having a scale But my clothes still fit so I guess I haven't gained too much.

    Trooworld sounds like you are balancing your food between salads and other stuff. Good for you. I hope you heal quickly so PT us a part of your past

    Cbabie. Good for you on your steps. Did you track everything on your sugarfest
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all! Well, I am happy today because I didn't lose my one pound...I lost 2.5 lbs! This is good because I gained last week (0.4 lbs). I did not make the same mistake as last week (eating heavy carbs the night before weigh in), but I kind of did: I made Chinese food (chicken with snow peas stir fry with brown rice) but I don't think it had much affect on me. This last week, eating has been under control, I've been mostly drinking enough water (although I could drink more), and I've tracked everything.

    I ordered a new water bottle from Amazon, it's a fruit infuser water bottle, you put slices of fruit in it. I'm hoping it will help me drink more water.

    This next week, I'm going to be trying something new, I'm going to be going to the gym in the morning before work and flopping around in the water while my husband swims. I'm not going to try to swim, that would probably do more harm than good because of my injuries, but just doing some gentle stretches and exercises might help. I'm a bit nervous about this, as I hate being in a bathing suit.

    @cbabie wow it sounds like you were busy! Great job on the steps. What are you going to eat if you can't have what you planned? Can you make a list of good substitutes, for instance sugar free chocolate pudding, chocolate mug cakes, fruit with yogurt...etc. for times when you are weaker?
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning team:

    Well I got into the ice cream yesterday, but because I was so busy and didn't have time to eat too much during the day I was only a "little" over my goals. I took my granddaughter shopping yesterday and looked for me but things were a little too tight on me and I said NO, not yet. She got some really cute things, but then she is probably 5'6 and weighs about 90 lbs...LOL I didn't get my steps in either, but with no treadmill I got in 6621 so not bad..

    @trooworld good for YOU...congratulations. I am so proud of your consistency. This is why I like this board, I had forgotten about the sugar free chocolate pudding and mug cakes, etc. I had strawberries on Sat with Dream whip and it was good..I was just too tired last night to make it. So this is why it's important to meal prep. I just ran out of time and steam.

    @theslightedgeforever I bet you are tired of traveling, but I think you are doing a great job on keeping your health in front of the things you are doing. Yes I did track everything...I am making myself as I know it's the only way I am really going to beat this thing.

    Okay gals, busy week and I feel overwhelmed this morning, but I know this too shall pass.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. I can't believe it is Monday already. I didn't even get to fold the laundry. :( It rained all weekend, which was nice. Now it's dry. I'm still in a rental car from the accident. I should have my car back hopefully next week or the week after. I'm sick of driving a rental, I want my car back. I prepped veggies/fruits for my water so that I can have fruit/veggie infused water. I have lemons, mint, cucumber, raspberries, and cantaloupe. It helps me to drink more water when it's flavored.

    @theslightedgeforever congrats to your son! How did you do at the celebration? Did you just enjoy it or did you choose healthy options? Boy, you are on a long trip! Yes, I hope I heal quickly too. I don't like this PT I know it's supposed to help but it hurts in the meantime.

    @cbabie well that's good to be busy. Meal prepping/planning is important, it's saved me many times. I plan on Friday nights while watching tv, and then go shopping on Saturday mornings. Thank you, I'm trying to be consistent. It helps coming here every day.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning!!! I have not posted for a little while. The last week has been so busy. Two of my grand-kids stayed with me last week and I really enjoyed them. Lots of running around though. I did really well on my eating this last week. My grand-daughter has Celiac and Hoshimotos and I had to be very careful with the food I prepared for her.

    @slightedge ..Congratulations on your Son getting his Masters Degree. My grand-son got his Associated Degree in Arts, English this last Friday as well. We were so proud of him. He is going to continue going to school to get other degrees. I hope you are enjoying your vacation. It sounds like you are.

    @cmedwards52..You are doing great on your low carb diet. Good weight loss! Your husband had a lot of commuting. Whew!!

    @bugmom92..Welcome back!! Sometimes life gets busy and it is hard to always post. I do try to read on this board as much as I can, but I miss some too.

    @cbabie..You are such a busy lady. Glad to hear your Dad's Memorial Service went well. Such a hard time. Hang in there, you are doing great, especially not eating any sweets at the Bridal Shower.

    @trooworld..So funny! Carbie Chris." I hadn't heard that before. Made me chuckle. Keep us posted on your husband.

    @rickweinberg..Hooray for you getting back on track. We all do that from time to time. It seems like when all is going well, life happens and there we go again. Just hang in there. I don't know about you but I have a stubborn streak in me, so I just keep trying to do the best I can. Lol
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning All

    Well a great nsv yesterday. Did the annual Alzheimer's Walk (5k) in Vancouver. I've been doing this walk for the past 15 years and have raised just under $50,000 for the Alzheimer Society of BC. Yesterday's total was $5,030. Very proud of that if I don't say so myself. Sure hope it helps find that cure. A huge thank you to all of my very devoted donors.

    OK on to a weight related topic. Was another good weigh-in on Friday. Down 1 3/4 pounds and that was with very little exercise other than all the walking around collecting my final pledges for the walk.

    I'm really enjoying this low carb eating. Friday night we had a taco salad without the chips and it was really good. Had nice crunchy romaine lettuce and didn't even miss the chips. Last night we had shrimp and veggie alfredo minus the pasta and again, VERY tasty.

    Well I must run. I have lots and lots of thank yous to send out today and if the weather holds I'm going to power wash our very large decks out back. Hopefully a few calories burned with that job.

    Have a good one everyone. If you are fortunate enough to have sunshine at your home, ENJOY!!

    Cheers, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    Quick check in but I'm here. I read everyone's posts but will reply later. Sounds like every us doing well. I took a walk today by myself. I need to find a new routine here with the kids There is a walking trail by their house. I took a pic of a nice sunset I need to increase my water. Plus go buy some good groceries to cook while I'm here I went to a BBQ today and became a hotdog monster. I love hotdogs. So I will definitely need a strategy for next year when we have another BBQ. We meet once a year with these same friends I'm still tracking everything which is progress from last year. I need to go over my weekly plan for the week and analyze.