

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning all,

    I tracked but I went over my goals. I had a Chicken Caesar Salad at Applebee's with my sister and it was 860 calories. I told them dressing on the side, but that didn't happen and I ate the whole thing. Oh well I tracked. I also didn't get my 10K, but I did get on my treadmill I was at 9422 steps. :(

    I also didn't get much sleep, I was up I swear every hour..then I must have went into a deep sleep and someone is waking me up saying aren't you going to work? OH MY

    @theslightedgeforever good job on tracking!! it really will pay off. It makes us more accountable and conscience of what we are putting in our mouth.
    @lore11a wow it was great of you to do your neighbors yard too! Great job on steps. We have had lots of dust is everywhere. :(

    Okay gals gotta run

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. I hope everyone is having a good start to their week. I'm having an okay week so far. Tracking everything, eating well. I did have a piece of chocolate yesterday but that is okay, it was just a piece.

    @lore11a how nice of you to mow your neighbor's yard too. And what great exercise!

    @theslightedgeforever I had a talk with my Vida coach last night about the upcoming birthday celebration at work. I made the decision to have a small sliver of fruit tart so I won't feel deprived. I have had a good month. I do need to make sure and bring enough of my own treats.

    @cbabie it could have been worse, some of those salads are over 1,000 calories. At least you tracked it. I hope you get better sleep tonight. Sleep is important for so many things.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    @Trooworld..Sounds like you are doing great with your Vida Coach. Birthday celebrations are tough on those of us trying to lose weight but looks like you have a good plan. Way to go!!

    @theslightedgeforever..How is your vacation going? I hope you all are having a good time.

    @cbabie..Good job on tracking your food and getting some exercise in. It is hard to believe there could be 860 calories in a salad and sometimes a lot more than that. It is just crazy!

    Where is everyone that used to post here?

    Well, I have a little problem, maybe you ladies could give me some good advice. I do alright with my food during the day and try to log my food before I eat it. The problem comes after Dinner. Even not long after I have eaten, I am craving something. Do you all have a snack at night? At night is when I have my biggest challenges. I guess that is when I finally sit down to relax and have more time to think about food.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    @lore11a - Late night snacking is hard for me too. I plan a snack that I really like and look forward to that in the evening. I play a game with myself to push it off for later, knowing that once I eat it that's it for the night. Or I will plan two or three small snacks that I can eat so I get the feeling of grazing without blowing the budget.

    @trooworld - It sounds like you are doing really good, keep up the good work!

    @theslightedgeforever and cbabie - Hi! I am thinking of you both.

    I am still standing. Mulch was on sale this week. I worked 12 hours on Saturday and loaded 17 pallets (65 bags a pallet, please don't do the math, I would probably cry). I am getting one heck of a workout with the mulch, soil, bricks, pavers, and boxes of freight. I am proud of myself, I can not only keep up with the youngsters but often keep going when they are tired out. That said, I do have many aches and pains that should go away as I do this longer. I am getting between 26,000 and 29,000 steps at work each day. I am eating like a field hand but am steady dropping weight at a little over two pounds a week. I am not tracking but am eating a lot of protein to keep fueled. I know that May and June will be crazy. In July I will really need to start tracking again so I can get a handle on what I need to fuel my body and not gain weight with slowing down at work.

    I do stop in and read everybody's posts. I think of you all often and send good thoughts and prayers your way.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    Cbabie. That salad had more calories than my chicken quesadilla I think You talking about my steps reminded me I am 75 away from 10000 so I should get up and move

    Trooworld. That's good you have planned ahead in the fruit tart

    Lore11a. My vacation is going good but I'm tired and it's just started. Today DH and hiked a mountain for 90 min. I saw a coyote and a rabbit and tried not to look for snakes or other creatures. Twice I was really winded near the top but kept going with me singing loudly the Rocky theme. 3 college girls with nice toned sweaty bodies ran to the top of the mountain. #lifegoals. So on the snacks, I have 100 calories allotted for an evening snack. If I've been good and have extra cals left I will use those too I have 3 meals and 3 snacks planned but usually don't eat my morning snack as I have a bigger breakfast

    Mysticlizard. Wow on your job and steps. It sounds like a lot of hard work but so much better than traditional diet and exercise

    Tomorrow's plan is more hiking but in a different place I'm hoping I can move when I wake up and won't have sore muscles
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals: Well you ALL have inspired me. My fitbit says I only got in 8369 steps, but here is what happened. We had professional pictures taken yesterday at work and she had me take my Fitbit off and laid it on a table in our welcome area. I went back to work after the pictures, then went to lunch with my dear friend, sister and her DH, as I was talking I went to see the time and realize my Fitbit was NOT on my arm..sad sad sad. but I called a coworker and she went to where it had been left and it was still there. So I am SURE I got my10K in LOL

    I am staying sort of on course with no breads and trying to limit the carbs. I won't eat this way forever, just trying to jump start my system to go the other direction. :) I have tracked everything again. So I feel I am on my way back to normal,

    Last night the message at church was our words are life and death and this is so true. He challenged us to say positive, not negative. Things like I hate my job, I am stuck in a no win situation, or for us....I am never going to lose this weight, I just can't quit eating bad I am challenging myself to stop these thoughts, even though I FEEL that way at times, I don't have to SAY it.

    @lore11a Yes night time has always been my worst. I used to eat Orvil Reddenbecks Light Kettle Korn, then I went to air popped popcorn with my own seasonings. I need to start doing that again myself. Right now I have just been eating a handful of cashews (or more) GOTTA STOP THAT.

    @trooworld great job on the tracking and talking to your coach! You got this...remember this is a journey and we are leaving our old baggage at check out and get new clothes instead.

    @theslightedgeforever I bet you are glad you didn't give up!! great job!

    @mysticlizard I am so proud of you! You are doing great and you are just proving, we eat right keep moving and all things are possible. You just keep showing those young ones. LOL

    Okay gotta get my moving on myself. Have a great day!


    PS I don't know where are of our old friends are. My sister and I were just asking ourselves the same thing yesterday.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all! Happy Thursday. I'm sure glad it's almost the end of the week. It's been tough but I've made it!

    @lore11a I think that is a common problem. Can you busy your hands with a craft, like knitting or crocheting? Something that you can't do both eating and that thing at the same time? I know, a lot of people have come and gone and I miss them! Don't you go, too!

    @mysticlizard wowee!!!! Girl, you are working hard! Look at you...that must be exhausting. I hope you are taking time to pamper yourself properly as well. :)

    @theslightedgeforever I love hiking, it gives you such a sense of accomplishment. You can do it!

    @cbabie bummer about the Fitbit I hate when that sort of thing happens! Great job tracking. Negative words really do affect us so much, our minds are so powerful.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    @mysticlizard..It is so good to see your posts again. You have been working so hard. All I can say is Wow!!! I know you are so tired at the end of the day, but isn't it nice to be able to not worry about what and how much you are eating, and still lose weight?

    @theslightedgeforever..The hiking sounds like so much fun. What a great way to get your exercise in. Sure beats working out indoors.

    @cbabie..Great job on your steps and good to hear you are feeling better. I like the message you got at church. Good advice to follow.

    @trooworld..I know it has been a hard week for you, just starting back to work after all that has happened. Hopefully things will get back to normal very soon. Thank you, I do crochet sometimes and that is a good way to keep my hands busy and not reaching for too many snacks. Lol.

    You all are very inspirational to me. I read about the exercise and number of steps you all are getting in everyday and it inspires me to do more.

    This week I have done the following so far: Mon. 45 min on Treadmill, Tues. Mowed, Wed. Walk away the pounds DVD, and today 40 min on the treadmill.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all! Well, we made it to Friday woo hoo! I spoke to the car dealership and it's going to take 2-3 weeks to fix my car. I can't believe it! I am going to miss my little hybrid with the great gas mileage on my long commute. :( Last night, I had a expensive (calorie-wise) meal: homemade bacon cheeseburgers and fries. They were good, but expensive. I guess I shouldn't feel bad about it, it's not like I eat that way all the time. And I'm having leftovers for lunch. I just don't want it to mess with my weigh-in Sunday.

    @lore11a great job with the exercise, that is awesome! I love the Walk Away the Pounds series, it's so accessible and you can do it anywhere no matter how small an apartment you have (I'm thinking of myself here).
  • cathyfalcone9819
    cathyfalcone9819 Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry about the car. I just retired but when I was working it was 14 miles each way which may not sound like a lot but because of the traffic it sometimes took 45 minutes or longer each way .

    Are you going to Weight watchers. I was a long time member but broke up with them in Nivember. Lately I have been missing the meetings so I did test drive one yesterday
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. I hope you are all doing well and just busy with work, family and friends. Weigh in for me is tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous because of that homemade bacon cheeseburger yesterday/thursday night but we'll see. I'm eating well besides that.

    @cathy I don't go anymore, I went for years to WW. I loved the meetings but couldn't afford to go anymore. There was always a tip I picked up. Thanks, yes, the traffic is what makes the commute so long...I live 35 miles away from work, sometimes it takes 90 minutes - 2 hours to get home! How have you been?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    I'm headed to my father's memorial service in a minute. Later I will come back and do personals.

    Exercise has been good. Food moderate. But I'm still tracking everything each day Which is a first fir vacation
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hey guys, I am sorry I haven't posted all weekend. I have been crazy with my sister here and getting the service for my dad together. However, on a good note, I have tracked and eaten well except for yesterday. I finally caved for the little gummy sharks. They weren't that good and I really don't have a fear of going backwards right now. I was enjoying the way I felt eating low carbs and no sugar. My hands are swollen this morning and I know that is just the sugar I ate yesterday. I didn't walk on Friday, Saturday and probably won't today. The weekends are hard on me to get to my treadmill. (yes slightedge , find something else to do) LOL I can hear you in my head. :)

    Memorial service went well, it was really windy but nice. We went out for lunch after the service and I had some Lemon grilled chicken and quinoa with cranberries...YUM that was good.

    @trooworld I am so sorry for your commute. I hated when my drive was 32 miles one way and our traffic stinks it usually is only 30 minutes to work. We moved closer to my side and I am so happy. I did that drive for 8 years and that is when I took up audio books before my road rage kicked in. :) I hope your WI goes well, but there is a song that I love that has a line that says this..."It's a page in your book, but it isn't the end" :)

    @cathyfalcon I too went to WW and I couldn't afford those meetings now, but I really like being here better. I know they gave some tips and I know about being in a group. I just found I like taking what I had learned and applying it here. It was something about when they did away with the groups online that I said done...

    @theslightedgeforever Great job on tracking and knowing your limits and keeping your long term goals in mind. You will have enjoyed your vacation and go home with no regrets...

    Okay, I have to get some things done before church.


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Well, I sabotaged my weigh in last night. I knew I was doing it when I did it, but hubby didn't feel like having pita pizzas for dinner and he suggested he make chicken fettucini alfredo and that sounded good so that's what we had. I'm up .4 lbs, and so I will weigh again on Tuesday and hope some of that is gone.

    @theslightedgeforever great job on exercise and food. ((( HUGS ))) to you.

    @cbabie I'm glad you are (mostly) staying away from sugar and doing low carb. I'm glad the service went well and that you ate healthy afterwards. I don't mind the commute too bad, I listen to podcasts and audiobooks on the way.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Day All
    Been a good week. Down another 1.25 this week after 3.25 last. This low carb, no "whites" seems to be working well for me. I feel much better too. Sugar, bread and potatoes are real triggers for me so much better without them.
    Ladies re: commuting. I can relate but from a "wife's" side. My DH commuted for 20 years for his job. When he started, the commute was about 1 1/4 hour each way but by the time he retired it was more like 1 1/2 hours each way and 2 hours home on Fridays and that was of course with good weather and decent traffic. He commuted from our home in Chilliwack to Burnaby. He left around 5:15 each morning and I always got up with him and saw him off at the door. I had friends say "why would you do that?". My answer "if he is willing to do this commute for our family, the least I can do is get up with him, make his coffee and kiss him goodbye." I guess it was a good idea. We just celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary. Always amazed me how some folks would say "well that's really not too bad for time". I guess they didn't do the math. At 1 1/2 hours each way, 5 days a week, it worked out to 15 hours. Pretty sure he would have loved to do something, anything, else with those 15 hours. In his office he commuted the farthest and had the BEST attendance of any of his colleagues for ALL 20 years.
    OK done bragging.
    Have a good one, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    So I'm heading out tomorrow morning onto Phase 3 of my vacation and over to see my oldest. I have to leave in about 7 hrs so I'm going to sleep.

    Still tracking. DH and I walked to dinner tonight instead of taking the car. Every little bit helps

    My son says it's raining there so I'm wondering about my exercise. I hope it doesn't rain the whole week. I'll have to find something else to do
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. We had fun on Saturday, we went to a tabletop gaming party at a friend's house. Played two games: Mysterium and Munchkin. Both were fun. We brought asian meatballs, and the host had some snacks too, but we didn't really eat much (I was afraid of what food would be there, so I ate lunch before I went). Then, yesterday, it was hot and I just did nothing. It was relaxing.

    @cmedwards52 congrats on the loss, you are doing great! It does sound like the low carb is working for you. Yes, there are plenty of things that I could also be doing with those hours of commute time...sometimes I think about that...but I really love my job, so I try to just let it go. I'm glad it sounds like your hubby did too.

    @theslightedgeforever indoor mall walking? Great job on walking to dinner and tracking! Enjoy the phase 3!
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @lore11a - to answer your question as one of the somebodies that used to post...I'm back! I keep thinking I'll need to backread to catch up and life happens and I miss you guys, so I finally decided that it's better to just jump in where we're at, instead of avoiding all that backreading!

    @cbabie - I hope you weren't giving up on me! I missed you. I'm glad your dad's memorial service was nice. I've been thinking about you.

    @trooworld - so you spent ITTD at a friend's party...that is cool! I was at KingdomCon (at the Crowne Plaza) for the weekend. I demo'd and played mostly games by Renegade (Lanterns, Clank, Snow Tails, etc). My daughter wanted to play Mysterium, but by that time it was late at night and the game library was closing. No Munchkin for us either, though there were plenty of Munchkin games going on. I get my fill of Munchkin when I demo it anyway! I did manage to attain a copy of the Guest Artist Edition of Super Munchkin that is coming out later this month - I'm excited about that because I'll have it this Saturday for the "Free Comic Book Day" event I'll be demoing at. I think I definitely am going to ComicCon...I've been offered a sofa to sleep on by two different locals, lol.

    @cmedwards52 - congratulations on your anniversary!!!! 45 years is awesome. I love the way you actually see your husband's sacrifice of time on that commute and how you appreciate it. It is easy to take spouses for granted sometimes. I had an ah-ha moment about 13 years ago, just from a book I read, and although it took work for me to change my attitude and habits, it was worth it. I'm so grateful for my husband and everything he does for me, and for the kids. This September will be our 25th anniversary.

    @theslightedgeforever , @peruviansweetie - WAVING HI!!!!

    Last month...yeah, it's probably been that long since I posted...was a bit of a struggle. Hubby and I didn't do well on our tracking, nor getting to the gym as much. I can't shake this being sick all the time. Not eating right, and not getting enough rest is not conducive to building a healthy immune system. Working on that this month.
    Karla :-)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals..

    no time for personals, I have a bid due today and a busy schedule. However, I didn't do great yesterday, but I did NOT eat any of the sweets at the bridal shower I went to. I came home and had my jello, but it has fruit, marshmallows and dream whip with cream I guess it's a little better than cake, but not much. Back on the straight path today. I didn't even finish tracking...I might go back as I didn't eat much after work. I did get my 10K steps in YEA. I feel so much better not eating breads and carbs. But sometimes I just want to grab a PB sandwich as it's quick and simple.

    Okay I have to go and get ready for work.

    Enjoy your day and glad to see you back Karla.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. I haven't been eating so well since Saturday night...carb carb carbs. Last night was leftover fettucini alfredo, today's lunch will be leftover pad see ew (the thai pasta dish). I don't want it because I want something healthy but hubby won't let me buy anything out and we don't have anything I can take with me that is prepared. :( So, one more day of Carbie Chris.

    @bugmom92 bugmom! Welcome back! Yes, ITTD was spent playing games! Mysterium was a lot of fun...was like Clue on steroids lol. Beautiful artwork. Munchkin was a lot of fun, it's amazing how much time it takes to play considering there are only 10 spaces on the board! We didn't even get to finish. Super Munchkin? I'm intrigued! I'm glad you get to go to ComicCon. I'm definitely going, wouldn't miss it unless they posted signs with my image saying "don't let this woman in" lol. I hope you get over your sickness once and for all. What seemed to help me was getting acupuncture for my immune system, I swear it sounds "new agey" but it really seemed to help me. Anyway, I'm glad you are back!

    @cbabie that's good you resisted at the bridal shower. It must have been tough. Great job on the steps.